
a land full of problems II

Friedrich Wilhelm POV

Making trade deals with the Glovers was child's play they are too predictable guided by feelings rather than rational thought, but I can't exclude the hatred of the Northmen towards the Southerners the day after our trade deal I was in the markets outside the castle and I saw the meeting between Robett Glover and a merchant from the western lands, and it was not very nice, The merchant tried to negotiate too much the price of some wolf skins that were selling the Glover house and provoked the wrath of this lord who practically demanded him to leave his lands.

Apparently it was a very good idea to do my good deeds when I could in the rebellion and dealing with the pirates, the Northmen heard of my less than honorable actions, but they were in doubt if they were reality or just rumors, but with the magnificent letter of presentation I got at sea, it seems that the Northmen think I am an honorable and trustworthy man for defending them from the assaults of the ironborn.

During my short stay in deepwood mote many guards of house Glover thanked me for my actions against the pirates, this reputation as a pirate hunter and protector of the weak could be used to get lucrative deals.

Many may think that I will be benefiting too much from the deals with the purchase of wood, but the journey is long and the ships must be escorted by a considerable force, and I am not willing for any trade convoy to fall into the hands of these pirates, therefore getting the best prices is mandatory to ensure that a steady trade with the north is viable.

After lunch with the Glover family I began to prepare for my journey to Winterfell, as I had no plans to stop along the way, we should be in Winterfell in 7 days, but I don't think my estimate is correct, as I expect to encounter diversion along the way by bandits, but we would split my escort just the same, for I must transport the iron born prisoners the Glovers have no prisons large enough to hold them all and likewise they would have had to take them to Winterfell to give them justice or send them to the wall and as I expect conflict on the way take the bandits to Winterfell.

The Finns have been roaming the area for only a day and already found a camp made up of bandits or well it was because they killed them all, it is hard to escape from someone who is on skis and shooting arrows at you with his bow while you are knee deep in snow.

The action of my men was done independently, but I wanted to take these bandits' prisoner for several reasons, to help with justice in the area serves to earn me a good name in these lands and I want to have information about why there are so many bandits in the area, it is not possible that so many bands of bandits have been formed overnight there must be a very specific reason or someone is playing very dirty.

After saying goodbye to my hosts, I gave them 2 horses of the percheron breed, one of the best gifts that can be given to a feudal lord is a powerful horse that is very well trained and easy to handle.

During the first 3 days everything was quiet, I was disappointed by the little appearance of bandits in this forest, we rode for 12 hours, and finally, we camped, we put up the tents to start traveling at the first rays of the sun the following day.

But finally, as we rode through the day, a group of men came running out of the forest onto the road leading to Winterfell, they were running for their lives, as not too late I saw how a Finn was flying through the air on his skis after having used a mound of snow to jump over, apparently they thought it would be a good idea to direct them against me

the poor bandits were chased and quickly captured by my knights and I wasted no time and started trying to interrogate them with the help of the Finns who has more experience than the rest.

''all right you bastard, I guess you enjoyed your time as a brigand, but your luck has run out, tell me who hired you'' I said as I grabbed a bandit by the hair.

The man was extremely tired and was panting all the time.

''no...no...we don't have anyone who hired us, we do this why.... we had no choice''he said with a voice with fear

''the Prussians''' said another bandit.

''well, looks like someone knows us, where did you have the honor to meet us?'', I said looking him in the eyes

''In the trident, my lord'' said the bandit while looking at the ground.

What were you doing in the trident bandit'' I asked him with a tone of doubt.

''what else would I have been doing there, fighting for the Stark side in the rebellion'' he said with embarrassment.

''how interesting, deserters?'', I said to the bandit.

''no, my lord, after the war ended we returned home with empty pockets, we had been recruited at the beginning of the conflict, we fought in all the battles and skirmishes that Lord Stark fought, but we could not get anything by the time we returned I had to eat my lord, I only did this because hunger was stronger than my honor'' he said almost crying.

''the war ended almost 2 years ago, during that time you were stealing and killing merchants to eat, how honorable don't you think?, you could have left that life long ago and started working doing something more worthy'' I said with a serious tone.

''we never killed anyone my lord, to hunt you need the permission of the lord and the farmland is scarce, I could not do anything, we only had this option'' said the bandit.

Finally, I stopped listening to that man, he could be telling the truth or not, but I am not the one who will determine it, it is Lord Stark who will most likely give him the option to be hanged or go to the wall.

I was questioning all the other prisoners, to my surprise they all gave me the same version people recruited for the war under the work/tax precept; therefore they were not paid for their service.

