
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · Fantasy
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100 Chs

The reveal

Aion had always kept an eye on everyone of them ever since they became teammates, even if it is just a temporary one.

After everything he had done to secure his safety, he had found out that Daizy is the most safest out of them all, and that he needs to even have her by his side.

He had also been surprised at first when the quest popped up and told him about Daizy or more specifically Glyscyra.

[Fate Quest: Aligning with Fate lines.

Type: Continuum Quest 

Details: Fate has in store a story for both of you. Take her in as your comrade and companion.

Rewards: Anchor of existence(2 fragment pieces), Fate dust(×10)

Duration: Thirty minutes.

Penalty: Disrupting the wave of Fate.]

Aion had had it in mind since then you take her in, but he didn't understand why for such a task the quest had required him to make it don't within thirty minutes, but now the thirty minutes had been used up and only four minutes remains till the countdown.

'It seems like someone unprecedented is going to happen in the next four minutes, something that will make it impossible for me to take her in again, hmmm. Seems like I'll have to speed up things.'


"So who accepts this path I've laid out?" Aion asks looking at all of their faces in the dark, he could see Grad and Rill having a conflicted expression showing that they were thinking hard about the situation, while Rack wasn't really concerned as his face was very carefree, he couldn't be bothered with thinking about a situation he doesn't have a choice in.

The eye patched man face was stoic and blank of all expression but it was deep in his eyes one would be able to see the raging hurricane of killing intent swirling in them.

'Now I see, hehe. You are the reason huh! Why don't we make a sudden change of how things should go.' Aion smiles to himself as he makes a plan in his mind.

Rill seeing as his brother was not concerned about the situation and there is also no one to share a thought with, he decides to also let go as he raised his hand up.

"I agree!" Aion takes this as a chance to go o towards Rill and offer him an handshake.

Then on to Rack as well who accepts after his brother accepted, he also offers him an handshake.

"I also accept, there no reason to fight if we can solve it by speaking" as she says this Aion also goes towards her as he offers an handshake, but then he whispers for their ears alone.

"Nice meeting you Glyscyra"

Daisy was shocked as he face almost showed her shock but she understandably reigns it back in.

Daizy looks at the eye patched man from the side of her eyes as she then nods at Aion, whereas he just smiled as he approaches the captain, Grad.

"So what is your choice, are you willing to die here alone or leave here alive and with the team." Grad looks up sharply at Aion.

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it is a warning for your life, a warning for caution and safety of your life."

"What do you mean by that?" Grad narrows his eyes at Aion as he intimidatingly lifts his broadsword.

"What I'm just trying to say is that. I, Rack, Rill, and Glyscyra will be fighting our way out here alive, so it's up to you whether you want to join the battle or you are going to do your own and stay here forever with the dirt.

"Fight your way out? Boy will you stop being a confused prick, you said you negotiated with them, now you're saying you can't leave unless you fight for your life, be straightforward, bastard!" Grad yells at Aion, all his muscles tightening and bulging with veins.

"It is as I said, we'll be fighting our way out as well be fight against him!" Aion points his finger at the eye patched man as he unsheathes his swords and throws them both aside to the Kobole chief that was now dressed for battle, along with someone else. The Kobole champion for the competition. He was also decked in battle wears as he collects a sword from the chief while the chief also uses one.

"Wait wait wait, I don't understand. What's going on?"

Rack and Rill as well saw how the situation was turning from a friendly one to a deadly one. They could also see Daizy whip out her bow and nocks an arrow to it.

"He... Is the true enemy, all this while you've been teammates... With an Ifrit!" Aion conjures his shadow as it swirls around him in waves, causing a new form of terror filled atmosphere.

Out of the shadow comes three figures, D1, Z2 and Z1. The three shadow soldiers are even more better looking than before, they even exude more power than the last they fight the Honip.

Rill and Rack shifts back as they were obviously shocked by the outcome of events. Grad was about to go stop Aion forcefully when he saw a devilishly black weapon also come out of the shadow.

It's handle looks like the pillar used to support the sky from falling, and it is accompanied with one wicked looking soul reaping blade.

Seeing this ominous weapon even grad stops in his track, his eyes running all over the place, thinking up a solution for an escape route, but he didn't think much as a battlecry distracted him.

Turning back he could see Daizy shoot three arrows at once at the eye patched man, he was about to raise his hand for her to stop, untill he saw the man smile and burst up in flames.

The flames were hit and burning, even from a distance they could feel their skin singe and their blood boil. They couldn't open their eyes well and we're using their clothes to block their faces, except for Aion who didn't need to open his eyes in the first place.

He brings out five bead like substance from his inventory, and swallows it, as the system had recognized they were sensory pellets and they increase the sharpness of all the senses all together.

[Mind: 41=>51]

Like a wave of cool air after coming out of the smithy, Aion senses exploded like a surging wave, he smells better, he sees clearer, he hears farther, he could almost taste minerals in the air, and his skin became a living information transmitter receiving even the most slightest of change in the environment.

He pulls out a green foldable hand fan and throws it for Daizy.

"Glyscyra, use that! Fan out the flames!" As he gives the instruction he rushes into the still raging flames.

"Everyone be careful, he was once a Crazed beast but during his breakthrough into the watched realm, he injured and his cultivation backfired dropping him down to third tier of a Boss beast, but he still packs one hell of a punch and he has skills far greater than the ranks of Boss beast" Aion jumps up pivoting his foot on the hand of Z2 that jumped with him, then he twists all the way over the raging inferno that was beginning to settle down.

He sends numerous slash out at the silhouette of the beast body in the flame as his soldiers all attack as well even if they were burning and disintegrating they didn't bother as they reformed back and dished out thier own attacks.

Glyscyra was aiming at where the other attacked, as they threw an attack at that point she would wave the fan at that point as well causing the defensive flame at the are to wane out a bit for the attacks to penetrate better.

The twins were using restraining magic, as rack kept holding the Ifrit down with rocks, but after a few seconds the rocks were melting down to lava, but Rill attacks were even more pitiful, as his water spells and attacks were evaporated even before it could near the Ifrit.

Grad finally snaps out of his surprise as he waves his broadsword and joins the battle, his every slash was capable of generating wind that were almost able to match the one Glyscyra conjured with the fan, but still none of them had actually hit the Ifrit itself, as every attack they gave out were still being blocked by the defensive flames.

The two Koboles were standing away from the battle as Aion had commanded, it was only when the battle had reached a point where the Ifrit was exhausted, only then could they make their moves.

After a consistent attack, the flame barrier wavered and quivered, until it finally shatters, along with it came the roar of the Ifrit. The roar blows up a storm of dust and heat as every one jumps back a distance.

Finally the Ifrit is revealed as it faces Aion with a dangerous expression, "son of he and her that can't be mentioned, you have finally decided to come back home, unfilial child."

"Yes I have come back home, and unfortunately you'll the first opposer I'd be killing."




Sorry for the late drop, caught up in a situation. More love

Tunmise_Phenexcreators' thoughts