
Blessed by Luck

Adam is born differently than any other human and is raised inside of a lab where he would do what he was told to do until he was given a chance to be transported to a 'random' world by a Goddess of Balance. He isn't given anything to do in return so he spends his days preparing for an inevitable future and growing as a person along the way. A/N: Most of the time when I write chapters I try my best to make stuff make sense but it's very difficult to do so if something doesn't make sense that's my bad. I am writing this story out of fun with most everything being wish-fulfillment. So if you're looking for a story filled with only plot and character development then this isn't the story. I will still try and write some character and plot development but since this is the first time I attempt to write anything like a story so It will probably be bad. I'm mostly writing it since I randomly came up with an idea for it so doesn't be too hard on the criticism. Disclaimer: I do not own nor claim any of the existing characters as mine. Only a couple of characters in the MC's arc will be mine.

eeclime14 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Uh Oh

"Hey Miss, we'll be leaving thanks for the help today," Adam told the lady when they got close enough.

"Yeah, thanks for the help. Hmm? Has your group gotten bigger? In any case, you guys can leave" the woman told Adam and the rest.

"Alright then you can lead us to your house Shouko," Adam told her. He already knew that Shouko was going to introduce him as the person that helped her so he was just waiting for it to happen.

"Of course, follow me," she told the group and began walking I her house's direction.

On their way to her house, Adam was looking out for any possible enemies when he suddenly got a phone call.

Looking at the caller ID he saw it was one of his secretaries so he answered the call "What's wrong?" Adam asked. He had told everyone to only call him when there was something they couldn't handle or someone wanted to as for a meeting with him.

"Boss, someone is asking if you are available to have a meeting with multiple individuals on September 20th," his secretary told him.

"Why so far away from now? Well doesn't matter that should line up with the upcoming events" Adam spoke to himself.

"Um... is that a yes Boss?" the secretary asked shyly. She had just a job in this amazing company. Her paycheck is more than enough money than she'll ever need. So she doesn't want to do anything to lose her job.

"Yes, that should be fine," Adam told her and quickly ended the call.

On the other side of the phone, the secretary was panicking since she thought she had done something wrong.

"Who was it?" Mikasa asked once he was done.

"Oh, it was just a business call. Apparently, there's going to be a big meeting in two months. I wonder what they'll want this time." Adam said while remembering all the past attempts they've made to get him to attend.

"Don't you usually not attend those meetings?" she asked confused by his decisions.

"I feel like this one might just be worth it" Adam replied to her.

They continued on their way to Shouko's house and arrived half an hour later.

Shouko walked up to the door and turned around "Give me a few minutes to explain this to my mom" she said. She took out her keys and opened the door. She walked in and close the door behind her.

The rest of the group just waited patiently for her to come back.

"She talks weird is she alright?" Xenovia asked.

" She used to be deaf so I'm sure she's just getting used to her voice," Adam told her.

"How do you know she was deaf?" Mikasa asked Adam.

"Because I was the one who healed her," he told them straightforwardly. "And before you ask, I did it because she helped me out. Now get ready, she's coming back" Adam explained before they asked him any more questions.

"My mom said you guys can come in," she said hesitantly since she was getting nervous.

Walking inside the house the first person they saw was an older-looking version of Shouko sitting on a couch, next to her was an elderly woman who was also sitting on a couch while knitting.

"Mom these are the friends I made today and the boy is the one that cured me," she told her mom.

"My name is Yaeko Nishimiya. I want to start by thanking you for healing my daughter, you do-n't know h-ow much it means to us" she said while her voice began quivering and tears started to flow from her eyes.

She was about to bow to Adm abut he stopped her. "No need to do that Ma'am your daughter helped me as much as I helped her" he tried to explain to her.

"There must be something we can do to return this favor" Yaeko tried to negotiate with Adam.

'If you could let us stay here overnight that would be more than enough" Adam said, trying to give her what she wants.

"That's too little there must be something else-" she was cut off by the elderly woman.

