
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · Fantasy
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126 Chs

[Soul Society Arc] Part 99: The Honey Dish Rhapsody

# Soul Society, 13th Division Barracks - August 8th #

Rukia and Ukitake sat facing each other, with 3rd Seat Sentarō Kotsubaki serving them a cup of tea.

Two days had passed since Aizen's betrayal, and the Soul Society was gradually recovering. With the members of the Central 46 slain by Aizen, most decisions now fell directly under the purview of Commander Yamamoto. This shift in authority allowed for a tentative ceasefire between the Shinigami and the Ryoka.

Ukitake: "You mentioned wanting to speak with me." - His voice carried a genuine curiosity, and he began with a gentle tone. - "Has something happened? Are you okay?"

Rukia: "Yes, I'm fine, Captain Ukitake." - She replied, her eyes briefly meeting his before lowering her gaze in a gesture of respect. - "Thank you for asking."

Ukitake: "That's good to hear. You seemed quite distressed when I saw you in Senzaikyū."

Rukia: "Your concern means a lot, Captain Ukitake." - She expressed gratitude, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and a lingering weight.

Ukitake: "You seem to have made great friends, Kuchiki." - His smile was warm and understanding. - "By the way, how are they doing?" - The genuine interest in his question conveyed not just official concern but a personal connection.

Rukia: "Inoue and Ishida are assisting Captain Unohana with the wounded in the 4th Division. Thanks to Inoue's help, the treatment for all the injured is progressing more quickly." - She shared with a smile. - "Tatsuki is with Yoruichi in the 2nd Division. I haven't crossed paths with Sado yet, but I heard that after his recovery, he has been frequenting the 7th Division."

Ukitake: "I'm glad they're getting acquainted with Seireitei." " - He took a sip of his tea. - "And what about Yato-kun and Ichigo-kun?"

Rukia's expression shifted slightly, revealing a hint of discomfort.

Rukia: "Ichigo is currently recuperating in the 4th Division. His injuries were pretty severe, and his reiatsu has weakened significantly." - A brief pause filled the air as she gathered her thoughts. - "As for Yato, I haven't seen him around all day... in fact, not since yesterday."

Her words carried a subtle unease, a testament to Yato's recent elusive behavior that had left an impression on her.

Rukia: 'He's been acting strange since the moment Aizen escaped...' - Her concern echoed in her thoughts.

Ukitake: "Kuchiki?" - His brows furrowed with genuine concern upon noticing the nuanced emotions playing on Rukia's face.

Rukia: "Oh, I'm sorry, Captain Ukitake." - She offered a brief smile, attempting to mask the underlying worry.

Ukitake: "By the way, what did you want to talk to me about?" - Detecting the discomfort, he steered the conversation away from the specifics of the Ryoka.

Rukia: "Captain Ukitake... I know I didn't perform at my best during my time in the world of the living, but I would like to resume my duties as the guardian of Karakura Town." - Her request carried a weight, underscored by the seriousness in her expression, revealing her commitment to her responsibilities.

Ukitake: "I imagine you have your reasons for this."

Rukia: "Yes. Having spent more time in the world of the living, I believe my experiences can contribute more effectively to the town. It's also a way to strengthen our bonds with humans and keep Seireitei better informed." - Her tone carried a weight of earnestness, a genuine commitment to bridging the gap between worlds. She then added in a more subdued tone. - "And... Well... I've heard some complaints about the current guardian of the town..." - Her admission held a hint of awkwardness, a mix of professionalism and personal observation in her request for a role change.

Ukitake: "Complaints?" - His brows furrowed, expressing a hint of confusion.

Rukia: 'At least from Yato's perspective...' - She recalled the moments when Yato voiced his concerns during her Kidō training, but chose not to delve too deep into the matter. - "Well... apparently, the new guardian of Karakura is struggling to handle the Hollow numbers, or so I've been told."

Ukitake: "Well… that indeed is a problem..." - He stroked his chin, mulling over the dilemma.

Rukia: "And also..." - Rukia placed her hand on her chest, gripping it as if wrestling with inner turmoil. - "I want to go to Kisuke Urahara to have him remove this thing from me as soon as possible..."

Ukitake: "Talking about the Hōgyoku?" - His features took on a subtle seriousness.

