
Blemished Love

when love seems like a bed of rose until the past hits you so hard that your vows are the only thing you could hold on to

Loving_Randy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 4

Why are we meeting here this early?' Julia asked the man sitting in front of him.


'Because I haven't seen you in a year and this is the only place that opens at five in the morning.' He answered.


'I told you I have family issues to take care of Joe.'


'Okay, I just came to inform you I'm moving back to Ghana to make it up with my wife and children since it seemed like we would never be together.' Joe announced and stood up headed for the door of the restaurant he asked to meet Julia at.


'Alright I wish you all the best and take care of your family.' Julia said with a straight face.


He nodded and walked away.


[i]Julia and Joe met a year before Joyce took in with Tom. They tried to make it work but Julia doesn't want to be a second wife. She has always been considerate. No matter how much love she had for Joe she also thinks the other woman back home deserves better although he finally got a divorce from her, Julia was still of the view that he did that because she pressured him.


Joe explained his wife asked for the divorce and he didn't want to give her that privilege then because he hasn't met anyone yet but Julia still didn't want to be with him. So when her sister told her about her pregnancy and the fact that she doesn't think she was going to make it, she used that as a perfect opportunity to let go.


[/i]She was still in thoughts when Melisa startled her. Mel who decided to follow her Aunt after she left the house that early as if something was pursuing her quickly grabbed a cab as her car was still with her brother. It has been several weeks but it seems neither herself nor Tom was ready to see each other yet.


'What are you doing here Lisa?' Her aunty queried.


'Ahaaa, spill it out Aunty.' She smiled.


'Spill what?'


'That fine man who just left here.'


'I met him here.'


'Lies.' She said poking Julia's cheeks smiling.


'Are you following me now?'


'Aunty, I'm just happy you are finally giving someone a chance. Is Tom aware?'


'No and whatever you think is happening between Joe and I just ended.' She announced with her hands flying to her mouth.


'He is Joe?' Melisa asked excitedly.


She nodded with her gaze focused elsewhere when she realized she just gave herself up.


'Wow, nice name. But why did he end things with you. I'm sad now.'


'He has a wife back home Lisa.'


'So?' Melisa asked reaching out for her hands.


'So we can't be together.'


'Who brought that law?' Melisa asked again.


'Did you hear me say he's married with children?'


'I heard you aunty but his family isn't here and that shouldn't stop you from having a life.'


'Gosh.' She exclaimed. I can't believe I'm getting advice from you.' Julia spewed out.


'I know you don't want the kind of life I live right now but I want you to be happy. And stop feeling like you don't have to live your life because you have an obligation towards us.'


'But I'm already living. I have you two.'


'No you are not living for yourself but for us and we are grown now. Just enjoy your life.'


'I want to but I'm too old for that and I have to make sure you two are really okay.'


'Come on, we are okay and besides you are just sixty years old, not hundred. Give yourself some break.'


'I want to but you giv…'


'I know what you are going to say.'


'I don't mean it that way but I really want you having a good life then I can live too.'


'Alright, I would bring pregnancy home soon.' She said smiling.


'You are not pregnant already right?' Her aunt asked with a skipping heart. She knows if she's pregnant then it's for Henry whom she dislikes.


'No. I'm just doing this for you as I'm not sure Tom would ever be able to give you grandchildren soon.'


'What do you mean by that? Do you know something I don't know about?'


'I know nothing Aunty.'

Also read -  Blemished Love


'Yes you do. Does Tom have a problem, I'm not aware of?' Julia asked confused.


'Why Tom and not Grissel?' Melisa asked taking her gaze off her aunt.


'Do you know something I don't know Lisa?' She stressed.


'No, I'm just asking. You seem to like that girl more than me.'


'That girl is your brother's wife and I love you both.'


'If you say so but kindly call Joe back and let him know you've changed your mind.'


'But I didn't say I have changed my mind.'


'I'm changing it for you.' Mel answered.


'No, someone else would find me.' Julia assured her niece.


'But you want Joe. Don't let his marriage in Ghana stop you.'


'I have made my decision so let it go.' She said softly.


Julia has always been soft. More reason why she didn't take advantage of Joe's situation with his wife back home to get into his bed.


'If you say so, I will drive you home now since I came with a cab.' Melisa offered.


Julia stood up with her bag after paying for the drinks that Joe didn't even touch.




Grissel drove into the compound that looks like a home office and sighted Tom coming out with a middle aged woman with lots of hair. Beautiful body and her dressing that afternoon seemed like someone who was still at work.


