
Blood And Briars

Garnetta Briars, a once-beautiful 17-year-old girl from a small town, is accidentally killed by a group of drunken boys while visiting her mother’s grave. As she lies dying, she is offered a second chance at life by Raphael, an ancient and mysterious vampire with a French accent. Raphael transforms Garnetta into a vampire, awakening her to a new world filled with both danger and power. Now, 200 years later, Garnetta lives a life of solitude and restraint, feeding only on wild animals and honing her unique vampire ability to grow and manipulate briar roses that can siphon the life force of others. The roses serve as both a defensive weapon and a surveillance system, allowing Garnetta to protect herself and those she cares about.

Socordia_Jade · Book&Literature
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125 Chs

The Briar's Embrace

The weight of Leah Clearwater's imprinting had settled over Garnetta like a thick fog, filling her with a mix of confusion and determination. The revelation that she was now bound to a member of the Quileute tribe—a werewolf, no less—had changed everything. But Garnetta knew that she couldn't afford to let this new development distract her from the growing dangers surrounding Forks.

In the days that followed, Garnetta found herself focusing on the one thing she could control: the protection of Forks and, most importantly, Bella. The feeling that something ominous was approaching had only grown stronger since her encounters near La Push, and Garnetta knew she needed to take action.

One evening, as she stood on the outskirts of the town, gazing out at the darkening forest, Garnetta made a decision. It was time to use her unique abilities to ensure the safety of those she cared about.

Garnetta's power, the ability to grow and manipulate briar roses that could siphon life force and even mimic the abilities of those they touched, had always been a source of both strength and caution for her. But now, with the threat of the unknown looming over Forks, she knew she needed to harness this power for protection.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the town in shadows, Garnetta extended her hand toward the ground, her fingers brushing lightly over the cool earth. She focused on the familiar sensation of life stirring beneath the surface, the dormant seeds of her briar roses waiting for her command.

With a deep breath, Garnetta began to channel her energy into the ground, feeling the power flow through her like a river. The earth responded to her touch, and slowly, dark green vines began to emerge from the soil, winding their way around rocks and trees. The vines were thick and strong, covered in sharp thorns that gleamed in the fading light.

As the vines spread, Garnetta guided them with her thoughts, urging them to grow and expand, forming a protective barrier around the town. The briar roses bloomed along the vines, their deep crimson petals glowing with an otherworldly light. The flowers were beautiful, but Garnetta knew their true purpose: to watch, to listen, and to protect.

The briar roses, once fully grown, were more than just a physical barrier. Garnetta had infused them with her essence, allowing her to sense what they sensed, to see what they saw. They were her eyes and ears, a network of surveillance that would alert her to any danger approaching Forks.

As the roses spread throughout the town, Garnetta planted them strategically in areas she knew were vulnerable: the borders of Forks, the forest edges, the outskirts of the school, and even near Bella's home. Each rose was a sentinel, quietly monitoring the surroundings, ready to alert Garnetta at the first sign of trouble.

When the last of the roses had been planted, Garnetta stood back, surveying her work. The briar roses formed a protective ring around Forks, their thorny vines intertwined like a fortress of nature. Garnetta felt a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had done everything she could to protect those she cared about.

As she turned to leave, Garnetta felt a subtle tug in her mind—the connection to the briar roses coming to life. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to sink into the network of plants she had created, feeling their presence as if they were an extension of her own body.

Through the briar roses, Garnetta could sense the movement of animals in the forest, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the quiet hum of life all around her. But she could also sense something else—a faint, distant presence that sent a shiver down her spine. It was as if the roses had detected something lurking on the edges of her awareness, something that was watching and waiting.

Garnetta's eyes snapped open, her heart racing. She had been right—there was a threat approaching Forks, and now she could feel it, almost as if it were breathing down her neck. But the roses hadn't just detected the danger; they had also provided Garnetta with the means to confront it.

With the briar roses in place, Garnetta knew she would be alerted to any danger before it could strike. The roses would serve as her first line of defense, allowing her to respond quickly and decisively to protect the town and the people she cared about.

As she made her way back to the Cullens' house, Garnetta felt a renewed sense of purpose. The bond with Leah Clearwater, while still confusing, had given her a new perspective. She was no longer just a protector—she was also connected to the very land she was sworn to defend.

When Garnetta arrived at the Cullens' home, she found the family gathered in the living room, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. They had sensed the shift in the atmosphere, the subtle change that had occurred when Garnetta had planted her briar roses around the town.

Carlisle was the first to speak, his voice calm but serious. "Garnetta, we felt something unusual just now. What did you do?"

Garnetta stepped forward, her gaze steady as she explained. "I've planted my briar roses around Forks. They're more than just a physical barrier—they're connected to me. I can sense anything that comes near the town, and I'll know if there's any danger before it can reach us."

Alice's eyes widened in awe, her tone filled with admiration. "That's incredible, Garnetta. Your roses… they're like a living surveillance system."

Garnetta nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Exactly. I can monitor the entire town through them, and they'll alert me if anything threatens Forks."

Esme, ever the nurturing figure, looked at Garnetta with a mixture of pride and concern. "You've done so much to protect us, Garnetta. But please, don't overexert yourself. We'll all work together to keep Forks safe."

Garnetta appreciated Esme's concern, but she knew this was something she needed to do. "Thank you, Esme. But this is my responsibility. The roses will help us stay ahead of whatever's coming."

Edward, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke, his tone thoughtful. "And what about Leah? If she comes near the roses, will you be able to sense her too?"

Garnetta paused, considering the question. "Yes," she replied slowly. "The roses will alert me to anyone who comes near them, including Leah. If she approaches, I'll know."

Edward nodded, seeming satisfied with the answer. "Good. We need to be prepared for anything, and your roses give us an advantage."

As the conversation continued, the atmosphere in the room became more focused, each of the Cullens realizing the importance of Garnetta's actions. The briar roses were more than just a protective barrier—they were a symbol of Garnetta's commitment to safeguarding the town and the people she cared about.

That night, as Garnetta lay in bed, she allowed herself to sink into the network of briar roses she had created, feeling their presence all around Forks. The connection was both comforting and empowering, a reminder that she was never truly alone in her efforts to protect those she loved.

As she drifted off to sleep, Garnetta's thoughts turned once again to Leah Clearwater. The bond between them was still new and confusing, but Garnetta knew that it was something she couldn't ignore. The roses would help her stay vigilant, and when the time came, Garnetta would be ready to face whatever awaited her—whether it was a new threat or the next step in her connection with Leah.

The shadows were still out there, lurking on the edges of her awareness, but Garnetta was ready. With her briar roses in place and her determination unwavering, she would protect Forks from whatever dangers lay ahead.