
No Trace

The police sirens were wailing,the forensic scientists were taking samples, reporters and journalists were taking so many pictures and asking so many questions that the police had to push them back.

A blue truck drove in and a blue eyed, golden haired young Man in his thirties came down,he walked briskly to the crime scene,went under the tape,and stood next to an inspector...

'Barry, you're here,'

Detective Barry smiled and said ' what's the report'..

' Pregnant female,blond,must be in her thirties,axed to death'..

Barry knelt down next to the corpse and frowned ' with the foetus inside?'.

'Yeah, pretty lady got axed by a psychopath,I wonder what was she doing in the woods'

Barry looked around and said 'who reported this?'..

' That we don't know,we got the call and no one was here when we came here, except for her' he looked at the corpse again.

'is there anyway we can track the phone or number ', the inspector scratched his head,'we can't,no fingerprints, nothing,no footprints, just her',

Barry stood up and sighed 'does she have any relations, family or anyone we could contact ',

Shanks pocketed ' She's Mr Rex's wife',Barry turned ' Rex Milestone?',Shanks nodded,

'But this is ...' Barry's eyes widened,Shanks smiled 'yes, she's the sixth wife of Rex Milestone'...

' Ha!' Barry ran his hand through his Golden hair,' looks like we would pay a visit to the Milestone's'...