
The Discovery

"Do it Blitz!" Colvin shouted as he kicked down the door of Jacobi's office.

Blitz screamed as he went through the room. Not a scream of pain but rather rage and fury. He felt the loud tone of his own voice as the door was barged. The boy walked into the office, looking left and right frantically. In the office was not Jacobi, but someone the boy recognized.

"Oh bugger," Timmons was just about to open the window of the office but it was closed. "Blitz... hear me out."

"YOU!" Blitz yelled at the man before jumping and attempting to pounce on him. It failed. The boy began to chase Timmons out of the room, all the while Colvin saw the scene unfolding.

"I got him kid!" Colvin said as he moved and tackled Timmons to the ground. Blitz stopped in his tracks as he saw his fellow mental health patient get a hold of someone associated to Jacobi.

"Hang on!" Timmons pleaded.

"Jacobi." Blitz slowly as his clenched right fist emitted electricity.


"I don't know."

"He must be lying. We need to rough him up a little. Blitz?" Colvin turned to the boy and the boy understood what he meant.

"Wait! The doctor! He went to Bentham." Timmons raised his hand and his voice. The pitch was high to the patients’ ears.

"And how do you know that?", asked Colvin. "I don't recommend lying to Blitz here. The kid here has an itchy temper. Don't you Blitz?"

Blitz nodded rapidly as he showed his hand emitting electricity. He proceeded to growl as the boy felt powerful inside.

"Why is he there?" said a voice that did not come from Colvin, who looked down at Blitz. The boy was glaring daggers at Timmons.

"I don't know."


"All right! All right! He has your brother!"

Silence soon filled the hallway in front of Jacobi's office. By this time there was no other sign of a voice or a figure around the hospital. It was just the 2 men and 1 boy.

"Brother..?", Blitz asked slowly. "I have a brother..?"

"You're bluffing." Colvin remarked.

"No! I'm telling the truth. Come here", Timmons had the two follow him into the office, before stopping in front of the desk. "I was cleaning up some files of the doctor, then I found this."

Timmons handed over a folder in which a photograph fell out of it. Blitz noticed the photo on the floor. It was in black and white, and the picture was a boy that seemed far younger than Blitz, yet the boy had messy hair as well, along with a similar face structure.

Colvin took the file out of Timmons hands as he read one of the papers from the file. His eyes skimmed the text of the paper, before letting a low whistle.

"Looks like Timmons wasn't lying. Jacobi did leave for Bentham. Get this Blitz, apparently that kid here named Little Oliver is being used for another experiment. That sounds messed up huh Blitz?" Colvin said as he noticed Blitz still staring at the photo, touching it with his hands. "Blitz?" he asked but the boy did not notice. His eyes were glued to the photo, though Colvin could notice the sad gaze in the boy's eyes.

"I can go now, right?" Timmons asked as he faced a glaring Colvin.

"I suggest you get out of here before a certain kid here believes you were involved in his brother's kidnapping and tries to strangle you", Colvin said and interrupted Timmons who tried to speak back. "Now."

Timmons backed off t before running from the office as far as the streets could take him, as Colvin looked at Blitz. The boy’s eyes were glued to the photo, his hands tightly holding it.

"Little Oliver...", he said, his hand touching the photo. "B-Brother..." He first said. His mouth was weeping just like his eyes. Blitz swore he heard electricity running around in his head, as he continued to look at the picture.

"Blitz-" Colvin reached out to the boy before the boy hugged him tightly, sobbing into his shirt. He was startled but that didn't matter now.

"I'm sorry about your brother Blitz. I am." he said, patting him on the back out of sympathy. "But we need to get out of here before the cops check this place."

"But my brother!"

"We'll talk about your brother later, right now we need to get out of here okay?" Colvin exclaimed. “Do you understand?”

Blitz nodded very slowly. “Yes.” he said in a calmer tone. He wiped the tears from his eyes with his arm. “I understand.”

The two patients went out of the office and hurried down the stairs, taking the back ends of the hospital leading to the outside.. The sun shined upon them in mid afternoon, before they made a run through the alleyways.

The streets of London seemed to be no different than how it was previously, even though Colvin never went outside. Smoke appeared from the chimneys of some buildings, and the streets were lively with people.

"All right Blitz, before we move any further we need to get some clothes. Can't let anyone see us in our uniforms"

"There!" Blitz pointined to a clothesline.

"Good eye", Colvin said as he approached the clothesline, but he noticed something behind the clothesline.

A policeman, and he spotted the two individuals. "Stop right there!"

"Crap! Blitz we gotta run, NOW!"

