
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · Fantasy
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126 Chs

[Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 107: My Mind, My Ruin

Rukia continued to leap away, her heart pounding in her chest as she carried Yato in her arms. She scanned the surroundings, her eyes darting back and forth in search of Orihime's reiatsu, but it seemed to be slipping away, elusive, as if it were in constant motion.

Rukia: "Damn it..." - Rukia muttered through gritted teeth, frustration evident in her voice.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed behind her, sending a shiver down her spine. Reacting swiftly, Rukia's instincts kicked in, and she executed a flawless Shunpō, vanishing from the attacker's grasp in a blur of motion.

As she reappeared a few meters away, her eyes narrowed in determination, locking onto the figure who had attempted to ambush her.

Rukia: "Who are you?!" - Rukia demanded, her voice sharp with urgency and defiance.

Baishin, remained silent, his gaze fixed on Rukia with an unsettling intensity. Without uttering a word, he lunged forward once more, his blades glinting ominously.

Rukia's eyes narrowed as she prepared to evade the impending attack. With a swift motion, Baishin unleashed a barrage of blades, aiming to overwhelm her defenses. However, Rukia's instincts and years of combat experience kicked in. She expertly navigated through the storm of lethal strikes, her movements a dance of calculated grace.

Even with Yato's unconscious form in her arms, Rukia displayed an impressive agility, seamlessly dodging each blade that came her way.

As Baishin pressed the assault, Rukia seized an opportunity to create distance. She sprinted backward, her Shunpō carrying her away from the immediate danger. The echoes of clashing blades filled the air as she put more space between herself and Baishin.

In the midst of the intense confrontation, a sudden disruption occurred. A brilliant beam of cutting light sliced through the air, heading directly for Baishin. The unexpected attack forced him to abruptly shift his focus from Rukia.

Baishin's hand effortlessly intercepted the powerful beam of light, his expression betraying no surprise at the attack. His gaze shifted to the young orange-haired shinigami who had materialized near Rukia.

Rukia: "Ichigo!"

Ichigo: "Hey, Rukia. What happened to Yato?" - He asked, his eyes locked on Baishin, until the back of his kimono suddenly began to stir, and Kon popped out from within.

Kon: "I'm here too, Nee-san!!!" - He exclaimed, his tiny form protruding from Ichigo's garment, his voice filled with excitement.

Rukia's attention momentarily shifted from Baishin to Ichigo, relief flooding her at the sight of her friend. She quickly adjusted her grip on Yato, ensuring he remained secure in her arms.

Rukia: "I don't know..." - She hesitated to speak because she didn't even know exactly what had happened to Yato.

Ichigo: "And who's that guy?" - He asked, looking at the tall shinigami.

Rukia: "I don't know who this man is, but he's definitely targeting Yato." - She explained quickly, her voice urgent as she glanced back at Baishin, who now faced both her and Ichigo with a menacing aura.

Ichigo's expression hardened as he processed Rukia's words. Without hesitation, he tightened his grip on his Zanpakuto, his resolve unwavering but before he could respond, Nemu appeared beside them. Her Shihakushō was torn and bloodied.

Nemu: "That man... he's Baishin." - Nemu's voice was strained, but her tone held a note of certainty as she confirmed the identity of their adversary.

Rukia: "Baishin..." - She repeated the name with a mixture of apprehension and determination, steeling herself for the battle ahead. - "Ichigo, do you have any idea where Inoue might be?" - She inquired, her voice laced with urgency.

Ichigo's brow furrowed in concentration as he considered Rukia's question.

Ichigo: "A few minutes ago, Kon and the other mod-souls detected the presence of the Bounts in the area. They split up to search for them. In the meantime, I sensed Baishin's Reiatsu near you and Yato and rushed over to help." - Ichigo's tone was focused, his eyes never leaving Baishin's form. - "Inoue and Tatsuki were near the Hirohyaku Supermarket. They might still be in that area." - Ichigo's voice was steady, his eyes darting between Rukia and Nemu.

Nemu: "Rukia-san, go to the Hirohyaku Supermarket. Ichigo-san and I will handle Baishin here. We can't let Baishin reach Yasakani-sama and we can't afford to let the Bounts catch Inoue-san and Tatsuki-san off guard." - Her voice was calm yet resolute, her gaze unwavering as she met Rukia's eyes.

With a final nod to Nemu and Ichigo, Rukia dashed off into the city, her senses heightened as she raced towards the designated location.

