
Blessed be this group of demons

After witnessing his faithful partner in mischief, Issei, being murdered and the sudden appearance of a sensual redhead student, Hachiro finds himself immersed in the world illuminated by the moon and by... breasts? Thanks to this supernatural event, his life is never the same again, and secrets are gradually unveiled. //This fanfic is originally written in Spanish, but I used an AI to translate it, so if there is any grammatical error or the like, it is due to this//

KurageSsss · Anime & Comics
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The perverted quartet

A beautiful morning is beginning today, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and a gentle breeze is in the air.

As everyone stepped out onto the street from their homes to their jobs and schools, they thought this would be a great day.

"This is a horrible day," said a 16-year-old boy with several bumps on his head. This boy's name is Issei Hyodou.

Beside him were three boys of the same age. The first could be called ugly and unkempt by some, but the glasses he wore might confuse some into thinking he was an intellectual. His name is Motohama.

"This is an incredible day, I could see them so clearly, undoubtedly cup G," Motohama said pervertedly as his glasses gleamed.

"I finally got to see some real ones," said another boy in the group. His appearance is the most extravagant of the group, shaved-headed and somewhat tanned. This boy's name is Matsuda.

"That porcelain skin... it's a spectacle worth seeing, and Katase's breasts are amazing," spoke a dark-haired boy with lush, disheveled hair and a fringe covering his eyes. Of the four, he seemed the least perverted, although his comments demonstrated otherwise. His name is Hachiro Azai.

While the three perverts exchanged their opinions, Issei looked at them helplessly.

"Here they are, Kaicho!"

A female voice sounded, alerting the group. The four looked in the direction of the voice. In that direction were several girls dressed in kendo uniforms, all led by a girl with a serious and stern gaze who looked at the group of perverts.

"You four, come with me, we will discuss this situation there."

This girl is the president of the student council of this academy, Sona Shitori.

Sona Shitori is known throughout the academy for being the president of the student council and for her reputation for being a serious and unexpressive girl. The aura she always exudes is as cold as ice itself, but now in this situation, her aura is as cold as the North and South Pole combined.

"What you have done today is totally unheard of," Sona's voice echoed throughout the room, making her presence even more intimidating.

"I have tolerated you leering at the students of the academy, but this..."

While Sona fell silent, the four perverts looked ashamedly at the floor.


"For your fortune, I cannot request your expulsion because your grades meet the academy's requirements."

While the four perverts still looked at the ground, they smiled at each other. Sona noticed these smiles and immediately spoke.


The smiles of the four froze upon hearing Sona's icy tone. Slowly, they lifted their heads simultaneously, looking expectantly at Sona.

"You will have to clean the men's bathrooms for the remainder of this month," Sona's words were like a bucket of cold water for the four perverts.

"Kaicho, by 'cleaning the bathrooms,' do you mean 'all' the bathrooms?" Hachiro dared to ask, sweating a little under Sona's gaze.

"Yes, each of the eight bathrooms, including the janitor's and teachers'."

This time the spirit of the four perverts exited their mouths.

"With everything clarified, you can go now."


With that confirmation, the four defeated perverts left, ready to clean the bathrooms to be able to leave the academy. The four know that they will not be able to escape because Sona always stays after school to do council duties.

The four stayed until six in the evening cleaning the bathrooms, not having time to rest as Sona supervised them to ensure they left no stains.

This month of arduous cleaning taught the quartet that they should never be caught again and that next time they would make sure to escape to a better place.


It is May and summer has quickly arrived, and the punishment of the quartet has long ended.

With the change of weather comes the new summer uniforms. What does this mean? Motivation for the perverted quartet of Kuoh Academy to want to go to school to look at the attractive girls of the academy.

Or that should be happening, the quartet should be looking lasciviously at the students as usual, but they are not as they usually do.

Right now, the quartet is watching as the girls from the sports club jog in their sports uniforms and as others are practicing their favorite sports.

But at the same time, they are lying on the grass while occasionally looking at the sky, the four had a reflective expression on their faces, not very common in the quartet.

"Motohama, Matsuda, Hachiro, why did we come to this academy?" Issei asked while looking at the sky with a lost gaze.

"For getting a girlfriend and being able to touch their breasts," Motohama replied, causing Matsuda and Hachiro to nod firmly.

"I see, but if that's the case, why haven't any of us gotten a girlfriend yet?" Issei asked, sitting on the grass.

The other three looked shocked by their friend's words. After all, it was the truth, that was their plan, but none of the four had had close contact with a girl other than Sona and the pervert of the academy, Aika Kiryuu.

During their silence, a female crowd full of screams and squeals passed by the quartet.

The center of this crowd was a quite attractive blonde boy who gave a smile to every girl in the crowd. This boy's name is...

"Kiba Yuuto, nicknamed the prince of Kuoh, is an idol for most of the girls in the academy," Motohama quickly informed his friends.

"Damn pretty boy, he gets all the attention," Issei said helplessly as he clenched his fist.

