
Blinded Love: The return

Terrence, the eldest son of the leader of the Dhalia pack, was framed for killing his stepmother and got cursed at a very young age, all thanks to the jealousy of someone near to him... but no one knows the truth Terrence was kicked out of the pack for the sake of his little brother, Erick, who was afraid of him. Now the time has passed, Erick received the love of everyone around him while Terrence the hatred of people. When the annual tournament came Terrence's father asked him to return because he wants his son to marry an Alpha and leave the family forever…. Without knowing that his arrival will bring with him many entanglements and surprises... ꨄ Book cover made with Pinterest's images Illustrations' rights to their respective authors.

Misaki_Butterfly · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Erick was lying on the bed with an empty expression. It was morning already but he hadn't made up his mind.

Even though the answer was clear enough, he had some doubts…

When that old woman handed him that bottle and told him to let go of his feelings he had a slight idea of what she meant by that but…

After all those years, and all the things that had happened Erick started to wonder if all that he had done was worth it.

Again he had to let go of the only thing he wanted.

The sound of the knock on his door made him angry but he was extremely exhausted to complain about it, without seeing who was outside Erick answered.

"Come in"

Blausen who saw him leave the hall the previous night followed him to ask him if he knew something about that strange voice, however, he never imagined what he would hear.

He went to his room in shock and drank all night trying to forget what he had just heard.

Blausen was in denial, How can he be Terrence's soulmate? Or more importantly, how was it possible that a weak and simple omega like Terrence was his soulmate?

When he looked at that small boy he didn't feel anything special, maybe just a small desire to crush his heart but that's all.

Of course, he got angry because Daemon stole him from him, he had never lost anything else to Daemonor or anyone else, each time he wanted to help Terrence, that poker face always won.

On the other hand, Erick was a mystery to him, he was a beautiful omega, had a nice body, and was also well-educated.

"You looked tired…"

The voice of the alpha made Erick jump from the impression and looked at him with a little blush on his face.

He was wearing a small transparent nightgown so he immediately covered his body with a pillow.

"What the h*ll are you doing here?"

Blausen saw him with confusion. On the day of the tournament he was showing his body so confidently with clothes that didn't leave enough room for imagination so why was he acting so shy all of a sudden?

"I already see all, you were spreading your legs wide enough when I entered" he joked a little bit only to see his reaction but when he saw his red face Blausen looked at him with surprise.

Erick looked like he was about to cry, and was really embarrassed. The alpha felt something strange on his chest and a smile was placed on his face. That boy was certainly a mystery to him.

"I was joking… come here"

Blausen approached him and hugged the small and delicate figure trying to calm him. Even though he knew he was looking at Erick for a moment, Blausen saw the small and delicate Terrence in his arms.

The moment their eyes connected Blausen lost track of time. He approached him and kissed him thinking it was Terrence who was there. Blausen was confused, that boy didn't have anything special at all but there he was all turned on for that baby and innocent face.

Erick was surprised to see that guy kissing him, he already knew his secret but the fact that he could also get turned on by him made him proud, however, when the name "Terrence" left Blausen's lips, Erick got mad.

He pushed him and slapped him really hard.

"Get out!"

Blausen reacted after that hit in his face but when he saw the angry expression on Erick he remembered he called Terrence's name.

"I'm sorry…. I"

"I don't care… I'm not a replacement for my brother… if you are so interested in him, go and suit yourself"

• • • • ❁ • • • •

Daemon walked to the kitchen with confusion, he was sure that he saw Erick in his arms but then he changed to Terrence…

"Ah…" he let out a long sigh, he didn't want to pay too much attention to that, maybe he was so tired that he hallucinated.

When he arrived at the kitchen Daemon stopped at the door. Orsen and Killian were inside but they were arguing…

A few minutes before

Orsen woke up early due to the strange energy he felt around the castle. He tried to find who it was and where that person was but in the end, he couldn't find anything.

When he looked at the hour he decided to go back to the kitchen to help the new employees to prepare breakfast for everyone. Orsen yawned tired and Killian who was already in the kitchen saw that.

"Did you sleep?" He asked his master but Orsen only nodded.

There were a lot of things that they didn't speak about the last fight they had, however, Killian didn't bring up that topic. He wanted to talk to him in private but now they were so busy that it was almost impossible.

Killian takes the opportunity to go near his master and hugs him from behind like how he used to do, however, Orsen gets nervous and pushes him.

"What are you doing Killian?" he acted unconsciously, even when they were like that before now there were a lot of people around them.

