
9. Chapter 9

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Thanks so much everyone for all the wonderful reviews :) It makes me so so happy to read each and every one!

Chapter 9,

Now that Jay was trying to formally become Grace's foster parent, Erin had to resume the normal protocol. She wanted to make sure everything was by the book, it was the only way to give Jay his best chance. She submitted his background check, sent him instructions to file his tax returns, and then sent Hank an email requesting a formal letter verifying Jay's status in the department and reports on his yearly income. The busy work was always a headache, but it was always completely worth it.

She hadn't seen Jay since the kiss in her office, but with his name on every file at work and his face gracing all of her dreams at home, he was never far from her mind.

She knew from living with Hank that the Intelligence Unit had caught a big case Tuesday morning, and so Wednesday afternoon when she went for her third home visit, she met Jay's babysitter Samantha. She learned that Samantha was originally from Maryland, but was currently a junior at University of Chicago. When she was a freshman, she had witnessed a murder on campus, and Jay had been one of the detectives that interviewed her. She had been Maddie's babysitter ever since.

She had stacked all of her classes in the middle of the day while Maddie was at school, in order to be available in the early morning or into the evening. It suited Jay's unpredictable work schedule, and in return he covered the total cost of rent for her apartment on campus.

Grace seemed to get along well with Samantha, and Maddie's ringing endorsement left her feeling comfortable with the arrangement. Erin hadn't been expecting to see Jay, and she had needed to interview the babysitter, but she was nonetheless disappointed, and was happy to hear that the case was solved later that evening.

She found Jay's cell phone number on one of the forms she had asked him to fill out and called him first thing Thursday morning from her office, "Detective Halstead speaking." It was in that moment that she realized she had never given him her number. No wonder he hasn't called.

"Hi Jay, it's Erin." She stopped for a moment before adding, "Lindsay." Just for clarification purposes.

He didn't need it. The minute he had heard her raspy voice say his name, he knew exactly who was on the other line. He had missed that raspy voice. "Hey, stranger." He tried to keep his voice calm, and leave the excitement out of it. He was smiling like an idiot, and since she wasn't there to see it, he didn't even try to stifle it. He had just been sitting at his desk at work, completing paperwork from the case that had ended late into the night last night, and thinking of her.

"Hey." She couldn't help the way her heart fluttered at the sound of his voice. "So, I know I outlined a lot of the protocol with you the first night that I came to your apartment." That night seemed like weeks ago, not merely a few days. It seemed impossible that she hadn't even known Jay a week yet. "But now that you want to formally foster Grace, I have a few more things I need to discuss with you."

"Want to discuss it tonight, after dinner with the girls?" He really wanted to know if Erin would be coming by tonight. He had been more than a little disappointed when he learned from Maddie and Grace that he had missed her last home visit.

She smiled at his invitation, "I would love that, but that's actually why I'm calling." She had to keep reminding herself that she needed to follow her usual protocol with Grace. She may be going out on a date with Jay tomorrow night, but tonight was going to be about business. She had to keep it professional. "When I place a foster child in a new home, I like to take them out to dinner about once a week in the beginning. Just to check in and see how everything is going." Sometimes it was breakfast or lunch, sometimes it was even in a group, but she liked to get the kids out of the foster homes at least once a week for the first month to make sure everything was going well. You would be surprised what kids would tell you over ice cream. "I was going to see if I could take Grace tonight."

Jay wasn't sure if he was more disappointed that he wasn't going to get to eat with Erin or that he wasn't going to get to eat with Grace. He was falling in love with that little girl, and feeding her had recently become one of his favorite things to do. "Sure," he said, again trying to hide the emotion in his voice. "Actually," he perked up for a moment when he had a thought, "It'll give me a chance to talk to Maddie about Grace staying with us."

"Perfect," she loved that even when the conversation started as flirtatious, Jay flipped an invisible switch when he began talking about the girls. The man so clearly cared about his daughter and Grace, and it was a beautiful thing to witness. "Can I pick her up around 6?"

"Sounds good." He scribbled the time down on a blue sticky note on his desk. As if you would ever forget it, he thought smiling. "And Erin."


"I can't wait to see you."


She was a sight for sore eyes. Clearly coming straight from work, she was wearing straight black paints and a floral top that dipped low enough to reveal just a hint of cleavage. Her hair was in a messy braid, and her makeup was smudged from a long days wear. I wouldn't mind being the reason her makeup was smudged.

Jesus, Jay thought, scolding himself. Can you ever have a normal thought around this woman.