His three friends looked at him with understanding. When the noisy crowd moved a few meters away, a strong breeze passed by, tousling the quartet's hair.

Issei, by an unconscious reflex, directed his gaze towards an old building where he saw an attractive redhead girl with eyes the color of the sky with green nuances looking through a window, contemplating the place in front of her. Anyone who saw her would think she was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen.

Both Issei and that girl exchanged glances for several seconds until the girl moved away from the window, leaving Issei staring at the same spot with the expectation of being able to see that crimson red hair that had captivated him at first sight again.

"Rias Gremory, one of the most popular girls in the academy, is nicknamed one of the 'Onee-sama' of the academy due to her age and body," Motohama said, demonstrating his knowledge about Rias Gremory.

"It is also rumored that she is a foreigner, from somewhere in Eastern Europe."

"Rias Gremory..." Issei murmured in a tone loud enough for his three friends to hear.

"It's probably best not to try, Issei," Matsuda spoke this time.

"That's right, Issei, girls like her would never look at guys like us, we can only dream..." Hachiro agreed, supporting Matsuda.

Issei snapped out of his little trance and closed his eyes and fists with determination.

"Even if that's the case..."

"Hmm?" His three friends murmured at the same time.

"I will still become the harem king!" Issei shouted with great determination while Motohama, Matsuda, and Hachiro looked at him, moved by his determination to fulfill an impossible dream.

After so many emotions, the quartet went to their last class of the day before dismissal time.


The bell rang indicating that it was time to leave the academy for most, as some stayed for club activities such as Kendo club, occult arts, and fans of the magical girl TV show, Levi-tan.

After saying goodbye, each of the quartet took their way home to rest from such a tiring day.

------------>Point of view<------< p>

-------->Hachiro Azai<------< p>

Hello, I'm Hachiro Azai, I'm sixteen years old and I study at the prestigious Kuoh Academy along with my best friends Issei, Motohama, and Matsuda.

Together, we form the perverted quartet of Kuoh, which has given us some fame. They started calling us that since we spied on the girls from the Kendo club, which has become a permanent mark in our social life. I guess that's why none of us have a girlfriend.

As I walked along the sidewalk, I could see in the distance, on a bridge, Issei with... With a girl? No, that's impossible... Or maybe not?

Soon, the girl ran away from Issei. As Issei began to celebrate animatedly.

"Issei talked to a girl?!"

I was amazed by such a supernatural phenomenon. It may sound exaggerated, but it's not. Issei is known as one of the most perverted in our group.

While still amazed at how Issei walked away with a smile from the bridge, I could appreciate something else.

An albino beauty suddenly appeared. She's short and is wearing the academy uniform?

"Wait a moment... short white hair..."

S-she's the academy mascot, Koneko Toujo. I was stunned by her presence, but I was even more stunned for another reason.

"Was she looking at Issei?"

Since when is that perverted hentai lover and adult film enthusiast so popular with girls!

"Damn traitor... huh?"

Between my murmurs, I saw the albino turn in my direction. Her gaze pierced me like a dart.

Her gaze didn't convey any emotion. She seems like one of those creepy girls from horror movies, and holding a lollipop only made her even more eerie.

Finally, I couldn't resist her gaze and ran like Road Runner, escaping from her sight.



After running for a few blocks, I stopped to catch my breath.

"It's been a while since I ran like this..."

After saying that, a slight sense of nostalgia invaded me. Unintentionally, this situation reminded me of the past.

I walked three more blocks before turning right onto a street. Just a few steps were enough to reach the entrance of my home.

A wall about two meters high. The entrance is a brown torii gate with a door in the center.

I reached into my bag and searched for the key... but it's not there?


I searched again, this time more thoroughly. Soon, I began to get more and more nervous.

After searching for a few minutes and throwing everything out of my bag, I concluded that I no longer had the key.

"What do I do..."

I looked at the door with a gloomy look. The only idea I had right now was to break down the door.

After a few minutes of pondering, I stepped back a few paces, enough to be about one or three meters from the door.

Finally, after dispelling my doubts, I ran with the intention of breaking down the door.

"Abe-chan, what are you doing?"

A female, elderly voice spoke to me, causing me to lose concentration and trip over the curb, falling to the ground.

I looked to the side and there was a woman as wrinkled as a raisin. Her name is Hana Minamoto, and she's my neighbor across the street, and we usually meet in the afternoons.

She almost always wears a white yukata. Her hair is always tied up in a bun and besides...

"That damn smile..." I muttered through gritted teeth and a furrowed brow.

She always has that smile on her face, that... damn smile is so annoying. It's like she's always silently mocking me.

"Abe-chan, could it be that you're looking for this?"

A tinkling sound resonated in my ears and I opened my eyes to see MY keys in her wrinkled hand.

"This morning, when I left the house, I found these keys on the ground. I didn't know whose they were, so I decided to keep them in case someone asked for them, but no one showed up... until now.

