

 It was midnight. Wails and tiny sobs of a person could be heard in the silence of the of night.

 In extravagant hotel suit, a young boy could be seen crying without care of the world. The sheets were bloodied and his snow white skin was full of lovebirds and marks.

 Adrian felt so useless. He felt exhausted as he tried to unsuccessfully lift himself from the bed. He felt so weak as he sobbed his heart out to the world. 

 What was he gonna do? Would his mom be disappointed? Who would accept him after this? Would he die? With tears trimming down his eyes, a thousand questions run through Adrian's head as he sat dazzed on the fluffy bed. 

 He knew that at that moment, as an omega he'd lost the most precious thing that could assure his safety on the dark and vicious world outside. Now that he'd lost his innocence, he'd only be viewed as a dirty whore by those hateful Alphas outside. They'd use and abuse him and no one would come to his rescue.

 Lost, Adrian really wanted to end everything. He just wanted to end his life to stop all the misery and pain but thinking of his sick mother and little sister waiting for him at home. He could only muffle his tears and preserver through the storm ahead.