
Blind Or Bound in Love?

Oosha_Keeran · Urban
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5 Chs

2 Name


It was lunch time finally and I headed towards the school canteen.

As I walked, I noticed people staring at me, giving me that odd stare, laughing and murmuring behind my back.

But I ignored them.

They probably have been overwhelmed with my fatness. Though I was tall but due to my weight..I seemed shorter than my actual height.

Then suddenly two ladies blocked my way. They stood right infront of me crossing their arms over their chest.

Their over makeup was noticable because it look scary on them. They probably have applied 5 layers of foundation or even more and one had applied shade of black cherry lipstick whereas other had rendezvous.

Instantly they started walking around me trying to examine carefully till our eyes met.

"Hmm....new nerdy in our school," the girl with black cherry lipstick smirked.

"No no! A FAT nerdy with glasses!" other girl added and both of them laughed insolently.

"Please ladies, I don't want to get in any sort of issues. So excuse me," I tried making my way between them but they pulled me back by my arms and pushed me against the wall.

"You thought, we're going to spare you that easily, huh?," the girl with rendezvous lipstick hissed.

Other girl immediately gripped the collor of my Gho tightly and leaned in,"If you want to be excused," she insisted,"then you have to lick the sole of our boots!"

"What?-"I gasped nearly drawing attention of everyone who were present in the corridor.

"Everyone, leave!" she stormed.

To my surprise they all obeyed her and left the corridor within a few seconds.

"Are you--" before I could finish my sentence she placed her finger on my lips,"Shhh! You natter a lot."

I wanted to get out of this right away but they were far too stronger than I thought. One of them held my hands tightly behind me.

And the other w-was indeed unzipping her boot. Are they kidding me?

She slowly stepped closer with her brown leather boot which I doubt is smelly like her awful perfume.

My eyes got fidgety, I didn't know what I should do to stop it all away. I closed my eyes and chanted prayers in side my mind.


I heard a beautiful soothing voice from the distant. As she stride nearer...my heart started to rhythm faster.

I slowly peeked my head between the two lady bullies so that I can see the lady who was approaching nearer.

She had wore a magnificent classy Kira which suited her sheen body. Her sparkling glassy blue eyes and soft virgin lips melted my heart.

She was so fair and had milky white complexion. I bet, she had surely forgotten her way back to heaven and is lost around the four walls of this sophisticating world.

She looked exactly like the angel I saw everynight. Angel? Yes...my dream angel! Has she escaped from my dream and came to meet me in my school?

I was flabbergasted.

She had that same silky long vanilla hair which she shoved away from her shoulder as she approached nearer.

"We have got a new lame, here" one of the bully harshly gripped on my collar again and pushed me to face my dream angel.

She blowed her bubble gum and signaled the bullies to leave.

"Have you lost your way to the heaven?" I asked my eyes fixed on hers.

She raised her brows as the bubble gum gently stocked on her soft lips.

"What?" she asked but I didn't hear her as I was lost in her beauty and I could only make out the movement of her lips.

"I'm talking to you newbie!" I immediately shift my gaze away from hers.

"T-thank you for s-saving me from those ladies," I said messing up with my hair which I always do when I'm nervous.

She smirked...honestly that smirk too looked so charming in her face.

"Saved you? You're mistaken Ap Phakpa(Mr.pig)...they're my friends. And you,"she leaned closer and her eyes meeting mine,"you're going to do whatever we ask you to."

She leaned back chewing her gum,"Did I make myself clear?" I nodded.

She scoffed her glassy blue eyes fixed on mine. Then she blowed her gum again.

5 minutes later

She had already left and I was still standing and still smiling until I realized Nado waving his hand just before my face.


I shove my thoughts away and turned towards him.

"Are you okay?" I nodded.

"Good. Let's help ourselves with something."


"Are you seriously okay?" It was the 5th time Nado inquired me with the same question.

"Do you know her?" I asked him instead, and put spoonful of pasta to avoid his further inquiry.

"Whole school know them. They're such a threat especially on new students. Every year they target new students for their entertainment."

"You mean they're bullies of the campus?" I asked...I wasn't surprised about those two over makeup ladies but I didn't expect my dream angel to be one of them.

"Of course Ugyen. And I think you're the one out of their target," he looked concern.

"Is it girls power something?" I sounded silly.

"Chen is the backbone for these girls power to rag," he was little annoyed.

"Chen?" I asked resting my chin on my palm..

"Chencho, but we call him Chen. The girl you stated dream angel is his girlfriend."

I nearly hit my chin on the table as if the answer blew my arm to slip off.


He cut me off and said,"The first two girls are non other than his sister and her friend. Sangay and Nima. Chen is a gangster and also a senior of this campus. No one can dare him or will ever. He is way more powerful than any other men in this school. Every girl wish to have a boyfriend like him. I would not lie but he is handsome plus he's in school's basketball team cause he is the "king of balls" and--" I cut him this time.

"What about my angel?"

He nearly stood up from his seat and looked around the canteen making sure no one was listening to our conversation and leaned towards me, his palms on the table.

"Shh! Don't dare to utter those words." He warned.

" Didn't I tell you she is Chen's girlfriend. One time a boy had crush on her like you. He tried proposing her and you have no idea what happened to him."

"What?" I was so much curious then.

"How many bones do we have in our body?" He asked and I immediately answered,


"And what's its double?"

"412," I answered.

"Yesss, exactly that's what Chen asked to that boy and next day he was admitted to hospital! His whole body was wrapped in bandages--"

"Like Mummy?" I asked and he nodded giving me a wide gaze.

"Where is he now?," I asked looking at his weird expression.

"Egypt--I-I mean hospital," I chuckled to his answer.

"What's her name?"

We were walking upstairs for our sessions. He had already entered his

classroom and mine was 2 blocks above.

Nado leaned back from his classroom door and whispered,

"Semyang Kiba Choeden."

Kiba I said to myself smilingly and walked upstairs messing with my hair.