
Blind man romance

Lia while trying to forget her past and everything that comes with it moves away from her family and everyone she has ever known and without a thought. She runs out of cash and is in desperate need of a job. Little did she know, things were about to go from bad to worse as she stepped into Mr. Bryce's office and accepted the job offer. Khalil Cargill is a free spirited, over his head man without a care in the world. With no desire to be involved in the family business he lived solely for himself. What happens when fate throws them a curveball, turning their worlds upside down in the cruelest of ways?

LILI_F · Urban
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The rich and their unending event. The company is invited for the 30th Anniversary of one of its associates. There are a lot of people around but at least Lana is here too so I'm not entirely by myself, she introduces me to some of her friends and I can't help but wonder how she knows these people, anyways I stash that question up for later.

The host and his wife move to Lana and me after giving their welcome speech but she doesn't notice because she's too busy blabbering about her recent failed talking stage.

"COREALANA ADAMS" the lady announces. I see Lana squirm in her seat turning around slowly to face her.

"Heyy Mamaaa" she draws. Mama?

"Hi Daddy " she turns to the man. "Meet my new best friend Lia."

"Good day sir, ma'am " I greet. They both nod, turning back to her.

"Whatever happened to the last best friend," the man prodes. Lana just shrugs telling him it's a long story and she'll get back to him.

"If you ask me, that's good riddance," her mum says "I never liked her, but you, I think you'll do just fine," she tells me.

"Alright parents, do have a great evening, I will be preparing for my speech over there" she points to nowhere in particular pulling me with her or at least trying.

"Not in that outfit you're not" she states "Go up to your room and change, you can find Lia something too."

With a defeated sigh she leads me up the stairs to her room. As she pushes the door open my mouth is wide in awe "Wow"

The walls are covered in glittering metallic wallpaper, intricately designed with delicate gold filigree, and floor-to-ceiling windows, offer panoramic views of the extravagant landscape of the night outside.

At the center of the room is a plush king-sized bed, draped in silk sheets and a cascade of black throw pillows. A crystal chandelier hangs in the ceiling, casting a soft glow that dances across the room. In a corner of the room, there's a cozy seating area with plush armchairs arranged around a very expensive coffee table.

"What?" she laughs. "If you think this is nice, wait till we get to the closet." I just should've guessed but let's just say I'm a bit slow. Her closet is expansive, with floor-to-ceiling mirrored walls, Custom-built shelves lining the walls, showcasing rows of designer clothing and accessories, shelves with rows of designer handbags, from iconic Birkins to Chanel flap bags.

A dedicated shoe wall is placed at the far end of the closet showcasing a variety of footwear, from heels to sneakers to flats. Lana has it all.

"Now what do we wear?" she asks scanning through her dress area. She takes several dresses with her as she walks back to the room. "Time to play dress up" she announces with as much thrill as a kid who's been deprived of his candy.

After more than 30 minutes, 30 minutes we make our way back down the stairs and we're just in time because that's when the MC asks for Lana to give her speech.

She goes on the stage and begins.

"Hi everybody, as some of you already know, I'm Corealana Adams. This speech is about to get long and boring so let's be quick shall we? My parents started this foundation with the intent of helping families who were struggling and couldn't get up to three square meals a day and today here we are celebrating 30 years of successfully doing that. Cheers. A big thank you to all our sponsors and partners whom I would now mention, holy crap this is a long list. So help me God," she sighs and everyone laughs.

"She's a rare one, isn't she" someone says with a voice smooth as silk and tinged with a hint of amusement.

"Yeah," I reply thinking he'd take that as a hint and scurry off. But no he tries to make conversation going ahead to introduce himself.

"I'm Jason," he said with a wide grin, his gaze lingering on my face and making me quite uncomfortable. "Nice to meet you"

"Can't say the same" I say nonchalantly.

"Can I at least get a name?" he prods. Bro take the hint. I don't give him the satisfaction of an answer and just walk away instead there's only so much patience a girl can have.

I bump into Khalil and Bryce at the bar and Bryce being the darling he is decides to start a conversation. I can't help being uncomfortable because well for starters my boss is present although he isn't paying any attention. Bryce eventually sees a "hot guy", his words, not mine, and runs off to "make friends" still his words.

Such an arse.

"He is sometimes," Khalil says.

Did I say it out loud? Did he just speak?!

"Yes to both questions," he says again. I need to stop saying my thoughts out loud. I blame it on the wine.

"You look nice by the way" he quips.

"Uh.. Thank you " I stammer, with that, he downs the rest of his drink and walks off leaving me to fend for myself.

"Look who we have here" I know that annoying voice. "Can I at least get a name now?" he asks.

"I feel like you're never going to leave me alone" I sigh and he shrugs, the asshole shrugged. "Lia"

"Pretty name for a pretty lady," he says. "Wanna dance?"