Rukia: "Yes... I had planned to go to the Research and Development Institute, but Lieutenant Kurotsuchi advised against bringing something like that near Captain Kurotsuchi."

Ukitake: "Captain Kurotsuchi does have rather... questionable methods... but it's surprising to hear Lieutenant Kurotsuchi suggesting such caution." - He spoke with a hint of surprise. - "Now, Kuchiki... what about Captain Kuchiki?"

Rukia lapsed into a contemplative silence in response to Ukitake's inquiry.

Following Aizen's escape, Byakuya had confided in Rukia, revealing the reasons behind her adoption and sharing the story of his late wife, Hisana, Rukia's elder sister. Since that revelation, Rukia had been mulling over ways to strengthen her connection with her older brother. However, immediate action wasn't practical while Byakuya was in the process of recovery.

Rukia: "I do plan to talk to him about my decision... in fact, there's still a lot to sort out before I make my departure."

Ukitake: "I believe the Senkaimon will be ready to send the young ones back to the world of the living in a few days, so you should have plenty of time." - He offered an encouraging smile.

Upon hearing Ukitake's words, Rukia, the petite Shinigami, grasped the implicit permission to return to the world of the living. She responded with a graceful bow, gratitude evident in her eyes.

Rukia: "Thank you, Captain Ukitake."

# Meanwhile #

Yato reclined on the rooftop of a nearby house near the Seireitei gates, his brow furrowed in evident concern as he gazed contemplatively at the sky. The weight of the recent events lingered on his features, casting a shadow over his usual composure.

Beside him, Cheshire, the crimson-furred feline, lounged casually, a sly glint in its eyes.

Cheshire: "I still can't wrap my head around why you're wearing that expression... don't you agree that meddling with too many variables was inevitably going to lead to this?"

Yato remained silent, his furrowed brow revealing the depth of his internal deliberations. The young man had toyed with the idea of simply letting Aizen take the Hōgyoku, playing along as if he were merely adhering to the preordained narrative.

In reality, despite the passing of five months since his arrival in this world, Yato occasionally caught himself treating those around him as mere characters, seemingly detached from the consequences. This tendency surfaced particularly during celebratory moments, triggering reflections on his original world.

In a moment of peace from Soul Society troubles, Yato takes a breather, remembering that August 2nd was his mother's birthday. As he thinks about it, his expression changes, a mix of nostalgia and contemplation. Memories weigh on his face, and his gaze drifts into the distance, connected to a world left behind.

Yato finds himself pondering how his mom might be feeling these days, triggering a cascade of thoughts that meander into various territories, including his own birthday. he's never been one for grand parties, favoring the simplicity of sharing moments with close friends and family over enduring a day filled with obligatory visits from acquaintances he rarely interacts with.

So, Yato never let on about his birthday to his buddies in Karakura, making the day just blend into the usual rhythm – a bit of a peculiar feeling. Trying to shake off these thoughts, Yato let out a deep sigh, mulling over what might come next. Aizen was bound to make another play for the Hōgyoku, and this time around, the young man found himself at a loss on how to prevent it.

Yato, fully aware that Aizen would be more cautious now, especially regarding himself, rubbed his eyes, visibly bothered until he realized someone was calling him. When he looked down, he saw Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi there, holding something resembling a mass of flesh with mechanical parts and a single eye twisting in various directions.

The first instinct Yato had was, 'I don't want that thing near me.' However, knowing Nemu no longer followed Mayuri's orders, he let curiosity prevail. Yato gazed at Nemu, intrigued yet somewhat repulsed by the bizarre device in her hands. He cautiously descended from the rooftop, maintaining a certain wariness.

Yato: "Nemu... what on earth is that?" - He asked, a hint of disgust in his tone.

Nemu: "I apologize for disturbing your rest, Yasakani-sama, but since you weren't with any of your friends, I took the liberty of coming to find you." - She explained, holding the bizarre, partly mechanical mass in her hands. - "This here is a device with the uncanny ability to analyze and extract. Captain Kurotsuchi injects surveillance bacteria into the bodies of those he faces for analysis. During his encounter with Ishida-san, the Quincy got infected, and since Inoue-san was nearby, she got caught in it too."

Yato: 'Oh... if I remember correctly, that's how Mayuri found out about Szayel's abilities...' - He thought.

Nemu: "I've already removed those bacteria from your friends and would like to perform an analysis on you as a precaution."

