
Blind Villain become Master of Big villains

In dark place a person who watched his seven life's but seeing all this only curse come out from his mouth. because in his all life's that he live the only word he found that he was a" Villain" in all his life's and die in horrible death but all things happen to him was because of some supreme god or god's . suddenly god come in this place who give him opinion to go world that created by merging of hundred or more novels . after some argue he accept his offer and sign agreement but what happened next is more interesting than anything. ...... English is not my fist language so if you found any mistakes, sorry for that. enjoy please.

Davil_Angle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

74. Fight Against Monster

Jessica POV

Leaving room I found few people I hallway as I start asking questions about location of person in Demon Mask who's name ' Sir Karma' as hearing his name many people show fear and not tell anything about him as I am not force them will asking another person until found answer.

After recover full of my power for time being by absorbing all energy in food I eat and drink specials water but I am confident that I can easily defeat few peoples at Rank 5-6 warrior or mage who not reach their full potential just like we back then before getting train by that Anthony (Monster).

In this process I am found many surprises like there are more than thousand people of different races as our Demons and other are Elf's, Demi-beasts people but most shocking is there is Moon rabbits race which are very rare race even in Middle Realm.

Also even though our race had hateful race in all place but here all things are different as no one showing signs hatred that we mostly face as demons and there no one capture or harming Moon rabbits or even knowing what kind of benefits they will get if they get one.

By the way, this is not important as things I am saw in this process as there is very much big Farm field which spread more than 10 kilometers and inside it had many High level spiritual trees, crops, vegetables and few other things which can create war between empires even in Middle Realm.

If that was not enough then there is each and every room had mechanism that summon shadow clone like bodyguards which attack on person when it's found killing intent from anyone, which make me delay in finding location of that person.

When I am running from that shadow clone as it's make me feel sense of danger from it as I found that it's not able to leave room and that was great news for me because I tried fight against one of them but it's create weapons from its body which can make me bleed by its attack as it's not enough then it's repair itself or make clones itself which make me impossible to kill it.

Later when I am running in hall to find person as I found one room that locked by special spells and even many attack on it it's not had any scratch as in this process I am found by small female rabbit who's name is Maria.

" Hallo, Miss. Who are you ? What are you doing in front of Sir Karma room ? and are you from Damian group ?" ask Maria

Hearing her words, idea appear on my mind as I used my acting skills to know about that person who she calling Sir Karma.

" Hallo small child. My name is Jessica and I am Damian's mother. As for why I am here? Well it's become I am come here to thank Sir Karma to take care of my family and cure me."

" So, your mother of Damian and Ria. Well, if you want to know where is Sir Karma, then he is outside of cave which you found if you go straight in direction where you come."

" Thank you, well I don't know your name?"

" Oh, it's Maria. And no need to thank as it's my duty to help people in this place."

After thanking her, I left that place because if I am not did that then powerful people in cave come after me or my children's try to stop me in fear that person not hurt me.

From this way indeed to using forceful way, I used my acting skills to make her believe on me that I am here to meet Sir Karma and to not look suspicious as I told her that I am Mother of Damian who just got cure by person name Sir Karma and I come here to thank him to take good care of my family.

On my words she not able to doubt on me as I already heard things from Ria like person name Sir Karma help me, family and people but I am not believe on it as nothing is free in the world and he making my children's work for him are proof of this.

And, I had doubt that he had some I'll motive behind all things that I am not sure but I not going let something bad happens with my family not like before and as for other things, I am not care.

Running towards cave entrance few minutes I am reach to entrance when I feel few people following me as increase my speed and after getting out of cave I feel little cold as I saw all area covered in snow.

In this area there many trees or big rocks cover in snow which creates Beautiful view but my focus on person in Demon Mask who are standing in that snow around few Kilometers away from me as without wasting I rushed towards him to attack on him.

Yes, I am know that I need to talk with him first to clear things between us but I am just wake from my unconscious state and found my children's working for someone about I am know nothing as I am not taking risk by leaving my children's to such person hands.

