
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 38 - Adeptus Custodes

At the current time while his other main body was busy exploring the stars, Enzo was currently looking at the soldiers that were provided by each country making sure to let them understand the procedure would lead to their life being taken from them and won't be able to return back to normal life. Many of his allies disagree with his idea since it essentially makes him no different than anyone else who makes an army. He understood everything but it was necessary since most of the Adeptus Custodes will live way past their loved ones and eventually thousands of years. 

Captain America didn't like what he was doing after revealing what his intentions were. He left the project calling him out while Enzo just told him that it is impossible to maintain peace with power to defend on. If it is given to only one man then everything falls once that person disappears but if there are more that the people of earth could look up to then peace can be maintained. There was some convincing and almost led to civil war against those who went against him that even included Natasha since she disliked the idea of soldiers being forced to abandon life.

She may love him doesn't mean everything he does will go in line with hers. Thankfully it didn't happen after a long tedious discussion about the plans for the Adeptus Custodes and Astartes. Enzo would have abolished the plan if she were to fight him over it but was glad everything went smoothly.  

At the current moment, Enzo got the research provided by his other main body planning going through with the creation of the Adeptus Custodes and visiting the other Earth letting Momiji meet his girls. He first has to join his army before anything else. 

"Are you really going through this?"

Enzo was looking at the lines of soldiers that were practically ten thousands of them ready to become the greatest soldier that would ever live. He had already prepared nearly everything, even commissioning a ship from his brother who had visited Xandar to build a personal ship that was going to be used by his army.  He heard a voice turning his attention to Natasha since she wanted to see what he was aiming to Do. 

"Yes, my power is vulnerable against the Light of the universe. This army Shall be the lantern of humanity where mankind becomes united as one and Holy Terra at its heart."

Enzo said, considering himself as the great void where the light shall travel the empty plain to unite the galaxy into one. He won't be like the Emperor of Mankind who lost the meaning to be a simple human while Enzo hadn't. Natasha didn't quite understand his intentions to stop weaponizing humans yet here he is making one. As someone who molded into a perfect assassin these people below him had subjugated themselves to a life where they never return from. 

"Isn't the X-Men or even the Avengers enough? You are dragging these men to hell where they won't ever crawl out from."

"I know, that is why I've given them the choice to serve humanity or not. This project of mine aims to create a perfect soldier surpassing Captain america."

Enzo understood what he was doing was essentially stealing this people's future but he gave them a choice and these are the people who are desperate to give up everything for the future of mankind after feeling powerless against the enemy of the universe. There had been many conflicts that had recently occured from rogue mutants to war against hydra.

"I hope you know what you're doing."

"I am fully aware of the responsibility resting on my shoulder."

He adorned himself with golden armor that gave him divine charisma and enticing power that hid guidance power. Enzo manages to stop any conflict and civil war by using this to surround himself, letting them feel compelled to understand his intentions. Natasha was worried that he was slowly losing his kindness and heroism by a sense of obligation for humanity. Though Enzo had told him that this was just a grand ambition for him and the abolishment of the old army to a newly improved and much stronger one. 

The heroes may compensate for humanity but they could do so much while having an army that the world could rely on would help maintain law and order. Enzo is the God of Chaos and Order always above maintaining the balance. He revealed himself to the soldier having the new title as God Emperor of Mankind. 

Enzo had fully embraced it since none had the power and bold enough to unify each country. He would have done a great crusade if necessary but fortunately his hivemind was convincing enough. Now his name was known as Apeiron instead of Enzo Stark since it would help separate himself from his other main body once he decided to visit the planet where it is. 

He aims to meet up with Momiji at the second planet they plan on visiting. This way his other main body can still explore while the other already started the diplomatic relation with them.

"Then I will take my leave since I'm helping Emma with the training regime of the young X-Men which reminds me. We were discussing taking the young X-Men on a practical training trip and wondering if you have any place to take them?"

"There is one place perfect for combat and survival training. I am also planning on asking Dr. Strange to train Illyana but it would leave earth vulnerable if I did. I guess I'll take the role for now."

Enzo was on par with Sorcerer supreme or even surpassed him in several aspects by using his Scarlet king form but it is extremely dangerous therefore he is at most able to use near the power of strange. He had to put limiters to himself to avoid destroying reality since the power of Chaos is too much and normally uses Cosmic energy since it is confined in the universe. 

Unlike chaos which draws energy outside and puts inside the universe which could explode it's already fast expansion and could cause it to collapse while Cosmic energy just disperse inside the universe. 

