
Blind Villain become Master of Big villains

In dark place a person who watched his seven life's but seeing all this only curse come out from his mouth. because in his all life's that he live the only word he found that he was a" Villain" in all his life's and die in horrible death but all things happen to him was because of some supreme god or god's . suddenly god come in this place who give him opinion to go world that created by merging of hundred or more novels . after some argue he accept his offer and sign agreement but what happened next is more interesting than anything. ...... English is not my fist language so if you found any mistakes, sorry for that. enjoy please.

Davil_Angle · Fantasy
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81 Chs

6. Rike past and Unconscious women . 1

I born in dungeon like World and my tribe is very happy that time and my mother is tribe chief , I had big sister and big family of moon rabbit .

As we moon rabbits we got power from moon and in our world we have world system show us our information and level , to get level you have to kill any monster, Do quests Or jobs related profession .

My mother had highest level that time and everyone in tribe respect her from there heart . My mother give me name Rike and made me future tribe chief .

All of us very happy but one day out tribe attack by wolf and undead monster army and our tribe warriors battle with them with our strength there very low chance we loss battle but other army had many tricks in their sleeves as battle going on over side.

Later With My mother and tribe warriors seeing battle not going well my mother take gamble and said everyone to leave dungeon and go to human city and after battle over she picks everyone and send elders with us for guaranty not happen anything to us.

Leaving our home we start run towards city Beautiful buildings and with hiding from humans .

Reaching city we see reality of city, which looks beautiful for fair long distance are look fill with pollution and full of people , as we hide many places for not found by enemy or humans .

In process hiding we only eat small portion from Trash bins and some time of Trashy alleyway but my sister is not eat vary well and one day lost in some alleyway in our travel process .

We try 3 days and nights but not able to find her and after my mother return back to we found her with her but that time she vary weak and my mother first gets us all with her and after that she dropped us New dungeon vary fair away from our old home. My mother tell us about battle and we won but many warriors are die in process .

We get good news for my mother as she had crossed level 1000 and she now had inter in World Class , so we not have to afraid any monster .

But real problem are already started as my sister had meet with human child and he gives her his food even after he had no food and he injury all over body.

Listening her we all feel sympathy for his and my sister ask mother to help him and want to come with her to help him but mother said her health not well and there will be danger so not give her permission to come with her .

Will my mother is go to help the human child , I looking for our new house but as I opened door One of the tree house I shock because there a human sleeping on bed .

As he séance my presence he got up and smile at me , I am about to shout loudly for help he come front of me and my voice stack in my mouth and I got unconscious but before that I séance my mother aura around and drop on floor.

After opening my eyes my mother tell me about the person in house is savior of her and he in problem so he stayed with us but I feel my mother very angry on him for some reason after coming back from helping human child.

Few years passed as I train by my mother and with my sister but my sister more talented than me and I am really happy with this.

Suddenly one day my mother and sister talk with each other and next day my sister send to unknown place and no one knows about this and after my mother tell everyone that safe so we else but I had feeling situation not simple and big problem taking place .

Later 1 year passed away and I see my sister again but she is unconscious in my mother hands and have violent energy inside her as she going to breakthrough but I worry about why she unconscious in first place.

Asking questions to mother she said she eat powerful human ash and get sudden breakthrough so she got unconscious. Not able to doubt on her I get back to training with else mind.

My sister breakthrough next level and all of us calibrate with her but I don't see happiness on her face as she not happy and want to go find something or someone but I think it might my hallucination so I don't pay attention on it .

Later on my sister go to another adventure and we all pay her our best wishes .

After 6 months my sister come back with a human with black hair and eyes which rare in this world and my sister had happy expression again on her face and finally realized why my sister had not happy with us because she in love with this human but seeing my mother had no objection I also agree .

After human go to person house who lives with us and there some noise start as someone shouting on someone but my mother cover area with soundproof barrier and we not listen any further .

Some time later human come with upset and crying face and many questions starts appear in my mind but knowing answer never able to come out in this situation so we keep quiet.

My sister decided travel with the human and strangely enough my mother gives permission after discussing with that person and agree with request.

After leaving us they travel many countries and human always come contact with trouble but save by my sister or some strike of luck and come with become more powerful but one day he and my sister come some people ( girls ) and they chase by enemy so to save them we start war with them for unknown reasons and in war all humans are powerful and some had unique ability's but in all the war human with my sister start attacking on nearly died human and kill stealing from my people but all he show as he helped us and all people believe on it , stupidity you think but for some reason we not able to blame him.

War continue as strong man from human camp come forth , he looked like old person but give séance of danger so our most powerful people come forth to face him and in powerful people my mother one of them as well as my sister but as battle start we found power of this person which powerful than my mother .

Seeing low chance to win I tell them to run away but they protect person which my sister love and in process my mother and sister got killed and the person who they save all above life he only focus on powerful person and found chance he kill him and breakthrough next level and will after doing all of this what we got , our people die , my family destroyed and what we got is just sorry and thank you , really just a fucking thanks and sorry and I don't see and sadness for my people or my mother or sister .

I really want to kill him but in last movement of life my sister ask me for not killing him and my mother asked me take care of tribe when she leaves us. In last movement I sow the person who my sister love vary much realis a wolf and undead on opposite camp and I feel my life just a joke .

Without saying anything to that person I Cary my mother and sister body and leave for new home with all left peoples .

After few days we found unknown dungeon and we enter at that dungeon with all people as we enter with all peoples portal of dungeon got close and we send to this island from other side of portal , in time traveling in dungeon we found many danger but we come alive and with some food, water and herbs for insured people.

There another thing happened when we enter in portal as we lost our World System that we work for all of our life but in end we don't able to do anything as we understand that things given by someone you not able to keep as in end you loose it .

After coming in this island problem not solve as we get out of portal the body's of my mother and sister absorbed by strange ice cube size as human and it not break after many days attacks , in end we only give up .

Some days later dungeon got close and we trapped in this island but we got lucky to have enough fruits for survive few years . Many years come and go and I tried many times break ice cube but it never break.

But in few years we know that in cave a powerful monster live in as first time I try and inside cave I see many water source , to taste water I drink little sip but after drinking water a wolf monster come in me and seeing he powerful I run to my house .

Strangely but he never come outside of cave and after few days I feel change in my body as more powerful but thinking about strange water I feel because of water and fear about that wolf monster .