
Blind immortal

A young man from earth dies in his sleep and gets reincarnated in the world of dororo with few surprise elements. Watch him as he lives from Sengoku era... A/N: This is my first FF so I hope you all like the story. The story will have multiverse elements. #No system bs #No Hareem bs Thank you..

EdgyTahomaru · Anime & Comics
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The Sengoku Jidai era, a time when warfare was rampant and religiosity ran deep in Japan. Sengoku Jidai also Known as Japan's Warring States period (spanning the mid-to-late 15th century to the beginning of the 17th century).

Sengoku Jidai is often thought of as a time of incessant struggle, where clans were constantly fighting .The war touched many parts of Japan during the Sengoku Jidai, and soldiers and civilians suffered intentional and collateral carnage.


Year 1568, Ishikawa

Kaga Province

There is a very well-known legend in folklore, "The Legend of 48 Demons". A long time ago, there were 48 demons, they were running wild and making the lives of ordinary people miserable.

Afterwards, they were sealed somewhere in the Kaga province. But at the moment, there's no proof of that legend.

*Scene change*

It was raining heavily, but at that time, a man in his thirties was travelling through the heavy rain. His name is Daigo Kagemitsu. He is the daimyo of Ishikawa country and vassal to the shogun of Kaga Province.

Over the past few years, the Ishikawa country has gone through repeated famines, droughts and disasters that plagued neighbouring countries.He didn't want this.

He was ambitious. He wanted fame, wealth, power to rule the land and protect it from the repeated epidemics. Because of his ambitions, today he would break taboos.

After travelling for a period of time, he got to his destination. It was a gloomy mountain. He tied his horse to a tree and began climbing the mountain.

Inside the mountain there was a small shrine...Further into the shrine, there was a small temple named as HALL OF HELL.

It was in this temple, that 12 of the 48 demons were sealed. The temple was protected by the shrine's monks for generations.

On arriving at the shrine, Daigo immediately enters the HALL OF HELL.

As he entered the HALL OF HELL, Daigo noticed the hall dimly lit with fire tourches. The dim light illuminated the twelve statues of demons with an old monk seated in the middle of the hall.

Noticing his arrival, the old monk spoke. "One who steps into this hall of Hell has made a choice. To cast off gods in favour of demons... but I see it's futile to try and stop you."

With an irritated look Daigo looks at the statues of demons.

The monk turned around. "Daigo-sama, to cast off Buddha is to tread the path of evil. It is to no longer be Human. If you cross this line, hell will surely await for you"

Looking into the eyes of the monk, Daigo said: "Monk, we are already living in hell. The holy path to Buddha you pray for doesn't exist."

With an agitated tone, the monk replies: "But you will pay consequences."

In a calm tone Daigo said, "I care no more."

After a pin drop silence, the monk ran towards the fire torch. But before he could run further, with a cold gaze in his eyes, Daigo drew his katana and slashed at the monk's back several times.

Following a 'Thud' sound, The monk helplessly fell upon the floor as blood spattered from his back. The fire torch fell on the wooden floor and slowly started burning. Creating a eerie scene.

Then, In a gratifying voice, the monk slowly said, "Thank you Daigo-sama. This will be my salivating. This world is indeed hell, just as you said". "The prayer I offered seemed more and more pointless. I always feared that someday I would begin to doubt Buddha".

As he continues speaking, his mouth involuntarily vomits blood. "I am glad to die before the day comes. Cough!! Daigo-sama please stay away from demons... do not let yourself succumb to evil....".

Looking at the dead monk, Daigo shakes his head and takes a prayer stance. "It's too late for that".

Having said that, he throws the dead monk out of the temple.

Back at the HALL OF HELL, Daigo stares at the statues of demons. He says, "Twelve demons, I am Daigo Kagemitsu. Lord of Ishikawa and vassal to the Shogun of Kaga Province. Repeated famines and epidemics have swept my land, enfeebling my people to the point of death".

"As things stands presently, I can never attain the power and renown I carve. My ambitions will remain a mere dream."

Taking a deep breath, he stands up, spreads his arms and with a crazed look on his face, he says, "But I refuse to rely on the mercy of Buddha or gods. What I'm about to say now is not a prayer. I came to make a deal."

"If you'll protect my land and let me rule the country. I'll give you everything that belongs to me. Anything. Take whatever you wish". And with a hopeful look he asks, "Do you hear me?".

Soon, as if responding him, large gusts of wind hits the temple. Followed by it was a rainbow-coloured lightning that struck his forehead forming a cross patterned scar.

~ 1 Year later ~

Inside a small room, few midwives were around a woman who was delivering baby. A old midwife was holding the lady's hand. She said, "Just a little longer my lady. Your child will be here any moments now".

The lady gazed upon the statue of the goddess of mercy during childbirth. "Goddess of mercy please protect me and my child."

Following that she gave a last push with all her strength. Soon, the room was filled with cries of newborn.

"It's twins, hohoho". The old midwife wraps the newborn with a cloth. She smiles and brings them near her chest. Then, with a loud "Vroom" a multicoloured lightning hit the newborn.

Outside the house, Daigo was sitting and remembering about the pact with demons. His thinking was interrupted by the screams of midwives. He quickly ran towards the room.

Upon entering the room, he saw the horrified expression of midwives.

Watching the midwives, he asked, "What happened? Is the baby born?"

Before they could reply, he heard his wife looking at him. She said, "My lord, our children are born. They are twins son".

Smiling, he said, "An Heir, you have done well". His wife gave him to hold their newborn. He opened the cloth on the newborn. A midwife tried to stop him, but he ignored her.

After revealing the entire contents inside the cloth, he had a shocked look. Two infants were wrapped in the cloth. First infant was missing all four limbs and tongue. The other infant was missing skin, eyes, nose, and spine. While both of them were missing their opposite side of ears.

Looking at deformed babies, he remembers his deal with demons. He starts chuckling, which turns into crazy laughter.

His wife was initially stunned and then worried about his behaviour. She asks, "What happened my lord?"Barely stopping his laugh. Daigo says, "My dreams will be fulfilled. The demons agreed to the deal".

He looks at his wife and Continued, "You don't need to worry and thank you for bearing them".

Saying that he gives the deformed newborns to the midwife while giving her a 'You know what to do' look.

The lady finally realized what happened. She tried to get her children back, but Daigo stopped her from moving. His smile turned into cold look. He said, "They won't survive anyway".

But the lady kept on insisting. She said, "Then let them pass away in my arms".

"Enough!" At last, unable to control his anger, Daigo pushed away his wife. He stood up and with an authoritative voice, he continued, "You will bear another child for me, no! you must. The next one shall be the heir of a great ruler".

*To be Continued*

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

1200+ Words

EdgyTahomarucreators' thoughts