
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 14 - Power and Mind Stone

Once every girl has their smut, I'll be slowing down the pacing since I've been mostly time skipping.


The Power stone, holding the power of everything within the library in the universe. It is like akashic record of all power that exists and will exist in the confinement of this universe. 

I know that the power stone can duplicate and copy powers so long it is within the capabilities of one universe. The power stone won't be able to copy powers like the phoenix force anytime soon. 

I'm most curious if my flesh is able to turn the infinity stone into my body. My power has already been boosted and simple biological flesh doesn't apply anymore when I'm a cosmic being. 

I move closer trying to inspect it even further then reach out to take the orb from its containment unaffected by the laser barrier. 

"What are you going to do that for? Aren't you already powerful?"

Gali asked curiously. My power already eclipses that of Galactus but still below the might of the Phoenix true might. I am a small part Celestial thanks to the replication of the Knowhere but still I am merely a bug fish in a small pond.

"You may look at it that way but I am still a speck of dust within the vast ocean of reality. I am not aiming to become the strongest but enough to protect those I love."

It may sound corny but that's how I truly aim to be. I would give up my power if I'm able to keep everyone important to me safe and enjoy life. By the end of the day it is not possible and we are forced to aim higher to ensure our safety. 

"Also I can make more food for you glutton."

"Hey, I'm not a glutton! I can't help it, okay!"

Gali pouted at me recieve a chuckle since she looked too cute when she acted this way. 

"Sure what you say, Kirby."

"Kirby? Hey, what does that mean!?"

I ignored her for a moment and crushed the infinity stone that sent a wave of energy across the galaxies causing a ripple of distortion even more powerful than cosmic power that I wielded. 

The power stone seemed to be alive and turned into particle dust before my flesh absorbed the power of the infinity stone. It spread throughout my body as purplish veins appear while immense power whelming inside me.

I could feel the overwhelming power the stones had and how vastly weaker I am compared to other cosmic entities. The stone itself gave me a clear understanding how far I need to go to reach their level. 

I knew I was still weak but this is just a ridiculous level of bullshit. Regardless, it just helps me know what to aim for. Still I'm curious how I'm able to absorb the power stone.

'Hey Raphael, do you know how I was able to absorb the stone?'

[ Answer is not found. ]

'Worth the shot.'

The power soon settled down and the concept of power became part of me. I glanced at Gali who seemed shocked seeing me just absorbed the infinity stone without any problem. 

"What did you do!? Where did the power stone go?"

"I managed to absorb it."

I showed her the purple aura around me that even I was bewildered having acquired the power stones power. 

Maybe I should try going to another universe? I do want to bully homelander. That would be extremely fun and helping starlight would be a bonus. Poor girl.

"Jeez, what are you even? Daddy couldn't even do that?"

"Daddy is the best! He can do anything!"

"Yeah!! Infinity stones are just candy!"

My two daughters run up to me after playing tag around the place and receive a pat in the end. 

"That's right, you're daddy is the best!"

"I give up. Anyways, where to next? Still planning on going to Asgard?"

"Yup and Odin won't be a fool to challenge us…except for his son if he is a foolish child." 

Maybe he can push Galactus back but never defeat him and that could lead to a devastating cause. After a while, we left the planet heading our way to Asgard hoping to gain the Mind Stone.

If they are unwilling to hand it over then I'll take it by force. Perhaps it could cause a war but I could careless since that power shouldn't be handed to a mischievous individual like Loki. 

Though, I much prefer if we negotiate that it doesn't lead to conflict and unnecessary war.

The thing I realize is that Asgard is not like the movies and its location is a pocket  dimension protected by powerful magic.

It wasn't a problem for me and I just bypassed it. We were soon greeted by a massive flat continental size landmass. The realm of Asgard and if I am not wrong Heimdal would have seen us coming or rather sense us. 

Descending into the central bifrost appeared before a man looking intently at me. He seems to be trying to gauge my strength and peer through my secrets. It was fortunate for him that he couldn't since my secret can twist his mind. 

"Who are you and what purpose have you come for?"

He strongly said to me and remained looking sternly despite knowing that he is not much for my power if I were to fight them. 

"I am Enzo or Apeiron and have come to speak with the Allfather."

Heimdal paused for a moment looking at me before sending a transmission to somewhere. 

"Servants shall arrive soon to escort you."

I nodded, waiting for a few minutes. People would ask why I'm doing something like this. I can do whatever I want and be selfish but I am not that kind of man. This is already my way of self fulfilling, I am a god trying to live amongst men. 

For me people often lose respect for power thinking they're unstoppable and grow selfish in the process losing the euphoria of debauchery. If someone else had my power then they'll likely become homelander. 

"May I ask a few things from you?"

Heimdall spoke and received a nod from me.

"You spoke your purpose to meet the allfather, however I do not understand the reason behind it."

