
Bleach:That I got reincarnated as vasto lorde

Kai_Shimada · Fantasy
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Bleach:That I got reincarnated as vasto lorde

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Soul King

In a hospital room bathed in the cold glow of fluorescent lights, the silence was broken only by the rhythmic beep of a heart monitor. The sterile, clinical air was thick with the scent of antiseptic, mingling with the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting from the nurse's station down the hall.

On the bed, beneath crisp white sheets, lay a man in his early twenties, he had a annoyed look on his face why you ask because none of his so called "family " has visited him while he was the hospital for a whole month, I might add,he try calling them but no one would answer, even the doctor and nurse try use the hospital phone or they personal phone still no answer so they say.

I let's out a sigh of resignation, he know his family didn't care for him,after my parents die when I was young ,it was decided that I was to stay with my grandparents as my Legal guardian and aunt's and uncle's will help out from time to time.l let out another big sigh all they see me as the kid who's doesn't say much and doesn't have friends, they feel like can take advantage of me and my money that my parents left for me.

Wow wow wow my message notification (it the anime wow sound effect ),I pick up my phone too see who it is,oh it just Soul_King 49=66 (49 and 66 is the cover art of his two favorite bleach characters ) .I read the messages.

Soul_King 49=66:

"Ready up now 😠"

Kai+42+34=🫶(42 and 34 is the cover art of my two favorite bleach characters and my two best girls in all in all of anime I ever watched.Oh the numbers are related to the volume cover art of the bleach manga.An also Soul and I have been friends for as long as can remember.Our user name are a inside joke between us.)

"For what 😮‍💨"( I reply)

(He respond) " what do you mean what for???

"Did you forget"

"Forget what" I reply while thinking about what he meant.

After 30 seconds past,I finally remembered we were suppose to binge watch bleach tybw part 2,together.

(I text back) "I'm sorry Soul I forgot"

(He text back) 🙄

Soul send the link so I could join the new group chat ,(Soul likes to a new group chat for every little thing ),really it's his only flaw, if you count that he is living confined to bubble because injury or disease,( I dont really know that much, Soul so vague and nonchalant about it),I don't really count it,he my best and only friend I have,A deep and long sigh came out my mouth, thinking about this made remembered what the doctor said to about my legs, A next sigh came out the doctor said how the SUV hit me and ran over my legs,let's just say I can't feel nothing below my waist.

Trying to think about something else and do something with my time I press on the link .As the latest season of Bleach dropped, we both knew what had to be done. With a few taps on your phones, you connected through Discord, setting up a screen share that bridged the distance between the hospital room and the bubble. The first episode played, the familiar characters filling the screen, and in that moment, everything else faded away.The animation was stunning, the fight scenes more intense than ever. You texted each other furiously, every slash of a sword and burst of energy discussed in detail."Did you see that move? Ichigo's power is unreal this season!" I texted, fingers flying over the screen."Unreal? That's an understatement! The animation this time is on another level!" your best friend Soul replied, their excitement palpable even through the tiny chat window.As the night wore on, episode after episode flew by. You both were completely engrossed, every twist and turn of the plot discussed in real-time. The hospital room, with its cold and clinical air, felt a little warmer, the bubble a little less isolating, as you both shared this experience together.By the time the final credits rolled, a bittersweet sense of satisfaction settled in. You had binged the entire season in one sitting, every moment savored and shared."That was incredible. Can't wait for the next part," you texted, feeling a mix of exhaustion and fulfillment."Agreed. But for now, let's take a break. We've earned it!" your best friend responded, always knowing the right thing to say,(In a world where your bodies had betrayed you, where physical closeness was impossible, you both found a way to stay connected).

Laying there on the bed,my heart still beating from the excitement of the anime.I start to think about how bleach really is my favorite anime still,I love almost everything about it ,it's characters design, the fights in the manga and the anime,also it's power system for every single race from the hollow to Soul reaper and etc.A thought cross my mind and dim down the excitement a little bit that is how dirty they did my girl Tier Harribel,one shot and kidnapped and possibly torture (they were kind of vague about it) but still.I let out deep sigh once more for the day, ( how many time is that now I thought). Now trying and failing to calm down ,my heart beating little to fast. (Knowing what I knew now ,I should of realize something was wrong with my heart and how discomfort I felt in neck and arms).

