
Blessed By Mana (TBATE)

After having successfully defeated the demon Zarged, responsible for the tragedy of the Elf tribe 500 years ago with the aid of the Magic Knights of the present era, Licht went on to help them one last time by lifting off the reincarnation spell cast on them by the demon. He then felt his own soul departing the artificial body prepared for him and begin to fade away. He would finally be able to reunite with both Tetia and Lumiere in the afterlife. Or that's what he thought but not every wish is fulfilled and not all stories come to and end. Sometimes even the end marks a new beginning. (I don't own TBATE or Black Clover, nor their characters. Both of these works belong to their respected writers. All I own is the fanfiction. Enjoy reading!)

Duke_Aaron · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

29. Clashing Ideals

Early that day

Alduin Eralith POV

Pushing another stack of papers and parchments aside, I lean back on the chair for a well-deserved short break from the monotonous work of reviewing through various documents, stamping a few of them for granting permissions and of course the most important, reviewing through the daily military report. Even though we are not in the middle of any sort of war, the army must never slack off. We never know when an emergency situation will arise where the mobilization of the army would be needed to be done at top priority.

"Emergency situation huh," These words left my mouth, followed by soft chuckling. "I guess the situation that arose a few days back can be termed as such."

The last few days were quite hectic for all of us. It all started with Tessia running away from the palace after a small argument with Licht over pudding and was kidnapped by the slave traders. If not for the human boy named Arthur saving her from her kidnappers, we would preparing for something entirely by now. Despite being of merely four years old, he was able to deal with four adults with weapons and one of them was a mage.

What's more is that Arthur himself is a mage at that age, with his core being at the red stage already. He must have awoken at the age of three, the same age as Licht. I won't be surprised if he is considered a prodigy among the humans, similar to how my son is considered one among the elves. Both of their awakening happened way earlier than the age it usually takes place for their respective races.

(A/N - Yeah reincarnated MCs have a knack for awakening at the age of 3 or below.)

A knock on the door snapped me out from my thoughts, prompting me to sit up straight on the chair. Clearing my throat I answered. "Come in."

The door opened to reveal this kingdom's strongest mage, Lance Jader Grephin, Hero of the Second Human-Elf War and the current head of the noble Grephin Family.

"Greetings your Majesty." He greeted with a polite bow.

"Please take a seat, Jader." I instructed before getting up and went for the couch. He sat on the one opposite to mine. Notifying the palace servants to bring us something to eat, I sat down in a relaxed manner. "So how is the training of the new candidates going?"

"Both of them have been showing promising results in their training. It reassures me that I will be renouncing my position to capable candidates such as them," Jader answered. He paused when the servants brought in some snacks for us. Once they were gone, he resumed after taking a bite. "Though I believe you did not summon me just to ask that."

He was right on the mark. Given his position as the Lance, he had been serving our family for a very long time. We both got closer and formed a friendship-like bond during the wartime when both our brothers became martyrs in the war.

"I should stop beating around the bush then," I took a deep breath before resuming. "You are someone who fought in the last war against the humans? What if I were to tell you that we are bringing the continent of Dicathen together as a whole by unifying all the three races? Tell me your thoughts."

Dead silence filled the entirety of the room with only the sounds of our light breaths being audible. Unlike myself, Jader was a war veteran and was one of the leading forces in the war. He is the one who has experienced horrors of the war firsthand, in the battlefield itself. It won't take a genius to guess what his feelings would be on the matter of forming friendship with the humans when they were the ones who killed his brothers.

The phrase "Yesterday's enemy is today's friend" might sound simple and can be used as a quote or slogan but it is very difficult to make it a reality. The survivors of the war on both sides simply cannot forget what they went through during those turbulent times.

"Is it related to the human boy whom Elder Virion took under his wing?" He asked after a long pause. Ever since I spoke of the unification between the race, a permanent scowl had made it's way to his face no matter how much he tried to hide it, he simply couldn't.

"You are well informed as always but that human boy happened to be here just due to some unforeseen circumstances. Father simply took him as a disciple because he managed to pique his interest," I quickly waved it off. "It's Licht's sincere desire to unite the three races under one flag. The flag of Dicathen."

"And? Isn't it just the prince's naivety speaking? He has no idea about the war we had and the sacrifices we had to make," Jader responded, his scowl deepening and this time he did not bother to hide it. The change in his tone was more than enough to make one realize how sensitive the topic is for him.