He knew the answer was no when she smiled at him and he saw the dimples grace her cheeks. "Hey," he said, as he motioned for her to come inside.

"Hi," Wow, she thought when he turned around. She could be here for professional reasons and still appreciate the way his ass looked in those jeans.

She stepped inside and had expected to follow Jay down the hallway to the living room, where the girls were likely playing a game, when Jay stopped short. She almost bumped into him when he turned around, and she lost her breath when she saw the look on his face.

The next thing she knew, her back was pressed up against the wall and his lips were hovering over hers. Their lips were centimeters apart, but he held them off, almost as if he was asking for her permission.

She took the opportunity to lean in and take his mouth with hers. She had been reliving the kiss in her office over and over for the past three days, but this one... it was even better. The heat of their mouths contrasted sharply from the chill and shiver that ran through her body. When he bit her bottom lip to gain entry to her mouth, she moaned against him.

There were so many sensations, and she wanted to devour them all. His lips were soft and seductive while his body hard underneath her, and she finally allowed her fingers to roam the taut muscles of his arms and shoulders.

He stepped back only when his lungs were crying for oxygen, and he rested his forehead against hers. His arms were still holding her tightly at the waist, and their eyes stayed glued to each other as they panted in unison.

They stepped apart from each other only when they heard footsteps approaching.

Grace appeared in the doorway a few seconds later. "Is it time to go?" She already had her shoes on, and she was walking towards the hook on the wall where her coat hung. She stood on her tip toes, but couldn't reach it.

"Mhmm bug, it's time to go." He reluctantly released Erin's waist and walked to retrieve Grace's coat.

Erin smiled at the new nickname Jay had given her, and it widened when she saw him bend down and help her into her jacket. He kissed the top of her head softly and then whispered something in her ear that Erin couldn't hear.

"Ready?" She asked.

Grace nodded, then turned to Jay and sent him a nervous glance. The first one Erin had seen from her in quite some time. "You'll be here when I get back, right?"

Her words reminded both of them that even with how far Grace had come, she had a long way to go.

"I will!" Jay said, trying to sound cheerful when really he was saddened by the fear and doubt in her words. What could he do to convince this beautiful little girl that he wasn't going anywhere? "Maddie and I will be waiting here for you."

"And you're not going to have ice cream without me, right?" Her smile returned, and Erin assumed this must have been what they were whispering about.

"I wouldn't dream of it."


Jay went to bed that night in the best mood. And how could he not? The conversation with Maddie had gone better than he could have possibly imagined. Grace came home from dinner in a great mood. And let's not forget the smoldering kiss in the hallway. It had been a fantastic day.

Maddie had been thrilled at the prospect of Grace living with them. And when she enthusiastically asked Jay 'Does this mean Grace is going to be my sister?' his heart melted into a pool of liquid. Her excited mood did not abate through dinner, and Maddie had been bursting at the seams by the time Grace got home. Maddie had hugged her fiercely before Grace could even get through the door, but she had kept her promise. Maddie didn't reveal a word to her.

Jay wanted to get the official green light before he told Grace. She had been through enough, and he couldn't lead her to believe she was going to live here forever for DCFS to then decide to take her away. He had tried to explain this to Maddie, but she didn't fully understand it. Hell, he didn't understand it himself. Why wouldn't they let Grace stay? They wouldn't find her a better home. Nonetheless, they both agreed to keep it a secret for the time being.

Because he had felt like celebrating, he made three bowls of ice cream and let the girls watch Frozen. It was the second time in one week, and both girls were in heaven. After about an hour, though, they were both sound asleep on either side of him, and he carried them into his room.

Then, in a weak moment, he texted Erin.

Jay: Grace had a great time tonight. Thank you.

He knew it was lame, but he couldn't exactly type what he really wanted to say, which was That kiss was unbelievable. I felt it from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, it was the most amazing kiss I've ever had. I'll be thinking about it and you until I see you tomorrow night. And he just wanted to talk to her. To say something. Anything. And so, that lame text would have to do.

A few moments later, his phone began to buzz. He had been expecting to look down and see a text message, but instead he saw that Erin was calling him.

"Hi," he said, whispering into the phone. The girls were sleeping, but it was just a habit.

"Did I wake you?"

"No," he said, speaking more clearly into the phone. "I'm in my room with the door closed, I'm not sure why I'm whispering."

He chuckled into the phone, but all Erin heard was in my room. Her mind immediately pictured him in his pajamas, in his bed. She didn't even know what his bed looked like, but she could imagine it, and the image of it suited her just fine. "I just wanted to say," she was having trouble remembering what it was she was calling to talk about. Oh, yeah. Grace. "Grace talked about you and Maddie the entire time at dinner."