Baishin's attention turned toward her, his intent clear. However, before he could pursue her, Ichigo swiftly interposed himself, his zanpakutō flashing as he deflected Baishin's advance with a powerful strike.

Ichigo's blade clashed against Baishin's arm, sending sparks flying as the force of their collision reverberated through the air. Baishin grunted in surprise, momentarily thrown off balance by Ichigo's unexpected intervention.

Baishin's eyes narrowed as he locked gazes with Ichigo, a feral grin spreading across his face.

Baishin: "You dare stand in my way, boy?" - His voice was laced with malice, his tone dripping with contempt.

Ichigo stood his ground, his expression hardened with determination.

Ichigo: "I won't let you harm anyone else." - His voice was firm.

Meanwhile, Nemu surged forward with lightning speed, her movements fluid and precise as she launched herself at Baishin. With a swift kick, she aimed to knock him off balance, buying Ichigo precious time to mount a counterattack.

Nemu's kick connected with Baishin's side, causing him to stagger slightly, creating an opening for Ichigo. Seizing the opportunity, Ichigo focused his reiatsu, channeling it into his zanpakutō as he prepared to unleash a powerful attack.

With a swift motion, Ichigo swung his blade, releasing a devastating Getsuga Tenshō towards Baishin. The wave of energy surged forward with incredible force, cutting through the air with a deafening roar as it hurtled towards its target.

Baishin's eyes widened in surprise as he realized the magnitude of the attack heading his way. With lightning-fast reflexes, he attempted to evade, but the Getsuga Tenshō was too quick, too powerful to avoid entirely.

The blast struck Baishin head-on, engulfing him in a blinding explosion of light and energy. For a moment, it seemed as though the attack had succeeded in defeating him, but as the dust settled, Baishin emerged from the smoke, seemingly unscathed.

A twisted smirk played across Baishin's lips as he dusted himself off, his gaze fixed on Ichigo with an unsettling intensity.

Before Ichigo could react, Baishin moved with supernatural speed, appearing behind him in an instant. With a swift motion, Baishin grabbed hold of Ichigo's neck, his grip tightening with a vice-like strength.

Kon: "YAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" - Kon screamed in fear, quickly hiding back inside Ichigo's shihakushō.

Baishin: "I'm a blade." - His voice was chilling.

As he held Ichigo captive, Baishin began to absorb his reiatsu, draining the young shinigami of his strength with each passing moment.


Meanwhile, inside that world Cheshire calls his particular world, Yato found himself confused.

Yato: 'If I'm to follow Urahara's analogy to Isshin when he rescued Masaki, Quincys are the opposite of Shinigamis, while the antithesis of humans would be the Hollows.' - His brow furrowed in contemplation as he absently scratched his head. - 'As a hybrid, shouldn't my soul be stable? What could be missing? The Hollow aspect? But I'm a Fullbringer, and even though I became one without my mother being attacked, still, Fullbringers' Reiryoku are akin to Hollows... doesn't that factor in?'

He remained confused, even entertaining the thought that he might not possess Quincy powers, but soon dismissed it from his mind. What he did to make it happen wasn't to acquire Quincy powers but rather to alter his own destiny so that it would occur. So, in theory, he made himself be born a Quincy as well.

Cheshire observed Yato with a mischievous glint in his eyes, reading the turmoil in the young man's thoughts. With a playful smile, he interjected.

Cheshire: "Yato, when you're thirsty, do you satisfy yourself with a glass of water or just a drop?" - Cheshire's voice echoed in the surreal realm, its enigmatic tone piercing through Yato's contemplation.

Yato blinked, taken aback by the unexpected question. He furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of the seemingly unrelated inquiry.

Yato: "What does that have to do with anything?" - Yato questioned.

Cheshire purred, its ethereal form swirling with amusement.

Cheshire: "Everything, dear Yato. Just as a few drops of water may quench your thirst momentarily, it is the culmination of many drops that sustains you. Your soul, like the ocean, is vast and multifaceted. Seek not the singular answer but the harmony of all its elements."

Yato, still perplexed, rubbed his temples in mild irritation.

Yato: "I'm not in the mood for riddles...wait a minute..."

The feline spirit's eyes gleamed with mischief, and then, as if a revelation struck him, Yato's eyes widened in realization. He slapped his forehead with a resounding facepalm.

Yato: "I'm really clueless sometimes...Geez...."