
Blessed by Luck

Adam is born differently than any other human and is raised inside of a lab where he would do what he was told to do until he was given a chance to be transported to a 'random' world by a Goddess of Balance. He isn't given anything to do in return so he spends his days preparing for an inevitable future and growing as a person along the way. A/N: Most of the time when I write chapters I try my best to make stuff make sense but it's very difficult to do so if something doesn't make sense that's my bad. I am writing this story out of fun with most everything being wish-fulfillment. So if you're looking for a story filled with only plot and character development then this isn't the story. I will still try and write some character and plot development but since this is the first time I attempt to write anything like a story so It will probably be bad. I'm mostly writing it since I randomly came up with an idea for it so doesn't be too hard on the criticism. Disclaimer: I do not own nor claim any of the existing characters as mine. Only a couple of characters in the MC's arc will be mine.

eeclime14 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Unexpected Winner

Another day went by with Adam working on his weapon. He wanted to continue working on it but he also told Rin he'd be there with her and everyone else so he made his way down to the living room where everyone else was already playing board games with food on the table.

"I didn't know you were coming," said Xenovia while she cleaned up the area around herself.

Everyone else just laughed and Adam sat down in an open seat. "I thought it would be a good idea to take a break from work for a bit," he said.

"Adam, how can you be rank number one in our school when you rarely show up besides for exams? I want to know because I've been struggling with school recently" Xenovia asked Adam while trying to laugh off her embarrassment.

"I don't really know myself, the answers just show themselves for everything. I can figure out how to do things by just looking at them. If you want help I can try explaining" Adam said the last part a bit hesitantly.

"Really?! That's great, I'll be right back" she replied to him as she stormed off to her room to get her things.

Everyone who saw their interaction felt sorry for Xenovia. They had tried asking Adam for help before but it ended the same way for all of them. They didn't understand a single thing he was saying. They ended up more confused than they were to start with.

Xenovia appeared from the stairs not that long after she had left. " Alright can we start with the math section?" she said excitedly.

"Sure just sit down next to me," Adam said while gesturing for her to sit.

Xenovia was going to take it a step further and sit on his lap but saw the jealous looks from the girls in front of her and decided it was better to avoid that minefield. She sat down next to him and Adam began explaining.

"So this is the get same as 1 divided by cosine x squared and with that you can easily solve for the rest," he said the last part as he sped through the question while he continued speaking what seemed to be a different language.

Xenovia was lost after listening to Adam speak for so long. She didn't want to stop him since she was the one that wanted help. She looked over to signal for help from Mikasa and Asia but Mikasa was stopping Asia from helping by placing her hand over her mouth.

She was starting to lose her mind but was saved when they heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" she said without giving anyone else a chance to speak running towards the door at max speed.

"Am I doing something wrong?" Adam asked as he turned towards the two girls who were now sitting down normally.

"You're doing nothing wrong Adam" Mikasa quickly responded.

"Y-yeah nothing wrong" Asia agreed with her even though she wasn't sure about how correct that answer was.

"Right... what's taking Xenovia so long?" Adam questioned. He then remembered who was going to be coming over. "Let's go greet Rin, come on," he said gestured as he stood up and walked towards the entrance.

"A new friend?" Asia asked.

"Something like that" Adam replied to her.

At the entrance, Xenovia was cooling off her head from listening to Adam. Once she was done she opened the door and found a girl shorter than her there. "Who are you?! Are you lost or something?" she asked while she sneakily tried to get into a fighting stance. She was getting the same type of feeling she gets around Mikasa.

"Woah there calm down. Aren't you a bit too unreasonable? I just came to visit Adam and Mikasa" Rin said in a panic. She rather not have to fight against someone in someone else's entrance.

"Ohh, you came to visit Adam. I see now, it all makes sense" Xenovia said as she relaxed.

"Yes, so you can relax. Sheesh aren't people too hot-blooded nowadays" Rin complained.

"You must be a part of Adam's harem as well. Come right in" Xenovia said it like it was a fact.

"Ha-a-rem?! What are you talking about!? I would never like that bully" Rin turned around to hid her flushed face as she complained about Adam.