"He already said it was fine, leave the boy alone Yaeko," she told her. "My name is Ito Nishimiya and this woman here is my daughter and the two girls are my granddaughters," she told Adam and then slowly walked up to him and grabbed his hands, and began to speak " Even if she doesn't show it, I know Shouko was lonely so I want to thank you for being her friend. Thank you to all of you," she said with moist eyes.

"No problem but can you please stop thanking me. I'm not good with emotional things" Adam said, in hopes of changing the subject.

"Don't be such a downer Adam, they're just trying to thank you" Xenovia said. She wasn't used to Adam being uncomfortable so she was having a blast seeing him try to change the subject.

Adam disregarded Xenovia's remark since he would make sure she regrets saying anything later.

"how about you introduce the little girl behind the wall. She doesn't seem to like me too much" Adam said while looking at the kitchen wall in which there was a boyish-looking girl, aiming a small rock at Adam.

"Yuzuru get out here and introduce yourself" Ito ordered her grandaughter.

"Hmph" Yuzuru complained. She walked out from behind the wall and introduced herself. "My name is Yuzuru Nishimya and don't think I trust any of you so I'm keeping a close watch" she threatened them.

Everyone thought she was just being overprotective of Shouko since she seemed exactly like Asia so they didn't take her too seriously.

Seeing that they dismissed her threat, Yuzuru got mad and tried attacking the closest person to her. She dashed towards Adam to try and kick him so that she could prove she wasn't a child and would treat her like an Adult.

Adam saw already knew what she was going to do and let her him.

Once she kicked him she turned to look at him "How was that...huh?" she was confused since Adam hadn't moved a single centimeter nor was his facial expression any different. He had an expressionless look on his face.

"What are you doing Yuzuru?! Are you alright Adam?" Shouko was shocked at her sister's actions.

"I'm fine, so don't blame her. I would be cautious around new people as well" Adam said dismissively. He didn't care about what Yuzuru did since she just had trust issues. He could also see she wasn't a bad person.

"Will we be able to stay tonight Miss?" Adam asked Yaeko.

"Ah, yes that should be no problem but we only have three rooms available," she said in a disappointed tone. She never thought so many people would want to stay the night at her house.

"That's fine, the girls can sleep together. I can sleep in the living room" Adam told her with a comforting smile on his face.

"I can't have you sleeping on the couch by yourself" Yaeko tried to complain.

"It should be fine for one night," Adam told her. 'It's not like it'll stay as that' Adam thought to himself.

"Unless you want him to sleep in the same room as Shouko," Ito sarcastically said to her daughter.

"Um, ah, no. It should be fine like this then" she finally agreed with Adam.

As soon as they wrapped things up Adam asked for permission to make something to ate, to which Ito agreed, ignoring Yaeko's complaints.

Everyone enjoyed the meal and spent the rest of the night talking about their schools. They found out Shouko went to a school nearby and didn't have any friends to spend their time with.

Once night reached the girls made their way to Shouko's room to sleep and Adam stayed in the living room.

Yaeko handed Adam a blanket and a pillow so he could use it for the night. "I'm sorry for the lack of hospitality," she told him with an apologetic tone.

"I already told you it's fine, so don't apologize anymore" Adam tried to reassure her. He was already getting tired of getting apologized to but didn't want to say anything since h could see she was being sincere.

"Leave the young man alone Yaeko," Ito told her daughter. "Adam, I wanted to ask, what do you do for a living?" Ito asked. She was curious as to why a person such as Adam would want to help her granddaughter out.

"What I do? I'm a businessman" Adam said to try and keep things as vague as possible.

"What kind of business do you do?" Yaeko asked since she had gotten intrigued by his response.

"Real Estate, car manufacturing, medical research, scientific research, and many other things that would take too long to list out," Adam replied to them. Those were the things his companies did on the outside. But they also sell magic jewels and other items that magus needed for their research.

Yaeko and her mom wanted to remain calm but they were too shocked by his answer.

"That should be enough talking. I have to wake up early tomorrow to catch the train back home" Adam said, in an attempt to end the conversation there.