She had no idea why Tom had asked her to get off work early and meet him at that address. She feigned a smile with jealousy written over her face as she got out of the car and walked towards them at the door.


'Hello.' She greeted them both at the entrance.


'Hey, you are here on time.'


'Yeah, you sounded erratic on the call.'


'Sorry.' He responded coyly.


'Let's all go inside and talk.' The lady said.


As they walked inside Grissel noticed her husband was scratching his head.


'You can both have a seat here.' She showed them a comfortable seat and walked over to a coffee table.


'Anyone care for coffee?'


Grissel looked at Tom and his face was registered with confusion.


'Black no milk.' He answered.


'What about you Grissel?' She turned around facing her when she hasn't responded to her question.


'I'm allergic to coffee.'


'Oh sorry, I can get you tea.'


'No, I'm fine but just a little curious of my presence here.' She asked and noticed the lady seemed confused as she walked over with Tom's coffee.


She handed him the coffee which he managed a thank you uncomfortably.


'Okay, I'm Counselor Ellen.'


'Counselor?' She muttered turning to Tom who was looking confused.


'Yes, your husband mentioned you've been married for three weeks.'


'That is right but I'm still not sure why I'm here.'


'I understand you've been havi….' Ellen was saying when she was cut off.


'Tom what is all these.' Grissel was obviously angry now as she knew why Tom brought her there.


'We are here because we bo…th need co..unsel..ling.' He stuttered at the end.


'Tom we don't need therapy or counselling.' It was obvious to Ellen Tom hadn't told Grissel about their meeting.


'You think we don't but we do Grissel especially when you keep avoiding me anytime I want to touch you.'


'Really, that's your reason?'


'Yes, it's a valid one. I know it's all my fault, the sleepless nights and you distancing yourself from me.'


'Come on Tom, let's go home and talk.' She stood up with her phone in her right hand.


'No we can talk here.' You would only tell me everything is fine when we go home.'


'Urrgh.' Grissel sighed and rolled her eyes.


Ellen who was watching them, sipped her coffee and dropped it on her table.


Tom held on to his coffee cup while Grissel slumped into the seat when he wasn't ready to go.


'Tom, I can see your wife clearly want to talk but not with me around.'


'I know that but she needs help.'


'Okay, why don't you couples go home and decide if you really need counselling. My doors are always open.'


'But Ellen, I came to you that should mean something.'


'You did and I would be very happy to counsel you alone but I know that's not what you want right now.'


'Grissel, why are you not saying anything.' He turned to his wife who was staring at Ellen.


'I already told you, we can talk about this at home.'


'Tom, I suggest you listen to her and do come back if things doesn't work out.'


'Everything will work out Ellen. Thank you for your time.' Grissel announced and dragged Tom along with her. He was looking so childish being dragged away.


Ellen smiled and muttered 'Nice meeting you.'


Few minutes into their drive, Grissel packed along the road.


'That was an ambush Tom and very childish.'


'I did it for you.'


'No, you did it for your own selfish gain.'


'Is that what you think?' His voice laced with anger.


'Yes, what happened to talking about it first? I don't have a problem with counselling Tom.'


'Then why were you rude in there.'


'Because I had no idea that was why you asked me to that address.'


'Then let's go back.'


'No, we are okay. Marriage is one step at a time and we are just three weeks.' Grissel was trying so hard not to yell.


'You think I don't know that?'


'Good, we can do this. Trust me I had no idea I've been pushing you away lately.'


'Not only that, you haven't slept since the incident and you keep crying in your dream.'


'This has nothing to do with the incident besides we had sex the very next day, which should even tell you we are okay.'


"Sex on a couch? Where you told me after it was a favor and an obligation"


'We've been through this Tom. I said that in anger and I remember apologizing.'


''You have been indifferent towards me and we hardly touch each other though we communicate perfectly."


She frowned and quickly regained her composure. 'I hadn't noticed, I'm sorry.'


'So can we go back to counselling?' He asked immediately she landed with her apology.


'I'm not so comfortable discussing what happened with an outsider.'


'You mean when I molested you?' He searched her eyes sternly.


'But Tom, we talk and laugh.' She grinned. 'Isn't that enough?'


'No, it isn't Grissel.' If our marriage is going to work you have to stop treating me like you are doing me a favor or I'm some kind of obligation.'


'We don't need to discuss this all the time. I have forgiven you so we just need to move forward.'


'I don't think you understand forgiveness because you wouldn't have kept the gown, I ripped off that night inside your pillow case if you did.'