"Good things, I hope." He was smiling. He knew they were all good things.

"Jay," her voice came out all breathy. God, he loved how she said his name. "You have no idea." He was confused by her words, until she continued. "What you're doing for that girl. You have no idea."

He was surprised by her words, and he found himself getting choked up as he thought of Grace and as he heard the raw emotion in Erin's voice. "It's nothing."

"No, Jay." Her voice was serious, "It's everything. She is going to have a chance at a pretty amazing life because of you."

He wished they were having this conversation in person. Especially when he let the next words slip out of his mouth, "Is that was Voight did for you?" He knew he should've waited for their date to ask the question. It wasn't something that should be discussed over the phone. But then again, he wasn't sure he would get this chance again. And there was something about being on the phone, in the comfort and darkness of your own room, that allowed you to say things you may not be able to in the light.

He almost missed it when she whispered, "Yeah," into the other end of the phone.

The way her voice constricted and the way she whispered the word, he knew it wasn't the time for a follow up question. So instead he just said, "I hope one day you feel ready to tell me about it," placing the ball firmly in her court.

How had he known that that was the exact right thing to say. With tears in her eyes, she decided to end the conversation. To allow it to freeze in time, to stand in it's perfection, and to not ruin it with anymore more words. "Goodnight, Jay."

"Goodnight, Erin."

She let the tears fall when he hung up, even though she couldn't be sure where they were coming from. Was it gratefulness? Nostalgia?

Or was it longing?


Erin spent the first half of the next day trying to decide what to wear for her date. She had the majority of her work clothes at Hank's, but her date clothes were mostly in her apartment. So, during her lunch hour she decided to drop by her place and pick up some more of her things. Olivia would be at work, and it would be the perfect opportunity.

She knew, of course, that at some point she was going to have to return Olivia's calls and they were going to have this all out. She was stillon the lease, and the rent would continue to be taken from her bank account automatically until she stopped the payments.

But all of that was for another day. Not today. Today was her date with Jay.

She walked into her apartment and was momentarily shocked to see Ben sitting on the couch in his boxers. He stood immediately when he saw her, and grabbed for a t-shirt to cover up.

Nothing I haven't seen before, she thought, as she walked right past him and into her bedroom. She heard him call out to her, but she just ignored him. She had better, more important things to think about. Like what to wear on her date.

When she was finished packing up a large suitcase full of clothing and jewelry prospects, she walked back out into the living room. Ben, who was now fully clothed in jeans and a t-shirt, was standing up and seemed to be waiting for her.

"Erin, I am so sorry. The thing with Olivia-"

"Save it, Ben." She wasn't even mad at him for sleeping with Olivia. She was just irritated at him for putting a damper on this fantastic day.

She left without another word.

Two hours later, her thoughts still on her outfit choices, she received a text message from Jay.

Jay: I forgot to ask. Where should I pick you up tonight?

Shit. Where should he pick her up tonight?

Not at her apartment. But definitely not at Hank's.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He could pick her up at work, but then she wouldn't get to change. She could go back to Hank's to change, and then come back to work. But then he would probably realize when she wasn't in her normal professional attire. Shit.

She was freaking out.

On a whim, she decided to call him. He picked up on the second ring. "You really don't like texting, do you?"

His voice calmed her down immediately, "Not particularly," she answered wryly. He just laughed, and she couldn't help laughing, too. "Actually, I'm calling because I wanted to discuss our date tonight."

"Your not canceling on me, are you?" He kept his voice light, teasing even. But inside, his heart was sinking into his stomach. He had been looking forward to seeing Erin all day. He had been legitimately counting down the hours until he could leave work and see her gorgeous face. She couldn't be canceling.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," she returned his teasing tone. "I just wanted to offer to meet at your place tonight."

He wasn't even going to dignify that with a response. "Just text me your address. I'll see you at 7." Then before she could argue, he ended the call.

Suit yourself, she thought.


Erin spent the rest of the day hoping Hank wouldn't get home in time to see her leave with Jay. But, of course, because she was so damn unlucky, he got home at 6:30. He never got home at 6:30.

She had spent the last hour getting dressed and had finally decided on one of her favorite dresses. It was an oldie, but a goodie. It was a deep green and it was hugged her curves all the way down, until the dress stopped above her knee. She always felt confident in this dress, and she knew she was going to need it tonight. She matched it with her new nude suede heels, and simple jewelry. Her hair was done in a loose and natural curl.

