
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · Fantasy
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126 Chs

[Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 114: Cracks in the Character

The group swiftly reached the location of the intense confrontation with Baishin. Yoruichi and Soi Fon had strategically drawn the shinigami away to a more open area to minimize collateral damage.

Yoruichi and Soi Fon, both exuding an aura of power around them with their Shunkō, engaged Baishin with coordinated strikes, their movements a blur as they attempted to subdue their adversary. Baishin, however, proved to be a formidable opponent, effortlessly summoning blades from his limbs to fend off their assaults.

Ichigo, sensing the urgency of the situation, descended from the skies with determination etched on his face, his zanpakutō gleaming in the moonlight as he joined the fray against Baishin.

Ichigo: "Yoruichi-san!" - His voice rang out, filled with concern and determination as he lunged forward, his blade aimed at their adversary.

As Baishin effortlessly caught Ichigo's Zangetsu, Chad, standing beside him, braced himself, his muscles tensing as he prepared to intervene. With a surge of power, Chad's arm transformed, crackling with energy as he unleashed a devastating punch at Baishin, sending him reeling back several meters despite his attempts to block the blow.

Seizing the moment when Baishin was thrown off balance, Yato swiftly materialized behind the shinigami, his zanpakutō, Ōkagetsu, already unsheathed upon their arrival at the scene. With a determined gleam in his eyes, Yato lunged forward, aiming to strike at Baishin's exposed flank.

Baishin, sensing the incoming attack, whirled around with remarkable agility, intercepting Yato's slashing motion with the mere extension of his forearm. The collision reverberated through Yato's body, sending a jolt of surprise coursing through him as if he had struck against solid steel.

Yato: 'Oh, right... this guy fused with his zanpakutō, so the blades come out of his body now...' - The young man pondered as Ōkagetsu began to be enveloped in yellow flames. - 'But it's still some kind of ability...'

Baishin felt something peculiar emanating from the yellow flames and instinctively leaped backward, putting some distance between himself and Yato, all the while sporting a smug grin.

Yato: 'This guy's reiatsu is definitely captain-level...but he's nothing special...why didn't Yoruichi and Soi Fon take care of him already?' - Yato puzzled, casting a confused glance at the duo. Noticing their subdued Reiatsu, he furrowed his brow in concern.

Before he could dwell further on the matter, Yato swiftly raised his zanpakutō to parry a blow from Baishin, who had seized the brief moment of distraction. However, just as the attack was about to connect with Yato, Nemu charged at the shinigami, delivering a swift kick that sent him tumbling away.

Baishin was once again hurled several yards away, yet he seemed unfazed by the blow, his reaction merely a boisterous laughter.

Tatsuki: "Damn It..." - She exclaimed abruptly, her powers now activated.

Yato: "What's up?" - He asked, his gaze fixed on Baishin.

Tatsuki: "This guy's draining Reiatsu from everyone he touches or when he is touched directly..." - She explained. - "Now I understand why Yoruichi-sensei and Soi Fon-senpai seemed weaker..." - She clenched her fists, her frustration evident.

When Tatsuki voiced her observation, Yato swiftly scanned Nemu and Chad, noting the subtle dip in their spiritual energy levels. He empathized with Tatsuki's frustration, recognizing her focus on close combat akin to Yoruichi and Soi Fon. Yet, another concern gnawed at Yato's mind.

Yato: "Baishin wasn't capable of absorbing Reiatsu like this..."

Meanwhile, Uryū and Orihime remained at a distance, silently observing the unfolding events.

Uryū: "What kind of shinigami is he?"

As if Baishin could hear Uryū's inquiry from afar, he chuckled, his response laden with ominous intent.

Baishin: "I am a blade."

Yato's heart skipped a beat as Baishin's words echoed in his mind, sending a shiver down his spine. The implications of Baishin's statement sent a wave of unease washing over him, his mind racing with unsettling possibilities.

Yato: 'If he's absorbing Reiatsu in a different way... then my influence in this world could have unforeseen consequences...' - The weight of his realization settled heavily on his shoulders, filling him with a profound sense of responsibility. - 'Could it be that even the Bounts are acting differently?' - The realization hit Yato, and a knot formed in his stomach.

Lost in his thoughts, Yato failed to notice Baishin swiftly closing the distance between them, the blades on his arms poised to strike. Just as Baishin's attack was about to connect, a blur of movement caught Yato's peripheral vision.

Before he could react, Rukia leaped in front of him, her zanpakutō raised defensively to intercept Baishin's strike. The clang of metal reverberated through the air as Rukia blocked the attack with her own blade, her expression determined despite the surprise of her sudden intervention.

Yato's eyes widened in shock as he registered what had just transpired. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed the imminent danger. Guilt washed over him as he realized his lapse in awareness, grateful for Rukia's quick thinking and selfless act.

Rukia: "We're in the middle of a battle, Yato! Focus. We can't afford any slip-ups!" - Her words carried a subtle reproach, a reminder of the seriousness of their situation.

Baishin, on the other hand, pulled back, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed the dynamics within the group.

Baishin: "Looks like the boy is more preoccupied with his thoughts than the fight." - His words dripped with mockery.

