
Blind magician reincarnated as a samurai in a magical world.

DR_T3MP3ST · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A New Journey

Years had passed since the final battle that had saved Tempest Garu from destruction. Chiyo and her companions had grown old, and their bodies were no longer as strong as they once were. But their spirits were still as vibrant as ever, and they continued to share their knowledge and experience with the next generation of adventurers and heroes.

As they sat around a campfire one evening, Chiyo told the young warriors of a new world that she had heard whispers of. A world of untold wonders and magical treasures, where new challenges awaited those brave enough to venture forth.

With a twinkle in her eye, Chiyo proposed that they set off on a new journey, to explore this mysterious land and uncover its secrets. And to her delight, her companions agreed.

Together, they gathered their supplies and set off on a new adventure, their hearts filled with excitement and anticipation. They knew that the journey ahead would be long and arduous, but they also knew that they had each other to rely on.

As they traveled through the unknown land, they encountered countless dangers and obstacles. But with their skills and experience, they were able to overcome them all, and each challenge only made them stronger.

And in the end, they discovered a world that was more magical and wondrous than they could have ever imagined. A world filled with new friends and allies, and untold treasures waiting to be claimed.

And as they stood on the mountaintop, looking out over the endless expanse of the new world, Chiyo and her companions knew that they had found their true calling. They were adventurers, heroes, and magicians, and they would continue to explore and protect the lands they loved for as long as they lived.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕕.