
The day I saw him at first

"You know love,it's a new beginning in your life.I know you will first reject this but later you will accept this darling.Definitely you will get used to it." Mom said. And I replied her as "Yes I do think so" with a happy face.Though I don't want this to be happened, I accepted this challenge because I really want my mom and sister to be happy. There's nothing more than that to me.

My mom took me to the school and we were there for about 15 minutes in the main office of my new school but no one is there.After all we heard a sound of a female person in a phone call saying "Yes he won the competition,I knew that definitely Rushan will bring the trophy to our school". At the same time children started running towards the sports department of the school and then I got a little interest to see this. I stood up from the bench and I went little bit forward and then I saw a young guy wearing a blue blazer holding a trophy.

One person came to my mom and she started filling the new admission form so I had to return back to my place.

After all about 30 minutes they took me to my new class.

My mom tightly hugged me and then she went off so I had to move on with that lady who is the sectional coordinator of the building.

Time passed and the interval came.

At that time everyone's topic was about Rugby champion Rushan. I didn't knew his name at that time but later I remembered the conversation of the sectional coordinator.

In that moment he came near the canteen by talking with his friends.

And then at once a girl with a red rose came in-front of him and said "From my small age I just wanted to tell you this" and then Rushan asked "What you mean?" then she replied as "I love you" by giving that red rose to him. I was too excited to see his reaction because he didn't utter any single word at that time for about 10 seconds .At once he used to throw away that red rose to the bin and said "How dare you beggar think about a billionaire like me?. What do you have?.You have anything to beat me?.. No right." Then actually I was really shocked and everyone in the canteen looks at this scene now. At once that girl ran away by crying loudly..

Then he shouted everyone and asked "Why are you all looking at my face,ahh? Is there anything much important to see?"

Then everyone went off to there classes except his friends.Actually I moved my right leg towards him and thought of punching him because he would have reject her proposal in a good manner where that girl's reputation is not getting harmed.

Though I wanted to punch this guy at that moment I didn't. Because at once that night got into my mind, where my mom and sister were so happy for me.

The day went off and I went back home with my mom. Though I try to forget this scene, this is repeating again and again in my head…

"Natasha how was your day darling" my mom asked me. As usual I said "Nothing wrong mom,the day went well". She said that "It will be okey for you love.Be positive." I replied her as "Me too think like that and I think I need to sleep now" With a tight hug I said good night and came to my room with the hope of writing my day dairy..