As for myself, I had mixed feelings about this unification. One part of me wanted this unification to happen for the sake of the people breaking apart from their ghosts of the past and accepting one another for what they are, leaving their past grudges behind. I have no idea how or what Father thinks about this but he is the first to agree with Licht's ideology. Even though he lost both his wife and child to the humans, he still wishes to enter into a peaceful relation with them. I wonder whether this is out of grandfatherly love or he is genuinely sure about moving forward with this.

Then there is another part of me which is still against unification while blaming the humans for the death of my mother and brother. In a war, death is inevitable and yet people still search for someone to blame for their loss.

The blame game exists for a reason, either give a purpose to those who have lost everything; a purpose like revenge. This purpose is more than enough to give them a reason to continue living and becoming stronger.

"I wouldn't call that naivety when he spent three years in the human kingdom," I replied, maintaining a calm and collected tone. "He is serious about this and father is giving him full support from his side."

"And you know my stand in this matter. Not just me, but there would be many nobles disagreeing with the unification with the humans. Dwarves are a different matter but none of them would be ready to comply with humans," Jader expressed his views. "Even if Elder Virion supports this notion, it would be impossible to achieve by simply forcing it on the citizens. It would be straight up oppression."

"I know and I get your point," I stood up from the couch, walking over to the windows and took a look outside. "Even Licht himself is aware of this. Another reason he hasn't taken any action as of now."

"Your Majesty, what is your stand in this?" I could feel his curious gaze on my back.

"If you ask me, I have mixed feelings about this. A part of me desires that we go ahead with the unification and put an end to all the tensions amongst ourselves," I revealed with a long sigh.

"Despite the fact that it were humans that took Her Highness Lania and your elder brother's lives?"

"That's the other part which doesn't seem to agree with the unification," I answered, uncertainty evident in my voice. "You know at first I was against the decision of Father taking in Arthur as a disciple. At that point Licht mentioned that if it weren't for Arthur then we would have been making preparations for a Third War against the humans."

"Since His Highness is conflicted about this, I guess you will leave everything in your son's hands?" The Lance questioned.

"He will be eighteen next year and I plan to coronate him as my successor," I admitted. "You are right about me leaving everything in his hands. It's one way of supporting him since I am unable to move forward with this myself."

"And you want me to support your son?" Jader questioned, having finally seen through me and the reason we had this conversation.

"Apart from Father, he would need stronger support to convince the masses," I replied. "I am not forcing you into this. The end decision lies with you whether you want to help the cause or not."

"I will make my choice after having a talk with him. I want to see how far he has thought about this," He got up from his seat and bowed before leaving the room. "Have a good day, Your Majesty."


Licht Eralith POV

"You wouldn't mind me taking a little bit of your time, would you Prince Licht?"

"...Uncle Jader?" I blurted out, recovering from the initial shock of seeing him cut through my spell like a knife cutting through butter. "You don't need to be formal with me."

This man was Jader Grephin, my uncle who was married to mother's older sister, Auriel, and the current head of House Grephin. I had seen him around the palace many times, especially during the court proceedings or in private meetings with Father and Grandfather. He did visit on both mine and Tess's birthdays but our conversations have always been seldom. Mostly because of his busy schedule as an important member of the court and at the same time the head of a Noble House.

"I know but right now I am not speaking with my nephew," His voice was a dead giveaway that the matter he wants to talk about is a serious one. "Right now I am talking to the one who has to lead Elenoir in the coming years."

Whatever he wants to talk about might be of importance to myself and maybe even for the benefit of this kingdom. It may prove beneficial to listen to him and perhaps I can get him on my side for the plans I have for the future.

"Sure. Do you wish to talk here or somewhere else?" I inquired.

"There is no need to move anywhere else. This place will suffice." He replied before drawing out his sword from the sheath. "You wouldn't mind a short spar while we talk would you?"

"No problems." I answered, taking out my katana from the dimensional ring and took an offensive stance. In response to my stance, he readied himself with a regular sword stance. In a single glimpse, it was clear that his battle experience was no joke. "So will it be basic sword techniques and simple mana augmentation?"

"I am fine with anything. You can go all out with your skills if you want." He answered, seeming unfazed. "Also you can have the first attack."

I don't know what he is planning but the discussion he wants to have must be of a serious matter concerning the kingdom so I should not get too excited in the heat of the spar and focus on the talk.

Grabbing the chance for the first attack, I dashed forward, attempting a sideways arc. Before I could land my attack, Uncle disappeared and reappeared right behind me in the blink of an eye. His movements were too fast to take note off but that didn't mean that they are unavoidable. I swung my sword behind myself to parry his thrust before swiftly turning around forcing him into a defensive position. He took back a few steps only to lunge forward at double speed. Our swords clashed and now it was a battle of strength.

