
Chapter 4: The Chosen Twelve

It was born, the Chosen Twelve, and, now it needed every bit of their attention and input to survive. Just like an infant in need of its mother’s care and support, The Chosen Twelve needed them all. Credonia and Credonians depended on it. A covenant they had just sealed and nothing could stop them from making their country better.

The Chosen Twelve was the Vessel to the next level of development and a better Credonia. Joe may have been selected and named Peter but, there are things even Peter never knew about the Chosen Twelve at first, or, should it be at all?

As he was figuring out where to get the money for the Chosen Twelve, in deed, the others too were not asleep. Yet again, he got a call from his fellow initiate who was now going by the name John. This time, it was not about a meeting but informing him that they had come up with an easier way of getting the money for the Chosen Twelve. There was no need for suffocating and possibly chocking the Credonia’s Treasury for their first mission.

This was another good news to Joe. Which better way to make Credonia a better place than working together as a team towards exactly that. At the end of the call though, they had something for him to do as well. May be it was because they did the hard part of thinking about the source of funds which was his to do but, here, a task was for him. He was to schedule a meeting date and time in line with his very busy schedule. This is all they had him do this time. A few seconds later after he had put the phone down, it rang again. It was John again. He had forgotten to mention something important.

During their next meeting, they expected to have a visitor. Or, should it be, an investor. He or they were to get the disciples through to getting the source of their finances for the Chosen Twelve to take off at full throttle. On top of this, he mentioned it being the day each member would know their roles and how to go about them. In other words, it was time to fire up the engine of this vessel.

With investors willing to pour money, members willing to sacrifice, a Credonia to build and Credonians depending on them, they surely were ready to go. Immediately after this call, Joe called his team to let them know of this meeting and to get him a schedule with the meeting included in the next few days. Well, as said, this was a secret between the disciples and now possibly the investors.

Not even his other trusted team would know what the meeting was about. In their memos, the Cabinet Minister of Finance had another usual meeting with other Cabinet Members. Time and tide wait for no man. Not even a Credonian Cabinet Minister of Finance or the Chosen Twelve. He had to act fast.

Indeed, he too surrounded himself with the best team. Within 24 Hours after the demands to his crew, they came through. They had him a schedule that included the Chosen Twelve’s meeting three days from that day. This was to be on Friday 12 August. What better day to schedule such an important meeting.

All that was left was for him to call John and let the meeting date known. He was responsible for passing the message to the other disciples as well as the investors. As soon as this meeting was known to the other disciples and the investor or investors as well, all that was left was to wait for this day to come and fire up the engine in style.

The Chosen Twelve’s spirit was growing on him rapidly. For this reason, within these three days before the meeting, he tasked himself with an undertaking. Since they all had to have names, these investors too could use one of their own, and so he thought. During the time of Jesus, the disciples had a task of spreading the gospel all over the world. A better way to do this was with the help of the teachers of the law. With them involved, the gospel spread faster and easily. And… there was his answer. What better name to give these investors to blend with the Chosen other than the teachers of the law.

With the aid of their finances, the Chosen would surely make a difference with ease and efficiency. Joe may not have known more about the agendas of the meeting but, at least, he had a strong point and agenda of his own. To give these folks a name they deserved. It was one thing he was not ready to let John have. He had to be contented with baptizing Jesus.

Time flew by and, here 12 August dawned. The three days passed by fast enough to give way to this important day in the history of Credonia, the universe to which they had to spread the good news. After this meeting, Credonia had to turn a new leaf and take a new direction. A direction of better leadership, justice and fairness for all. They had to mark this day as well. How better would they mark it if not by baptizing it? After all, the Baptist was in the house.

Remember the Passover feast? A thought just came to Joe’s mind. It was during this feast that people had to stay indoors and mark their doors with blood to let the angel of death and darkness pass. What better time were we to have such a feast if not on 12 August? All the factors were present to validate the feast. They were to stay in and discuss how well to close and mark their doors. The angels of corruption, injustice and poverty had roamed the land enough. They had to make them leave and pass their doors in peace. This is how the meeting on 12 August became the Passover feast.

The hour came and in they gathered in one of the conference rooms. They all settled in and they got ready to begin their festival. As they began, Joe noticed the absence of the teachers of the law as he had named them. Again, something came to his mind. They could only use the teachers of the law after they all knew what each of them was to do. This time, it was not John to speak but Matthew. In his speech was their various roles. Just like a leader, he began with his role. It was to coordinate information with the public, to give and monitor information by the media.

Judas and Thomas were to make sure that each mission by the Chosen was carried out as planned. For John, he was sort of the glue that was binding everything together. He was to oversee everything. From the planning to allocation of funds to communication with the investors who in this case were the teachers of the law. The remaining seven were the ears and eyes of the Chosen.

At this point, only one disciple had not been mentioned. This was none other but Peter, who in the case happened to be Joe. Once again, he come last. This time, things were different though. He did not come last because he was the best saved for last, no! He came last because there was nothing to be allocated to him. That sounded strange.

As he was about to brainstorm for answers, Matthew was kind enough to give him one at last. Joe was to retain the role he was given in the previous meeting. He was still the money mint for the Chosen Twelve.

What about the offer from the teachers of the law? Matthew got Joe confused and, as he was about to ask a question, Matthew sat down. It was time for John to take the floor. This was not bad after all. Since he was to handle the teachers of the law and, who were not yet in the room, he had to have answers for Joe.

Indeed, John had answers. The fact that these teachers would help with finances did not mean they were to help with the sitting in meetings as well. That part was exclusively left for the Chosen.

Theirs was to receive the budget and write cheques in return. Joe was only to play the money mint when required and, when requested by them teachers to help. Finally, that was music to his ears. He had a reason to put a smile on his face.

John’s speech, as short as it was, it marked the end of the feast. It was time for the mission of the Twelve. The chosen had taken off at full throttle and, nothing could hold them back. As they walked out of the room, Joe preserved his smile and joy for later and used the time to correct himself.

For the past couple of days before the meeting, he had spent time thinking of a name suited for the investors. He had a good name suited for them but he was all wrong, I guess. Teachers of the law are known to have patience as their key trait. If these could not have enough to sit through a meeting, this proves Joe was way over my head.

He did not have a reason to feel bad about himself though. Even at their absence, they still came through for the Chosen. This was more important than the physical appearance at the tables. Once more, another better-suited name popped up in his mind for these giants. Who else could come through for the Chosen even in absentia if not the Holy Spirit? And, there it was, the perfect name for them teachers. After the discovery, Joe had now the time to be joyous and smile for their victory in general. The chosen was now live and kicking hard and strong.