
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 26 - Supreme Demon

Standing before the countless kneeling demons that by nature never feel unified but now the presence of Enzo has changed their mind. Lesser demons would normally have primal thoughts only driven by malice and carnage as they are evil in flesh relish in those twisted desires while Greater Demon have some intellect to command lesser demons and Arch Demon are those who could be considered commanders below the Hell Lords who rule the Hell Dimension. 

A [ Transcendent Demon Physiology ] has many name from Daemonium Deus/Diva/Numen Physiology, Demonic/Diabolical Deity Physiology, Supreme Demon Physiology, Supreme Infernal Being, etc and are the apex of demonkind where they are always at the peak of anything related to hell and demons. This meant he was for all intent and purposes, the Supreme Demon. 

It is written from the root of their creation who he was and what he was. This is the reason only those who are still close to their primal urges were kneeling as those who are stronger are able to resist his aura. 

Not to mention, for Woman his aura would be intoxicating that they would try their best to serve him with their body. Though, like previously stated stronger demons would be able to resist. 

Enzo did not intend to be a Supreme Demon but now things are changing, his goal set out to reclaim the throne and set things right. Innocent souls are not permitted to be condemned in hell with only exception but regardless this is not the rules. 

It made me feel annoyed and angered looking at the lowly demon holding the white haired woman. He did not forget to find Illyana, however, the lack of understanding of the dimension his in would only cause trouble if he were to move without a plan. 

As much as he was kind, he's not someone who acts careless and head first. The thing he needed is information to expand his reach while understanding Hell and his newfound physiology. 

The lowly demon demanded his name yet Enzo just insulted him and showed his might by blowing his attack away. It's fear when he tested his demonic energy flaring through the battlefield causing the Demon to fall into his knees. 

"You have no right to demand of me, Little demon. Know your place…trash."

The next moment, the Demon screamed in agony as Enzo was able to slowly understand his power as Supreme Demon. He has free reign over this demon like his hive mind because after acquiring the physiology gave him a Demonic divinity and authority over nearly All demons. 

The demon before him felt fear, pain, humiliation, agony, misery, and countless sensation that can break any creature into insanity. Every passing second felt like eon of years unable to escape the true hell. 

"Aargh!! S-Stop!! I begged you!!!"

He manage to screamed in between his body and soul being tortured for eternity. Enzo merely looked down at it without a shed of emotion having changed the way he viewed things. His heroic nature only goes so far and relishes in the pain of those who truly deserve it. 

Meanwhile, Lady Death was in a daze looking at him defeating an enemy that she struggled to win without even moving and merely spoke single words. She can't believe that an entity more powerful than Lucifer would exist in hell. 

Yet the person before him did not make her feel afraid if anything she was drawn by his intoxicating aura and felt her heartbeat for the first time in countless centuries. She envisioned her and the person before him ruling hell while returning to earth. 

However, she still remains conscious of his arrival since after living in hell for centuries made her to be careful of everything she faces. Lady death enjoyed the suffering of the demon that mock and foolishly dreamed into making her his lust. 

Noticing her gaze, Enzo turned toward her looking at the beauty before him. He saw her remain on guard despite feeling no Ill intent instead desire to please him which he inwardly enjoyed. He was unsure if this was influenced by the new power or this was just him slowly letting go of what he wanted but regardless he did not care anymore.

"Do you want to have him?"

Enzo asked since he just wanted to test his power against the demon and would be stealing all the fun if he didn't give it to the woman who surely wanted to kill the demon. Lady Death was a bit surprised by his question but immediately replied. 

"Yes at first I wanted to capture and torture him but you've already done it for me and did a better job than I would have done."

He nodded before looking back at the demon before sending it into the dark eldar to be experimented and tortured. Demon does give great materials for scrolls and other magic items. Lady death approached him and said.

"I am called Lady Death, the ruler of this Hell. May I ask for your name traveller?"

She asked to maintain her elegants as ruler while also showing respect for the man who saved her. Enzo turned to get a good look of her body and faces amazed that she didn't have any wounds or scars but seeing it possible that she has a healing factor then it isn't that strange. However, holy weapons and specific handcrafted ones can wound demons.

There is only a small hint of lust under his appreciating gaze. Lady Death would feel annoyed by the way he looked but instead were pleased that her charm was working against him.

"Lady death? Is that your true name? You're once human, right?"