Yato: "Do I have to touch that thing?"

Nemu: "No."

Yato: "Alright, go ahead." - He acquiesced, closing his eyes as he listened to the odd noises emanating from the device. After a few moments, Nemu's voice broke the silence.

Nemu: "Apparently, you weren't affected by the bacteria." - She nodded, acknowledging the results of her analysis. She meticulously began preparing to leave, showing a sense of efficiency and silent professionalism. As she turned to depart using Shunpō, Yato, still standing there, called out to her.

Yato: "Wait, Nemu."

She halted mid-motion, turning back to face him with an expressionless demeanor, awaiting his words.

Yato: "Huh...thanks, you know, for keeping an eye on things. I wouldn't have managed to keep Rukia safe without your help."

Nemu regarded him in silence for a moment, her stoic demeanor unwavering. However, she subtly inclined her head, acknowledging his gratitude and Yato caught a glimpse of a fleeting, small smile on Nemu's face.

In that brief moment, her usual stoic expression softened, revealing a hint of warmth that contradicted her usual robotic demeanor. Without uttering a word, Nemu disappeared, leaving Yato standing there, somewhat surprised by the subtle change he had just witnessed.

Yato sighed once more, his gaze returning to the sky as he processed the recent events.

Yato: "I guess I'll visit Ichigo. See if he's back on his feet after all that mess."

# Thirty Minutes Later #

# General Medical Station — First Floor: Shinigami Uniform Sewing Room. #

Yato strolled through the area casually, observing medical division members bustling around. He noticed a gathering forming in a room and decided to sneak a peek.

The scene unfolded with around twenty female Shinigami patiently lining up while Uryū worked inside, seemingly taking measurements for each of them. From what Yato could overhear, the Quincy was sewing a set of living world clothes per their request.

Yato sighed, not wanting to get involved in the kind of trouble Uryū seemed to be tangled in. As he took a step back from the door, a voice caught his attention.

Rukia: "Yato?" - She raised her eyebrows, clearly not expecting to find him in that place.

He turned to see Rukia had just arrived, clad in traditional Shinigami attire with an apron over it and a turban on her head.

Yato: "Hey." - He greeted her.

Rukia noticed a shift in the way he greeted her. Although his tone remained steady, it lacked the usual casualness she was accustomed to. It was as if he were greeting a stranger.

The petite Shinigami wanted to inquire about what was bothering him, but she sensed that she wouldn't get much out of it.

Rukia: "You've been missing for a day. What happened?" - She crossed her arms, trying to maintain a stern expression without being too severe.

Yato let out a sigh, his demeanor signaling a certain unease despite his attempt at a casual greeting.

Yato: "I've been floating around, trying to catch some shut-eye... which hasn't been working out too well since I landed here."

As he spoke, he closed his eyes, running a hand through his hair, a telltale sign to Rukia that there was more beneath the surface.

Having spent enough time with Yato, Rukia had picked up on some of his quirks, and that particular gesture was undoubtedly his way of avoiding a certain topic.

Rukia: "Yato, don't play games with me. Something's bothering you, and it's not just lack of sleep." - She scrutinized his expression, her concern growing.

Yato's eyes flickered, a subtle acknowledgment that she was right, but he maintained his guard.

Yato: "Just some personal stuff, nothing for you to worry about." - He attempted a dismissive tone, but it fell flat.

Rukia: "We're friends, Yato. Your problems are my concern too. If something's on your mind, talk to me." - Her gaze held a mix of determination and genuine care.

Normally, she would respect Yato's need for space and wait for him to share his troubles willingly. However, a growing discomfort made her realize that this time might be different.

Yato didn't respond immediately, and a few seconds of silence hung in the air. Just as Rukia was about to press further, both of them were surprised by the approach of Tatsuki. She walked up to them with a casual greeting, breaking the tension.

Tatsuki: "Hey, what's up, Rukia, Yato? Am I interrupting something?"

Rukia, momentarily diverted by Tatsuki's unexpected appearance, eased her stern expression and smiled.

Rukia: "No, Tatsuki, you're not interrupting."

Tatsuki raised an eyebrow, glancing between Rukia and Yato, sensing an unspoken tension.

Tatsuki: "If you say so. Anyway, I was on my way to visit Ichigo and see how he's doing. But..."