"Your father informed me that you are having thoughts and have been working for the unification of the three races?" He spoke as we tried to push the other one off-balance in a conquest of strength.

'So it's all about this. Father must have had a talk with him.' Talking about this matter with the one considered the "spear" of the Royal Family isn't unusual. Moreover, I was waiting for the chance to talk this issue out with the current Lance. Having his support would make the negotiations with other nobles a little easier. 'I have to get him on my side. Thankfully, I know a thing or two about negotiation, all thanks to my friend.'

"Yes I plan to," The moment I said this, he pulled his blade away only for me to nearly lose balance and fall forward. Finding an opening, he swung his sword in a downward slash.

Acting fast on my reflexes, I countered it with an upward slash, nearly throwing his sword away if not for him to jump back at the right timing.

"Why do you wish for this unification despite knowing that about the war, having seen numerous elves being sold as slaves and lastly having your own sister kidnapped by humans?" He asked, pointing his weapon at me.

"It were the humans that helped me rescue those elves and it was also a human that rescued Tess from the clutches of slave traders," I answered, putting more emphasis on 'slave traders'. 'I even know Grandpa is friends with Cynthia Goodsky, Director of the biggest educational institution in Sapin but I will save that as my trump card.'

"That's just a handful of humans. Betting on the minority will not work in your favor," Uncle argued before he thrust his sword, piercing the air in front of him.

I ducked underneath the incoming wind bullet before augmenting my legs with mana to give me a speed boost. Focusing mana in my hand, I ran my fingers down the blade of the sword, imbuing it with a layer of mana before swinging it at him. Nonetheless, Uncle was prepared for it, easily blocking my attack with his own mana-coated blade.

"If you are curious enough to know about it then I will tell you the reason," I responded, this time not bothering about our stalemate position. "You are a Lance, I am aware of that. The strongest mage of this kingdom. I also know that your power comes from an artifact and that you are bound by the Soul Oath to the ruler of this kingdom."

"What about it? Does this have to do anything with our discussion?" He didn't seem surprised by my knowledge, knowing that it is normal for the next-in kin of the Royal Family to know about it.

"The belief that these artifacts were gifts from deities isn't foreign to you either," I continued.

"Yes," He answered with a puzzled expression, wondering what I was getting on with this.

"But have you ever questioned where these deities appeared from?" It was finally time to throw the ball on the court.

I cannot reveal the entire information I received from Mordain about Alacrya and Epheotus since it would cause mass panic in the continent and our enemies might get notified. It would be too early for them to know everything and there is a chance that the people won't believe me right away and moreover, Mordain isn't the least bit interested in showing himself to other people.

"What if I say they are from another land? Somewhere far away from Dicathen?" I continued, taking his silence as a confirmation to go on. "What if there are other lands with people residing in there?"

"You are going too fast. How can you be sure about other lands existing and that deities are from a faraway land?" He questioned, withdrawing his sword and taking a few steps back, trying to process everything at once.

Finally! I got him curious about this matter! Now to push him a bit more.

"You really don't believe that the deities appeared out of nowhere or descended from the skies in response to the prayers of our ancestors, do you Uncle?" I resumed. "Neither they have their dwelling in the Beast Glades or else they could have dealt with the Mana Beasts themselves, why bother helping us out of pity?"

Once again he quieted down, trying to process the pool of information he was receiving. "But every assumption of yours up until now is based on a personal hunch."

"And yet that hunch makes sense at this moment. You and nobody for that matter has a counter for this since this thought has crossed everyone's minds at least once," I replied. "We all have been curious about what lies beyond the horizon? What lies in the vast ocean bodies?"

"Let's say the deities come from a land similar to the continent of Dicathen. What does unification of the races have to do with this?"

"Let's assume that there exists more continents other than ours and the people there already know about our existence. Taking our ignorance and the divide between us into consideration, they might want to take advantage of it and try to conquer our continent," I explained. "Once again it is an assumption but it never hurts to take precautions. If we are united then we will have a better chance to tackle them especially with all six lances working together."

"And if my assumptions come out to be null, then we will have an Era of Peace in this continent. No one wants to have another war after all. It will be a win-win situation," I finished.

After a long pause, Uncle Jader let out a sigh, sheathing his sword. It seems he has arrived at a conclusion.

"You win. Despite it just being a hunch of yours, you managed to put forward your arguments in an impressive manner," He complimented. "Invoking the hidden curiosity of the people over what lies beyond these lands wasn't a bad move."

"Good job convincing me," He walked up and patted me on the back. "So how are you going to convince the other nobles and the rulers of Sapin and Darv?"

"I have a plan."

"Course you do."