She was shaken by his words as no one truly knew her origin that now shrouded in countless years of ruling hell with only exception of a few individuals. In truth, All demons are formed either by a stronger demon or naturally formed by the malice and emotion of humans being sent into hell which in turn form demons while human turn demons are frowned upon. Of course there are exceptions but this is the normal process.

Enzo saw her expression and understood that he made a mistake in trying to ask for her true name. 

"Ah you don't need to answer me if it bothers you."

Lady Death was surprised how this man was the same person who made that demon from before powerless. He was perfectly contrasting at the might he displayed against his enemy. 

"Hope. That is the name I had long abandoned."

"Hope, what a beautiful name. I'm Enzo and I'm looking for someone who could potentially kidnap humans from earth. The sister of a close friend of mine had been taken away and I'm not sure in which hell she had been captured."

He explained looking around spreading his newfound senses still unable to locate her. The only conclusion is that she is in another hell or in a highly protected barrier that blocks his clairvoyants. Lady Death, seeing an opportunity to gain his favor, quickly offered her help. 

"There are many such cases in hell that it is nothing new. However, I can offer my help."

"I appreciate your offer, however, do you expect me to believe that you're offering this for free? State your desire."

Enzo's sharp gaze made Lady death rethink her action believing that she could face fate worse than death but still held herself and said.

"...I desire to return back to earth."

"...Very well, that's easy enough."

His words made her widen in shock, having unreluctantly declared that he's capable of bringing her back to earth. Lady Death couldn't help but ask.

"A-Are you certain? I've been cursed by the previous ruler of hell binding me into this plane."

"Hmph! Yeah it's easy for me. My power is weakened in this world but it is nothing to scoff at."

Though, weaken is not the right word rather it adjusts to be at his biggest advantage. He could use power cosmic but his newly acquired Supreme Demon physiology allowed him to be on top of hell. Lady Death fell silent, having a surge of emotion growing inside her that had long been abandoned. 

It was hope. He may have been seeking ways to return home but it is nothing more than an aimless desire that fuels Her drive to fight and keep moving forward as she had long abandoned the possibility of escaping. 

"...Then I will offer everything, my army, my kingdom, my power and even my body."

"Woah there, no need to go that far. You're beautiful but I don't want to force you."

Lady Death felt a bit offended that her charm was not enough for him to take the offer in heartbeat causing her to be more interested in what kind of man he was. 

"For now, is there any place where we can talk privately?"

"Follow me."

She nodded before gesturing for him to follow walking back into her stead while Enzo made his own demon horse. Lady Death was fascinated by his power, witnessing his ability create life out in thin air. There was no magic involved from its creation, merely from his flesh itself. 

"Ah right, can I take the rest of the enemy demon with me?"

Lady death halted for moment before nodded as she watched him spreading tendrils turning all the enemy demon into his slaves and army. 

"I'm done, let's go."

"What did you do to them?"

"Turned them into my army."

She didn't press any further and began their journey back to her castle where Enzo was presented with the typical dark castle seen by every film. The two then arrive inside the castle hall following her into the hallway where the demons were kept kneeling at him then a two wild wolf approached them. 

Lady Death patted the wolf and watched as they walked their way to Enzo who remained calm and intrigued by the wolf. He held out his hand that the two sniffed before moving closer to rubbed their fur against his palm.

"I'm impressed that even my nameless wolves would feel compelled to submit to you. What sort of being are you? I'm certain you're a demon, a high ranking one at that I'm not too sure what exactly." 

She has seen countless kinds of demons in her lifetime and none had the power to cause demons to kneel before someone without showing their power. The demons only follow the stronger whatever their reason may be. Only the strong are respected while the weak are killed. 

Enzo kept patting while trying to find the right answer for her question since he's unsure what he is. 

"I don't know how to answer your question. Regardless, I believe I'm human then I'm human even if I turn into a monster so long my heart stays as it is then I am human."

He did not deny his monstrous nature even outright evil in many perspectives. Morals and other things are always questioned but in the end Enzo will continue to do what he believes. 

His words left an impression on Lady Death as she kept repeating the statement. Lady Death believes that her human nature was now gone seeing what she had become but the man before him still outright speaks of him as a human despite his power and nature. However, it still did not answer her questions and left her unsatisfied. 

"If you won't tell me then it's fine. For now tell me what I can do to help you find this person you're looking for."

He nodded, thinking for a moment what the last time the girls saw before Illyana was completely taken away. Enzo believed that it would be someone who saw her potential as power mages that had captured her. 