"The Allfather has what I need. Worry not, this is also to prevent Ragnarok from befalling Asgard."

My words cause his eyes to widen, I may not know what will be the cause of Ragnarok but I will still provide my assistant when the time comes. After a few minutes, several guards arrived and brought us to Odin while sightseeing the extravagant land of Asgard. 

I spread my parasite tasting the minor divinity of the people around me. They seem to be an alien race with advanced technology like the Marvel Cinematic universe. 

It didn't take us long to arrive at the Allfather throne room where soldiers landed and spotted a one-eyed old man wielding a spear in hand sitting on the throne while beside him was an old woman that had motherly charm. 

I could feel a foreign energy emanating from Odin that I believe to be the Odin Force since I heard it a few times in some YouTube video. 

"It is a pleasure to be in your audience Odin the Allfather, I am Enzo Stark or known by few as Apeiron."

I did not kneel, merely spoke in a way to convey respect and honesty Odin was at high alert since my presence isn't something to take lightly. 

"Apeiron, for what reason is such a cosmic being for you to arrive in our realm?"

He got straight to the point and remained as a mighty king. I can give him my respect for showing his status as king of his people. Though he was hardly perfect his years of life had changed him. 

Well, maybe imprisoning his daughter Hela but that's in the movie and Loki is her father though. Maybe it's the same here? 

"It may offend the Allfather, however, my companion told me that you possess one of the infinity stones and wish to be given to me."

The atmosphere immediately changed as everyone was prepared to attack me for any moment but I inwardly sigh since conflict was probably unavoidable. 

"Indeed, we possessed the Mind Stone but we cannot hand one of our prize possessions to someone else."

"I understand, however, it would be alright to know who wields. I cannot let it be in the hands of anyone who could be a threat in the universe."

"You do not need to fret for it is safely guarded in the treasure vault where no man would dare enter where only I, the Allfather possessed the power to enter."

"Then I hope to place even more protection if I am allowed?"

I'll just steal it I guess since no one is going to wield it and just provide a fake. At least strong enough that no one is going to notice and could backlash if used for evil. 

"Very well, you are permitted to do so."

"Thank you, Allfather. However, this is not the only thing I have come for."

"Then what other agenda for you to be in Asgard?"

"A peace between Midgard and Asgard. Our realm is heading for great change and hope that Asgard will be part of this change."

"Hmmm, you have my interest. We can discuss this further in a more private place."

I nodded and we were provided by a place to stay with a servant to serve us. No one noticed that it was a clone as I went alone heading my way to the treasure fault. There among the numerous treasures was the Mind Stone that holds every aspect of the mind. 

Using my power that was amplified by the infinity stone placed a powerful barrier to ensure no one would notice that was about to occur. 

I summoned the stone that hovered before me that soon enough became one into my flesh as my mind exploded with information regarding the universe at a lower dimensional record. It blocks information that is above the infinity stone but still this is just ridiculous. 

'Hahaha 2 down 4 more to go.'

I'll just find the other infinity stone later since this is making me wish to have a break. I'm going to head back to earth and spend 2 years with the girls.  

I quickly made a replica that has the same power but only used when someone is deeply worthy or subjected to mind control into doing the right thing. 

Afterwards, I returned with the others where my daughters wanted to walk around which I happily do. Along the way we met a group of Asgardian who saw me and became curious.

"Who are you?"

"Can I say the same thing, I'm known as Enzo and this is my daughter Scarlet Rose and Nova Tempest and you are?"

"Hi, I'm Galacta or Gali for short."

"We are known as the Warriors Three. Surely you've heard the tales. Hogun the Grim, Fandral the Dashing, and I, Volstagg the Svelte."

"I am called Lady Sif. I have not seen you before, are you someone from another realm?"

"Indeed we are, I come here to propose a treaty with all fathers from Midgard as change is happening in that realm."

"Midgard? Have you heard of Thor in Midgard as of lately?"

"I have not, why do you ask?"

"Daddy let's go! I want to see the place!"

"Yeah, we can talk about it later!"

Scarlet and Nova began to drag me making awkwardly smiles towards them.

"Well, I need to go because my daughter wants to see the wonders of Asgard."

"Oh, may we come along? It would be our honor to show the beauty of our realm."

They gave their sincere offer which I happily accepted and went into around Asgard. The place was full of magic and a mixture of advanced and nordic design. The warrior three and lady Sif gave us some of the rich Asgardian history. 

After a while, a few weeks have passed and we have gained the favor of the Allfather having a treaty of peace and collaboration. 

We soon left Asgard and still no one else knew that the mind stone had vanished from their vault. 

"So where to next?"

"Hmm, to earth." 

"Yehey! We're going to see mommy again!"

Gali nodded and we flew into space along the way as I've been looking at her. 

'Uhmmm Raphael, when will she give birth?'

