
Blinded Love: The return

Terrence, the eldest son of the leader of the Dhalia pack, was framed for killing his stepmother and got cursed at a very young age, all thanks to the jealousy of someone near to him... but no one knows the truth Terrence was kicked out of the pack for the sake of his little brother, Erick, who was afraid of him. Now the time has passed, Erick received the love of everyone around him while Terrence the hatred of people. When the annual tournament came Terrence's father asked him to return because he wants his son to marry an Alpha and leave the family forever…. Without knowing that his arrival will bring with him many entanglements and surprises... ꨄ Book cover made with Pinterest's images Illustrations' rights to their respective authors.

Misaki_Butterfly · LGBT+
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30 Chs



Terrence remembered that after he took a shower, the water clean his face and he had been exposing the mark of the curse he had on his face, Leva had told him that the previous night she had put on some makeup to hide it, however, he was not surprised by that... Terrence notice that even without the makeup on his face Daemon… still treated him the same way as before and even seemed more attentive to him… despite that ugly mark on his face…

Terrence was thinking if the alpha didn't care what people could say about him?

When Terrence left his room, of course, Daemon was a little surprised to see the mark, but he really didn't care because he believes in his innocence and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Terrence, although of course, he had to be accepted by the conscious part of Terrence first.

When they went out to the garden together, many of those present turned to see them, more precisely at the mark on the Omega's face and as Terrence expected, they all began to comment and murmur with disgust when they saw that he indeed still had the mark of that curse.

Terrence didn't pay attention to them, he was more than used to listening to that kind of insults, and was in that moment he was more focused on wondering why he felt Daemon's scent covering all of his body, to his surprise, the whispers suddenly stopped from one moment to another which was very strange to him... but of course, if Terrence could see Daemon's face at that time he would certainly understand what they all stop.

Daemon despite his disinterested, cold, and always expressionless face, was someone very protective and warm man, Terrence was the most important person to him now so with his good ear as soon as he heard an insult towards his partner he looked at those people with a murderous expression and aura.

Terrence was lost in his thoughts letting Daemon's strong presence be his shield but he came back to reality when he heard his brother's voice calling him.

"Terry!! Prince Daemon, good to see you, would you like to join us for breakfast?"

Terrence stopped his footsteps along with Daemon without understanding those words.

«Join them…?» That was the first thought that cross Terrence's mind

Those words made him clench his hands with a little force, why did things have to be like this? His mind was plagued with that one question.

«Why can't I be the one next to Blausen...?»

Terrence swallowed a bit of saliva, squeezing his hands even more with a total intention of making his palms bleed, he didn't understand why he had caught Prince Daemon's attention but he would have preferred not to have done... so he could have been with Blausen... or that's what he imagined

All this was a twisted and very uncomfortable situation full of misunderstandings, he didn't know what kind of dramatic scene he was living right now, he felt like he was involved in a love triangle like in the novels that Leva used to read to him but Terrence didn't even know why he was experiencing that.

The uncomfortable pain grew in his chest, Terrence wanted to run away, be invisible, or be swallowed by the earth at that precise moment but just when he was feeling himself falling into a deep hollow he felt Daemon's hand on his lower back, just that caress, the fresh and softness of the alpha's aroma along with the sweet whisper that helps him to calm himself.

Somehow the presence of the opponent helped him feel better and oddly enough gave him the strength to answer that question. Terrence didn't even realize that he stopped squeezing his hands just in time before he could hurt himself. After he exhaled a bit, he opened his mouth and responded to his brother showing a soft smile with a little more confidence.

"Of course, if it's not too much trouble... It would be a pleasure to accompany you"

"What do you say young master Terrence, it's very nice to have you around" this time it was Blausen who spoke.

The redhead alpha got up from the tablecloth and went quickly towards them, without asking he took the younger's hand to leave a kiss on Terrence's knuckles causing the face of the omega to explode in that red color due to embarrassment.

The feeling of annoyance disappear completely from Terrence because when he heard Blausen's voice it only made him feel nervous and clouded his senses but it also made him feel good.


I felt my blood boiling with rage, I wasn't stupid and I didn't need to be a genius to notice that MY fiancé was interested in Blausen… of all the people in the world it had to be that damn carrot.

«Why the hell did it have to be him?»

It was the only thing going through my mind, it was because I really didn't understand why could be Terrence interested in that guy. If we were talking about appearance I could understand because even though I would never admit it Blausen was very attractive and that's why he had a long line of admirers but I doubted it was for that reason, because of Terrence's eyes condition, if he couldn't see the alpha's attractiveness... WHY ON EART did Terrence like him?

I don't have a good argument about why Terrence feels interested in that carrot.

Despite that, Terrence's wolf seemed to prefer me, for something he had accepted my proposal… however; That didn't change the fact that in Terrence's heart, at least for the conscious part of him, there was no room for me.

When Blausen kissed Terrence's hand I could only look away, clicking my tongue instinctively, I really wanted to hit Blausen like never before but I also wanted to see more of those shy reactions that Terrence showed only to the carrot, but when we were alone it was as if Terrence placed an invisible and very strong and impenetrable barrier... That at that moment I couldn't say anything at all...

Although I wanted to avoid that contact, seeing that tender expression full of emotion in my fiancé, I could only let go of Terrence, I let that carrot with feet and arms take him to the tablecloth where they sat down to have breakfast together... but when my hand stopped feeling the warmth that Terrence emitted ... I felt a terrible emptiness… an unbearable pain as if something had been ripped from my chest… something irreplaceable and vital to breathe… to live…

«Impossible… I...»

I couldn't believe what I was feeling, I had never been interested in any omega in my whole life, or even a person... but for some reason, I knew that I fell in love with Terrence...

I couldn't even think of another way to describe the accumulation of sensations and emotions that invaded me when I was with Terrence and how my stomach hurt when I saw him with Blausen, I don't know when I walked towards them, I only remember the delicious aroma of Terrence flooding my nose and one of my arms around his small body hugging him so tightly… as if he would disappear into the air

Blausen was completely in shock, he had clearly noticed how Daemon had released the minor then why was he clinging so tightly to him now? The prince didn't understand it at all, Blausen thought it was just another Omega, another guy from the crowd so… why was he so special to Daemon?

"I never thought you could be so possessive with someone, Daemon" he tried to joke about that, noticing that his lifelong rival raise his face just a little to show an expression that Blausen had never seen in his entire life.

"I guess... I didn't know either"

Daemon's bitter smile was combined with an expression of pain, anguish, and… fear? That Daemon that was like Ice? Blausen wanted to be wrong about it, how could Daemon have fear? Even when he lost his parents Daemon never made that kind of expression… he had always been a bloody iceberg.

Although he wasn't the only one surprised... Erick looked calm but he was boiling inside, he smiled but wanted to bring out the wildest and dark side of him at that moment.

"You are so cute, you really make a VERY cute couple without a doubt"

They were lies that leave the mouth of the other omega, Erick fell in love with Daemon and he didn't know why or how he could resist his charms... it was impossible but for that reason, Erick wanted to destroy everything...

"Speaking of couples" Erick spoke again with his gaze focused on his older brother Terrence who came out of his embarrassing moment to have a pale face, from where he was Erick could imagine what his brother was thinking...


"Blausen and I…" he continued with a fox smile on his lips.


"We got engaged" the young man with long hair hugged the redhead even knowing that his brother couldn't see them but the satisfaction he gained seeing Terrence's face pale as death and the pain all over his expression was enough to make him feel better.

«Gotcha my dear brother»

To be continue