
Blind Villain become Master of Big villains

In dark place a person who watched his seven life's but seeing all this only curse come out from his mouth. because in his all life's that he live the only word he found that he was a" Villain" in all his life's and die in horrible death but all things happen to him was because of some supreme god or god's . suddenly god come in this place who give him opinion to go world that created by merging of hundred or more novels . after some argue he accept his offer and sign agreement but what happened next is more interesting than anything. ...... English is not my fist language so if you found any mistakes, sorry for that. enjoy please.

Davil_Angle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

72. Past of Jessica (part 2)

Jessica POV

After we die by hands of Hero who's name is Jack and when I die, from his hands as something strange happened as I am send back in time when I meet with Amaya but I am not only one who got send back in time as Amaya and few other people who got send back in time.

This time I am decide to not repeat same mistake that became reason to get killed by Hero from human Empire and this time when I am meet to Amaya as I am guilty and grateful at same as when she meets me she started crying after hugging me tightly.

For some reason she knows that I am also send back in time as I am found from her behavior and she also basically found it from my behavior as she started say that she wanted to go home.

Hugging me tightly she told me her how much she scared when she killed by someone as that is her first time to experience that kind of thing as she not had any experience with fight of life and death.

When I decided to not repeat same mistake this time but this time something happen that shock both of us as Anthony not come from entrance like before as he now sitting on Thrown which mostly cover with skeleton heads or bones of different types animals or living beings.

As we saw him when he siting on throne in comfortably as had closed his eyes as thinking something as we look him with strange look become back then he not behave like this. Not able to hold herself Amaya ask him in anger.

" Anthony, what are you doing ? Are you..

" Are you done with your acting, Selina? "

Suddenly we heard cold and scary voice that send shivers down to our entire body but as I look at Amaya who had shock expirations on her face when she heard that.

" Who-who are you and how did you know about my real name?"

" Well, let's reintroduce myself as our last meeting not good as you guys get busy with each other.

Hallo, My name is Anthony and I am one of General who work for you but I have many identity's as one of them is that strange light ball that you guys meet in that dark place.

As for how I am know about your name, then I am know more than you about yourself as when, where, how you born and how are your life, also many things that you ask me when we are in that Dark place.

Any further questions, but before asking questions keep in mind that, No personal information or off the topic talks or Anything that not important to you, Okay?"

Both of us look each other as Amaya or should I call her ' Selina' who give me serious look as I am understand that she wants to talk with Anthony in private as I left room will try to hear their talks but found that because of some barrier around room as I am not able to hear anything.

Few minutes passed as barrier around room disappear and I enter in room but seeing Sean front of me I am become shock as Salina are crying with sad face will she had strong killing intent around her.

When she saw me as she clean her face and hide killing intent to not let me know and I am not ask anything about it when I understand she are in not condition to tell me anything about what happened.

After entering in room she told me that Anthony will help us in handling matter and train us but in exchange we have to follow his orders and provide him resources that his price for all his efforts or Hard work.

I am feel frustrated by knowing that Anthony to made Salina work for him as on top of that he wanted to ask price for his work. When I ask expression from him, that he not give as I am challenge him for fight in anger as if he win then we work for him and if he loss the then he work for us in free but I regret on my decision in end.

Before fight against Anthony, Salina warn me to not fight with Anthony for my own good and of course, I ignored it by thinking of she want to save Anthony as he look good and attractive as I get more angry by thinking that he using Salina as his shield.

But my illusion break as after fight with Anthony, I am laying on floor half death and only 1% H.P. will cover in blood which is my own. Salina who next to me crying as she ask help as Anthony used healing magic on me, I am come back to my top condition.

" Now I am win and with this you guys follow my instructions and provide resources as my payment.

Also next time I will used more brutal way as torture if anyone tried to act funny , Okay?" On him words we both nod as he sit again on thrown of bones and skeleton heads of different races will close his eyes as acting like nothing happens.

We both look him in horror as he not even take minute to finish battle and we both fight with each other with same power, just he is another level as he used only few combat moves to send me such condition.