Before fight against him I used some spells on my clothes as they not get damage or something happen that left me in embarrassing situation as after doing it I start run towards him.

Using 'Shadow Steps' I am reach near to him in few seconds as attack on him with my fist but like he sense my attack as he dodged the attack. Finding that he dodge from my sneak attack I feel little shock but recover quickly and look at him to know his next move.

But after seeing him I am scared little as his Mask and all features make him look like perfect Demon that scared anyone in their dreams. After recovering from shock I attack him once again with fists and this time he also attack on me fists.

Well, I am found that his power are same as me or he just hiding his power but it's not important as my mind now fill with though as how I found that he dodge one of my fist attack.

When he attack me with his fist as he dodge from one of my fist and seeing his attack reach at me as I punch on his fist to block attack that aim on my face.


As our fist clashed with each other, I found that person in front of me had more powerful than me as just by impact of attack we bounce back to few meters away from each other and I feel terrible pain in my hands that recover quickly thanks for my healing ability & Recover ability of body.

" Jessica. Do you know what are you doing even knowing that I help of your family and cure you?

And if you have so much energy then go used it in helping your children's in their work or training."

Hearing his voice shiver run through my spine as he said that in cold murder voice but I am not scared by him by thinking he same case like Amaya back then as I take battle position as not want to take risk from my experience he give me feeling that I stood front of dangerous and when he said that word that make my doubt about he just acting highly as I am become confidant.

" Well, thanks for helping us but in exchange for making my children's work for you are your biggest mistake you have do in your life. Now relise my children's and in comparison that you make them work for you give half of Farm field spiritual things.

As for what I am doing ? Of course, I am teaching lesson to that person who took advantage of our situation and make my cute children's work for him.

Also I know that you are one who left letter in room as you know about who really I am and even then you asking me for work for you, then you dreaming.

Oh, and if you know about me then you also know how dangerous I am as if you not want to kill by me then surrender to me and…..

Before I am finished my words as I feel sense of danger as I dodge from his attack that reach to big rock which blast into many pieces as I understand that this person not going to surrender.

" I think you misunderstood something as I am not going compromise or something but you cross line. So shall we dance."

Suddenly I feel funny that he asked me for dance as even though I am beautiful and young looking as he asked me to dance make me little confused before he attack on me with his kick which make me clear that he asking for fight with this way.

Knowing that I anger the person front of me as I become serious as stated attack him will increase my speed and in minute we exchange many attack as my some attack hit him but not show any signs of effect as his attack leave me with great pain.

Fighting with him I used trick that hit and run as in this your opponent became confused give me chance to make powerful attack but my trick backfire on me.

As I increase my speed to hit him and after leading first fist on his face in speed I am become happy by result and my happiness not seen by as when that person after getting hit by me not move as I used my kick will making target his head.

In last movement when my attack reach to head as he disappeared from his position and I am become shock by his speed but before I understand anything, I feel strong pain in my stomach and when I saw him as it's already too late.

By impact of punch, I send off flying towards big tree but twisted my body in mid air and landed on snow ground that now had no snow around as all snow fly away by impact of previous attack.

I feel some hot liquid coming from my mouth as when I touch it with my hands I am found that it's my own blood but seeing it I feel anger and excitement as after long time I fighting against someone powerful just like back then when I am in Middle Realm.

Smile appear on my face unknown to me as we start attack on each other with fists and kicks as I found that he not used any Mana or Aura in this process which is made me angry by thinking he looked down at me.

My attack start getting stronger and sharper each passing time as I increase my speed as he also did same but even increasing power, I am not able to defeat him make me frustrated as in anger I am start using my combat skills.

Even then it's not change that I am not able to defeat him after using combat arts that I learn from Anthony and increase my Mastery over them over many years by killing monsters or fighting against powerful people.

