

(I grew up watching many tv series, listening to motivational speakers and making conclusions according to what I saw. I then had it in mind that every person chooses whom they become. You can't say bad life wanted you, you wanted it. If you had done better, you wouldn't be that bad. I'll take you back to where it all started.)

Lisa: (goes to her sister's bedroom and wakes her up) Hi Diana, good morning. Guess what I got? Two markers! Come on let's go and do some shading.

Diana barely says a thing but wakes up and follows her sister to where the wardrobe is. She gets hold of one marker and they both start shading the wardrobe and on the suitcases. They seem to enjoy the moment and go on to write on everything that could get a marker stick to it. They both write on each other's palms and proceed out to show their mum who was sitting outside on a veranda, talking to the neighbors. She looks unimpressed and with an open mouth she moves inside to see what they had done.

Md Essy: look at what you have done to my suitcases. Do you know how much they cost? Do you know how long it is going to take for me to clean this up? Do you ever think before making any moves?

Meanwhile, Lisa and Diana stood in terror seeming to regret their actions. Md Essy hit both of them with anger and as they cried, she packed two polythene bags, one for each. She puts a few clothes for each of them and chases them away from home. Lisa holds Diana's hand and they move out of the house barefooted and in tears. The neighbors laugh about the matter and don't take it serious but continue to stare and the kids departing. They move to a nearby shop and sit outside to wait for their dad to come back.

(This was my first day of being chased away from home at the age of 4. I got frightened but to the people that saw us, it seemed fun. The shop lady gave us some eats and we managed to survive till evening when dad came back. He managed to take us back into the house and we had supper together. He gave each of us Ugshs 100 and we went to sleep. I could here voices in my sleep. Some people were talking. I went to peep in the sitting room and yes, it was mum and dad. )

Mum: I am just trying to tell you that you have to provide for the family. If you leave no money what do you expect me to use at home.

Dad: I am trying hard too. I won't just steal to maintain you. Appreciate the little I bring here because there are women who fully provide for their families.

Mum: you don't even try you just spend all the money with your hoes and leave us starving. You don't sleep home many days and when you go broke you come here.

Dad: this is my house Esther am the one who pays the rent. Pay me a little respect because I give you where to sleep.

Mum: of course you have to because am your wife and I have your children. That's what any responsible man does.

Dad: if you feel like you are tired of here you are free to leave. I don't mind losing you. There are many women willing to stay with me regardless of who I am.

Mum: see! That's what am saying. You are not even trying to keep the family together. You are so proud because you think you are so perfect. But I know you more than all your hoes and trust me no one can understand you more than I do.

Dad: do u define understanding by complaining. And you said I have hoes! That makes you a hoe too. You are among my hoes.

Mum: what! Ezra! Did you really call me a hoe? You are also a hoe, a male prostitute. No one desires a man like you. You are a male bitch.

(Before my mum could say anything else, my dad landed on her and started hitting her so bad. I came out to their sight and started crying. Even though mum hit me during day, I didn't wish that for her. I looked for ways of helping but dad was strong. I ran back to bed but still held the coin they had given me earlier. In terror as I panicked I swallowed the coin and it got stuck in my throat. I feared to tell my parents who were already fighting. I took lots of water and hit my chest till I managed to get it down. I managed to sleep again till morning. That night was the last time I met my dad in my young age. I grew up missing him and imagining what a complete family looked like. I asked my mum many questions about him and wanted to visit him. My mum said nothing and always switched the conversations. That is when it started. The habit of admiring those who had a family. My dad was my best friend and I was his favorite. He had promised to buy me alot of things for my birthday. He used to carry me whenever he came back home and those are the moments I wanted to enjoy forever. I wondered why they couldn't settle things and get back. I had my mum on my side but wished things would be different if dad was there.)