As if on cue, Ichigo appeared near the group, his usual scowl softened by a small smile.

Ichigo: "What's up, guys? Talking about me?"

Tatsuki smirked, playfully elbowing him.

Tatsuki: "Speak of the devil. We were just wondering if you're back to your usual grumpy self."

Ichigo chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

Ichigo: "Well, considering I was almost torn apart by that Aizen guy, I'd say grumpy is an improvement."

Yato: "So, can you walk around or what?"

Ichigo: "Yeah, the pain has subsided a lot. Still, the healers insisted I take it easy for a while."

Yato, Rukia, and Tatsuki exchanged relieved glances, appreciating the news of Ichigo's improving condition.

Rukia: "Tatsuki, I thought you were planning to stay in the 2nd Division for a while."

Tatsuki sighed, shaking her head with a wry smile.

Tatsuki: "Well, I did want to stick around and spar with Soi Fon-Senpai some more. But ever since Yoruichi-sensei decided to take a nap, Senpai's been unbearable. It's like she's on a mission to scold anyone in her path. I figured it's safer to step away for a bit."

Yato, noticing Rukia's apron, chimed in with curiosity

Yato: "What's with the apron, Rukia?"

Rukia blinked, momentarily forgetting about her earlier quest for Ichigo. A light blush tinted her cheeks as she explained.

Rukia: "Oh, I was actually looking for Ichigo to ask if he knows how to make curry rice. I'm planning to cook something special for nii-sama."

Ichigo: "Yeah, I can make curry rice."

Tatsuki: "Curry rice? Why?"

Rukia: "I initially started preparing some Shiratama Zenzai, a sweet dish. But recently, I found out nii-sama prefers spicy food. So, I thought I'd surprise him with curry rice."

Not willing to wait any longer, Rukia seized the opportunity, grabbing both Yato and Ichigo by their sleeves and dragging them toward the kitchen.

Rukia: "Come on, you two. It's time to put those hands to work!" - She declared with a determined glint in her eyes.

Tatsuki, standing at a distance, gave a playful wave.

Tatsuki: "I'll go check on Orihime and see how things are going over there."

# Minutes later, Second Floor - Kitchen #

As Yato, Rukia, and Ichigo entered the kitchen, Ichigo took the lead in explaining how to make Curry Rice. However, there was a slight hiccup. Ichigo confessed that he only knew how to make curry using instant mix.

Realizing they needed a proper curry blend, Ichigo brushed aside Tatsuki's earlier comments about Soi Fon and headed toward Yoruichi to inquire if such a curry mix existed in the Soul Society. Before leaving, he instructed Yato and Rukia to get a head start by cutting the meat and vegetables.

Rukia skillfully sliced through the meat and vegetables with precision, efficiently preparing the ingredients for the curry. On the other hand, Yato struggled to keep up, taking his time and managing to cut only a few things. It became evident that cooking wasn't exactly within his skill set.

Yato: "Uh, Rukia, do you mind helping a bit more over here?"

Rukia chuckled at Yato's attempt, her movements graceful as she shifted to assist him.

Yato: "Uh... Rukia, do you really need these vegetables sliced so thin?" - He held up a rather uneven slice, clearly uncertain about the culinary intricacies.

Rukia: "Yes, Yato. It helps enhance the flavors and ensures even cooking."

Yato sighed in mild frustration, realizing that cooking wasn't his forte. He attempted to follow Rukia's lead but soon found himself questioning the results.

Yato: "Is this thin enough?" - He asked, presenting a slice that was more of a chunk.

Rukia: "It's close, but try to make them a bit thinner."

Having spent a considerable amount of time with Yato, Rukia was well aware of his culinary shortcomings. She recalled numerous instances where Yato opted for the convenience of Cup Noodles, and on the rare occasions he ventured into a different culinary experience, he often sought dishes from various countries. Strangely enough, Yato seemed to have a particular aversion to Japanese cuisine, making his struggle in the kitchen hardly surprising.

In the midst of chopping vegetables, a relatively comfortable silence enveloped Yato and Rukia, a stark contrast to the tension that had lingered earlier. Seizing the moment, Yato broke the quietude with a sincere apology.

Yato: "Rukia, I'm, uh...sorry for not sharing what's going on. It's just... things are a bit chaotic in my head right now. But, I promise, once I sort myself out, you'll be the first to know."