"Give me the list of who is going to join since I heard the young avengers are also joining."

She nodded before vanishing from her spot, using her powers to erase the distances between her destination and his position, essentially removing herself from her previous spot. Her power of Nothingness was extremely Versatile if wielded by a genius like herself. Enzo can do the same thing but on a smaller scale since it isn't a perfect match for him. 

Enzo revealed himself to the soldier who instantly became quiet walking his way in front of them since everyone was about to enter his facility on Mars where they would train to the peak of perfection. He watched as his biological androids attended to each soldier before giving him the list of everything. He could hear them whispering among themselves eager to become what they signed up for and were in awe looking upon their new god. 

"Before we proceed to the procedure. I must first ask, are you all willing to abandon everything for mankind? Be their lantern in traversing the future for the empire!?"

Some were reluctant while most were headstrong and determined having seen the tragedy of being powerless. Enzo didn't mind their reluctance since he would soon change it, turning them into a new being, a Transcendent class of humans where each had the threat of entire worlds by not their power alone but their intellect and strategic minds as they would become scholars of all known subjects and masters of martial arts. He can't waste them since Adeptus Custodes are not for mass producing and had taken years inside his facility to just perfect it. 

"Those who feel they are incapable of such responsibility may leave while those that stay, I promise you that every single one shall be reborn into a new life where they shall be the shining hope for mankind!!"

He shouted that rang through the whole place shaken everyone since his presence undoubtedly affected their hearts filling it with duty and loyalty towards this person. Few moments later, they slowly stepped forward until no one had backed down, having their doubts washed away. Enzo was pleased, having decided who would be their captain general soon enough since it would make things a lot easier if there was someone leading them. Enzo is doing something like darkseid who decides capable of conquering empires alones chooses to have servants to serve him. 

After a while, the soldiers were all brought to his facility where every single soldier began the procedure of turning them into Adeptus Custodes. Enzo arrived at where Susan, Jean, Ororo and Galacta were discussing the procedure, turned to look at him and quickly asked for his opinion in regards to any additional changes. He lets his biological androids handle the procedure while he discusses with his lovers his other projects. 

"Jean, Ororo, how was the development of the new government system?"

The two helped him in the preparation of the Intergalactic Alliances with the Nova empire while also establishing a council order to oversee the development of everything. Obviously, it is tedious but the two are well capable and volunteer in handling the job for him. 

"It is going smoothly and candidates are currently underway. Professor had been a great help with the plan."

"We are also 50% done in the terraformation of Mars with the help of the X-Men. If the estimation is correct then we will have our own planet for the Meta-Humans."

Jean and Ororo shared their work with Ororo helping the development of their new world while Jean concentrated in establishing a council to help maintain order with the assistance of Charles. 

"The fleet ship is near completion thanks to your brother's help and the Nova Empire."

Galacta said having some help from the Nova empire who would give some of their technology knowledge in exchange for whatever they would discover. Tony took the challenge and created a massive fleet ship for him to be used in future exploration. Enzo nodded at all the reports before turning their attention to soldiers undergoing the procedure. Their cells were being written into a new and stronger one giving them superhuman levels of strength turning their body into a muscle bound having the same height as the hulk or taller around 2.73 meters this exclude their additional armor that they were about to be given. 

He gave them the formula that came from a mixture of the super soldier serum, Dr.clermont revised concoction and the unknown aggressive inducing formula that came from an unknown Kree technology. In addition to a gene-seed that had a fusion of Mutant, Eternal and Asgardian biological structure making it extremely strong at least in Thor base power. 

Not only that, Enzo had requested Galacta to have a way to rewrite their minds to upload every known subject and martial arts turning them into the perfect soldier. The best part is that they are only loyal to him. Unlike the Canon universe there were some female candidates among them but didn't have any drastic changes yet their strength remained equal. 

Every single one of them soon finished the procedure and revealed themselves where 20 newly created Adeptus Custodes stood before him slowly processing everything uploaded into their mind already instinctively knew what to do walking their way to Enzo who was in front of them watching intently at their transformation. 

"Emperor, you're loyal guards had been born and ready to serve."

Everyone said the same lines and didn't do anything in their free will. Normally, if there are any doubts they would have canceled it but they truly intend to fight for him as his weapons and loyal guards. His girlfriends were all surprised but already knew this would happen since people begin to worship him like God. He commanded them to arm themselves and get used to their newfound power by following one of the androids. 

