
Blind Villain become Master of Big villains

In dark place a person who watched his seven life's but seeing all this only curse come out from his mouth. because in his all life's that he live the only word he found that he was a" Villain" in all his life's and die in horrible death but all things happen to him was because of some supreme god or god's . suddenly god come in this place who give him opinion to go world that created by merging of hundred or more novels . after some argue he accept his offer and sign agreement but what happened next is more interesting than anything. ...... English is not my fist language so if you found any mistakes, sorry for that. enjoy please.

Davil_Angle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

44. Beginning Of New Life (Part 2)

Jasmine POV--------

Okay, let's start with when I am front of Sir Karma room as I don't who's room is this and my necklace pendant start attract toward that room but I use some Mana to control it.

It's first time that Seed Of World Tree showing this kind of behavior and I am feel that something inside that World Tree seed want to get.

But just as I heard that this room is Sir Karma as I take step back and Seed also become calm .

As for why he calm it's because of fear, Yes. It's not totally World Tree seed as it's something similar to it like Demi-seed of World Tree and in this world there total seven World Trees seed as world tree guarded by High Elf's.

Also I don't tell you but my empire people mostly wood Elf's and only few nobles or Royal family process Natural element but as we in lower Realm as it's not consider to go higher realm.

Let me tell you about this Demi- World Tree seed soul are of a girl or female as I found after taking with her and she is who help me to found island which can float in air with help of levitation runes.

In process of reaching island we face few wild monsters that attack on us but got killed by us and in all this process this Seed not show any fear even though we face few powerful enemies and they run away from some reason.

After that as we reach near to this island as seed show signs of fear like it's start trembling as it's scared of something and we face that fear which is Monster who's name is Sir Karma.


'Someone talking behind my back?'

Opps, well he not bad person but seeing him torture spy's in our group I feel fear in my heart then what is this poor soul of Seed front of him.

We don't waste any time as we follow Miss Yuran as she show us way to Farm field where people going to work or get some experience from that place.

As few minutes later we reach out of big entrance which covers by fog but I can sense inside it had some valuable things as I can get gut feeling.

After as we enter in room we shock by seeing inside many heavenly treasure like high grade fruits and spiritual liquid that can make people or emperor of many empires war with each other.

Then there are areas of different fields like area for spiritual fruits trees, crops, vegetables and herbs as there as far I can see all area around few kilometers are filled with that kind of things.

In this place many runes like light magic runes on sealing and near the ground as there enough light but we don't able to see end of this place.

Few hours passed away as we saw many different types consumables think about we don't know anything as we only have knowledge of lower Realm.

I found that this place made from someone in few years ago as I found that as I discussed with some elders of our group.

Later many things I found new as who create this place and many others things that created curiosity inside me.

As for not able to control my curiosity I ask Miss Yuran some questions and what happened or what I did was my regret as I want to curse my big Mouth.

" Miss Yuran, can I ask you some questions from you about something ?" I ask.

" Yes, Miss Jasmine. What do you want ask from me as if it's in my ability to give answer then I can tell you.

But I am not able to tell anything personal information about if you need."

What I am asking are making my heart beat more fast as if I say anything wrong then my headless body next to my head or more terrible.

" No, it's okay. Then can you tell us about what kind of person is sir Karma and why he what to us to work for him.

Oh, don't get wrong as he have enough power that he no need to any other person to do something for him as he had many valuable things with him."

" About that, when I meet him first I also feel fear from him but as time pass as we found he nice person as he don't force us to do any dirty work as we only have to take care of cave.

Just don't crossed line he had set or I don't know which person who able to save you in this place as you have to face punishment of training ground.

As for why he ask you for work for him as guardian of island or other people to do work for him .

Well as Master said to me who knows which powerful enemy we have face as he needs time to his training as all people handle all affairs as he get enough time for training to become powerful."

I feel little shock as thinking about that monster want to become more powerful than now but thinking about who knows how much powerful people present in this world as I keep silent.

Hearing her words all people keep silent for movement as all nod and I ask next question.

" What kind of punishment is you calling Punishment Of Training Ground and what happened if you face training ground?

Well I am asking you because I am also going to train by you in training ground."

I said with some hesitation as she found little embarrassed to ask that kind of thing.

" We'll , well we give this name to this punishment as you need to do some extra workout set in training ground.

And even one extra workout set can make your condition painful as you tried by mentally and physically to you became unconscious."

All people surprise by hearing and become curries to know what kind of workout that even make fear in Moon rabbits or person front of them.

" What kind of workout you taking about?"

" It's not much but for children 20 push-ups, sit-ups, crunch and one round of children training ground.

For adults it's will be twice in adults training room as powerful people in our group go three or six times more workout then normal adults.

As for me , I need to do 1000 push-up, sit-ups, crunch and 20 rounds of training ground." Miss Yuran said.

Hearing her words all people start laugh and In one of them I also one as I become part of punishment that we going to face because of our arrogance.

Well let me tell you about something that clear things here. As Elf we have honorable race as everyone see us with respect and praise us for our talent.

But here we have to work under someone who Weak then us are very big Humiliation for us as many people start insult them and I am one of them.

Many people called our race weak in physics as we don't have any Powerful physics like ORC or reproduction system like any other races as we most depends upon World Tree or Mana to get powerful.