His words carried a genuine tone, expressing a commitment to confide in Rukia when the time was right. Rukia, understanding the complexities surrounding him, offered a reassuring smile.

A few minutes later, when Ichigo returned to the kitchen, Yato and Rukia were earnestly peeling potatoes. The cutting board was adorned with a small mountain of diced onions and pork.

Ichigo: "Huh? That's a lot! How many people are you planning to feed?"

Yato and Rukia's eyes were red from chopping onions, and when Rukia inquired about the curry mix, Ichigo mentioned that Yoruichi had gone to look for it.

The trio of Yato, Rukia, and Ichigo continued chatting casually until Yoruichi arrived, accompanied by Soi Fon. With a nonchalant toss, Yoruichi threw the curry mix to Rukia.

Ichigo, seated and flipping through Seireitei Communications magazines sighed as Rukia continued working on the curry with a bit of help from Yato. The trio soon noticed the graceful footsteps approaching.

Unohana: "Well, well, what an intriguing scent."

Rukia: "Captain Unohana! I, Rukia Kuchiki of the 13th Division, am borrowing your kitchen!" she said with a polite bow, her demeanor showing both respect and a hint of urgency.

Unohana: "Hanatarō has already briefed me." - She replied calmly. She then turned her attention back to Ichigo. - "You must be Ichigo Kurosaki. How are your injuries, Ichigo-san?"

Ichigo: "Almost healed. Thanks for everything you've done."

Unohana: "No need for thanks. May I see?" - Unohana gestured towards Ichigo's abdomen. He nodded, pulling aside his kimono to reveal his body covered in bandages. - "...Such a severe wound, and in such a short time." - She murmured, her eyes carefully studying the bandaged torso of Ichigo. - "That's quite remarkable. Thank you for showing it, Ichigo-san. That Ryoka girl has excellent healing skills. You really have wonderful friends."

Ichigo: "I agree."

The captain then shifted her gaze to Yato, who, despite being seemingly casual, had an air of unease.

Unohana: "And you...are Yato Yasakani. I'm grateful for your assistance with Lieutenant Hinamori. Healing her severe injury so effortlessly... it's quite impressive."

Yato, acknowledging her words with a slight tilt of his head, returned a polite but guarded nod, all while maintaining his focus on the pot where Rukia was finishing up the curry.

Rukia, sensing the subtle tension, gave Yato a light elbow nudge.

Rukia: "Show some respect, Yato. Captain Unohana is one of the most revered figures in the Gotei 13."

Yato: "I didn't do anything that special." - He replied with a nonchalant shrug.

The seemingly casual response from Yato elicited a gentle smile from Captain Unohana. As she walked towards Yato, her expression held a serene quality that left both Rukia and Ichigo slightly uneasy.

Unohana: "Yato Yasakani, while you may downplay your actions, I find them quite remarkable." - She turned towards him with a gentle smile that seemed to hold a deeper understanding. - "Dismantling the scaffold where Rukia Kuchiki was to be executed, halting Captain Kuchiki's zanpakutō with your bare hands, deceiving a man who seemingly held the entirety of the Soul Society in his grasp, and mending the Saketsu and Hakusui of Lieutenant Hinamori... these are not trivial feats."

Yato: "Just felt a bit inspired, you know."

Unohana, sensing that Yato wouldn't delve further into the matter, redirected her attention to the curry that Rukia was preparing. With a reluctant acknowledgment, she gently reminded Rukia that despite her noble intention, Byakuya was still in the process of recovery and should avoid consuming something too robust. Unohana suggested preparing a lighter dish before leaving the kitchen.

Rukia, though initially resistant to the idea, sighed and conceded, realizing the importance of considering Byakuya's recovery.

Yato: "How about making some porridge? It's light, easy on the stomach, and Byakuya might appreciate it."

As Rukia finished preparing the porridge, Ichigo volunteered to deliver the already-prepared curry to the 11th Division, considering its robust flavor might be more suited to their taste. With the dishes in hand, they each set off on their respective errands.

Rukia, holding the warm bowl of porridge, made her way to Byakuya's Room.

Yato, however, opted to take a stroll through Seireitei, a decision that wasn't entirely unrelated to providing a private space for Rukia and her brother. The quiet corridors allowed him time to gather his thoughts and find solace in the familiar surroundings of the Soul Society.