
Blissful Sorrows

There are two divided lands; those who use dark magic, and those who use light magic. No one has ever heard of anyone even talking to someone of the opposite side. There’s an ongoing fight between the two sides, over pretty much nothing. 17 Year old Daku Miseron is the prince of dark magic. Though most people long to be like him, he has no interest in the royal life. His life is nothing but boring; sorrows keep him busy on the average day. Everyone thinks that his life must be so perfect, but his life takes a turn for the worst when he finds out that at age 18 , he must be in an arranged marriage. Blissful Whit Nadin is a 17 year old that lives on the side of light magic. He’s always wondering about the royal life, but he’s satisfied with being your typical commoner. He never really understood why the two sides fight. He always wants to know what the other side is like more than anything. When Whit decides to finally see what the other side is like , he has a seemingly strange encounter with the dark prince…

milevelover · LGBT+
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15 Chs

The Stables

Whit's Point of View

" God…I'm so stupid …"

I just got back from working at Daku's palace. Why didn't I tell him that I love him?Why did I walk off like that? I could hear him crying from inside while I was walking out…poor baby. What have I done?

" Whit, are you alright? You're not acting like yourself,"

" Yes, Mother. I'm fine,"

" And I've been meaning to ask you,why have you been out for so many hours of the day for the past few weeks? "

I froze.

" I um, I got a job,"

" A job where?"

I was hoping she wouldn't ask…

" Um, the market…"

" The market? But I thought you already had a job? At the horse stables?"

I forgot …I have two jobs. One's at Daku's palace, and the other one, the one that I've had for longer , is at the horse stables. I'm the guy who cleans the stables out and test rides new horses and stuff like that. I've been sneaking a horse out to go to the dark side because the stables are very close to the border.

"I, just wanted to make extra money …"

" Ok,"

She was obviously suspicious of me.

I went back to thinking about Daku. He's so handsome…and kind…and won't kill me because of the magic I use…

" …Why would I hurt him like that…"

" Whit, stop mumbling."

" Oh, yeah. Sorry. "

I have to go to the stables after leaving the palace, so I left.

Once I arrived, my boss, Angela, walked up to me.

"You're late."

"I know, I had to stay for extra time at my Uh, my second job,"

" You don't have a second job,"

"I do now,"

" Whatever. Go clean stables ,and make sure the place is tidy. There's a magically powerful and rich woman coming from another land to buy a horse for her carriage."

" Ok, got that,"

Who might that be? Whatever.

The whole time I was working I was thinking about Daku. I miss him…he's probably still upset. I love him…I really love Daku…I wish he knew that…


" Whit!! Stop mumbling about some guy named 'Daku'!! You've been confessing your love for them for the past thirty minutes!!"

" Oh, I have been? Sorry, Angela,"

I hope I hadn't said too much…

Daku's Point of View

I was bawling in my room for an hour and a half. I couldn't stop thinking of how Whit doesn't love me, and how he never will.

I had an idea.

He said that he works at horse stables that are just over the border of the two sides. My palace is close to the border, and I found a spell that can turn your eyes a different colour, kind of like the one Whit uses, but the dark magic version of it. I can go over to his side.

I used the spell on myself, and I changed my eyes to grey because grey is supposed to be the most common eye colour on their side.

I used another spell to make my clothes look like a commoners clothing, and white. It was easy using dark magic.

I made my changes, and then I went strong to the border.

The border is set with a spell to keep anyone from crossing it. Whit never told me how he crossed it, but I just crossed it using another spell. It was harder that time, but I expected as much.

I took a breath before crossing, I was nervous to see Whit. I hadn't planned what I was gonna say, but I'll give it a try. It's worth a shot because I need his love in my life; if there's any chance he'll be mine by the end of the conversation, I'll do it.

I arrived at the stables.

" Whit? Whit , are you in there?"

" You're lookin' for Whit? "

There was a woman there.

" Y-yeah, where is he?"

" He's in the back. Who are you, anyways?"

" Oh, my name is Daku,"

"You're THE Daku? He's been mumbling his love for you for an hour! I told him to stop after 30 minutes, but he continued!!"

That gave me confidence in talking to him again.

" W-what?!"

" He's back here,"She pointed to the stable building.

" O-ok,"

I went to the stable building.

" Daku? H-How'd you find me?"

" the same way you found me, some woman told me that you were talking about me,"

" Angela told you that? What did she say?!?!"

" She said- " I bit my lower lip. " that you love me,"

" oh, I do," he said with a satisfied voice.

" Just kiss me already,"

I kissed him again, and it felt, so good…

" I love you, Daku, I'll always love you,"

" me too, my love,"I pulled him in, and kissed him again. I put my hand on his lower back while kissing him.

"About what I said earlier , I didn't mean it…i don't care that we're from different sides, and I don't want you to find someone else,I want you to love me,"

" I hope you do, because I will love you,"

" Is that a promise?"

" Of course it is,

We kissed.

" So are you like, my boyfriend now or something ?"

" I think you know the answer, " I kissed him again.

" I love you Daku, " he kissed me. " so much,"

We kissed again.

He's my boyfriend…I can't believe he's actually my boyfriend!! I love him so much!! But, my arranged marriage …

We kept kissing.

"Stop making out in my stables, go somewhere else please," It was the same lady that told me that Whit loves me.

" Angela, where'd you come from!! How long have you been there for?"

" A few minutes. I just thought I'd stop you before you did anything spicy in my stables,"

" Angela, "

" Fine, I'll let you two do your thing…just don't , y'know…"


" Oh, yep, sorry, I best be on my way, don't have too much fun,"

She left.

" Sorry, Daku. That's Angela , my boss. She's like that sometimes…"

" I don't care,"I kissed him again.

" I said stop makin' out in my stables!!"

" ANGELA!!" Both of us said.

" Ok, sorry boys."

She left, for real this time.

" I'm sorry Daku, I didn't think your boss could be your stalking third wheel-mhm!!"

I kissed him. I started kissing up his neck, when we heard a voice, one that was not Angela's.

" If you don't mind , I'm here to buy a horse. Not to see you, hm, doing lover things." It was some rich lady.

Whit and I separated.

"Oh!! I wasn't expecting you to be here this early!!I'm Angela," Angela came back. She must use some kind of portal spell or something …

" I don't care who you are , Angela!! I need a horse!!"

" Oh , yes!! We have a few!! Whit!! You can take the rest of the day off!!"

" Ok, thanks Angela!! C'mon, Daku!!"

He grabbed my hand and started running.