
Blood and Bliss: A New Beginning for a Once-Cursed Vampire

This story begins when our main character, who is actually a villain, is betrayed and killed by his best friend, which puts him in another world full of magic and strange creatures. Vincent Ulbrecht, the new identity of a former villain who is now a young lord of one of the most powerful families, wants to live a peaceful and happy life, but it turns out that his dream may be more difficult to achieve than he thought. Please forgive me for any spelling mistakes. English is not my first language, so there will definitely be grammatical mistakes. Enjoy

Maxxie_E017 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Family time 1

As Vincent walked through the stalls, he noticed that people looked at him with both fear and pity. He paid no attention at first, until an older man approached him with a worried look on his face.

|| Are you all right, boy? Did someone hurt you? ||

|| What do you mean? I'm fine. ||

|| Then why do you have cuts on your neck and a slightly bloody collar? ||

It was then that the boy remembered the curse he had received in his previous life. It was meant to punish the protagonist for every human and animal he killed with his own hands, simply put, every life he took was rewarded with wounds that left scars that could not be removed. This curse was meant to teach someone like him that life has value, but because Vincent had a high resistance to pain, he forgot about the curse most of the time.

|| Are you sure everything's ok? ||

|| Can you help me find my dad? I got too far away from him when I ran away from a man who tried to kidnap me. ||

|| In that case, we should also notify the guards in this case. ||

|| I have already asked the nice lady to report this matter, so please help me find my dad, the sooner I find him the more sure I am that the wounds will not become infected. ||

|| You are right. Do you know where your father might be waiting or staying? ||

|| When we parted, he told me he would wait for me in the centre by or near the fountain. ||

|| In that case, let's start our search there. ||

The boy and the older man walked to the centre of town, where the boy's parents would be waiting. After ten minutes, they arrived at the fountain where they were supposed to meet. Vincent said goodbye to the nice man and looked around for shops and bars, luckily he didn't have to look long, he found his father sitting with a man drinking, it wouldn't have been strange if the man hadn't started to touch him. Vincent was pissed, who normally does that, and as soon as he entered the bar he ran up to the table where his dad was sitting with tears in his eyes. William, seeing his son with tears in his eyes and blood on his neck, quickly got up and walked over to Vincent.

|| What happened? Who did it? ||

|| When I went to look around the stands, an old man tried to kidnap me, so I ran away from him.... By the way, when I was running away, I probably found an abandoned baby bat, so I decided to take it because it was weak and injured.... ||

|| You did well to run away. Let's go home now, we've had enough adventures for one day. Besides, your wounds need to be treated. ||

|| Does that mean the bat can stay with me? ||

|| As long as you promise to look after him, we'll get him some sort of collar later. ||

|| As long as you promise to look after him, we'll get him some sort of collar later. ||

|| Thank you dad you are the best! ||

William almost collapsed when he saw his son running towards him with tears and a bloody neck. Fortunately, the wounds did not look serious and it looked as if Vincent was just scared and shocked by the whole situation, so he just hugged him and stroked his head gently to calm him down. In his heart, Vincent was glad that he had managed to distract his father from the suspicious man, and he was also proud of his acting skills. In his past life, those skills had saved his life many times, so he knew how good an actor he was. People often forget that everyone has a dark side hidden under a mask, and Vincent's mask is almost never taken off. Of course, despite the mask, the protagonist still has certain emotions towards the people in question, which are not mere acting, but an honest feeling that could one day cause even this world to be pumped full of blood if at least one person important to him is injured or killed. At the same time as he was thinking about how to get rid of the intrusive man who was trying to take away his beloved father, William, the boy's parent, told them to go home because it had been a hard day for both of them. On the way home, the boy saw remorse and anger in William's eyes, so he tried to distract his parent from the traumatic events that had supposedly happened.

|| Dad you shouldn't blame yourself for this, it's not your fault.... I was the one who wanted to go alone into the market and got lost. ||

|| I know that, Vin but that doesn't change the fact that I'm responsible for you and I shouldn't let you go off on your own, let alone to a place you don't know. .... What if you can't find your way back? ||

|| But I found it, so let's stop talking about bad things that might have happened, after all I asked for it. ||

|| You're impossible... ||

|| Of course, and by the way, thank you for letting me take this cutie in. ||

|| Have you thought of a name for it yet? ||

|| I was thinking about the name Aqua. ||

|| Aqua? ||

|| That's right, Aqua is short for Aquamarine, I thought of that as soon as I saw its colours, what do you think Dad? ||

|| I think this name is perfect, it has the potential to amaze people when they hear it, especially as this subspecies of bat has the power of nature. ||

|| I see that Dad has a humorous side too. ||

|| That's right. Unfortunately I can't use it very often. ||

Our favourite father and son duo chatted and joked with each other all the way to the residence, it was a good, nice home, the boy did not expect his father to be such a great person, he was really happy to have such valuable people in his new life. As soon as they entered the living room, there were two figures waiting for them.

|| Where have you been? And what took you so long, I thought I was going to die of boredom here. ||

|| Enough of your complaining, we have more important things on our minds right now than your boredom. ||

|| Oh shut up you parasite. ||

|| You shut up hag. ||

As soon as William heard those voices, he knew this was not going to end well. As the two continued to struggle, William turned to his youngest son and said.