Ichigo, Rukia, and Soi Fon charged forward with determination, their expressions set in grim resolve as they faced Baishin head-on. Meanwhile, Uryū and Yoruichi exchanged concerned glances, observing Yato's distant demeanor with furrowed brows.

Uryū: 'What's up with him?' - He mused to himself, noting the unusual behavior.

Yoruichi: 'Could it be the Hollow affecting him...?' - She speculated quietly, her gaze flickering back to Yato with a hint of worry.

Orihime: 'Yasakani-kun...'

Yato, on the other hand, couldn't brush off Baishin's words. The young man had been grappling with inner turmoil since his return from the Soul Society, a weight he couldn't easily share with the others.

For the first time, a sense of apprehension gripped Yato, overshadowing the ongoing battle. Ignoring the present, his mind wandered to the uncertainties that lay ahead.

Tatsuki, sensing something amiss with Yato, activated her powers, causing her eyes to shimmer with a golden hue reminiscent of a dragon's gaze. She fixed her intense stare on Yato, her brows furrowing with concern as she sought answers.

Tatsuki: "Yato, what's wrong?" - Her voice cut through the chaos of battle, her eyes boring into Yato's with unwavering determination.

Yato, shaken from his thoughts, met Tatsuki's gaze, but the weight of his realization rendered him momentarily speechless. Tatsuki, perceptive and unyielding, continued to scrutinize him, noting the unusual fluctuations in his reiatsu.

Tatsuki: "Your spiritual energy is all over the place. What's going on with you?" - Her directness conveyed a blend of worry and frustration.

Yato, struggling to find the right words, hesitated. His internal struggle reflected in his eyes, a conflict of emotions and responsibilities converging within him.

Tatsuki, unaccustomed to seeing Yato so unsettled, stepped closer, her golden eyes narrowing.

Yato: "It's... complicated. I can't... I'm not sure how..." - His words trailed off, the weight on his shoulders evident.

Tatsuki, though empathetic, pressed for more clarity, her gaze unwavering.

Tatsuki: "Complicated or not, we need you here, focused. We can figure the rest out later. Now, pull yourself together!"

Feeling the turmoil within Yato, Nemu approached him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Her touch, a silent reassurance, aimed to offer comfort.

Yato, acknowledging Nemu's support with a grateful nod, appreciated the unspoken understanding. Meanwhile, Chad, standing beside Yato, simply gave him a nod and a subtle expression, a silent affirmation that Yato wasn't alone in this struggle.

The clash with Baishin had unleashed a wave of Hollows across the city, a grim reminder to Yato when Uryū used the Hollow bait to challenge Ichigo.

Yato drew in a long breath, attempting to quell the tumult of thoughts swirling in his mind.

Yato: "Tatsuki... since you and Chad will have your reiatsus absorbed by Baishin if you fight... can you, Chad, Inoue and Ishida take care of the Hollows?" - He asked.

Tatsuki affirmed with a determined nod, swiftly joining Uryū and Inoue's side, Chad following closely behind.

Nemu: "I'll assist them, Yasakani-sama. I vow to safeguard their well-being. Given that a portion of my reiatsu was absorbed I shall contribute to purging the Hollows." - She unsheathed her zanpakutō. - "You mentioned earlier for me to attempt wielding it... so if you have faith in me, I believe that by honing my zanpakutō, I can inch closer to unlocking my Shikai."

Yato's eyes widened in surprise at Nemu's determination and resolve. He nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips, touched by her loyalty and commitment to their cause.

Yato: "Thank you, Nemuri-chan. I trust in your abilities. Stay safe out there."

With a determined nod, Nemu joined Tatsuki, Chad, Orihime, and Uryū, her expression resolute as they prepared to confront the encroaching Hollows.

As Nemu, Tatsuki, Chad, Inoue, and Ishida distanced themselves to deal with the encroaching Hollows, Chad couldn't help but feel the subtle shift in Yato's demeanor during the battle. Turning to Tatsuki, he voiced his observation.

Chad: "Arisawa...did you notice?"

Tatsuki: "What?"

Chad: "I think it's the first time that Yato called me 'Chad' and didn't use honorifics for Inoue and Ishida..."

Tatsuki's eyes widened in realization, her expression mirroring Chad's thoughtful demeanor.

Orihime and Uryū exchanged puzzled glances, taken aback by Chad's revelation. They hadn't heard Yato's words from their distance, but Chad's reaction piqued their curiosity. Before they could voice their thoughts, Chad elaborated further.

Chad: "It just struck me as odd because... this time, It felt genuine."

Uryū furrowed his brows, his analytical mind trying to make sense of Chad's statement.

Uryū: "Are you implying, Sado-kun, that Yasakani has been dishonest with us?"

Chad pondered for a moment, choosing his words carefully.

Chad: "Hm... not exactly."

Surprisingly, it was Inoue who provided insight, her eyes lighting up with understanding.

Orihime: "It means that Yasakani-kun is opening up more." - She chimed in with a warm smile, her intuition guiding her words. Tatsuki and Uryū exchanged surprised glances, struck by Orihime's astuteness. - "It's strange... but I always had a feeling that Yasakani-kun wasn't the type to be so formal."