"You heard him Yaeko, young people need their sleep. Let's us get going" she told her daughter.

Once they were gone, Adam was left to his thoughts in the dark living room. "What should I do?" Adam asked to himself. He enjoys spending time with the people close to him but he also can't put the things he needs to do on hold.

"I needed to finish my weapon so I can finish what I started," he told himself with dedication in his eyes. With that last thought, he put his brain on rest and went to sleep.


Waking up in the middle of the night, Adam felt people watching him so he opened his eyes to see who it was, only to find Mikasa, Xenovia, Asia, and Shouko looking at him from the stairs. He already knew what they were going to do so he got up and sneaked behind them.

"There isn't any room though" Mikasa whispered to the group.

"That's fine, I'll just sleep on top of him" Xenovia argued back.

"Why do you have to sleep with him?" Shouko asked in confusion.

"You see Shouko when a man and woman like each other they-" Xenovia's reply was cut short by a hit to her head.

"Don't give her wrong Ideas, now go back to sleep. We're in someone else's house, have some decency Xenovia" Adam reprimanded Xenovia.

"Exactly Xenovia, now let's do what I was saying, and let's go back to sleep," Mikasa said to the group acting innocent.

After the situation was done, Adam tried going back to sleep but he struggled for a few minutes. Not having any other choice he decided that he would head back before everyone else. He folded his blanket and wrote a note saying his thanks and left the house.

Teleporting back to the house Adam was going to head directly to his bedroom to start his work once again, but when he was walking near the house he felt multiple presences lurking around the house. They weren't able to walk inside the field surrounding the house since It would take people as strong as the 4 Satans or the Archangels to be able to waltz in.

Walking up to the group who was trying to decipher his field Adam didn't try to conceal himself which alerted the group, making them try and make a run for it.

"You're not going anywhere" Adam spoke in a volume where he was the only one that could hear him.

He opened up gates around the group and out of them came golden chains. They flew to the group with bullet-like speeds and stopped them where they were.

Adam appeared behind them and asked, "Who might you guys be? I don't remember inviting people over".

They tried biting their tongues only to be stopped by the chains wrapping around their face. "Answer the question or I'll kill all of you," he said in a threatening tone.

"We won't say anything so you can just kill us," one of them responded to Adam.

"If it's like that then I guess I'll figure it out by myself," he told them and began to process all the details he had been able to gather. "Going by the fact that you're using Magecract I'm going to assume you're magus. There isn't any group that would do something do something so stupid besides the Mage's Association" Adam began to explain. He saw that some of them were beginning to show signs of nervousness so he kept going. "Your lacking magical circuits and horrible mana control tells me you guys are at the bottom of the hierarchy at your little wizard school. So this is either a suicide mission you guys took to get resources or pay back any debts" he told them.

By their look of fear on their faces, he assumed he was correct and decided to keep going " I don't know to which family you belong but that should be easy to do after I kill you and go through your memories. Now, you have two choices, you either tell me who sent you here or I'll kill you all and find out myself. You might want to hurry up and decide, I'm a busy guy" he told them and let them go so they could talk to each other.

The group assumed he was just being cocky and that he got careless so they huddled up and instead of choosing one of the options they decided to attack him while he was being careless.

"We've made our choice," A female voice told him.

"So what's your answer?" Adam asked.

Instead of replying to him they instead tried to shoot flames and other elements at him.

Adam had already guessed what they were going to do but had hoped that they wouldn't do it. He felt a small amount of pity towards them since they seemed to be people around his age. But now that they had chose to fight he had no other option.

Taking out a small knife from his gate he jumped towards the nearest target stabbing him straight in the heart and twisting the knife clockwise for the person to die faster. Taking out the knife from the person's chest, blood splattered across Adam's face.

Not giving them a chance to react, Adam threw the knife at a boy that had a look of shock and terror on his face.

The knife went right through the boy's head and struck the wall behind him leaving a small crater on the wall of Adam's house.