And above all Orsen was his master… he was seven years older… and as the guardian of Reinheit, he had forbidden to have a lover unless he was his designated partner.

However, the rejection of his master made Killian shocked. He looked at him with a hurt expression.

"Ahh… I was wondering for some time but now it seems clear to me" Killian's expression becomes one of anger as he speaks. "You are playing with me, aren't you Orsen?"

The blonde blushed when he heard him, it was the first time that Killian had spoken to him in that tone.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, I've never hidden my feelings for you so why are you treating me like this?"

All the new employees were stunned in their places looking at them fighting without knowing what to do. Osen was also like that…

Of course, he knew that Killian had feelings for him but… he turned a blind eye to them because he couldn't accept them.

"Killian… let's talk about this later"

"Later? When? How can I believe in you if you are going to feign ignorance?"

The smell of chocolate coming from Killian was dangerous, everyone could feel he was angry, and even when Killian was not an aggressive alpha his pheromones were too strong for some omegas that were there to handle.

"Killian… enough, y-your pheromones"

Orsen tried to calm him down but at that moment Daemon entered and made Killian stop with his peppermint scent.

Killian looked at the albino who with only his expression said enough for him to understand. He didn't say anything and left the room.

Everyone there could breathe a little better but Orsen was trembling. Daemon notices that and puts a hand on his shoulder to help him relax.

Orsen looked at Daemon and smiled really grateful.

"Thank you"

"It was nothing… but you should have a sincere talk with him, if you keep giving him false hope he will never move on"

The cruel and direct words of Daemon made Orsen started to cry.

After some time of hearing Orsen complain and confessing his thoughts the food for Terrence arrived Daemon could leave the kitchen but before that, he gave Orsen some advice. Of course, it depends on him if he follows it or not.

When he was coming back to his room he smelled that sunflower scent coming from his room.

«That carrot… Why is he here?»

Daemon recognized him immediately but when the scent of Jazmine reached his nose he stopped.

Blausen wasn't alone…

The pheromones of Jazmine were coming from Terrence's body, he was with Blausen.

He unconsciously clenches the food tray, he doesn't have the intention of hearing their conversation so he turns around to leave, however, he freezes when he listens to Terrence's words.

• • • • ❁ • • • •

A little before

Terrence waited in Daemon's room for quite some time but the time passed and he didn't come back, without a motive, he started to feel anxious. That morning Daemon was acting strange and that made him worry.

He thought that maybe he was feeling bad and that's why he left the room in a hurry.

With determination, he got up and left the room running toward the faint path made of Daemon's pheromones, however, not so long from the room he bumped into Dahak who was being chased by Sasha.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry..."

"Y-young master? Please don't say that, Are you ok? I was walking so fast" Dahak got nervous, if his leader saw him at that moment he would be done for.

When he felt something bumping into him he hugged the guy but when he saw it was Terrence he released him as fast as lightning.

Sasha, who was running toward Dahak finally reached him and hugged him to prevent him from running away again.

"Gotcha! Oh… it's the cute little prince" Sasha looked at Terrence in front of Dahak and smiled, he couldn't see him well last night but the new king of Reinheit was really beautiful, and even with that band on his eyes, Sasha could notice his gorgeous features.

Terrence blushed when Sasha complimented him.

"T-That's too much for someone like me" he answered embarrassed, he was sure Sasha only said he was cute only to be polite.

The blonde omega looked at him with surprise due to that inferiority complex, he released his friend from the hug and approached Terrence to stroke his hair.

"Don't say that, you're really beautiful"

Terrence got redder and coughed clearly uncomfortable, he was going to deny that, however, when the cinnamon scent coming from Sasha reached Terrence's nose he got shocked and approached him with a kind of sad expression taking Sasha's hands.

"That scent…" He stopped with fear to ask but gained enough courage and spoke again. "D-Dorhan, Is he alive?"

Sasha, who wanted to forget that name and what had happened not so long ago with that man blushed when he heard his name.


"Young master, how do you know Dorhan?"

Dahak was also surprised to hear the name of his brother from the young master of Dahlia's pack.

"Who is Dorhan?"

The deep voice full of jealousy of Blausen surprised them. For a brief moment, Terrence thought it was Daemon's voice until Sasha greeted him.

"Oh your highest Blausen, good morning"

"Morning…" he answered without much energy.

Sasha nor Dahak said anything to that greeting but they looked at each other with confusion due to his low tone of voice.