Even then we have more powerful than Moon rabbits or Miss Yuran who front of us which only able to do little workout and get unconscious.

Well , to tell you truth I and many others feel envy of them and our pride hurts by know that we going train by someone who weak then us.

What happened with us going to tell you Damian . We look toward Damian who had fruits in his mouth.

" What?" Damian.

"It's your turn to tell about what happened." Damian look us and nod as we start eating our food as Damian Drink spiritual water.

Damian POV--------

Few hours passed away as suddenly Miss Jasmine start asking questions about something as we heard conversation between them and not able to hold myself I start Lough loudly.


As she completes her words as other than Moon rabbits all people start laugh loudly as they make many comments.

" How weak are you guys ? Got unconscious after little workout?

I can complete that kind of workout more than 100 time in day." I am said with smile.

Me and my big mouth as I become target of training room punishment. Also not only me but also all people who new here.

" Miss Yuran, sorry but even we Elf's weak in physics by others races as we can do better than that." Said Jasmine.

" Right, as I am fox Demi beast but I can do twice or more than you." Said Flora.

" Well , I don't want to say anything but you guys really weak if you guys get unconscious after little workout." Said Alex.

" Yes, they are right." Said their peoples.

Hearing all their words all Moon rabbits and miss Yuran not say anything but suddenly Miss Yuran said something that creates curiosity in them.

" Oh, really? Then how about we go in training room and show us how powerful people you are?"

At first we found that little strange but we don't have any fear as that Monster take oath of heaven that he don't harm us as same thing apply on everyone's here.

After that we follow Miss Yuran as she show us way to training ground.

In few minutes we reach there and I have to say that this place is enough big that I don't have any problem if I fight with beasts type monster one rank lower than me.

This place have many facilities like weapons area even though they made by wood, swimming area, running ground, area for workout and some other areas.

There some Mana fluctuations and as I try to use my Mana I found its because more smooth after I eat fruits and Drink spiritual water. Even though I am demon but my family had secret that we can able to control Mana better than low level Elf's.

For fear of attract unwanted attention we don't revile that secret and I am think about Ryan know about this because he absorb my father body in front of me but not found my presence.

My father not have Powerful bloodline like me as Ryan become my blood thirsty enemy. That another time talk lest start with training room and as I said ' Me and my big mouth' .

When miss Yuran ask me how much workout I going to do as with someone who show off about himself without knowing anything I said I going to do double of her workout as other three same as me.

In this process they told us about they have different training room for children's and it's criteria are 10-15 years as we check out that room as all people agreed they also participated in this.

After that we start with push-ups as Miss Yuran and other rabbits also participated in this but their aim in workout is lowest as Miss Yuran tell us.

As soon as we start push-ups as we realized that we under gravity formation same as my father us for train me but this is different as this weight increase as I used any Mana or Aura.

In starting I depends on only my physics as I able to complete 100 push-ups as other three are complete 60 to 70 and Miss Yuran complete 500 as her speed fast then us.

First I am confused as why she in such hurry but as 10 minutes passed we found terrible thing and that weight increase by twice each passing 10 minutes.

More 10 minutes passed as Miss Yuran almost done her 1000 push-ups as we stuck in 250 to 300 as mostly now depends on Mana or Aura boost.

The process of workout many people got unconscious but many Moon rabbits almost done with their some workout as they look our people who now unconscious state on floor.

Later as not able to handle this Flora and Alex ask question from Miss Yuran and what answer they got make them unconscious as answer totally hurts their pride.

Few minutes later we also at braking state as Monster enter in room , sorry. Sir Karma enter in room and we ask help from him but what he said make hurts our pride and we got unconscious.

We really want ask them do you have to slap on our face in this extent ?

As only Miss Yuran and Sir Karma are now awake, as all people get unconscious.

In morning when I wake as I am in luxury room which big enough that everyone in our group can stay there and they are there as we are laying same Mushroom beds that we see in Moon rabbits room.

Suddenly we see few people laying near to door as some people who powerful go to check their condition and I found that our all pain is gone as we found that someone use healing magic on us.

As they try to open door as dark shadow appear, beat them badly and disappear like that no there in first place. Seeing all this we become panic and come corner of room as many people start shouting loudly.

Later what happened you already know as Miss Yuran come in room and ask everyone to come in hall that newly created by Sir Karma and many people shock by knowing that every room create by sir Karma.

After that Miss Yuran explain things that shadow is shadow clone of sir Karma and it guard the door . As for how our people get injured, that we found out as Miss Yuran ask other shadow Clones come out.

Later she ask for help as one of them create some kind of liquid as after drinking that all people get heal .

Few minutes later they tell us everything and after know that they heard all conversation between Miss Yuran and Sir Karma as Sir Karma going for rest for a day and Miss Yuran in charge.

Then they tried to take advantage as want to stole some valuable things and run away but got beaten by shadow Clone. Also they act as they become unconscious but have awake all time waiting for chance.

Miss Yuran give them punishment of training ground as our anger turn into pity for them and they become disrepair. Also we found we become little strong after training as many people agreed to do workout in training room ( in limit).

Just like that day pass as we see new home, eat breakfast with each other and many others things.

I and other who newly come here only feel that is 'Beginning of new life'.