"Stop speaking nonsense" Adam appeared from behind Xenovia who was now crouched while holding her head after the chop she got from Adam. "Nice to see you weren't too busy to join us," Adam said to Rin while ignoring Xenovia.

"Don't feel too happy I just happen to finish my stuff earlier than expected and coincidently had free time" Rin replied in an uninterested tone. She then thought back to her entire day. She woke up early and to get herself ready. Once she was done she walked towards the mansion but she was having a hard time bringing herself to knock on the door.

Adam had already known she was standing at the door so he just stared at her while not saying anything to see if she would break.

"Wha-what are you looking at?!" Rin asked in a panic. She was already beginning to fold under the pressure.

"Nothing," Adam said as he gave up. "Come one just follow me I'll introduce you to these two once we're in the living room," he told her and went back towards the living room.

Rin followed him without helping Xenovia. She only took a quick glance back at her and starred at her breast enviously. 'How can breast be that big!? Why is the world so unfair?' she questioned to no one while looking down at her own breast. She could only sigh at the unfairness of the world.

"Are you coming?" Adam asked since he saw she had stopped moving.

"I am, so keep walking," she said in an angry tone.

Once they were back in the living room Mikasa and Rin began catching up. Asia and Xenovia joined them and they were starting to have a nice talk. Adam didn't say anything the entire time but just watched their interactions. He was surprised that they were getting along nicely but thought of it as a good thing so I didn't bother him at all. Now that they were getting along he decided to go back and continue on his work.

Mikasa saw that Adam was heading back to his room and wanted to do something to change that since he rarely comes out of his room. She then thought of an idea. She whispered it into Xenovia's ear so she could be the one to request it.

Xenovia was going to ask Mikasa what she was doing but swallowed her words when she heard what Mikasa had in mind. "We're going to play a game. The first person to touch Adam gets to request one favor from him" Mikasa told her "You can ask for anything" she added to what seemed to already be a great reward.

"You're not joking right?" Xenovia asked just in case she was getting messed with.

"I'm serious," Mikasa said with the most serious expression she could make. "

"I see 'gulp'" Xenovia replied to Mikasa while swallowing the Saliva that was starting to build up as she began to think about all the things she could ask Adam to do. She then turned to Asia and whispered the same thing Mikasa told her.

Asia was shocked and thought that Xenovia was lying so she turned to Mikasa who only nodded at her. That was all the confirmation she needed and was already beginning to daydream about what she was going to ask. 'I can't do that!' she thought to herself as imaginary steam began coming from her head.

Xenovia saw that Asia wasn't responding so she went to the next person and whispered the same thing to Rin.

Rin was going to push Xenovia away from her since she found what she was doing weird but stopped halfway when she heard the prize. Even though dirty thoughts passed through her head the only thing she could think about was getting payback on Adam.

None of them were planning on using any supernatural abilities since they didn't know if Rin was a normal human or not. Rin was also not planning on using any mana enhancements since she thought everyone else was a normal human. Once they all thought up their plan, they all looked at Adam at the same time. Rin was doing a weird laugh with her hair covering her eyes. Xenovia was looking at him like a predator staring down its prey. Asai had recovered and was now looking at Adam with eyes filled with ambition. Mikasa was looking at the three girls and was already beginning to regret her decision but didn't go back on her word and got ready so she could win.

Adam was walking up the stairs when he got a strange sense of being seen as prey so he turned around only to see the four girls staring at him. "What are you guys doing?" Adam asked but he didn't get a reply, instead, they began to stand up and walk towards him. "Why are you guys starring at me like that? Why are you so passionate about this Asia?" he again asked.

"Don't worry about that" Xenovia told him " Just stay still for me alright?" she added and then began sprinting towards Adam and leaping towards him.

Adam dodged her last second by jumping off the stairs. "What's this about Mikasa?" he asked Mikasa since he knew she would tell him.

"It's just a simple game. The first one to touch you gets to ask any favor from you" she told him.

"So that's what this is about?" Adam said out loud. He already knew why Mikasa decided to do this. It was most definitely so he didn't go back to his room since he's been staying away from the recently since he's busy.

