
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · Fantasy
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133 Chs

[Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 120: The Last no More

With the arrival of Yato, Rukia, Ichigo, and Kon, the tension in the air became palpable, thickening like an impending storm. The Bount's eyes narrowed, a flicker of apprehension crossing his face as he assessed the sudden shift in the dynamics of the confrontation.

Surrounded by nine adversaries, the Bount found himself in a precarious position, his confidence wavering under the weight of their combined presence. His gaze darted between each member of the group, a flicker of apprehension crossing his features. He could feel the walls closing in, the red threads conjured by Yato weaving a web of constraint around him, leaving little room for maneuver.

Meanwhile, the Doll Fried, sensing the shifting tides of battle, relinquished its hold on Tatsuki, retreating to the side of its master, Ryō. The sudden change in dynamics spurred Tatsuki into action, her muscles tensing with the instinctive urge to launch an offensive against the Bount. Yet, before she could act, Chad intervened, his grip firm as he restrained her.

Orihime, seeing Tatsuki's agitation, approached her friend with gentle steps, her expression filled with concern and compassion. She reached out a hand, tentatively placing it on Tatsuki's shoulder, offering a comforting presence amidst the chaos.

Orihime: "Tatsuki-chan, it's going to be okay. We're all here for you."

Tatsuki's tense muscles gradually relaxed under Orihime's touch, her breaths steadying as she drew strength from her friend's comforting words. With a grateful nod, she acknowledged Orihime's support, a flicker of determination igniting in her eyes.

Tatsuki: "Thanks, Orihime... I'm okay now."

Meanwhile, the Bount's mind raced as he assessed his options, his gaze flickering between the assembled adversaries. He weighed the possibility of escape, his thoughts racing as he scanned the warehouse for any potential avenues of retreat. However, before he could formulate a plan, his hopes were dashed by the arrival of unexpected reinforcements. Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi and the mod-soul Ririn materialized at the far end of the warehouse.

The Bount's heart sank as he realized the futility of his situation. Surrounded on all sides, with no avenue of escape and nowhere left to run, he found himself at the mercy of his adversaries. With a resigned sigh, he lowered his gaze, a sense of defeat settling over him like a suffocating shroud.

Ryō: "Looks like luck's run out for us, Fried."

Fried: "Seems that way, Ryō."

Amidst the tense atmosphere, Rukia stepped forward, her voice firm yet compassionate as she addressed the Bount.

Rukia: "It's over. There's nowhere left for you to run. Surrender peacefully, and we can end this without any further conflict."

Her words echoed through the warehouse, carrying an unspoken warning beneath their calm surface. The Bount's eyes flickered with uncertainty, torn between the instinct to fight and the rational knowledge of his dire predicament.

Yato, standing beside Rukia, spoke in a calm and relaxed tone.

Yato: "Listen, buddy, I'm having a bad day, and trust me, you don't want to make it worse."

His words were deceptively casual, but there was an underlying edge to his tone that conveyed the seriousness of the situation. The Bount swallowed hard, his gaze darting between the assembled Shinigami and their allies, weighing his options with growing trepidation.

Ryō: "And what if I refuse?"

Yato's lips curled into a sardonic smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement. With a subtle flick of his wrist, the red threads surrounding the Bount tightened slightly, eliciting a grimace of discomfort from their captive.

Yato: "I wouldn't recommend that. These threads aren't just for show, you know."

The Bount's gaze flickered to the threads encircling him, a bead of sweat trickling down his brow as he contemplated his next move. Sensing the mounting tension, Fried shifted uneasily on its master's shoulder.

Ryō's expression darkened, his mind racing as he considered his next move. With a resigned sigh, he relented, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

With a decisive flick of his wrist, the Bount summoned forth his Doll, Fried, its form shimmering as it transformed into a pocket watch. The sudden change caught the group off guard, their eyes widening in surprise as they watched the Doll's metamorphosis.

Ryō: "I propose a deal."

His voice was calm, yet there was an underlying intensity to his words that demanded attention. The group exchanged wary glances, uncertain of what to make of the Bount's sudden offer.

Ryō: "I'll tell you everything you want to know... About the Bounts, our numbers, our plans... Everything. In exchange, you let me walk away from here alive."

The offer hung in the air, the weight of its implications sinking in as the group deliberated their response. Yato's gaze hardened, his expression unreadable as he considered the Bount's proposition.

Yato: "And how do we know you'll hold up your end of the bargain?"

Ryō's lips curved into a sly smile, a glint of cunning in his eyes as he met Yato's gaze head-on.

Ryō: "You'll just have to trust me. After all, what other choice do you have?"

The Bount's words were laced with a hint of mockery, his smirk returning as he gauged the group's reaction.