Later I am understand that why she stopping me as not become she care about Anthony but Because she not want to harm me as suddenly I checked Status Screen of Anthony and yes, until now I am not check anyone else Status Screen as I thought no one powerful as me in this palace.

[ Status Screen

Name : Anthony ( ?????)

Gender : Male

Rank : ???

Race : Low level Vampire

Power : ?????

Titles : Monster, Death Rider, Terror, (???) level Dragons Killer, ??? Level Battle Strategist, ??? Level Martial Master, ??? Level Combat Master, ??? Level Magic Scholar, Worlds Traveler, Devil,…..

Class : General of Demon Queen (Vampire Queen)

Bloodline : None

S. Physics : None


You are weaker than person that information you want to see, please get strong enough if want to see more info in it's Status Screen.]

Seeing all this shiver run through my spine as on time l though it's fake but as I look toward where Salina standing as she look me with as nod to make clear my doubt.

I am understand that person in front of us not person but Monster in humanoid form as in fear I found that my lags not listen my command as Salina help me to standing up and from then Anthony become our Boss but in shadows.

Before working for him, I ask him promise that be not do something bad or dirty things with us or anyone who work with us as he agreed with without asking questions and to not break promise we take Mana oaths on each other reasonable conditions.

Later as he start Train us for few years as start teaching many things like different languages of different types races, Combat arts, battle strategies, Politics of this world, help us to train in killing monsters and many more things that proves that his titles not jokes as our training like hell level hard.

And he just teach us Intermediate level and that also powerful but too much powerful as even after learning from him we not have guts to face him in fight as he beat us brutality when he come in battle or fight.

Few years passed as in this process we get Powerful with help of his training, developed territories, solve problems like food for poor people in empire like food, water, Shelter, medical facilities, education system, security and many more as we found there more transmigrated people in game as with help of them in exchange for far trade that beneficial to both of us.

Of course, when we meet them we used different identity's like our game characters name or other things because we not want to anyone found about our existence which creates problems for us.

Buy the way, I have to say that Anthony had Oscar winner acting skills as far he work with us in front of everyone as loyal General of Vampire Queen and no one able to doubt on him as he is one who train us or reason Where we now and he is our boss.

Also many people work under as they are followers of Vampire Queen in game. And Anthony keep his promise as he not do anything wrong or dirty things with us as he just focus on train us.

Few her subordinates summon by Salina with help of her system who is Mostly Shadow demon, fox Demon, Snake demon, Bull Demon, Dark Elf as we are seven and in this process my brother also summon by Salina but let's ignore him.

And before you ask about it, I am know nothing as she keeps it secret from everyone. Also few join as her followers as in this process if anyone try to create problems then face Anthony.

Fear of Vampire Queen spread so no one in her followers try to betray or another empire try to create problems as we not give them any chance by solving problems from roots and thanks to help of Anthony.

We found few people who work under us are talented but weak as us just like we before train by Anthony as Salina give task to Anthony for train them and of course, he do this exchange for resources as he said nothing is free in this world and we also agree with this as nothing is free in world.

In this process we found there many other who like Salina transmigrated people and we help them in exchange for they help us as after all things got stable to start plot of game, in this Protagonist of world name Jack start his adventures but now we want to live in this world as ask help from Anthony because he knows many things.

He told us three ways but of course, in exchange for materials that we had and we not had any problem with it as we understand his natural already or that we thought.

After getting material he tell Three way to survive from our ending in this game.

1. Give someone our place and we take its place as that person die in our place.

2. When fight with Jack (Hero) as create fake Sean of our death and after fake death live with different identity.

3. Kill Protagonist or become his herms, subordinate.

Hearing his way we become shock and think about what kind way we choose as first one is good but Amaya ( keep game name as she not want her past life name for some reason) not want someone innocent die because of us or someone used this to do anything bad as we not agree with this.

Third one is also not good as become Protagonist Hermes, subordinates or killing them only create problems as far I learn from Amaya.

So we decided to used second one as we try experiment on myself as one day when my part in game getting over as after successfully created Sean of my death I was free from plot of killed by Hero but problem arise as I can't stay there or got killed by Jack as trades of death not left from me and do not worry as my curse mostly left after my first death.