Grissel's face turned pale and she quickly drove away without a word. She remembered asking Tom to help lay the bed that morning when she was bathing but it didn't occur to her he had seen the night gown in the pillow case as he didn't change it.


After their last argument, she was sure she had forgiven him and totally forgotten about the gown. Though pulling away from him wasn't intentional Grissel felt his pain earlier.


Tom watched her sternly and without any other word he fixed his seat belt. He knew from the expression on her face and the way she sped off was an indicator that he needs to stop talking about it.


He slept off along their drive and woke up just when Grissel pulled at a parking spot.


'Hey, are we home?' He asked still with sleep calling him back.


'No, you are paying for a new bed.'


Tom wiped his face and looked through the window. They were at a mattress store.


'You want a new bed?'


She nodded and took off her seat belt.


'Is the one we have not comfortable?'


'Tom, I'm sorry.'


'You are sorry for wanting a new bed?'


'No, for keeping the gown. I will destroy it once we get home.'


'Don't bother, I burnt it this morning when you were still in the bathroom.'


'Alright, can we get the new bed now?'


'You know I took a cab today and hence don't have my card on me.'


'Okay, you owe me twice in a week.' She brought out her card and gave it to him.


'Yeah, the groceries. I will pay off Mrs. Tom.' He teased.


He went out for some ten minutes and came back with a receipt.


'It would be delivered in about two hours.'


'Great. Let's head home before the delivery truck gets there.'


He stared at her and smiled for the first time since they left Ellen's place.


'Do I have something on my face?' She asked.


'No, you are beautiful. I forgot to mention that.'


'Thank you and before you ask, I'm just changing the bed because it's too hard.'


'It's alright. I asked them for a flexible one this time.'


'And about the other thing, I'm ready to work on it but not subject myself to counselling and trust me if I say I have forgiven you.'


'Your wish is my command.' He teased while Grissel gave him a smack and started the car.




'Mom, I don't know why you two can't run your company. I'm fine where I am now.'


'You call staying in a hotel wasting your trust fund okay?' Stella's mom sounded angry on the call.


'Did dad put you up to this?'


'He shouldn't have to Stella,' She said softly. 'You are my daughter and if you won't come back because of the company then do it for me.'


She sighed heavily from her end. 'But mom, I don't know anything about this company. Remember I dropped out of law school.'


'I know that but he has someone who is managing the company and is willing guide you.'


'Are you sure, it's because of the company you want me back.' Stella sighed heavily.


'It's been twelve years and I miss you very much.'


Stella laughed so hard on the call. She being her mother's only child made it easy for her to get anything she wants.


'Okay, you got to pick me up yourself from the airport on Saturday. I guess I will start work on Monday.'


Mrs. Medt jubilated over the call before hanging up. Stella always talked of being a judge when she was young so her mom thought staying with her brother who was an influential judge himself could really help as he has already recommended a good law school for her.


Stella dropped out for reasons she wasn't keen on disclosing neither does her uncle and the family never spoke about it.




'Dad what are you doing here.' Melisa asked her Dad who appeared that afternoon at a client's place where she was checking the site for her next big event. She walked closer with a smile on her face.


'I went by the house and Julia told me where to find you.'


'She actually spoke to you.' Melisa asked surprised because her aunt seem not to like their Dad that much after their mom passed away.


Melisa waved her client from afar to give her some few minutes.


'Yeah.' He replied.


'So what brought you here Dad?'


'I haven't seen you for a whole month.' He replied.


'I've been busy as you can see.'


'Okay but did you talk to Tom?'


'We don't talk Dad.' She gave him a stern look. 'Besides he's fine where he is and I'm not sure he would want to come work for you.'


'But I need to talk to him and apologize.'


'The guy basically threw you out of his engagement reception and you still think you could talk to him or you have forgotten already.


'No, I haven't Lisa.'


'Then allow him enjoy his marriage. He's just three weeks in his marriage and I won't forgive you if you mess it up for him.'


'Alright, I won't pester you again but how are you.'


'I'm doing fine and cutting down the alcohol intake if you care to know.'


'That's good to hear and the other thing.'


'You know I just can't stop sleeping around in a day and get married but I'm working on it too.'


'Alright, if you change your mind about Mr. Stan…'


'Dad I don't want to marry your friend's son so let's leave it at that.'


He nodded. 'Take care of yourself then.'


Melisa waved him while he entered his car. Despite her Dad leaving home when she was just five years old hurt her a lot, he was her favorite and still is.


She smiled and watched him drive away while she walked back to her client.