"So... What brings you here, your Highness?" this time Dahak was the one who asked, he noticed how Blausen was looking at their young master Terrence but that meant danger for their necks.

"I was looking for someone…" Blausen was a mess, Dahak and Sasha looked at the appearance of the prince with curiosity.

The prideful alpha who was always careful with his appearance now literally looked like a homeless man and that was something to ask about.

"What happened to you, your highness?"

"This…" Blausen looked at his wet messy clothes and tried to brush his disheveled hair with one of his hands. His dark expression was more evident with his raised hair but he didn't pay attention to it and answer the question. "It's nothing important…"

Terrence didn't know why but he felt a glare really dangerous piercing his back. It was the first time since their kiss they should be able to talk…

He got nervous and wanted to run away quietly, however, Blausen spoke again.

"Terrence... Can we talk?"

Sasha and Dahak looked at Blausen with anger and caution. They don't know why Blausen would want to talk to Terrence, and Daemon didn't tell them the reason why Monaed went crazy in his rut.

"Your Highness, that could be an inconvenience, you see, his Highness Terrence felt a little bad" Sasha laughed trying to hide his anger but he was already in front of the small omega to protect him.

Blausen didn't retreat, he was looking at Terrence intensely.

"Please… Terry"

When Blausen also used his nickname out of the blue Terrence's heart felt strange, the alpha's voice was strange… as if he was heartbroken.

He already knew he had to speak to him… and that was the best opportunity to tell him his decision about his proposal.

Terrence walked in front of Sasha and asked them to give them some privacy.

When they were alone Blausen approached him and touched his face.

"Does it hurt?" he asked about the band on his eyes.

When Terrence denied it, Blausen loosened that band until he threw it away. The small and soft expression on Terrence's face made his heart beat like crazy.

How can he be so blind?

From the moment he left that strange carriage, he attached his attention.


"Please, don't call me like that…"

Blausen was shocked when Terrence avoided his touch and refused to let him say his nickname.

"Ah… he can call you that but I can't?"

Terrence frowned his eyebrows and sighed. He really felt something for him but after all that happened in his life, the only person he wanted next to him was Daemon.

"I'm sorry, your highness" Terrence started speaking. "I really used to like you… you defend me, take care of me, and also speak to me so kindly… I fell in love with those kind little actions… however, I accept Daemon as my companion"


«Your Highness? Did he really call me that?»

From the start, Terrence was making it clear that I lost him… he was putting a harried between us.

Something that he had never done before…

«I'm so pathetic…what the h*ll I'm doing here?»

I was lost in my thoughts hearing those words that were piercing my heart. I never thought that being rejected by someone would feel so disgusting…

"So, you chose him over me?" Blausen asked only to confirm what he already told him.

"Yes, I chose him… I really want to live with him for the rest of my days"

The smile on Terrnce's face made Blausen's blood boil in anger.

He was an omega… an insignificant omega… his soulmate

Blausen clenched his fists so strongly that he made his hands bleed, he wanted to tell him that he was his soulmate, that he was meant to be his omega since the beginning but when he saw that beautiful expression… he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"I see…"

They were surrounded by an uncomfortable silence for some time, and when Blausen was ready he only kissed his forehead saying goodbye to him.

"I'm sure… you will be happy Terry…"

He whispered his pet name one more time before he walked away with some tears leaving his eyes.

It was the second time in so many years that Blausen cried…

Terrence heard his step getting far and far away from him and also the sudden scent of peppermint covering him. He was surprised when Daemon hugged him from behind. His pheromones show he was happy or even more than that

Terrence got embarrassed when Daemon's thoughts traveled to his mind.

"W-were you hearing all that?"

Terrence asked embarrassed and Daemon only nodded without letting him go. The moment he heard Terrence saying he chose him all his body vibrated.

• • • • ❁ • • • •

After Erick made Blausen leave his room he locked himself with a mad expression.

He thought that maybe someone would really care about him or desire him but he was wrong… without the curse he was nothing…

"I hate you… I hate you so much! Terrence, Terrence… TERRENCE BLANCHE… I'LL TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU!"

He shouted before he started laughing like crazy, Erick drank that strange liquid leaving that bottle empty.

However, what he didn't know was that Blausen and Daemon were being manipulated by the old woman only to push him to drink that potion.

The old woman smiled with satisfaction from the shadows.

"Now… it's finally the end my precious Yngvar… let's see if your st*pid love can change the fate of designated mates"




To be continued