|| Vincent is your older brother and sister, Mark and Maria, who are twins. They are also barely three years older than you. ||

|| Dad are you positive these are your children? are you sure they haven't been switched or are someone else's? ||

|| Unfortunately, I have done the tests... Several times. ||

|| They had a different mum right? ||

|| Correct. ||

|| So they're like their mum? ||

|| Unfortunately, yes. To this day I regret that I agreed to marry that woman, she was unbearable.... ||

|| Dad has no luck with women.... ||

It took several minutes for the twins to calm down enough to be spoken to.

|| So, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted... I found out that our wretched little brother ended up hurting himself so badly that he lost his memory and his mind. ||

|| Firstly, don't call me your brother if you despise me so much, I don't need to know you. Secondly, the only people in this room who have lost their minds are the two of you. ||

|| How dare you, you little rascal! ||

|| Mark, calm down or I promise to disinherit both of you. ||

|| But Dad... He's the one who doesn't know his place, and besides, it's just a brotherly push, nothing very dangerous.... ||

|| That is for me to decide. And if I am not mistaken, you should be with your mother, so what are you doing in my house? ||

|| It is true that we should have been with our mother, but we decided to visit you as soon as we heard the news from the servants that our younger brother had been injured and had lost his memory. ||

|| Have you suddenly been awakened by reason and conscience? Somehow I doubt it. ||

|| If you have come to extort money from me again, you had better leave on your own before I throw you out of here. If I remember correctly, I had an agreement with Elizabeth that you were not to come near my house or use my name. We may be a blood family, but your blood and your mother's blood is as black as coal. ||

|| You can't just disown us, you're our parent after all. ||

|| I stopped being your family when I signed the divorce papers. Your mother was supposed to look after you. ||

|| You're cruel. ||

|| If I'm not mistaken, that's why you begged your mother to divorce me, which, thank God, she did. ||

|| Dad's right, the divorce has been good for him, less stress, more time for himself. ||

After a seemingly tearful meeting, William literally kicked the two parasites out, praying that they would not return, and if they did, that they would come back with a better attitude, because no matter how patient he is, he is not going to waste his time, and certainly not his money, on spoiled brats who can't do anything without someone else's help.

|| In my opinion, you shouldn't bother with them, Dad, you're too good for them, all they want is money and your name. ||

|| I know, Vin, I think I'm going to write them out of my will. ||

|| Dad please stop saying it like you don't have much life left.... ||

|| Heh, forgive me, but you never know, plus I really should change all the locks in case they try to break into our house. ||

|| It's a good idea. ||

|| Aside from the twins, I have important information for you regarding your position as advisor to the second prince, I know it's sudden but I can't send either of the twins knowing what they might screw up. ||

|| Nothing has happened, I understand and I don't mind this position. I know how important it is for our family and it will make my life with my peers easier. ||

|| So you know the real reason after all... ||

|| Of course, it's hard not to notice that you're worried about me, so I understand that you're doing it for my benefit. ||

|| Unfortunately, this is not just for your benefit, but because the 2nd prince has found out about your existence and said that he chooses you as an advisor because the twins are causing him nothing but trouble. ||

The boy pondered his fate for a while, though it shouldn't be too difficult, considering he could befriend the prince if need be. But now he had another important thing to tell his parents.

|| Dad, why did you let that guy touch you? It could have been dangerous... ||

|| It's nice that you were worried, but it was nothing, he just bought me something to drink, nothing more happened. ||

|| It's not about whether something happened or not, it's about the fact that he could put something in your drink. ||

|| Child, don't exaggerate, I'm not so stupid as not to know about it, and I'm also resistant to such things. ||

|| Resistant? Is it something you were born with or something you acquired? ||

|| Of course it is acquired, only the royal family has such luxuries that they are immune from the start. Believe me I've seen for myself.... ||

|| Hm? What does dad mean when you say you figured it out for yourself? ||

|| I forgot to tell you that I am an advisor to the First Prince, so you will have the opportunity to meet him more than once. ||

|| I think it will be an interesting experience to meet the person my father advised. Although I have one question: what does this prince look like? ||

|| As for what he looks like, I would say typical golden hair, pale green eyes, tall with a slender figure, he is also handsome as befits a prince, although I would say his character could be improved. You can tell that he doesn't give himself away, which sometimes causes problems, but on a day-to-day basis he is a calm and considerate person. ||

|| It's nice to know that dad has a good man in his care. ||

At that moment, William wanted to admit that they were looking after him, because the royal family were monsters in terms of physical strength and endurance. At first he thought it was just a legend with no truth in it, but it turned out to be true when he saw him fighting in the war ten years ago. At the same time, when the boy heard his father's explanation, he could conclude that the first prince was not so bad after all, he seemed to be a good person.

|| Oh, just a question, Dad, who was the woman you visited me with the day before? ||

|| ... It was actually Elizabeth, she came about through our divorce, through which you unfortunately had to meet her. It's best to stay away from her, she's not a good person. ||

|| I understand. ||


Don't forget that even though the main character seems naive and stupid, it's actually a mask he's putting on for people to look at him and see him as a child. After all, he was a villain before he came to the fantasy world.

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