"Are there any powerful mages that would dare kidnap children?"

"There are numerous but I can send out my demons to scout and see if they see a child that fits your description."

"No, I just need a layout and other hell dimension then I can handle the rest."

There are things that Enzo couldn't do in the dimension carelessly. Hell was an enigma to him where everything was out of place making rather confused. Though, he was rapidly adapting and evolving as times went on.

Lady Death felt rather useless that she can't offer anything of value to gain his trust. Enzo was able to do everything that she offered but he only lacked the general map of certain places. 

"Is there anything that I could offer?"

She didn't want to back down and just give him something that could easily be acquired. Enzo did gain the memories of the demon he absorbed but it was far too twisted that It's unreliable source. He could see that she's adamant of showing her worth to him with a hint of fear. 

"You shouldn't worry as I am a man who always pays his deal."

"Even still…I refuse to repay something worth more than everything I have."

Enzo raises a brow seeing that she feels compelled to repay him that has the same weight as her freedom. He gave a thoughtful expression before deciding the series of actions that he'll execute. 

"Then you're willing to give your title as the Rule of this hell?"

He now wanted to go on a war against the hell dimension in hopes of both finding Illyana while also acquiring more power upon absorbing the hellscape. Enzo sees this as killing two birds with one stone. Lady Death paused for a moment looking at her waiting for an answer.

"Yes, I am willing. As I said before, I am prepared to give my army, my kingdom, my power and even my body."

She kneels down to show her willingness despite her pride as demon and ruler of hell. Enzo grinned walking closer to her and raising her head letting Lady Death see up close his abyssal gaze with a demonic slit that peered through the deepest part of her heart. 

"Then believe what I said."


Enzo was left in a room to rest where he went into a mental state in order to complete the process of unleashing his power. He had to familiarize himself on how to use his power as Supreme Demon and let everything surge through his body. 

His hair returned to white having unconsciously felt this was the form not fitted to be his demonic side. He can change it but at an unconscious decision would always return to this white haired style, However, it soon returned back into black when he opened his eyes. 

'This plane has become my domain.'

He acquired full authority over the whole dimension in a matter of few minutes allowing him to exert the demonic essence of the whole Hell Dimension and becoming more powerful inside. 

Though, the whole place is a lot weaker than other Hell dimension still gave him a new power up. It was then a knock was heard and went to pick it up finding Lady Death. 

"I came to tell you that we've prepared a meal for you. Though, I'm not sure Hell's meal would suit your taste "

She doesn't know what the taste of human food is anymore and at first the taste of food in hell was beyond vile and eventually came to enjoy it. Enzo nodded and followed her to the dining hall where the two sat down for a meal where a demonic animal cooked in a rather immature way. 

However, he wasn't a picky eater and just took a bite. Enzo ate their meal along with Lady Death who decided to ask him a question.

"You've come from earth, correct?"


"Can you tell me what kind of place Earth is now compared to where I left it."

"That's difficult but tell me, what country did you live in?"

"....it's been countless years with my memory far too vague but I believe I've lived in the countryside of Great Britain."

Lady Death tried asking the soul who wandered into Hell but they were too broken to have decent conversation that she gave up. 

"How long have you been in this place if you don't mind me asking?"

"...I don't know at least several centuries."

"Then what kind of transportation do your people have?"

"Horses and carriage? Why? Don't the people of today don't use them?"

"Hahaha well let me tell you how the current world is like."

Lady Death became excited to listen where Enzo eagerly told everything about the current state of the world that made her eager to see for herself. A world where less peace and prejudice is seen. It is like a haven compared to her time. 

She felt like a child listening to a story book since it's unbelievable to hear that flying vehicles and humans are acquiring the power to ascend the sky to create new homes without any magic. It was too unbelievable to be real. This only made her desire to escape hell.  

"Can you bring to your throne?"

After their meal, Enzo asked Lady Death to escort him to her throne room that previously belonged to Lucifer. He went closer caressing the throne that had never been sat on even for Lady Death, refusing to take the one in which his enemy had sat before her. 

"What do you intend to do?"

Lady Death watched closely, curious as to the reason as to why bring him there. She saw him grinned at her before sitting on the throne that slowly changed itself to fit its new ruler. 

[Image here ]

She senses the change happening in hell as the sound of ancient howls could be heard as the whole castle changes where the barren wasteland acquired new variety with new born demon rises and older demons roared empowered by Enzo's ascension.

"To rule over all Hell and declare war against other Hell lords."