Bringing the weapon back to his hand he walked to the two people that were still left and saw that they had stopped firing spells at him and assumed that they had given up. He walked up to a boy that had black hair and glasses and slit his throat. He heard a squirm from the girl that had answered him earlier.

He decided to end it quickly so he kneeled to look at the girl's face. She had blonde hair and green eyes that were now filled with tears and a look of hopelessness in her eyes. He then stabbed her in the heart and overloaded her brain with his mana so that she wouldn't feel any pain. She died with what seemed to be a smile of relief on her face.

Standing up a single light from a lamp post was shining down on him. The area around him was stained from the blood of all the kids.

"Why is it that I feel like this" If someone would have attempted to kill him before, he wouldn't feel any remorse or pity from killing them. But now he was feeling weird after killing them. "I must be spending too much time around the girls, that they've started to affect my thinking," Adam said trying to convince himself.

"I should clean this up," he said. He rather not have the kid's corpses go back to the Mage's Association only to be used for materials. So he gathered their bodies and placed them next to each other.

"I guess I'll do that that" he decided, and was about to teleport but was stopped by someone shouting at him.

"Stop what you're doing," Someone said behind him. He knew from the voice who it was but didn't want to turn around and look at her.

"Turn around and keep your hands where I can see them" she shouted.

"You know Rin, you shouldn't boss other people around," Adam said and turned around to make eye contact with Rin. A sad smile spread across his face. If it was up to him, he'd rather her not finding out about him like this.

"Adam.....?" Rin said in shock. She had heard noises outside of her house but decided to ignore them until she sensed mana being used by what she assumed to be Magi. When she came out of her house she couldn't hear anything anymore so she sneaked to where she heard the noises only to find someone standing on top of four bodies. She would have never thought the person would turn out to be a person she knew.

"Why did you do this? No wait... who are you?" she asked with a scared voice. Because those persons on the floor were Magi, then Adam had just killed Magi which normal people shouldn't be able to do even if that person was Adam.

"It would be hard to explain but I just want you to know that I'm not going to hurt you. So can you put down your jewel so I can speak?" Adam said to Rin in hopes that she would be more relaxed and she could process the information better.

Rin put her jewel away but was still wary of Adam. "You can you explain now," she told him impatiently.

"Alright, take my hand, and then I'll explain. Explaining here won't help much. It also looks sketchy." he told her and extended his hand out to her.

Trusting him, she extended her hand and grabbed his. She closed her eyes and waited for something to happen. After a few seconds, she realized nothing was happening so she opened her eyes and was met by sunlight. Taking a while to adjust her eyes she looked around and saw that there was only water surrounding them. She then looked around frantically for Adam only to find him holding a shovel.

"Where are we? How did we get here? What did you do" she asked questions back to back.

"This is an island where I do my research. It is also where I bring people I have killed to give them a proper burial. See?" he told her as he pointed behind her.

Turning around she saw gravestones with people's names inscribed on them.

"You've killed this many people?" Rin asked him with a little bit of fear in her voice.

"No" Adam replied to her. "The people I bury here are only those who I thought deserved a proper burial. Not everyone I have killed deserved it" he said in a monotone voice.

"So you've killed more people?" she was even more shocked by his answer.

"Do you want me to give you a recollection of everyone that has died by my hands or do you want me to explain things?" Adam asked her sarcastically.

"Stop acting like an Idiot and explain what's going on," she said in an irritated, confused, and scared tone.

"That's better," Adam told her. She had gone back to acting like she usually does which calmed down the small anxiety that had been building up within Adam.

"Just go to the house over there and get changed. I still have to bury them" Adam said while pointing at the corpses.

"Right..." Rin didn't know what to say to that and started walking to the house he had directed her to.

After a few seconds, things finally started to sink into her brain and she looked down at herself only to find out how revealing her clothes were, making her scream in frustration.

The chapters always end up longer than I originally planned. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you didn't, then I don't know what to tell you. Thanks for reading the chapter.

I'll post soon after this one so See ya~

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