He did have a few issues with being used as a prize but wasn't going to retort since it didn't matter. It's not like he was going to let them catch him. Now that he knew what the prize was he already knew who to avoid. 'Xenovia is no good since she'd ask for something absurd. Rin will probably ask for me to be her servant for a couple of days which I would rather avoid. Asia is too innocent to ask for something absurd like Xenovia but I shouldn't have to worry too much about her. Mikasa is who I have to look out for since I don't know what she would ask since she doesn't usually give her own opinion'. Adam in a matter of seconds was able to plan out a strategy with what he knew and was getting ready to make a run for it.

"This seems like it'll be fun. Good luck to you guys" he said and then dashed towards the front door.

"I'm not letting you get away, I'm getting my payback, Adam. Let's see how you like getting humiliated." Rin yelled at Adam and followed behind him.

Xenovia and Asia both followed them and ran out of the house. Mikasa stayed back and took out her phone. She then made two separate calls to some people for backup.


Adam was already quite ahead of both Rin and Xenovia. Even if they both liked to train, their speed is negligible compared to Adam's base speed. He then ran into a store and bought a sweater so that he could change how he looked. He then made his way to a riverbank and sat down on a bench.

Once at the bench he looked around his surroundings to make sure that no one was near him. He sensed both Xenovia and Rin searching in an area close to him but not close enough for him to be concerned with. Asia was somewhere near the house doing what he assumed was her best. As for Mikasa, he couldn't find where she was so he assumed she was planning something.

He just sat on the bench and enjoyed the crashing sounds of the water on the rocks. He's been thinking that he's on borrowed time and hasn't had the chance to enjoy many things. Even if he did want to take a break it's hard for him since it doesn't feel right for him to not be ready for things beforehand. He'd rather have a solution to problems before they happen.

With an hour passing since he sat down, he was going to search for the girls so he could end the game. So he began walking in their direction when he sensed two large groups of devils going to his direction." They managed to find me?" Adam was surprised that they were able to find him but then realized he still had his phone on him. "Seriously?" he questioned his intelligence for a second but didn't let it bother him too much.

Sitting on top of a rock in a nearby empty park, Adam waited until everyone reached him. Not too long after Xenovia jumped out of some bushes. There were multiple branches and leaves stuck on her hair. Her clothes had small rips on them but they were mainly focused on her breast. "I finally 'inhale' found you 'exhale'" she said as she tried to calm down her heavy breathing.

From the corner of the park, Rin appeared breathing heavily as well but once she caught sight of Adam her creepy smile appeared on her face again.

Right after them, Rias and her peerage came into view as they walked towards them.

On the opposite side of the Sona and her peerage also came into view.

Once they were both close enough Adam spoke out "I'm surprised you guys came" he said while alternating in between both peerages.

"The prize is worth more than you think Adam" Rias was the first one to speak out.

"She's right about that" Akeno added while she licked her lips and stared at Adam.

"Uhh right?" Adam replied to them since he was confused with Akeno's actions.

"Sorry about this Adam but I need your help with something," Sona said slightly apologetically.

Everyone looked at her suspiciously since it wasn't a secret that they went on a date. Mikasa who had arrived in time to hear that was also looking at her with suspicion.

"No-no need to look at me like that it's a normal request" Sona tried defending herself.

Even Tsubaki, who already knew what Sona wanted to ask couldn't help but look with a little suspicion.

"I said it's a normal request!'' she yelled in frustration and ran at Adam with enough speed to leave small craters with her footprint outline on the grass.

Once they saw her start running everyone began to run towards Adam in hope of being the first one to touch him.

Instead of running away, Adam ran towards Sona confusing everyone including Sona. But she wasn't going to let this golden opportunity get away from her so once Adam was within her range she tried to grab him but saw that he was turning the right so he tried to follow suit and get him but he spun to the left last second, cleanly dodging her.

Tsubaki wanted to request a rematch with Adam since she was still a bit upset at being beaten by him singlehandedly.

Adam ducked down and avoided being touched by a flying Xenovia who had leaped towards him. He then jumped over Asia who didn't have a chance of capturing him from the beginning. He landed on the ground and got quickly surrounded by Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Akeno, and Rias.

"Aren't you guys taking this a bit too seriously?" Adam asked

"It's all about winning" Rias replied to him.

"I don't know why we're doing this but I know I don't want to lose," Issei said and ran towards Adam in an attempt to catch him.