Half hour passed as I am now cover with many wounds that recovering in fast speed but what distributing me is person in Demon Mask who's not any signs of losing in battle and on top of that I found that he not even serous in fight as I decided to fight with him with weapons which are Two handed Daggers.

He also took out his weapon that was a wooden sword and seeing this I am not say anything but try to sense what kind of Sword it was as found its made from same wood that used in door which I am attack.

As we take our battle position as I used Aura Coting on weapon and he did same that shock me as I feel his aura more powerful than me which proves that he had better mastery over his aura but now I am not able to take steps back as I saw my Children's looking me with hope & anxiety and I am not going to disappoint them.

But not happen that I expect as battle between me and Sir Karma keep this battle until hour as I found that my fight against him before just jock as in this battle he show me real despair by not giving single chance to lead my attack on him even though I used each one every single technique, skills or bloodline ability to defeat him. In this process of battle or I call it one-sided battle as I am just got beaten by him brutally until I got cover in my own blood.

Even after that he not satisfy as he used healing magic in this process to keep battle long as in end of this I found I am not facing person but a MONSTER same as Anthony.. no, he even more dangerous than him as I sense his killing intent when I try to kill him with my powerful attack ( that he dodge) and it's disappear quality without leaving trace.

After sensing his killing intent, I got feeling that I forgot long time ago , Fear of Death. Yes, it's make relies that person who's name Sir Karma had powerful to kill me but not killing me he show gap between us and give message that if I try anything funny then he can kill me brutality.

Suddenly I feel my body got Paralyze by fear and before understand anything I feel something sharp thing on my neck as all my memories of my Both life's start playing front of me and I feel unwilling to die on this stage.

My mind suddenly fill with countless thoughts like things I have to do, promise that I have do with Amaya, keep promise that I did with Zoey & myself to keep my family safe and many more as I take important decision, Surrender.

Sir Karma also not say anything as used healing magic on me that make me scared little by thinking he going to start battle again but he not did that as just fly toward all people who under some kind of barrier and after reaching to them first thing I did was huge Damian and Ria as start crying.

Well, I know that you think about I am doing acting but not this time as I feel that I lost all that close to me and that make me cry as I already know feeling to loose someone who close to me as friend like Zoey, Amaya ( like cute sister) and big brother like Anthony ( Devil) as I not want feel same thing.

As I feel little better after crying as I hear voice of that monster who reason for my this condition who give me and Ria punishment of training ground as he said complete 10 rounds of training ground and 3 to Ria as she show despair which make me confuse by thinking about why she reacts like this.

Before leaving that place as enter in cave I look back at place where we just fought and shiver run through all our body by seeing Sean pure destruction all over in place as I found that I was come back from front of Death door.

After that he give some instructions and get back to place where we had our battle just now and I became embarrassed as same Moon Rabbit girl call me ' Bad Aunty' and 'liar' which make Damian and Ria Lough as I feel relieved as they not angry with me.

Just like this we talk many things that left in half as I left to fight against that Monster and I found myself embarrassed by misunderstanding him ' bad person' as until now he not do anything or make something that make people in cave think bad for him, just leave things like training, his look and few things that not matter.

I spent my day with Damian and Ria as they guide me in introduction of places in cave as I face some people who look me with strange look and I not say anything as I spend time with my children's.

'Hmm, I am forgetting something.'

"Mother, what are you thinking?" ask Ria.

" Oh, nothing. So what are you telling me?"

" We telling you about rules of cave, please keep focused." Said Ria with pout.

Seeing her like this I am not trying to remember what I am forgetting in this process.

Inside Special chamber room

" Jessica, are you there? If you there then help me get some clothes and give me some food & water as I need to meet our children's."

No reply

30 second later…..

" Jessica, I know that you are joking with me but it's not funny."

5 minutes later….

After he not found Jessica in room.

" Hallo, anyone there who can give me clothes and call my family, please."

" Sir Karma, please help me as I am sorry what I did before. At last give me some clothes to cover myself."

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