
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
100 Chs


"ugh! Damn, I am a total psycho, spending more than a month in a game, tsk, I'm unbelievable"

Tang Zhan stood up from his bed, which already had a deep imprint of his body drawn on it, although he was regularly eating and when he even spoke with his mother *cough* the phoenix.

His soul power in the game was doubled, while in reality his endurance had increased by half of it's total amount, and because of all these he didn't feel the least bit tired, but still his body was cramped.

So he did some light stretches and a little yoga, after getting fully in tune with his body that was now effectively functional, he headed into the bathroom to freshen up.

Thirty minutes later downstairs, as usual Yufei was serving food while X and Banjo joked and discussed their next battle plan.

"argh! I missed the scent of this meals"

Hearing a voice she had never heard before, X instinctively threw four throwing knives at where the voice came from.

Tang Zhan who was walking down the stairs with eyes closed as usual, felt the air shift and without panic, raised his right hand and swiped down calmly.

Three metallic clangs were heard, and three throwing knives fell on the floor.

The last one hadn't stabbed Tang Zhan, but rather he had caught it with a string of shadow, he held the shadow and treated it like a whip, which he wiped down at the spot the knives came from.

"brother stop!" Hearing Yufei's shout he stopped the shadow from going any further.

Luckily the tip was touching X's forehead and hadn't pierced through. The knife fell on the table in front of X, while the shadow landed on the floor and like a snake, slithered it's way back to Tang Zhan's original shadow that was squirming about.

"brother you finally woke up from that damned game, tell me what did you do that took you more than a whole month and you didn't even worry about your sister!" Yufei ran leaving the pot on the table without any of it's food served yet.

She jumped and hugged Tang Zhan, whose closed eyes were still trained on X.

"psst! psst!" X called out silently to Banjo, while scooting her chair closer to the table, used a hand to cover the right side of her face.

"yes what is it!" Upon all her efforts of having a silent conversation, Banjo just dumbly replied as loud as he can be.

"why are his eyes closed?" she asked again silently, and it seemed like Banjo too finally got her message, then he too replied silently.

"he is blind, that's why"

"if so then why do I feel as if he is staring right at me?"

"well normally, I don't have much of an interaction with him as the young master, so I don't know if it was always like that, but since the beginning of the apocalypse we became close friends and that's how it has been."

Banjo concluded with a hand on his chin, like as if what he was recollecting was a very long time ago.

"that's so many words, right?" X sassed.

"well you asked, right?" Banjo sassed back.

At this point Tang Zhan had joined them on the dinning table and had sat down beside them through out their whole speech, without them knowing, while Yufei served the meal.


Far away from China, a massive snow mountain stood tall surrounded by other mountains. The massive snow mountain is shown to be totally empty and carved out inside.

Inside the mountain was a smooth floor made of ice, but at the center of the floor was a different looking ice, but not too different.

Looking through this different parchment of ice another area is hidden below. This area had civilization with technology but the buildings were a little bit rural.

No building in the whole area that could pass for a medium city had no single other type of building apart from bungalows.

Going further to the north, until the end of the area a stairway leading downstairs was situated there.

Below the former area was another area, also containing civilization and technology, but this one was different almost all the buildings here were mansions, and at the center of it all was a castle.

From a birds eye view, all the mansions were shown to have their separate underground and the castle had too.

Underground the castle, there was a free space that looked like an arena, but the arena was badly injured. With scratch mark, slashes and different craters all around, the arena indeed looked injured and pitiful.

At the end of the arena where the audience would usually stay, a coffin stood. The coffin had a striking resemblance to those they use in Egypt to keep pharaohs in pyramids.

That was exactly how this one looked like, but this one was standing and there were two guards standing watch.

Throughout the whole three layers of space, the mountain, the first rural area and the current one an earthquake ran free disrupting everyone from whatever they were once doing.

The coffin after the earthquake slid open and the cover fell with an heavy bang. Inside the coffin couldn't be seen as it was pitch black.

Then a feet came out, well it can't actually be called a feet because it was more like a paw, a strong firm powerful paw hit the ground causing another earthquake.

A second one followed, and two hands held in to the sides of the coffin while pulling itself out. The next thing that followed was a humanoid wolf. It was hairy all over and it stood on its two bent looking legs.

The beast as it came out saw the two guards shaking in fear.

"wel- wel- welcome back a- a- Alpha" the two stammered together while rushing around, helter skelter.

On the alpha's face was a smirk, the feeling of people being afraid of him because of his strength alone. He was basically reeking of so much power, that even his best friend would be cautious when talking to him.

The two guards finally came back holding different clothing including a silk robe. The alpha, walked two more steps closer to the guards, causing another two earthquakes to follow suite.

He collected the he clothes and held it above himself, then he howled. He howled so loud that thunder would feel challenged. The howl passed through everything around.

It went up to the castle, then spread out to the mansion in the city, then it went up the giant stairs and roamed around the other area through the bungalows, and finally out the mountain.

All over the settlement both top and below, people started coming out of their houses, murmuring amongst themselves, some happily, other happy but scared, but they all unified together to call and yell repeatedly one word.

"Alpha! Alpha! Alpha!..."

Over and over again, they yelled continuously until the castle doors open and a person walked out wearing the same silk robe the guards held earlier.

The man after coming out of his secret chamber took a short route that led him directly to the top of the castle. That was where he stood, where he wanted to give an astounding speech to his people, until his nose twitched.

"GRRR!" A low deep scary growl echoed around.

Everyone immediately took many steps back, and bowed down to the alpha, they could all feel it, his demeanor changed within seconds. They could all feet that their alpha was pissed of beyond imagination.

"if there's anything I ever hated in this world that was greater than weakling..."

Everyone was a testament to just how much their alpha hated weaklings, he made sure non of his people were weaklings no matter what, because as they all knew that was his number one hatred, and now they were hearing that their alpha hated something more than weaklings.

"why the hell am I smelling rotten flesh!?"