It took several months within a time-diluted dimension to finish the 10,000 Adeptus Custodes, having them train and test their powers showing that the project had been a success. They are extremely powerful demi-gods even able to subdue the hulk since their skills in combat are unmatched by anyone. Enzo was eager to showcase them and after a few months he had revealed the Adeptus Custodes to the world along with having finish the establishment of the Intergalactic Alliances while the Great Council of Holy Sol was established the same year which consisted of Doctor Doom, Magneto, Charles, Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Doctor Strange and Obviously Enzo where the government still get involves but overall they are the one who represents the Sol system for their intellect, power and influences. 

Doctor Doom is obviously egocentric but didn't deny that Enzo was a better man and he had gotten help from him in the past after giving Victor his mother's soul that was stolen from Hell lord. Regardless, this council helps maintain order and balance in the development of the earth. 

At the current time, Enzo was in the grand council discussing the first task that they are going to do. He gave his plan to explore with his Adeptus Custodes soon while the rest concentrated on maintaining order in the empire. They agree since Enzo is doing an active role in everything and was planning to explore others worlds to establish diplomacy. 

Having learned of the existence of the Eldarian empire was eager to form relations hoping that they had something that could prove useful. Not to mention, he was going to meet up with Momiji at the other planet that Enzo met up with. 

Enzo also found out that Lady Death made her own regiment called Adepta Sororitas that were essentially nuns with guns. Before she became his lover, Lady Death was a servant therefore viewed him differently than his other girls and seemed eager to make a religion out of him which he didn't mind. Again, Natasha didn't like the idea but after some convincing stop thinking about it since they are given the choices. 


Floating in the orbit of earth, a massive fleet ship could be seen that had the same size as a small city. Inside had many facilities to accommodate the necessity of everyone inside. The people were obviously the Adeptus Custodes as well as weaker versions that were the Adeptus Astartes. His Golden loyal army was led by a Captain general that served directly under him. 

Enzo is currently overlooking the clear glass with his two daughters on his shoulders. At the current moment, Jean and Ororo were the one going to manage any diplomatic discussion while Galacta is the head engineer of the shop and Susan the medical biologist. Meanwhile, Lady Death was at the regiment of Adepta Sororitas wearing their armor. As for Wanda, she was left teaching Illyana about magic alongside Doctor Strange since their style of magic was vastly different and would greatly help her in the future 

"Daddy! Where are we going!?"

Scarlet eagerly asked since it's been a while since they had been into outer space. 

"Yeah, I'm excited to meet that girl you mentioned, Momiji was it? The way you describe her is up my alley, sugar!"

Rogue said while working on the computer helping the ship start its engine. Enzo smirked his eyes thinking how the two would go along from teasing anyone they were going to meet. 

"Then it's best if we seperate the two of you as much as possible. Nova and Scarlet are already troublesome to take care of, adding you two is going to be hectic."

Ororo said who was closed by making Anne pout complaining to Enzo who only chuckled while being comforted by Nova. 

"You're just proving Ororo point, Anne."

Jean giggled seeing them that soon enough everyone was now ready to set sail in the vast nothingness and into their destination. Enzo was excited to start the exploration and hoped that he'll be able to find the candidates for his Primarch but he had to do that once he finished on the plan trip with the young X-Men and Avengers before relaxing for some beach BBQ in the summer. 


Few years prior, far into the cracks of space and time. One would be able to see a man who was spire purple wearing a bizarre helmet and clothes who's became distorted. 

"This is impossible! How can this!! This shouldn't exist but…how is this possible!!!"

It screamed infuriated upon the revelation before him looking at every possible timeline witnessing the same conclusion that bewildered him. He tries to peer through the possible future of his desired end but all crumbles turn into something different. 

'Enzo Stark shouldn't exist. A variable that should not be in any timeline yet…someone had tampered the time stream! I can't allow this!! I must take action before it's too late.'

He tried to select the earlier existences of Enzo only to find that something was blocking him from entering those timelines. 

"Gaaah!! Nooooo!!! How can this be!!"

The man roared in anger after being rejected by the flowing times stream, unable to interfere with the past of Enzo. He didn't give up and tried numerous times to leap into the past to kill the variable that was Enzo. It took several attempts using countless gadgets and artifacts until a crack was opened that was wide enough to enter.

"Finally!! Now, I, Kang the Conqueror shall attain what is rightfully mine!"

He grinned entering a time where he had his power feeling disappointed but didn't give it much thought as this is the only time that was possible for him to enter.