
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 8: Ania meets her spirit

Ania meanwhile was still inside her own world trying to find her away through a vast thick, dark jungle with vines tangling about the trees. Pushing away the vines she stumbled out of the dark and damp rainforest to a beautiful, lush field covered in purple flowers everywhere. Stepping into the long grass she saw something dart across the fields as the flowers shook violently in the wind trail left behind by the culprit.

Walking forward slowly Ania felt a huge force slam from behind and knocking her face first into the flowers. round lying with her back on the flowers she stared into the face of a huge black panther that quickly darted off Ania and stood centimeters away watching her closely with those cool blue eyes. She got a better view of the creature which looked beautiful sleek black fur, a long and slender tail and those eyes looked so enchanting. Suddenly the Panther spoke as it jumped at Ania and screamed in a high pitched almost childish accent "FINALLY you made it here thank god" she slammed into Ania knocking her to the floor while she viciously licked her face in affection as Ania tried to fend the giant cat off from licking her to death

Eventually the cat leapt off Ania and raced across the field as it chanted playfully "Catch meeee if you cannnn" Ania tried in vain to chase after the sleek black animal but it was far too fast as it darted off into the distance leaving her standing in the middle of a field full of red roses. The world around her went black all of a sudden and the flowers roared up to life as stems began to grow out of them covered in deadly thorns which began to slowly close in on Ania as she heard the cat's playful voice echoing within the darkness.

"Now it's time for a little test, if you can focus your mind and think of my name these flowers won't hurt you but if you can't they'll eventually close in and crush you to death" after the cat had finished talking the flowers slowly began to creep forward as Ania quickly looked up at them and fell into a trance as the flowers looked so beautiful and gorgeous. She gingerly reached out to touch one as a thorn sliced her finger causing her to reel back in shock snapping out of her trance as she gazed at her bloodied finger and her mind finally came back to her.

Closing her eyes Ania focused her mind on the sleek black panther running through the darkness its body illuminated by a bright moon that shone on its fur. She looked beautiful and gorgeous its muscular legs surged forward as it bounded through the darkness playfully leaping around and enjoying itself. Focusing on the cat Ania began to suddenly feel the animal's presence almost like it was a part of her and the more she focused on it the more she could feel the Panthers force being connected with her almost like their minds intertwined. There was a brief flash and Ania was staring out of the Panthers eyes as she was running through the jungle joyous and happy, she could feel the great cats presence with her as she snapped back to her mind and her eyes darted open only to find the thorns merely inches away from closing in on her.

Her mind racing Ania wondered why she could feel the cat's presence so strongly and suddenly from the reflection of a puddle left on the ground she gazed at herself and immediately looked at her eyes and re called the cat's eyes. They were the same a beautiful bright blue colour that left people in a trance as it finally hit her. "You're an incorporation of me and that's why I can feel your spirit so well you're connected to me because you are a part of me" upon speaking those words she heard the cat chanting its name in her ears as she opened her mouth and spoke the name aloud "Your name is Kanzen Bi".

Upon hearing her name the thorns erupted back into the ground as the huge panther leapt out of nowhere and slammed into Ania knocking her to the floor a second time as she playfully jumped up and down on Ania chanting "You did it, you did it, you managed to find my name out yippee". Finally managing to pick herself up she stared at the cat running about playfully leaping around in the air playing with butterflies and other animals as she thought to herself "Do I really act like this?" Kanzen Bi then turned around and walked back to Ania as she began to speak in a now serious tone "Alright Ania now upon learning my name you can bring forth my power whenever you want in battle but know this my power is to be used only while during battle and not for your own benefit otherwise I'll cut my power off, now back to your own world and remember call on me anytime I'd love to meet your other friends.

Ania's world erupted in a bright white light as she opened her eyes to find Tom simply sitting there staring down at his sword eyes wide open. Looking across at her they both smiled obviously figuring out that they both managed to pass their test as they heard a voice suddenly speak to them from above as they looked up to spot Mitch lazily lying back on a plank of wood, his feet were kicked up the air and hands resting on the back of his head "So you two finally managed to learn your Shikai's, took your sweet ass time but least you finally got it."

"Took our sweet time? I thought it was actually rather fast" Ania said glaring up at Mitch who laughed gracefully leaping down off the post and landing in front of them "Yeah sure I'll consider two days fast I mean it only took me one but maybe that's because I'm special" chuckling he quickly walked away from Ania who gave him an icy cold stare. "Really why did it take you such a short time" Tom said bewildered that he had been out for two days as it only seemed like a mere few hours. Mitch simply shrugged his shoulders "Guess I had a natural talent for it who knows" "So if we've been meditating this whole time what have you been doing just sitting there watching us?" Ania asked "Oh as much as I would enjoying sitting there and watching you sit there all beautiful and graceful Ania I had other things to do". "Such as?" Tom questioned but Ania already knew the answer as she rolled her eyes "What? All I did was some training and catching up on plenty of sleep that I've missed out on" Mitch said defensively as she assumed he had gone back to those girls for that cancelled date .

His joking attitude disappeared from his face as he glared at them seriously "Alright so now that you two know your spirits name let's see if you can call them into this world for us to take a look at". Tom and Ania glanced at each other wondering just how the hell they were going to accomplish this and how long it was going to take them