Now that I have a mind stone and acquired any knowledge within the confinement of the current universe that I had.  

[ Exactly a year from now. I recommend telling her now. ]

Well shit, here goes nothing I guess.

"Hey Gali?"

"Hmm yes?"

"I'm going to tell you something and please remain calm."


"You know the reason why you've been eating a lot lately?"

"Yes? Don't tell me you know the reason behind it!?"

"Yeah, well it would be hard to believe and at first I don't want to believe but…. you're pregnant."

We stopped flying and she stared at me, shocked, unable to believe the words that I uttered.

"What!? How can I be pregnant?"

"I can't exactly answer you but I can give my hypothesis and that you produce Asexually like how your father never mention you're mother."

"...You're right."

"And….It seems to have part of my cosmic energy after you've been consuming my biomass and lifeforce."

"...Wait don't tell…you're saying that you are the father of my child!?"

She seems to accept being pregnant rather quickly.

"In a way yes, at first I was unsure but the more we spent together the more I realized. It is my child having the mixture of mine and your cosmic energy." 


After a few minutes of drama since I don't want to bore anyone watching. Galacta calms down and caresses her belly feeling the growing life inside of her.

"Will our child be cursed by unsatiated cosmic hunger?"

"I will not allow it, even if our child does possess this curse I'll provide for her or him."

She leaned on my shoulder while we flew into the sky and could hear my daughter giggling about us. Few hours later, we arrived on earth where we quickly went to the watchtower that had been upgraded into a literal space citadel. 

A group of people arrive and pounce themselves into me which happens to be my girls. My brother came flying to check up on us and gave a whistle then my daughter went towards him.

"Uncle Tony!" 

"Oh so you two are Nova and Scarlet huh"

Tony patted their heads while looking at me smothered by everyone. Few seconds later I was let go by the girls and received a barrage of questions giving them the truth. 

"Oh boy, you're just 16 and already this irresponsible. Told you to wear protection."

"Shut up and it isn't done by conventional means."

"Hmm, but you took our first before her like we promised!?"

Rouge said where everyone gave their nods. Jeez, when did this girl become so united? 

"Well, welcome to earth, Galacta."

Jean Grey moves closer to introduce herself and greet Gali who is feeling nervous around them. 

"Mommy Ororo, I'm hungry."

"Oh you're Nova? Aren't you cute!? Has your daddy been good? Has he touched other girls?"

"Nope! Daddy has been very good and hasn't touched other new mommies!"

Nova said while being pampered by Ororor as we continued walking around the citadel. The place was a massive ring that  devised natural laws of physics and powered by small cosmic energy.


2 years have passed and everything has been boring since most villains are easily dealt with. In this time heroes like, spider man, Nova, Luke cage, Iron fist joined the team to form young avengers. 

I spent most of my time interacting with the girls since I've neglected them for far too long. Of course, Galacta gave birth to a cosmic child that I named Asteria who looks like her mother with short hair. 

Earth had officially become an empire with the banner of the Imperium of man. Yeah original but whatever. This is the slow and grueling step into making earth into a Type 3 Civilization. 

Though, at times it is slowed down by villains and otherworldly threats but overall we manage to pull through. 

Today was Christmas week where I've been having a date with the girls. The girls had to draw lots without using their powers and the first one was Ororo. Thankfully even villains decide not to fuck my day and allowed me to have date night.

"Hello there, handsome."

I wore a suit for this date and turned to see Ororo wearing a fashionable dress that showed a bit of her chest. She looks extremely beautiful with her hair down like that.

"My eyes are up here."

"I made my choice."

She giggled and moved closer to give me a passionate kiss with our tongue invaded each other where our departure left a trail. 

"So where to?"

"Hehehe don't want to ruin the surprise can I?"

I smiled before taking her to teleport into a five star restaurant in Italy where it showed the beautiful lights of the place. She seemed to be in awe and the waiter took us to our table.

"Hope you like Italian."

"I don't mind them."

We sat down to our table and chat a bit before our food arrive. The night was quite enjoyable where made the moment all about us. It was then a music began to play and I look at Ororo beofr standing up.

"May I invite you to dance?"

I offered my hands to her as Ororo smiled and accepted a hand.

"With great pleasure."

We left our table and went to the center of the hall. Many views were directed to the couple.

Many of the people saw us were amaze by our appearances. Obviously we cast some illusion to not be seen as who we truly our since we wanted to enjoy Our date and began to dance.

Only the sounds of music broke the silence, everyone looked reverently at the dancing couple. With the final notes, Me and Ororo finished our dance.

Everyone started clapping. Today they saw real magic, a miracle. Dance of two gods. We gave a bow and continue the night before return back home. 

"I've been waiting for this for so long."

The only thing I saw was Ororo on top of me in the bed hungrily staring at me. I guess this is the night I'll be banging someone for real.