I've been watching since the moment you arrived and saw your desperation-"

"Old lady, you know that could be considered harassment, right? And it's even more serious knowing that I'm a minor."

I could see the smile on the old lady's face freeze at my words. "Checkmate, old lady," I thought triumphantly.

"It's not difficult to see that this situation is not beneficial for you, Minamoto."

I approached the old lady slowly as she seemed to tense up.

"So give me the keys if you don't want your reputation tarnished by a simple incident."

Resigned, the old lady handed me the keys and then left defeated for her home while I smirked evilly and my eyes beneath my bangs glowed red.

Finally having my keys, I opened the door and could enter my home, but not before picking up my pencil case and books.


My house was a traditional Japanese mansion with a large courtyard and a large main building with an interior decorated based on various paintings of different kami.

"I'm back..."

I waited for someone to respond, but quickly remembered something.

"Right, I live alone."

I entered the house, making sure to leave my shoes at the entrance and leave my bag on the wall rack.

I went to the kitchen and put water to boil. From the pantry, I took out instant ramen soup.

I waited for it to boil and then opened the ramen soup packet and poured the boiling water into it.

I left the kettle in its place and went to take a quick shower.

After getting out of the shower, I went to my room where I put on a black yukata and some setta sandals.

I left my room and went back to the kitchen. The ramen soup was at a good temperature now.

I grabbed some chopsticks and sat down at the low table in the living room. As I slurped the noodles, I couldn't help but think about the events of the day.

Issei talking to a girl, Koneko Toujo seemingly watching him... and then there was that encounter with old lady Minamoto. It was all so bizarre.

After finishing my meal, I cleaned up the kitchen and returned to my room. I sat at my desk, staring at my textbooks, but my mind was elsewhere.

Eventually, I decided to distract myself by working on some sketches. Art has always been my escape, a way to express myself when words fail me.

As I lost myself in the strokes of my pencil, the events of the day began to fade into the background. Drawing has a way of calming my mind, allowing me to focus on the present moment.

Hours passed, and before I knew it, it was late into the night. With a yawn, I set aside my sketchbook and prepared for bed.

As I lay in the darkness, I couldn't shake the feeling that something strange was happening at Kuoh Academy. But for now, all I could do was rest and prepare for whatever the next day might bring.

The next morning, I woke up feeling a sense of anticipation mixed with apprehension. It seemed like the events of yesterday had left an indelible mark on my mind.

After getting ready for the day, I headed out to Kuoh Academy, my thoughts swirling with questions about what I had witnessed and experienced.

As I walked through the gates of the school, I couldn't help but notice the usual hustle and bustle of students going about their day. But amidst the familiar sights and sounds, there was an underlying tension in the air.

I made my way to my first class, trying to focus on the lessons ahead, but my mind kept drifting back to the strange encounters of the previous day.

During lunch break, I found myself sitting alone in the courtyard, lost in thought. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Issei standing there, a concerned look on his face.

"Hey, Hachiro, you seem kind of out of it. Is everything okay?" he asked.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. But then, something inside me urged me to confide in him.

"Actually, Issei, something strange happened yesterday," I began, recounting the events with Koneko Toujo, old lady Minamoto, and the mysterious girl Issei had encountered on the bridge.

As I spoke, Issei's expression grew more serious, and I could tell he was taking in every word.

"That's... definitely weird," he said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "But you're not alone in feeling that way. I've been sensing something off too, especially after talking to that girl."

We fell into a contemplative silence, both lost in our own thoughts. But then, Issei's eyes lit up with determination.

"You know what, Hachiro? I think we need to get to the bottom of this. We can't just ignore these strange occurrences," he declared.

I nodded in agreement, grateful for Issei's support. Despite our differences and occasional clashes, there was a bond between us that ran deeper than mere friendship.

With renewed resolve, we made a plan to investigate further, determined to uncover the truth behind the mysteries of Kuoh Academy.

Little did we know, our journey would lead us down a path filled with danger, intrigue, and unexpected revelations. But together, Issei and I were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the school day came to a close, Issei and I found ourselves heading towards the old building where we had encountered the mysterious girl and Koneko Toujo the day before.

The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the deserted campus. There was a sense of quiet anticipation in the air as we approached the building, our footsteps echoing in the empty corridors.

"Are you sure about this, Issei?" I asked, feeling a twinge of unease.

Issei glanced back at me, his eyes shining with determination. "Absolutely, Hachiro. We need to find out what's going on here, no matter what."

With that, we pushed open the door to the old building and stepped inside. The air was musty, and the dim light filtering through the windows cast eerie shadows on the walls.

As we made our way down the hallway, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. It was as if the very walls were closing in on us, suffocating us with their silent secrets.

Suddenly, we heard a noise coming from one of the rooms ahead. Issei motioned for me to stay back as he cautiously approached the door, his hand hovering over the handle.

With a deep breath, he pushed open the door and stepped inside. I followed closely behind, my heart pounding in my chest.

What we saw inside the room would change everything...