Adam didn't need to try to be able to dodge him. He did a quick sidestep, leaving his back facing Kiba, and sending Issei face first straight into a tree trunk.

Kiba tried to use his speed to catch Adam off guard but didn't expect Adam to suddenly pick up Issei by the collar of his shirt and toss him towards him.

Adam threw Issei with enough force to send both him and Kiba a few yards away from them.

Akeno and Rias coordinated together to jump on Adam as soon as he finished throwing Issei but Adam saw them so he was able to jump up on time pulling himself up with a tree branch he managed to grab.

Akeno and Rias collided with each other with their breast pressing against the other ones.

Jumping off the tree branch he looked around and saw the only people left were Mikasa and Rin who were staring each other down.

"Mikasa you're my friend so why don't you help me get him. You've seen all the things he's done to me. Don't you think I deserve to get my revenge?" Rin tried bringing winning over Mikasa.

"I agree with you that he should be punished for playing around with girls all the time," she said while her intentions were starting to become clear.

"I don't play around with girls" Adam tried defending himself.

Both Mikasa and Rin looked at him and then looked at everyone around them. They then turned back to him and continued to stare at him. They both knew he had no idea what they were talking about so instead they tried to run towards him and reach before the other one. They pulled each other from the shirts, tripped each other, and did everything possible to slow down each other.

Adam was just watching them as they ran towards him. He was having fun with everyone right now but then suddenly he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder. Turning around in a panic he saw it was Koneko and began to relax. "What's wrong Koneko?" he asked. The whole time he hadn't counted her in the game since he thought she wouldn't have a request for him.

"You're the worst Adam," she told him while looking at the struggling Mikasa and Rin still making their way towards him.

He then saw how smiling while looking at them struggling could be taken out of context.

"Also I won" she added.

Adam froze once he heard that. Everyone else also heard Koneko speak.

Rin fell on her knees with empty eyes "My revenge" she kept repeating to herself.

Xenovia got close to them and saw Koneko already touching Adam. "Ahh, I was so close. Koneko if you don't want your prize then you could give it to me" she tried convincing Koneko.

"It seems I was careless" Adam reprimanded himself " So? What's your request Koneko?" he asked her.

Koneko only pointed in the direction where Adam's legs were

Everyone was shocked by her request since they assumed it meant something else.

"Uhm can you clarify Koneko?" Adam told her since he was getting weird looks from everyone.

"I want to be able to sit on your lap anytime," she said after thinking for a bit.

Adam looked towards Mikasa for confirmation since he didn't want to agree to this without her approval.

Mikasa didn't want to agree to that since she was planning on taking it for herself but if she didn't agree then she'd seemed like a hypocrite so while biting her lip and clenching her hands she replied extremely hesitantly "It's fine"

Koneko after hearing that let out a rare smile that had a hint of smugness to it.

Everyone felt like having a quick spar with her but they calmed themselves.

"Right, Sona what did you need help with?" Adam asked since she seemed quite desperate.

"I just got a letter asking if we could send volunteer students to help with rebuilding Ogaki," she said while showing the letter so that Adam could read it.

"Hmm, I would say I'm busy but I am partially at fault so I guess I can go," Adam said. He also wanted to see how Shouko is doing.

"I'll go too," said Xenovia, Mikasa, Asia, and Koneko at the same time. They were all getting ready to say yes as soon Adam agreed to it.

"That's great, I was stuck trying to find out who to ask to go. So thank you, Adam" Sona said with a tired smile.

"No problem" Adam replied to her with a smile as well.

Turning around to hide her blush Sona called out to her peerage. "Let's get going we have to get stuff done"

Mikasa grabbed Adam by the hand and began to drag him back home. Xenovia and Asia followed behind them.

Rias and her peerage were left there. Akeno then spoke out "Turns out our Koneko was more selfish than we thought," she said while giggling.

Rias was happy that Koneko was asking for things but was conflicted about the fact that she took it out right now.

I've been focusing on schoolwork more recently so I apologize for fo the lack of chapters. Now that I have been doing my work more consistently I will be able to post more often.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm going to try and slow the pace more since I felt like I was speeding through things. Tell me what you guys think though.

See ya~

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