One day we got guest and I am know them as one of them are my subordinate who got married in my past life as we not see her again. And yes, we did something like that because we create mess as die by hands of Hero before time.

Now back to topic, as who come meet us are Spartan and Zoey, also They are Emperor and empress of lower Realm empire which name is Black Citadel. Zoey is subordinate from my past life and when Spartan & Zoey fall in love as we help them to get married.

And one more thing that time line of different as now I am meet Zoey and Spartan who are become old as they live in lower Realm that not effect by activities in game that happens in Middle Realm.

The reason why they come here because promise that we made back then which I thought jock as she promised me after she had son who come to age of marriage, then she make him marry with me.

But there I am not say anything as opportunity came to my front and this is perfect chance to avoid problems, just don't want to leave and I am not know what kind person is son of Zoey, David.

Later seeing my condition Anthony give 'Free' advice that after they complete their task in game they come with me as I am agree with this suggestion.

Year passed as all generals of Amaya complete their task in game as Amaya also did and very next day we make trip for lower Realm as I am excited and nervous at same time.

It's take us few months to reach as distance are billion kilometers even though we using our full speed, just leave Anthony who not even use his half speed as we dich in sweat in this trip many times.

The trip get very smoothly as we not face any bandits, wild monsters or something for some reason and after reaching in palace of Black Citadel Empire we found something shocking as someone take over entire palace and people who take it are people who work under Emperor, Spartan.

On this time we help him to clear all mess but found son of Zoey missing as we found that people who took empire send assassins to kill David as to save him Amaya send Anthony on My request.

Not even day pass as Anthony come back with handsome young demon in Royal family clothes who had scared expression on his face before he became shock after knowing I am his fiancé and you think right, that he is David.

That time I am introduce myself as Jessica indeed of Lilith as I am already told Zoey about change my identity and few other things when she take Mana oath as she agreed to this to keep secret.

Well, after knowing about him I am fall in love with him as he also fall in love with me as I found that his behavior like Amaya as my love for him increase by feeling we both made from each other.

After we done with formalities and checked all things as I want as we got engaged with each other but there is some problems and that is empire in Chao because of matter of attack on empire, mess create by people who attack on empire and train David as he needs to become strong to handle empire.

To train David Amaya appointed Anthony to train David as it's take ten years as David face hell level training , learn how to handle affairs in empire and many things that important to become emperor as on that time other Generals handle most affairs in empire will I am start learning about housework to become nice housewife for David becomes he doing so much for me.

Ten years passed in flash as day of Marriage come and we get blessings from many people as well as many gifts. Also David took payment of Anthony's hard work (training) which is Emperor Level Spiritual Fruit and few other things as because of some emergency they left as David hiding from Anthony.

When Amaya are leaving as I am promise her that if I had son in future, then I will make him her Groom as she became embarrassed on his matter but I am saying truth as time I am spend with her as I found she is become lonely & sad after I am get married and I am not able to see this as we had relation more like caring Sisters or friends in time we spent with each other.

Later we got news from Amaya that Anthony die in Sky God Dungeon in process of killing Star child when Star child destroy himself to kill Anthony, well, Star child is creature that most terrifying being from ancient war times. This news we got from Communication device that Amaya gifts me but after that we lost contact with them.

Before leaving Anthony ask for us not do something stupid if we found he die one day as we feel powerless but knowing Amaya safe as we feel little relive, just we not know her Where about now.

Few years later as David parents also passed because of their age as after he fall in depression as we got close in this process and after few years we get result as I give birth Boy next year and two years later a girl as we give name to them Damian and Ria.

As time passes and Damian and Ria grow up as passing time, my relation with David always good as he not even though about another women. In this process I handle all affairs of empire as David train Damian to make him warrior will Ria train by me to become mage.

My life happy before one day David start act strange as keep distance from me and not getting Yang energy from him I am fall in unconscious state and in time I wake up many things already happen that you guys already know as I Am not waste your time in explaining and Big story in short as when I was wake from unconscious state as I am on Ice Bird Island.

And after what happened with me I will tell you another time, until then take care of yourself.