A tense silence settled over the warehouse as the group deliberated their next move, the weight of the Bount's proposition hanging heavy in the air. Chad, however, noticed something amiss and turned to Nemu.

Chad: "Hm...Where's Ishida? I don't see him with you."

Nemu's expression remained stoic, but a flicker of unease crossed her features as she met Chad's gaze.

Nemu: "Ishida-san was... taken by the Bount I encountered."

Ichigo's patience wore thin as he glared at the Bount, his voice laced with anger and frustration.

Ichigo: "What did you do with Ishida?!"

Ryō's confusion was evident as he raised an eyebrow in response to Ichigo's outburst.

Ryō: "Ishida? I don't know what you're talking about. We haven't laid a finger on anyone named Ishida."

Ichigo: "Don't play dumb with me! Where is he?!"

Ryō's gaze hardened, a hint of annoyance flickering across his features as he bristled at Ichigo's accusations.

Ryō: "I told you, I don't know anything about this Ishida. If someone's missing, it's news to me. Which Bount took him?"

Nemu stepped forward, her expression grave as she recounted the encounter with the Bount who had abducted Ishida.

Nemu: "It was a woman with the power to manipulate fire. She had created a fire creature and was threatening to set everything ablaze if the fight continued. During our encounter with the Bount, Ishida-san's Quincy heritage piqued her interest. Sensing an opportunity to prevent further conflict, Ishida-san made the decision to accompany her willingly, in an effort to diffuse the situation and avoid unnecessary damage."

Ichigo: "Ishida, you idiot..." - He muttered.

Ryō's smirk widened at Nemu's revelation, his demeanor shifting as he processed the information. A glint of amusement danced in his eyes as he turned his attention back to the group.

Ryō: "Ah, so that's who you encountered. Yoshino Sōma." - His words hung in the air, drawing puzzled looks from the group as they tried to make sense of the situation. - "But you don't need to worry too much about the kid. He's probably safer than he realizes."

Ichigo's brows furrowed in confusion, his anger momentarily overshadowed by curiosity.

Ichigo: "Safer? What do you mean?"

Rukia: "And who is Yoshino Sōma?"

The group turned their attention back to Ryō, their curiosity piqued by his cryptic remark.

Ryō: "Yoshino-san been causing quite a stir among the Bounts lately. She's been rebelling against Jin Kariya, our so-called leader. Kariya never really punishes her properly. You see, they were married years ago, and old flames die hard, I suppose."

His words sent a ripple of surprise through the group, their interest piqued by the revelation.

Yato caught on to the underlying implications of Ryō's words. His gaze narrowed as he regarded the Bount with renewed interest.

Yato: "So-called leader? You're not exactly a fan of Kariya's leadership, are you?"

Ryō's smirk remained firmly in place, his response both courteous and mocking.

Ryō: "Let's just say I have my disagreements with Kariya's indirect methods of handling things."

His words held a veiled implication, hinting at a deeper dissatisfaction with Kariya's leadership. Yet, there was a sense of calculated restraint in Ryō's demeanor, as if he were carefully choosing his words.

The group exchanged wary glances, sensing the implications of Ryō's words. It was clear that the Bount hierarchy was far more complex and fraught with intrigue than they had initially realized.

Yato: "So, you're planning to betray Kariya?"

Ryō's smirk widened into a grin, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he responded.

Ryō: "Let's just say I'm keeping my options open. After all, loyalty only goes so far when it's not reciprocated, wouldn't you agree?" - His's gaze swept over the group, his smirk fading slightly as he awaited their response to his proposition. The tension in the warehouse seemed to thicken with each passing moment, the air heavy with anticipation.

Ryō: "So, what'll it be? Do we have a deal?"

Before anyone could respond, Yato exchanged a subtle glance with Nemu, a silent communication passing between them. With a barely perceptible nod from Nemu, Yato turned his attention back to Ryō, his expression carefully neutral.

Yato: "Alright, we accept your terms."

Ryō's smirk returned in full force, a glimmer of triumph dancing in his eyes as he realized he had successfully negotiated his way out of a dire situation. He nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of satisfaction evident in his demeanor.

Ryō: "Good choice. Now, where shall we begin?"

Yato: "How many Bounts serve under Kariya?"

Ryō cleared his throat, his voice taking on a somber tone as he began to recount the secrets of his kind.

Ryō: "To answer your question, there are a total of ten Bounts in the world, including Jin Kariya, Yoshino Sōma, and myself."

Rukia's brow furrowed as she processed Ryō's revelation, her curiosity driving her to seek further clarification.

Rukia: "And what about the powers of the Bounts? How do they manifest?"

Ryō's expression shifted to one of contemplation as he considered her question, his gaze distant as if lost in thought.

