
Bleed For You

Did you know? The one you will fall in love with… It is said you can smell their blood from miles away… Because it's destiny that pulls you closer.

Haru_Minami · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Enigma in the Shadows (Part 6)

Episode 06

(Arrival in the Storm)




"I heard it takes nearly a month to travel from Cudien to the Frost region, if you can believe that."

"Yeah, more like forever and a day if you're on foot."

The two maids, their arms full of white blankets piled so high they nearly lost sight of each other, whispered as they navigated the castle's shadow-laced corridor. Clad in long black dresses, crisp white aprons, and snug mob caps, they moved like specters among the flickering torches that cast ghostly dances on the ancient walls.

"And yet His Grace manages the journey there and back in mere hours? How's that work?"

The first maid's voice was a blend of wonder and incredulity.

"You really haven't picked up on it yet, huh?"

The second maid chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief in the dim light.

"Ah…Ha ha…"

Confusion laced the first maid's timid laugh, her cheeks flushing in the dim torchlight.

"Ah, well, you're fresh around here. His Grace possesses a Moonrunner, you see."

The second maid's tone was gentle, easing the embarrassment of her companion.

"The Moonrunner!? That legendary carriage that can teleport, powered by mana stones instead of horses, and looks as if it was forged from the very essence of the night?"

The first maid's voice was full of awe, her earlier embarrassment forgotten.

"Precisely! You're quick on the uptake!" The second maid's grin was infectious, her delight evident. "Only a handful of those marvels exist in the whole world, and one belongs to His Grace!"

"You two! Haa~ What on earth are you doing, wasting time chit-chatting? Return to your duties immediately!"

Suddenly, a stern voice cut through their exchange. A poised middle-aged woman, her expression marked by a mix of authority and annoyance, approached swiftly down the corridor.

"Gasp* Yes, Mrs. Lara."

Startled, the maids jumped at the sound of Lara's commanding tone and quickly moved along the hallway, their earlier conversation disappearing into the whispers of the castle's secrets.


Lara sighed heavily, a hand pressed against her forehead as she watched them scatter. Dressed in a formal gray dress with her hair pulled back tightly into a bun, showing a few strands of gray, Lara, the head maid of Frost Castle, was a figure of authority and experience.

"Master will be here any minute now. What on earth are they doing?"

Her voice carried the weight of both authority and exasperation.

It had been scarcely an hour since a magical orb, glowing faintly with an urgent message from the knights in Highwyvern town, had shattered her evening's calm with news of Julius's unexpected return.

Immediately, she had stirred the household into a frenzy of preparation. Lord Julius's quarters had to be nothing short of immaculate; the dining hall, warmly inviting despite the late hour; and the front lobby, thoroughly dried to prevent the treacherous wet from marring his return.

Yet, her chest tightened with each tick of the unseen clock.


Lara exhaled slowly, her worry not abated. She quickened her steps, her mind racing as much as her heart. Every detail had to be perfect, every surface pristine. Her brow furrowed as she moved to check the main entrance herself, ensuring no slip could occur under her watchful eye.




Two hours had passed since the castle received word of Julius's impending return, and at last, his Moonrunner carriage approached the grand entrance of the castle. Meanwhile, Lara had meticulously executed her responsibilities, ensuring that every detail within the castle was arranged to perfection. Accompanied by a contingent of servants and maids, she now stood in the grand foyer, eagerly awaiting the echo of their master, Julius's footsteps.

Shaa ~

The relentless downpour created a somber atmosphere, enveloping the castle in a curtain of rain.


The occasional rumble of thunder pierced through the darkness, casting an eerie glow upon the sky.

Amidst this tempestuous symphony, the Moonrunner Carriage drew to a stately halt at the fore of the castle. Swift as shadows, two attendants dashed from the shelter of the portico, their umbrellas unfurling like dark wings against the downpour. One flung open the carriage's door with a reverent flourish, inviting the noble lord out, while the other held an umbrella aloft, guarding the entrance from the storm's wrath.

The maids and servants selected to receive Julius at the castle were individuals of exceptional skill, renowned for their meticulous attention to detail. They always exuded an air of tranquility and perfection, with each movement deliberate and calculated.

Well… They always did...









Upon Julius's arrival, the moment he alighted from his carriage with an unknown woman cradled in his arms, the poised demeanor of the staff dissipated entirely.

It was truly a sight to behold, witnessing the typically composed and capable servants of the manor completely losing their cool. Every single jaw dropped in unison at the sight of Julius emerging from his car, cradling an unconscious lady. It looked as if their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. Even Lara, the experienced headmaid, couldn't help but stare with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

Yet, Julius, the instigator of such chaos, paid no attention to their reactions and simply strode into the castle without so much as a glance in their direction.

Elden emerged from the carriage, his gaze settling on the assembled servants with sympathetic eyes.


He cleared his throat authoritatively, breaking the uneasy silence.

"What on earth are you all doing just standing there?! Hurry up and attend to the master,"

Elden commanded, his tone cutting through the chill air. At the sound of his command, the servants jerked back to life, their momentary stupor shattered.

"Ah... R-Right..."

They muttered, their voices tinged with embarrassment as they quickly regained their composure.

"Welcome back, Your Grace."

The servants and maids bowed deeply, their greetings crisp and formal, masking the sudden tension.


Julius's voice was calm, almost disinterested as he called to the headmaid, Lara straightened up from her bow and replied, "Yes, Your Grace?"

"Prepare a room for her on the fifth floor. Take utmost care of her during this time."

Julius commanded, his tone detached yet authoritative.

"Ah, Yes, of course."

Lara's reply wavered with a hint of nervous tension. She caught the gaze of a maid with light orange hair, nodding subtly for her to come forward.

At Lara's silent command, the maid approached with deference, her head bowed in respect. She reached out gently to take the unconscious woman from Julius's arms, handling her with tender care.

Julius then moved to ascend the staircase, his figure radiating an aura of cold detachment.

"Summon Aravar as soon as possible and have him check on her condition."

Julius ordered, pausing momentarily on a step to issue his command without looking back. He then resumed his ascent towards his quarters on the fourth floor, leaving a palpable chill in the air.

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