
Blessings From a Curse

Rank 756, Raia Manos of Epíthesi Academy. Raia Manos is the first and only commoner to enter Epíthesi Academy, an institute secluded to aristocratic society. Falling behind, Raia undergoes bullying, torment, and abuse from his peers everyday. However, he pushes past the discrimintation to stand alongside his childhood bestfriend and heir to the Magnolia duchy, Andromeda Magnolia. When Raia and his friends are suddenly attacked at the academy, he is forced to face his heart's deepest fears. Broken and traumatized, Raia's lust for revenge pushes him to rise to the top of the empire.

jasminemelanie · Fantasy
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6 Chs

CH. 3: Professor Kang

Upon opening the door, Raia, Meda, Mirelia, and Oliver were met with Professor Kang.

Professor Kang stood infront of the class with yellow checker printed pants and a bright red button up with a black tie around her neck. The tie was tied incorrectly and her dark purple hair was disheveled. This was a normal appearance for Kang, she was a weird teacher that made all students feel uncomfortable.

"Hello everyone!" Kang slammed her hands on her front table as the rest of the students came in, "What a wonderful day it is."

Compared to the neutral brown tone of Epíthesi uniform, Raia's eyes burned as he looked at the Professor. She was bizarre, maybe clinically insane.

Who let this girl teach nobles?

"I have an interesting lesson for you today," Kang walked around the classroom, slapping a ruler in her hand lightly, "One that will challenge everything you've ever known about the world."

"There she goes again," Raia muttered to Oliver. Sitting at the back of the class, Raia felt safest far far away from Kang.

"Today we will be going over everyone's favorite topic... the Great Realm War!"

Mirelia raised a brow, lifting her hand into the air.

"Yes Young Lady Mirelia!" Kang pointed her arrow at the girl.

"Professor Kang, we already learned the Great Realm War. How is that gonna challenge everything we know about the world?"

Everyone nodded in agreement with her. No one liked the Great Realm War. It was a boring battle that happened between the three great realms thousands of years ago. It was over and done with.

Kang placed a hand on her chest, "Don't tell me you guys don't know about the TRUE Great Realm War?"

"True Great Realm War?" Mirelia questioned.

"Yes Young Mirelia, the true story behind the Great War. What do you know about it?"

"Not much, wasn't it just a war between the demon, god, and human realms that ended after a peace treaty?"

"To simplify it greatly," Professor smiled, "yes. But there's more to it than that. Something you never learned before."

The class sat in their seat in anticipation - even the usual bored Raia The Great Realm War was universal, everyone knew about it. What could there be not to know?

"Is anyone aware of King Lumiere?"

The class shrugged. The battle was resolved through the Gods and the Demon Realm. Humans didn't play much of a role. Atleast, from common knowledge.

"King Lumiere - the direct discipline of the God of Thunder Zeus."


"Ah it seems you guys didn't know," Professor sighed in disappointment, "To believe the Academy's children are still so clueless of history!"

Mirelia frowned. She was the top third year, had she been wrong about history? Such an easy subject?

"Fret not my dear students, I'll tell you!" She grinned, her golden eyes beaming with passion.

"As you know my sweet children, centuries ago, the Demon Realm raged war on the Realm of the Living. Millions of animals and humans were brutally murdered by the hands of ruthless demons."

Yes, everyone knew that. They nodded, waiting in anticipation.

"But what you didn't know is very important to history! The God Realm was not apart of the war until King Lumiere came."

Mirelia raised her hand, "I think I remember miss. Wasn't he the first king of our empire? King Lumiere of Epíthesi."

"That is correct Lady Mirelia! After demons killed his family, King Lumiere prayed to the Gods and begged them for mercy. Zeus, the King of the Gods, pitied Lumiere and made him a disciple. And such, with the power of Zeus, it was indeed King Lumiere who destroyed the demons and forced the realms to sign the Realm Peace Treaty."

Raia lowered his gaze from Professor Kang. Gods? Taking pity on people? With starving children and unreasonably wealthy nobles, he doubted it.  This sounded too much like a fairy tale.

"Is this going to be on the test Professor?" Olivier raised his hand, "I haven't heard this information from my tutors before before."

"Yes, this will be very important for your test," She smiled mischievously.

"For now though, we'll complete a worksheet until class ends. This will be study hall." Professor said, walking towards the exit of the room, " I have to gather your work so stay here for now"

Raia turned in his seat to face Meda, who sat behind him. "What was that all about?" He complained.

"Hm. It did seem a bit odd but Professor always teaches weird things," the silver haired girl shrugged, "Maybe it'll be helpful later on."

"Not likely," Oliver joined in, "I have never heard of this from any of my tutors."

"I agree," Mirelia joined, "I've yet to hear this information. Maybe she's lying? Or telling a funny story?"

If Rank One and Two of the Academy were suspicious, then Raia's weird feeling was right. Something was definitely off with that weird story Professor told. The Great Realm War was centuries ago and no one has ever mentioned anything about disciples or the God Realm like she has.

"What exactly is that psycho up to now?" Raia muttered to himself.

Ten minutes passed, twenty, and then thirty. The class waited in annoyance as they sat boredly in the classroom waiting for their strange professor to come back with their work.

"It's been thirty minutes, where is she?" Benjamin pounded his fist against his desk, "Tch, that damn teacher. I wouldn't be surprised if she forgot where she put the work."

"Don't say that Benjamin," Mirelia frowned, "Maybe there was an issue with the files."

"Whatever," he huffed, "I'll go check on her. She's wasting my time."

Benjamin pushed himself off his seat and headed towards back of the room. Opening the door, he peered outside- looking both right and left before immediately entering the hallway.

"Professor Kangg?" He called obnoxiously, "Where can our precious Professor Kang be?"

The class stared from inside as the boy confidently walked through the floor - searching for any sign of their teacher.

"Professor! Kang!"

Their curious eyes followed his steps until suddenly he stopped.

"Professor Kang...?"