She was putting the finishing touches on her makeup when Hank knocked on the bathroom door to let her know he was home. She put on another layer of mascara, double checked herself in the mirror, and then opened the door to greet him.

"Erin," he smiled. "You look beautiful."

It was rare that he complemented her, and she raised her eyebrow at him questioningly.


"Oh nothing. I'm just waiting for a follow up comment on who I'm going out with tonight."

She had brought it up to get this awkward part out of the way, and she geared herself up for one of his long tirades. The ones she always got as a teenager. The whole boys are only after one thing speech. She was stunned when he rested his hand on her shoulder lightly and said, "If you're happy, I'm happy, kid." Then he kissed her lightly on the forehead and turned to go down the stairs.


Hank sat in the kitchen waiting for Halstead to arrive. He had drank a lot of water earlier, and he really needed to use the bathroom. But he wasn't sure what time they had called their date for, and no way was he going to miss this.

He loved Erin. And he had meant every word of their conversation upstairs.

But not a chance in hell was he going to miss an opportunity to mess with one of his detectives.

He heard the door at 7:00 sharp, and he rushed to answer it before Erin had time to descend the stairs.

"Halstead," he said, keeping his voice low and purposefully threatening. Jay just stood there, looking shocked and completely terrified. I forgot how fun this is.

"Sarge," he nodded his head at his boss. He had been surprised originally when he pulled up to a house. For some reason, he just assumed Erin lived in an apartment. His surprise turned to complete terror when he saw Voight's car in the driveway. He had hoped he was wrong, that he had remembered the license plate incorrectly and perhaps Erin had a roommate. A roommate with a truck the same as his boss. It was a pipe dream, sure, but he had enjoyed living in it.

"Come in," Voight motioned for him to come in, but it took several moments for his feet to find the strength to move. He was walking into Voight's house. For the second time this week he found himself wondering what the hell he was getting himself into.

But then Erin appeared, and he lost his breath. "Erin, you look..." He couldn't even finish his sentence. There were no words. "Wow."

Hank was satisfied by Halstead's reaction, and he knew Halstead would treat his girl right. But, still, he could never miss an opportunity. "Halstead," he barked. "Drive safe, and I expect you to have her home by midnight."

Jay, who had once again forgotten Voight was even in the room, turned when heard his boss's words. "Of course, sir."

Erin just rolled her eyes, and said, "Bye, Hank." And then as they turned to go, she made sure to add "Don't wait up," for good measure.


"So I take it that's why you wanted to meet at my place." They were walking to Jay's car, and he finally found his voice to speak. "Does he do that will all of your dates?"

"Please," she laughed, "You got off easy."

He raised his eyebrows at her, like she must be out of her mind. "I'll take your word for it."

When they reached the car, he opened the door for her but stopped her before she could slide in. He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers, and then whispered, "You look beautiful, by the way."

"You look pretty handsome yourself," she smirked at him and then slid into the seat. As he walked around the car, she almost laughed at her own words. Handsome. That was the understatement of the century. Jay Halstead in a suit. Holy. Shit. She hadn't thought it was possible for him to look sexier than he did in his long sleeve henley and jeans. But she had been very wrong.

In the car he reached for her hand, and she felt the spark immediately as their fingers intertwined. He broke contact only when they got out of the car, and he found her hand again when they walked down the street to the restaurant.

Easy conversation flowed between them the entire time. They talked about their work, discovered several mutual friends, Jay told her stories about Maddie when she was a baby. They bantered and flirted and laughed and smiled.

All the while, Jay had wanted to ask Erin about her childhood and her history with Hank, but he kept losing his nerve.

They were halfway through dinner when Jay's phone rang. "I'm sorry, it's Samantha. I have to take this."

She motioned her hand, as if to say no big deal, and took another small sip of her white wine.

"Hey, Sam. What's up?"

He sighed, and Erin knew this was about to be the end of their date. "I know you can." A pause, presumably Samantha was speaking on the other end of the call. "No. I want to." Another pause, "Yeah. I'll be right there."

"What's wrong?" Erin asked, her voice full of real concern.

"Grace is throwing up." He motioned for the waiter to bring the check over as he spoke. "Sam's perfectly capable of handling it, but-"

"It's Grace's first time being sick with you."

He marveled at how well she understood him. "Yeah."

She reached for his hand, squeezed in gently in a comforting gesture, and then interlocked her fingers with his. "Let's go."


TO BE CONTINUED... Date night part 2 tomorrow :)

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