
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · Fantasy
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100 Chs

His death

Aion opens his mouth as slight steam ejects from it, his face that was dry and smooth also becomes sweaty and oily, his chest rising and falling without sync, his body is drained of all energy and his legs feel like jelly.

He might seem strong, but everything he does to match the beasts he had been fighting for a while now, is relying on his energy. He's has been stuck at his current level for a while now without knowing the reason why, and he can only train to increase his attributes and not use the cheat method he had been using by leveling up.

So because of that his strength is far below those he is fighting with, and he can only rely on his energy to power and boost his self. So when he had used his energy to power his muscles and bones, after retracting it back his body is always left exhausted, almost similar to the symptoms of an adrenaline aftereffects.

It also is not like he can't use the same method again to power himself up, but his muscles and bones are already exhausted and sore, any further maltreatment he imposes on his body will only lead to a long lasting weakness and being nerfed.

Rack and Rill also breathes heavily as they both share a energy restoration potion, while snacking on some stamina cookies.

"That was a great battle, been a while since I last participated in something so endangering and life threatening, hahaha!" Rill says as he reminisces with his brother who also nods his head while chewing the piece of the cookie in his mouth.

"That's true, but who would have expected such sudden twist. Our teammate was actually a full fledged Ifrit that almost died while trying to breakthrough to the Watcher realm, I'm actually not comfortable with that thought, that we could have died in the nnearest future wondering why our teammate suddenly turned against us, without knowing we were dealing with an Ifrit all this while." Rack speaks his mind warning a few groans from his brother who agrees with him wholeheartedly.

Daizy, or Glyscyra sat on the rocky ground her hands to the back as she leans back and faces the top of the cavern, watching and observing the numerous stalactites at the top of the cavern.

Aion was about to sit on the ground and rest while they wait for the Koboles and Grad, but then something just feels odd to him.

'Something is up, why would I suddenly feel wary... Wait did I even receive any kill notification? No way...' his head rises up swiftly as he stares at the Ifrit's body that lay dead on the ground, and he saw it. The flames on it's body were not exactly out as it feels more like it is dwindling but not out.

Aion notices the two brothers heading towards the Ifrit's body to go take out all the necessary and important items in it's body.

"You two! Stop! Leave there right now!" Rack and Rill stop as they both look back at Aion confused at why he would just suddenly yell out at them like that, but that was the costly mistake they made, as both of them were mages and would require time to cast any spells, and the two that were able to make any attacks were too far from them.

Seeing their distraction and seizing it as his chance, Wullzaiun blasts of from the ground as he whips his hand to the back successfully piercing Rack through the chest, as Rack dies without knowing the cause, his eyes still holding within then the same confusion.

Rill eyes widens in horror, he screams out but no sound come out of his mouth as his throat forcibly collapse on itself. His hand claws at his face as he can't believe the scene before his eyes.

Wullzaiun outstretches his other hand, aiming to grab at the petrified boys neck, but a arrow hits his hand out of the way. Following suit, numerous other arrows assaults the awoken Ifrit.

"Aion, how is this possible. We killed him already." Glyscyra yells out as she continues sending as many arrow as her quiver could hold, while inching closer and closer to the still shocked Rill, also holding under her armpit the leaf hand fan incase she needed it for defense.

Aion rushes to the scene as he sees something unexpected.

'The Ifrit is actually able to passively absorb soul after killing them. From the way he is acting, he obviously doesn't know it is soul he is absorbing and he might just think he feels stronger after killing.' Aion rushes to the Ifrit, expertly dodging the arrows coming for the Ifrit from his back while also dishing his attacks at the Ifrit.

Aion eyes rounds the area as he suddenly thinks up a possible solution.

"Glyscyra! How many more arrows have you still got?"

Glyscyra reached Rill as she pulls him with her while using her hand to graze the remaining arrows in her quiver. "I've still got four more left, wouldn't make any difference."

"It would, just use them together and that should do the trick."

Wullzaiun hears the clear as sky discussion and planning against him. "Do you just think I'm a dumb beast with zero intelligence, I can hear you plan and even without my sight, it wouldn't mean much if I'm able to hear you."

Aion snickers at the clueless Ifrit, "just because you know, doesn't mean you're capable enough to save yourself. Have this, Glyscyra NOW!"

Four arrows zoned in on both of them, two of them notices but continue fighting each other not willing on giving the other a chance to leave the arrows path. The Ifrit was confident it could jeep Aion there for at least two more seconds to which the arrow would have then gotten there, and since Aion was the one before him the arrows would be getting him first, but Aion just smiles.

[Shadow Space]

Aion disappears in plain sight, this one alone catches Wullzaiun off guard but after noticing the arrows he tries to move out of the way, because he knew he was too injured to move fast enough and parry them, at most he would only be able to block two.

As he twisted his waist to propel himself out of the way, the three shadow soldiers that had appeared at the beginning of the battle but did not participate, came out as it was finally their turn to shine.

D1 being the muscle bearer of the group comes out directly under the Ifrit and grabs onto his goat-like legs, Z1 and Z2 held both arms and then spread them apart. Wullzaiun eyes widen as he didn't expect such underhanded methods, but then he calms down right after after he reason that no matter what the arrows just still can't kill him.

The four arrows lodge themselves into his broad chest, drawing out a pained groan and blood from the already injured Ifrit.

After the arrows another thing, or perhaps person appear before him, the rest only saw Aion appear, but only him was able to see it wasn't the Aion they know.

Aion was transformed into his half transformation state, but it was still more than enough to strike fear into the Ifrit as he freezes and stays rooted to the ground, not even needing to be held.

Aion eyes were finally open, glowing with their mystical red and black, while his ears became slightly hairy and even more pointed, his nose tip flattens a bit and elongates a bit, but his claws and fangs didn't just grow a bit, as they elongated dangerously.

Wullzaiun mind was in turmoil, as fear gripped at the very essence of his soul, he didn't know how it was possible but he could feel Aura from the partially transformed boy, even if it was just a little.

Aion jump and as he gets closer to the Ifrit, he uses both his clawed hand and hits upwards, tearing the Ifrit's neck but also raising the head back.

Then he lands on the Ifrit's huge body, as he cling onto him like a monkey, but his fangs were like that of a dragon, and it sails safely into the Ifrit's bleeding neck.

[Gained 2,000 Sp...

... Gained 2,000 Sp...

... Gained 2,000 Sp...

... Gained 2,000 Sp...

... Gained 2,000 Sp...

Total: 10,000 Sp

Soul points: 13.750]

The Ifrit healthily dries up, it's body shrinking to the limit as he became a skeleton covered with baggy clothes of skin. His eyes lost all light as the glowing mark on his chest dies out.

Aion removes his mouth from the empty husk, as he gets down to the ground while transforming back and wiping his mouth clean. His three soldiers retracts back into his body while another string of shadow leaves.

Aion already knows the appetite of his shadow, it would be hungry but wouldn't do anything or eat just anything and it will only wait until a high grade meal is served as it efficiently swallows the carcass whole.