Buzz,buzz,buzz my phone start to ring ,

(the song start to play, it's bleach tybw part 2 ending endroll by yoh kamiyama)

an the first thought that pop in my head is,that is not my ringtone it's the ending 25 of Bleach. (name of song Last moment by Spyair). I go to reach for my phone but my leg twitch and I knock my phone off the bed and I got up the from the bed and bend over and pick up my phone. ( In hindsight I should've known something was off,I know, I know, I know, I said that I couldn't walk, in my defense my mind felt foggy and I wasn't thinking straight).

I answer the phone and saw it was Soul calling (this is the next red flag,in how many year in knew Soul we never talk on the phone before,he said didn't like to so that was that ).

'Hello' I said

'Hey' he said back

(For some or another his voice sound so

familiar to me like I knew it from somewhere,it was like I known that voice all my life but for the life of me ,I couldn't place it).There was a brief pause,then I said: 'So ah hmmm was up Soul', there was another pause and I was going to say something then 'Soul cut me off an said Kai just listen and don't say anything OK',A few moment past and I did what he said to do ,now I'm just wait for him to speak ,all of a sudden 'Soul speak and said why aren't you speaking, I answer back, 'but I'm doing what you said to do'(i said a little annoyed now)and was go to say something else and he cut me off again and said you could of at least said 'OK or I understand Soul, you can go on something like that dumbass'.

'What did you say you fucker' I shouted.

Later on when we done with arguing (we argue for 10 minutes straight),Soul said 'listen to me alright' still little bit annoyed with me.'ok how do I say this you,I should just get straight to the point' he said to himself. Alright he sigh and said Kai, ( his voice sounding sad and he said ) kai your dead he whisper and I didn't hear him so I ask what did you say and then Soul shout it loud as possible KAI YOUR DEAD !!! ,I try to speak but I couldn't, after a long pause,Soul started to speak once more,Kai you're standing up right now on own two legs he say.

I finally spoke an said,No I can't, (I said timidly).He respond,so what are you doing right now flying,I look down and I'm standing(I said), how ?,what? what going on Soul,please tell what happening (I ask ),Soul answered ,

I'm the Soul King from bleach and I bought you here in this place between life and death so we can talk and ask you if you want to be reincarnated in to my world,I ask the God of your world if could do it,she said only if you agree to my proposal. I cut him off and said of course I will accept, Alright (I shouted) and said OK Soul you know what I want to be a hybrid and some op (overpower) abilities,went I was going to list off more thing I wanted, Soul sigh and cut me off and said Sorry Kai I can't make in to a hybrid,l don't have that much time or the power right now.So let me explain this quickly ok,he took a deep breath in and said the only thing I can reincarnate you as hollow, A vasto lorde to be precise, I was going to say something but Soul answer my question before I could ask him, yes he said,go in to power a boost in all your abilities as a vasto lorde by giving a piece of my soul and ability to share it with one's you come to love in my world , that being said , however your aspect of death will be boosted and evolved over time , so will be your two queens but the other will just receive the boost in ability and also no I can give a aspect of death like the one I know you want ok , only your soul and you outlook on life can shape and manifest that.

I stood there take it all in, all what Soul said for I don't know how long ,finally I spoke up and said dumbly ,what do you mean by two queens and others, he sigh ( I felt like he roll his eyes at me),he answered you will know soon enough and on that note I only can put you in the right place and right time, you have to do the courting yourself and then he said ok time up time yes or no Kai, I answered yes and a hole open up under me,I started to fall and while I was falling and screaming Soul said one more thing Kai, your presence is go to change something but don't worry ,your going to be sent A few centuries before the start of bleach anime/manga that all good luck I continue to fall and my body began to burn and reshape and reform and after a time of falling and pain,I crash landed on to the ground.

<chapter 1>end