Colvin and Blitz ran from the said policeman who was on their tail, until the two were ahead of him and stopped at a nearby building, just near a neighborhood. Blitz looked at his surroundings. They had escaped. Colvin took the moment to sit on the floor and take some breaths.

"Blitz, I think we need to split up."

"Split up?"

"You know, I go my way and you go your way."

"B-b-but I need your help! To save my brother!"

"Blitz I don't know where Bentham is! Now that I think of it, are you sure this kid is your brother?"

"Look!" Blitz took out Little Oliver's photo before shoving it in Colvin's face. The slightly older patient looked at the photo, before noticing Blitz's eyes filled with determination and hope.

"Well", Colvin said, starting his sentence. "I guess you two do look similar here. But still Blitz, I can't help you save your brother." He paused as he noticed Blitz frowned. "However, I think I know someone who can help you get to Bentham."


"Most likely. Besides, he owes me a favor", Colvin said to the boy. "Come on, follow me". He proceeded to take off his uniform upon revealing a tank top underneath his body. Seeing this, Blitz took off his uniform, but there was no undershirt."

"Blitz" Colvin chuckled at the sight of bare chested boy. "Never mind, let's go". He said as the two went past the houses of one of the many neighborhoods, their feet contacting the muddy and mushy ground. This neighborhood didn't seem to be the richest out of all the neighborhoods in London.

"For goodness sake sir!", said a woman cleaning the dust on her carpet. "Get a shirt for you and your son will you? Do you have any dignity?"

"Just keep your eyes to yourself." Colvin said, not looking at the said woman. "Keep in mind Blitz. Whatever people say about you, just ignore them. Don't let them stop you from what you wanna do."

Blitz nodded before turning to the woman and sticking his tongue out to him. The woman rolled her eyes at the sight. The two males proceeded to make their way to the docks. Blitz's eyes widened in amazement, there were so many boats, crates and people to see. His eyes were glued to a ship, its cargo being brought down by the workers. Colvin noticed the boy's curiosity for a while.

Maybe he hasn't seen much, Colvin thought of the boy before he eventually comes face to face with a man familiar to his eyes. The man was distinctive because of his beige suit and white shirt.

"Wynard!", Colvin said putting his arms out as Blitz stood next to him. The man with the suit noticed the other man with the boy.

"Colvin! You son of a gun" Wynard said with an happy but deep voice. "I heard what happened at Blightworth, then again knowing you, I thought you had something to do with it." He stopped before looking at Blitz. "Who's this?"

"First off, I only ran away. And second", Colvin paused as he directed Wynard's attention to the boy next to him. "This is Blitz. He needs to get to Bentham."

"I'm trying to find my brother", Blitz said, pulling out the photograph of Little Oliver before showing it to Wynard.

"Your brother huh? Aren't you a bit young to go overseas?"

"Wait Bentham isn't in England?"

"No kid, it's not. Heck, it's way different there compared to here. I know you wanna find your brother and all, but give me a good reason to help you."

"Mr. Colvin said you owed him a favor." Blitz said as Colvin grinned. Wynard folded his arms.

"Did he now?" Wynard asked as the boy nodded. "Alright then kid. You're in luck. I got a cargo ship that's going to drop off a customer's order at Bentham. It's going to leave soon so you get on it. Hang on". He turned to see the men on the ship. "Hey guys! We got a new recruit here"

"He's just a kid!" shouted one worker from the ship. "What can he do?"

"Make him a scout! Have him look around the seas just in case some bloody pirates try to raid you. Or if the weather ain't too good."

"Alright Blitz. Get on the ship", Colvin said.

"But what about you?"

"Now that I'm free, I guess I'll just lay low, thinking of spending a normal life from now on. The only reason I was in Blightworth was because I had...mistakes. I don't want that to happen anymore. Good luck finding your brother."

Blitz nodded as Colvin walked away to the other side of the docks, and the boy proceeded to walk towards the ship Wynard told him to go on.

The ship was made out of wood, clearly, but the sheer size of it made his eyes widen in amazement. He had noticed the sails were not yet opened yet, and went onto the ship.

"Well heck, I didn't expect our new recruit to be this small" one worker said upon noticing the boy going on the ship. "Somebody get a shirt for this kid!"

"Here take mine!", said another worker throwing his white shirt at the first worker. The first worker frowned.

"This is too big but I guess it will work. Here kid." he gave the slightly big shirt to Blitz to wear. "Better than nothing I suppose. Funny, you're the second new worker we got here today."

"Who's the first?" Blitz said before he noticed a man coming towards him. He had a white shirt with suspenders, trousers with a shade of black. His scarred mouth quickly made the boy shudder and take a few steps backwards.

"Blitz." Kassick said in a deep tone. He grinned at the sight of the boy. "I didn't expect to see you here."