
Blessings From a Curse

Rank 756, Raia Manos of Epíthesi Academy. Raia Manos is the first and only commoner to enter Epíthesi Academy, an institute secluded to aristocratic society. Falling behind, Raia undergoes bullying, torment, and abuse from his peers everyday. However, he pushes past the discrimintation to stand alongside his childhood bestfriend and heir to the Magnolia duchy, Andromeda Magnolia. When Raia and his friends are suddenly attacked at the academy, he is forced to face his heart's deepest fears. Broken and traumatized, Raia's lust for revenge pushes him to rise to the top of the empire.

jasminemelanie · Fantasy
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6 Chs

CH. 1: Rank 756

Rank 756, Raia Manos

As the only commoner at Epíthesi Academy, it wasn't a surprise that Raia continuously began to score lower and lower on his semester exams.

Raia stared at the school's ranking board and peered down at his name. Rank 756, just one rank away from being in last place. He used to feel disappointed at himself but recently, he felt as though he could care less about his place in Epíthesi. He would be last no matter what.

What was the point anyway? Even with a degree from a prestigious school, being a commoner still meant being a commoner. It wouldn't change anything.

"Raia!" a soft voice called out, "I got rank 4! What about you?"

Raia's grey eyes peered through his bangs to see a very familar girl. She smiled brightly, titling her head at Raia's indifferent reaction.

"Congratulations Meda," Raia mustered a fake smile, "Let's get ice cream to celebrate after school."

"Ice cream? From the commoner village I like?"

"Of course"

"Really? The one with the pink flavor?"

"Strawberry, yes, yes."

Andromeda Magnolia was the primary reason Raia had to attend Epíthesi Academy. She was the daughter of a prestigious duke in the empire. His mother was a maid at the manor, so naturally, Raia also grew up alongside Meda. The two were practically inseparable - two peas in a pod.

The duke had promised his mother a generous salary in return for Raia attending school with Meda. But, unlike other noble children, Raia had never recieved any form of education. He barely learned how to read and do math by the time of the orientation ceremony.

"Your rank, how did you score with your exams?"

"Not nearly as well as you did Meda, you're too smart for me."

Meda was intelligent, a prodigy almost. Despite being a girl, she received the official heir title to the duchy and beat her other brothers who had been lined up for the succession.

"I'm sure you did fine Raia,"

"You always seem to have faith in me"

Raia walked alongside Meda as they rushed to their next class, Intro to Economics. He absolutely despised the class. Instead of learning geniune economics, the professor spent most of the lecture ranting about his own personal life. It would have been an easy A, if the damn guy wouldn't assign tests on topics he brushed over during his daily gossip session.

Taking their seats, they sat in silence as the class slowly began to fill up with other students. Raia boredly stared out the window as Meda eagerly grabbed her textbook to begin reviewing. The two were complete opposites to one another.

Raia was a lazy common boy who gave no effort in class while Meda was the daughter of a rich duke who was expected to take over the duchy. That was the case of most of the noble students attending  Epíthesi.  They were future heirs, businessmen, and merchants. Raia couldn't compete.

"Raia Manos!"

Tearing his eyes from the window, Raia glared back at his teacher in annoyance.

"When will you ever put effort into your work? This is the third time in a row you've scored last in exam rankings!" the professor declared at the front of the classroom, slamming his hand against his desk.

What an interesting way to start the lecture.

"It's because he's a commoner, he's stupid,"

"Of course the Academy would be too advanced for a lowly commoner,"

Raia bit the inside of his cheek as whispers erupted from the class. Again, he was treated as an insect because of his humble birth orgin. The nobles look down at him - almost as if he were less human for being poor. He gripped his pen tightly, if he caused any problems it would affect Meda and the Magnolias.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Mr. Manos?" the teacher scowled, "You better score well. The whole academy is in jeopardy because of you! We've never had a student score this low."

"I apologize Professor," Raia stood up from his seat to give the man a slight bow, "I will try harder for the next exam."

"You say that but your score keeps dropping every semester!" the professor balled up a piece of paper and threw it directly at Raia.

The class erupted in a laughing fit as Raia is humiliated by the professor. This was a common occurrence after semester exams. Raia didn't really care anymore but Andromeda on the other hand, seemed to be boiling with rage.

"Raia," Meda pulled him down into his seat, "Are you okay? I don't understand why Professor keeps targeting you."

""Don't worry about it Meda," he reassured, ruffling her silver hair.

"You say that but" her voice wavered, "I hate seeing you get treated like this."

"I can't let your father's money go to waste," Raia put on another fake smile, " He graciously sponsored me afterall. I have to stay here until the end."

"If you don't like it here, we can run away together!" Meda declared, pumping up her fist in determination. Her silly attitude instantly made Raia feel better. For being a third year and the heir to an entire duchy, Meda had a childish side of her that always soften Raia's heart.

"No no Meda," he squeezed her cheek, "Unlike I, my Lady needs to graduate from here to become a successful Duchess."

She sighed in defeat. It was true. Every noble had to receive some sort of advanced education to even take a step in the noble world. Without the knowledge of economics, politics, and other subjects, it would be almost impossible to run a business or household.

"It would still be nice to run away with you," she blushed before averting her attention back to the Professor.

Raia raised a brow before pretending to pay attention as well.