Ryō: "The powers of a Bount are manifested through their Dolls. Each Bount has a unique Doll that serves as the physical manifestation of their abilities."

He paused, his tone growing solemn as he continued.

Ryō: "As for the other Bounts and their abilities, I'm afraid I can't provide you with much information. You see, despite our allegiance to Kariya-san, Bounts are inherently individualistic. We each pursue our own goals and ambitions, often keeping our powers and abilities closely guarded secrets."

Rukia exchanged a puzzled glance with Yato, her brow furrowing in frustration at the lack of concrete information.

Rukia: "So, you're saying that you don't know the abilities of the other Bounts?"

Ryō nodded, a hint of resignation in his demeanor.

Ryō: "That's correct. We may follow Kariya's lead, but we rarely share information about our powers with each other. It's a matter of pride and self-preservation. The source of a Bount's power lies in an object that bears the crest of our kind. It could be anything—a piece of jewelry, a trinket, even a mundane object. But as long as it bears the Bount crest, it holds the key to unlocking our abilities."

Yato's eyes narrowed as he listened to Ryō's explanation, a skeptical expression crossing his face. He leaned forward, his tone laced with a hint of mockery.

Yato: "Hold on a second. You just said you don't know the abilities of the other Bounts, yet you seem to know an awful lot about this Yoshino Sōma and her powers. Care to explain how that works?"

Ryō's smirk faltered for a moment, his gaze flickering with uncertainty before he regained his composure, a knowing glint in his eyes.

Ryō: "Well, you see, it's not that I know her abilities because we share information willingly among ourselves. It's more because... well, let's just say I've had the pleasure of... encountering Yoshino-san quite frequently in the past."

His tone carried a hint of amusement, as if he were hinting at something beyond a simple explanation.

Yato's skepticism lingered, his expression unconvinced as he pressed for further clarification.

Yato: "Encountered her frequently? Care to elaborate on that?"

Ryō's smirk returned, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he responded.

Ryō: "Let's just say that whenever Yoshino-san decided to... let's say, take a little trip outside of our group, I was often the one tasked with bringing her back."

The implications of Ryō's words hung in the air, drawing puzzled looks from the group as they tried to piece together the significance of his encounters with Yoshino.

Before anyone could delve deeper into the matter, Ryō quickly changed the subject, his demeanor shifting back to business.

Ryō: "But enough about Yoshino-san. Let's focus on those who still follow Kariya's lead."

He paused, his expression growing somber as he continued.

Ryō: "Besides the Bounts, there's someone else aiding Kariya. A Shinigami."

The revelation sent a ripple of surprise through the group, their eyes widening in astonishment at the unexpected twist.

Rukia: "A Shinigami? But why would a Shinigami ally with the Bounts?"

Ryō: "I don't have all the details, but from what I've gathered, this Shinigami has his own reasons for siding with Kariya. Whether it's out of misguided loyalty, personal vendetta, or some other motive, I can't say for certain..."

A few seconds passed in tense silence after Ryō's last words, the group processing the gravity of the situation and the shocking revelation of a Shinigami collaborating with the Bounts. The air crackled with uncertainty and unease as they struggled to come to terms with the new information.

Tatsuki, still seething with anger at the Bount's presence and the chaos he had brought into their lives, couldn't contain her rage any longer. Her voice, sharp and accusatory, pierced through the silence like a blade.

Tatsuki: "Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you killing people?"

Her question hung in the air, heavy with accusation and righteous anger, demanding an answer that would justify the suffering caused by the Bounts.


Gradually, Uryū's consciousness began to emerge from the fog of unconsciousness, his senses slowly returning. As he opened his eyes, the dim light revealed unfamiliar surroundings, casting a haze over his vision. Blinking to clear his sight, he discerned a figure seated nearby.

Struggling against the grogginess, Uryū's focus sharpened, and he recognized the person beside him as the Bount he had encountered in the midst of their previous confrontation. Instinctively, he attempted to recoil from her presence, but a sharp pang of pain shot through his body, reminding him of his injuries. His arms and forehead were bound in tight bandages.

Meeting the Bount's gaze, Uryū found himself under her watchful scrutiny, her expression carrying a mixture of concern and reproach, like that of a caring parent admonishing a wayward child.

Yoshino: "As noble as your intentions may have been in trying to end that conflict, it wasn't very smart to walk into the fire."

Despite his injuries, he mustered the strength to speak, his voice hoarse and strained.

Uryū: "Why... Why did you treat my wounds?"

Yoshino regarded him with a soft smile, her gaze unwavering as she offered a simple yet cryptic response.

Yoshino: "Because I don't enjoy seeing unnecessary suffering, especially when it's caused by my own hand." Leaning forward slightly, she fixed him with a penetrating gaze, her eyes boring into his with an intensity that made him squirm uncomfortably under her scrutiny. - "Are you...really a Quincy?"