But what happened with the looting, in the combat zone there were many villages that were in favor of the mad king they could simply loot them, besides each lord was given a part of the loot from the iron throne's coffers, is lord Stark greedy and kept it all?

Even after going through a little torture the version was the same, nothing changed, I was surprised, every lord should know that if you train men to fight, and they come back with empty pockets or from a failed campaign, it is very likely they will dedicate themselves to banditry taking advantage of their skills acquired in the war, but Lord Stark seems not to understand that, since he did not want to share the loot.

We left the bandits guarded by a couple of knights to be taken by the group that transports the iron born.

The rest of the journey was quiet, the stories that the bandits populated the forests were exaggerated, we barely found more than 100 men who were raiding the roads, but the vast majority of these men shared the same story about how it all began.

It has been almost 2 years since the rebellion, so it is possible that the bandits overwhelmingly populated the forests, but eventually, they left, only those who could not or refused to abandon the life of a highwayman were left.

I was already with a bad taste in my mouth, I didn't know how lord Stark's personality was because of the short time I spent with him and as I still don't know what timeline I am in for now I am blind about how he is; however, everyone says he is an honorable man; still, how could he allow this to happen.

Finally, after 5 more days Winterfell could be seen, i quickly sent a knight to report my arrival lord Stark

after 20 minutes, we saw a host approaching to greet us.

''Lord Hohenzollern, I am Rodrick Cassel, allow me to guide you to Winterfell'' said the man with a kind tone.

''I thank you, ser Rodrick, please lead the way'' I said, returning the kind tone.

We passed through winter town a village that grows around Winterfell, most of the houses are made of wood and for some reason they are mostly empty, until finally, we reached the castle walls

only a few of my men and I were allowed to enter winterfell the vast majority will have to camp outside the castle.

Entering the castle we were finally greeted by lord Stark and his wife who was holding their first born son.

''it is good to see you again, lord Hohenzollern, I hope your journey to Winterfell has been peaceful'' said lord Stark with his cold tone.

''likewise lord Stark, sadly my journey to Winterfell has been anything but peaceful, iron born in the sea and bandits on the roads'' I said with a serious tone

Lord Stark pursed his lips, but made no further changes to his face.

''I apologize for the inconvenience lord Hohenzollern, it is a problem we are already solving'' he replied with an apologetic tone.

''it is good to hear that, Lady Catelyn, it is a pleasure to meet you'' I said looking at Lord Stark's wife.

''the pleasure is mutual lord Hohenzollern I have heard many stories about you in the rebellion'' said Catelyn with a kind tone

''I hope they were the good ones'' I said, laughing.

After that little reception, they gave me bread and salt

''lord Hohenzollern, I hope you are hungry, we are preparing the food'' said lord Stark with a cold tone

''before we eat lord Stark we can talk in private, I have something important to talk alone with you'' I said while I took off my gloves.

Lord Stark nodded and asked me to escort him to his personal chambers, where he sat down in his chair before returning to conversation

''well lord Hohenzollern what this time?'', said lord Stark

''I have prisoners to be brought in soon,400 of them,300 iron born and nearly 100 highwaymen'' I said looking him in the eyes.

''I thank you for the gesture Lord Hohenzollern, I will deal with justice when they arrive'' he said looking back at me.

''well, Lord Stark, I think I know why there are so many bandits, but first, may I ask what you did with the spoils of war'', I said with a serious tone.

''I didn't take any of the loot from the capital that gold was stained with the blood of innocent children, besides I don't share the taste of looting the villages, the war was against the mad king, not against the small folks, but I don't understand how the loot matters over the bandits'' he said with an annoyed tone

he's not greedy, he's just an imbecile mowed down by honor.

''yes it matters and a lot lord Stark most of the bandits we captured were soldiers who fought in the trident, they all gave as an excuse that after the war ended they had nothing to eat and much less coin to spend, and they had to dedicate themselves to banditry to live''I said with a serious tone

''that does not justify their actions, lord Hohenzollern'' said lord Stark with a cold tone.

''I understand, lord Stark, it was only to inform you of the results of my personal investigation, I do not wish to take any more of your time, we can go to the hall to eat'' I said with a kind tone.

Finally, I went to eat in his hall, but I could not enjoy much, the food was too angry as Lord Stark integrates his government his honor without considering the consequences it may have for his people.

but I can't be guided by my hatred of the incompetent, I just have to make them sign a trade agreement that benefits me in the purchase of raw materials and get a price for the sale of wheat that is a little higher than the market price and everything will be fine.

If the Northmen like to be ruled with honor then fine, I shouldn't care as long as I get what I want from them.


give me the power stones

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