
the meeting

I felt the warm sun shining on my face through a parting of my curtains, a warm breeze blew in and I felt the hairs on my arms raise. I squinted and groaned from the thought of waking up and I turned away from the window. Picking up my phone it surprisingly unlocks with face recognition, I must not look as bad as I feel. I see a few notifications, mostly those which I could care less about, but there was something that caught my eye. It was a Tinder match, I felt a smile sneak to the corner of my mouth and I opened the window, he had already messaged me. The message read, "Hi, you're really cute, and I too have a cat. Maybe they'll have a playdate sometime?". I giggled, this message was cheesy to say the least, but cute. It's nice to not get a "Hey sexy lookin for some fun?" every now and then, maybe this guy will be nice. Scrolling through his profile I remember why I had swiped right before, tall and broad with beautiful green eyes. His hair was also really nice, and he had those hands that make you want him to grip around your neck... if you're into that at least. I message back, "That'd be fun, but I was thinking maybe you and I could have a playdate first? Gotta meet the father first yano?". Putting my phone down I sit up and stretch my legs to the front of the bed. He takes a while to respond but I'm not bothered by it, it gave me time to get up and dressed, as well as fill my stomach with some toast and eggs. Chime. I pick up my phone and it's him, "gotta number?". I sauce him back my number and head out the door for work.

As I leave work I get a phone call from him, "Hey, it's Jared. How was work?".

-"Good good.. did I say I was at work?"

-"Just guessing, so I got it right at least?" He waited only a moment before continuing, "So I'm in town right now about to pick up some sushi... want me to swing by we can eat at my place?"

-"Sounds great! My address is..." We finished up the call as I climbed into my car, I checked my mirrors and everything seemed fine. I pull up to my house and see what I assume is Jared's car, I get out and walk over to it but the door opens before I approach.

-"Hey, so nice to meet you" He extends his hand to me, I take it trying to be delicate.

-"Hi, very nice to meet you too." I say starting for his car. "So, your place?"

-"Yea, yea as long as your comfortable with that." I nod as a reply and he smiles in the corner of his mouth, looking at my lips. I smile back looking at those amazing green eyes, even so visible in the evening light. The drive to his house was pleasant, he didn't drive too fast and he asked me before putting on the radio. I can't stand listening to shit music for half an hour, i'd rather talk, and to my surprise he played a few songs I liked.

-"Can you sing?" Jared asked after I assume he noticed me humming the tune.

-"I would like to think I can but how good could my opinion possibly be?" I laugh softly and look at his profile while he drives, he turns to meet my eyes for a split second and then redirects his attention to the road. We pull up to a house, it was quaint with exposed brick and a very 70s slanted roof.

//so sorry but I can't keep writing today