
news (is not a chapter)

I'm afraid I have some bad news for you guys, as you may already know, I write the story with a friend, he has written some chapters and I'm in charge of translating them into English.

Well, recently he sent me 3 chapters and I will be honest with you, they are very bad(MC start from nothing to look for lovers and abuse his power to get women and the Prussian navy suffered a fate very similar to the Spanish Great and Most Fortunate Navy).

We had a discussion about the fanfic and I told him that whenever he made chapters he changed all of a sudden how the MC acted(which is based on my friend)

the first 5 chapters were written by him and I continued writing.

Then he did chapter 26 and changed mc's personality again and I'm personally getting tired of having to juggle mentally to find a justification.

so, this story will probably be on hiatus for a while, or I'm going to rewrite the story because I write an MC and my friend makes the MC act like a jerk.

I'm still committed to the story and I want to finish it, so I'll leave you updated on the problem.