Uryū: "A Quincy really have a distinct... scent? Is it something you can detect?"

Yoshino: "It's subtle, but... not exactly appetizing, especially for a Quincy without powers." - Yoshino's expression grew contemplative, her gaze drifting into the distance as if lost in thought. - "Tell me... How did you lose your powers?"

Uryū's breath caught in his throat at the unexpected question, his mind racing as he struggled to formulate a response.

Uryū: "It's... a long story."

Yoshino's expression remained serene, her gaze unwavering as she waited for his answer.

Yoshino: "I have time."

Uryū's shoulders sagged with resignation, knowing he couldn't evade the question any longer.

Uryū: "It was due to a combination of factors. Lack of training, my own limitations..."

Yoshino's brows furrowed slightly as she listened intently to Uryū's explanation, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Yoshino: "But why didn't you seek help from other Quincys? Surely, there must have been someone who could assist you."

Uryū's gaze fell, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness as he spoke.

Uryū: "There are no other Quincys. I'm... I'm the last one."

Yoshino's eyes widened in surprise at Uryū's revelation, her features softening with empathy as she absorbed the weight of his words. But then, Yoshino's expression shifted, a furrow forming between her brows as she looked at Uryū with intrigue.

Yoshino: "You can't be the last Quincy."

Uryū furrowed his brows in confusion, taken aback by Yoshino's statement.

Uryū: "What do you mean? I just told you..."

Yoshino leaned forward, her eyes intense with conviction.

Yoshino: "One of the defining characteristics of a Bount is our ability to decipher reiatsu through scent. It's how we've managed to evade Soul Society for so long. And since I arrived in this city, I've been able to detect the scent of at least six Quincys, including you."

Uryū's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind racing to comprehend Yoshino's revelation.

Uryū: "Six Quincys?! But..."

Yoshino held up a hand, halting Uryū's exclamation before he could finish.

Yoshino: "Yes, six Quincys. However, two of them seem... how should I put it... rather immature. It's as if they've never fully tapped into their powers before."

Uryū's mind raced, trying to make sense of Yoshino's words. Six Quincys, including himself, yet two of them inexperienced? It was a perplexing revelation.

Uryū: "Immature? You mean they haven't used their powers before?"

Yoshino nodded, her expression thoughtful.

Yoshino: "Precisely. It's almost as if they're unaware of their abilities. But regardless, they are Quincys nonetheless."

Uryū's desperation mingled with a glimmer of hope as he leaned in closer, his eyes pleading with Yoshino for more information.

Uryū: "Who are the other Quincys you sensed? Where are they?"

Yoshino's gaze softened with understanding, but her expression remained grave.

Yoshino: "One of them possesses a power so overwhelming, even though it aligns with the Bounts' objectives to locate a Quincy, we dare not approach this specific Quincy."

A shiver ran down Uryū's spine as he processed Yoshino's words.

Yoshino: "As for the other two Quincys, it's not the magnitude of their reiatsu that concerns us, but rather the complexity of it. Their Quincy reiatsu seems intertwined with various other spiritual energies, creating a discordance that disrupts our senses."

Uryū furrowed his brows, trying to comprehend Yoshino's explanation. Mixed spiritual energies within Quincy reiatsu? It was a concept he hadn't encountered before.

Uryū: "So, their reiatsu is... fragmented?"

Yoshino nodded, her expression confirming Uryū's assumption.

Yoshino: "It's as if their Quincy reiatsu is diluted, blending with other spiritual signatures in a way that confounds our ability to detect them accurately."

Uryū's mind raced with possibilities, trying to unravel the mystery behind these enigmatic Quincys. How had their reiatsu become so entangled with other energies, and what implications did this have for their abilities?

Uryū: "Have you been able to track their movements or discern their intentions? If you detected their scent, then surely you must know where they are and what they're doing."

Yoshino: "Strangely enough, the last time I sensed the scent of the other two Quincys, they were with you."

Uryū's confusion deepened at Yoshino's words. The idea that those two Quincys were near him when she sensed their presence only added to the mystery surrounding their connection.

Uryū: "They were... with me?

I took advantage of my lunch break to try to post this chapter. I'm trying to make the chapters a bit longer since I don't have much time to write because of my job.

Also, I think starting from the next chapter, I might change the writing style, removing the 'Character: character speaks' format to see if I get used to it.

Another thing I was thinking of doing was writing another story with a theme similar to that of Bleach, but focusing perhaps on Street Fighter... or maybe a crossover of Street Fighter/Tekken/King of Fighters.

Anyway, I appreciate those who liked and keep reading this crazy thing I'm writing. Have a great week. XD

Moongetsucreators' thoughts