"I'd rather sit here and judge rich people for wearing enough sequins to light up the darkest night" I reply.

"Fashion critic huh" he asks. I reply with a nod. "Caught any fashion no's "

"Oh, you mean like that sorry excuse for leopard print pants? Looks like a disco ball gone wrong."

"Or the lady trying to get away with using sunshades in a dark room. You know they're sunshades for a reason though."

"Uh I'm pretty sure she's blind," I tell him and we burst out laughing. "You know I heard someone ask a lady if she's a magician because when she's near everyone vanishes"

"No, no, you didn't" he gasps. I tip my head in response. We sat in utter silence for the next hour and I would like to say it was awkward but it wasn't.

"I better get going," I say to no one in particular.

He tilts his head back."Already?"

"Some of us have work to do, you know," I state.

"It's the weekend," he says as if that isn't obvious already.

"Goodbye," I walk off to go find Lana so we can get out of here.


There's something about her but I can't exactly place it. I see them come down the stairs with Lana, her short black dress covered in Sequins. I feel like I've known her before but it doesn't seem like it. I see her walk towards me and Bryce at the bar and I know she wouldn't want to make any talk but Lord bless Bryce and his always having to converse.

"Such an arse" she whispers underneath her breath

"He is sometimes," I say.

"Did I say it out loud? Did he just speak?!"

"Yes to both questions," I reply to her questions. At this point, she looks like she just saw a ghost and almost facepalms here but thinks against it.

"I need to stop saying my thoughts out loud. I blame it on the wine." I know she thinks she didn't say that so I just let it go. You could say I'm indeed a gentleman.

"You look nice by the way" I compliment her. She looked good and the thought made me think about things.

"Uh.. Thank you "She stammers, with that, I take a quick swig of the rest of my drink and leave the bar because my brain starts to get foggy.

I was speaking to a partner when I noticed a man walk up to her, she didn't seem the least bit interested but a minute later she was laughing at something he said. What could he say that was so funny? She moves to leave and I'm a tad bit relieved but the next thing I know he's holding her back leading her to the dance floor. I watch them dance and I feel infuriated.

"Let's leave," I tell Bryce.

"Already?" he whines. "You're not my boss."

"Technically, I am." I counter. "Car in five minutes"

Bryce finally makes his way to the car after five long minutes and I'm glaring at him.

"What? You said five minutes, I had to use it well" he states and asks "What crawled up your butt hole and layed an egg anyway."

"Let's just go to the club, I could use a few drinks right now."

"A few drinks and some for sure." he looks at me laughing.

The club was crowded and bathed in blue lights. The music, buzz of conversations, and the soft glow from the lights in the darkness added to the feel of the atmosphere for the dancers, waitresses, and patrons. The middle had a round stage and table area and a bar by the side wall. There are also several VIP rooms down a hallway at the side wall where dancers and patrons could indulge in more intimate activities both observed and unobserved depending on your preference and that is where I intend to be tonight.

The dancer who caught my eye was a bit slender and she did a pretty shitty show of stripping. Seems nothing interests me tonight. I tipped a wad of 20 dollar bills on the stage and that caught her attention real quick because every other person tipped 5 dollar bills or less. Call me a show-off for all I care.

Dropping down on her knees in front of me, she picked up the money, leaned forward, and in a sultry voice said "How generous. Thank you, darling."

I was so close to an eye roll but I asked instead "When are you off?"

"In a few" she winked.

"Room 15," I tell her and walk off to the bar.

She walks into the room a few moments later. "Hey," she tries to start up a conversation.

"Kneel" I order and she does just that, no questions. And that is the reason I love strip clubs so much they just do. I run my fingers along her lips, "Open". I pressed down on her lower lip. With a thumb on her chin, I tipped her head back, pulling her mouth open. My legs straddle her head, the tip of my cock tracing her lips, leaving precum on them, I pushed my erection past her lips into her mouth, my balls coming into contact with her chin.

She tried to open wide to accommodate my length, her tongue swirled around the shaft. She wanted to please me, to show how well she could do it but my mind wasn't in the least bit interested. I was only trying to distract myself. I leaned over her, bracing my hands on the wall behind her thrusting deeper into her mouth, and withdrawing. She gagged, coughing as I withdrew from her mouth. Saliva trickled out the side of her mouth. A few deep thrusts and I was coming, without warning, shooting my load right down her throat and she tried to keep up with swallowing. I wasn't interested in having sex with her, I just wanted some relief and relief is what I got.


Jason is a persistent one. I try my best to avoid him but we keep on bumping into each other at odd places and at odd times. At the library, the coffee shop, the park, and then I knew he followed me around.

All his following did him some good because he got one date and another and another and now we've been practically living together ever since.

But anyways this all happened THREE YEARS AGO.