
Bleach: Ten Commandments Revival

(Geneart AI cover, all characters belong to their respective owners and the ten commandment abilities belong to the seven deadly sins) For thousands of years, the human and nonhuman worlds were one until they were forcibly separated by an unknown event, now the demon clan, goddess clan, Fairy Clan, and Giant clan are separated from the human world which was now separated into three parts. During their final moments, the former demon king of the Demon Clan sent parts of his curses deep underground hoping to one day revive himself not knowing they eventually form a mind/soul of their own. Eventually awakening in Karakura Town a week before canon starts, the newly born demon with all the power of the cursed commandments explores this new world devouring souls, gaining more power, and getting one step closer to forcibly reviving the banished demon clan. Will they pursue the path of the demon king, taking his maker's place and asserting the dominance of the demon clan once more or will they pursue a different path and live in harmony with humanity?

Dr_Insane001 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Exploration and Understanding

Time quickly passed and the newly born demon found a place to rest on a large rooftop choosing to sleep under the stars. Its mind was in constant turmoil remembering things it never experienced, in places that it could only vaguely recall. Then it drifted off to sleep as the moon passed over its head, with its body digesting the souls of the recently eaten hollows. Not knowing of the chaos its birth caused across the various worlds. 

The shadows across its body danced under the night sky condensing itself into a more humanoid shape, mimicking the shape of humans even their natural skin color. All except their eyes which were blood-red still and the various commandment seals across it's body still absorbing the ambient Reriyoku. Even then he was far taller than the average human easily towering above them with a skinny body and long arms/legs that could easily grab hold of someone's face. 

As the sun rose, the demon slowly woke u letting out a long yawn and scratching its head. Then it saw its body and immediately shot up freaking out a bit, seeing its newly formed body for the first time and everything that came with a vaguely human-looking body. It nearly screamed out, nearly panicking but eventually, it calmed down deciding to take a calmer approach to the situation.

Studying its body, it tried to figure out why the darkness, no its very being would choose such a form and then it saw them. A human walking the streets without a care in the world and it hid now understanding what the demon's mind didn't. Its body knew it had to blend in somehow, or at least try to while the demon's mind had no clue it had to do something like this. It smiled spotting a nearby clothesline with all the necessary materials and it quickly ran towards it. 

It took them all off and quickly put it on, hoping to better blend with the various humans that would come out later. While the clothes didn't properly fit him, they were good enough and what would be considered nice long jeans and a long-sleeved black t-shirt with some small red dots on it was more like shorts and a short-sleeved t-shirt for the demon wasn't tight it was still a bit uncomfortable. Finding a nice alleyway to jump down, it quickly landed on the streets letting out a loud thud.

Walking outside it began exploring the town, taking in the various sights of the large and yet somehow unimpressive town. Eventually, other humans started walking about, some avoiding him altogether or even just trying to avoid the demon's gaze. It didn't bother them in the slightest, as its emotionless eyes gleamed over the people uninterested in them, besides their souls that is as it gazed upon them hungrily.

Honestly, it was extremely hard not to try and devour them whole and go on a rampage but somehow deep in its mind or body, it knew that it had to wait. To gather information in this strange new world it found itself in, to figure out if there were any possible dangers that it was unaware of. A few male humans wearing gray uniformed suits, and nearby were female humans wearing white shirts and tan skirts were walking and talking as well which the demon found a little odd as the others were wearing different styles of clothing as well, even if some of them were similar.

It didn't matter though, except for one human, a strange orange-haired male wearing the same uniform. The demon sensed some dormant mana or Reiryoku like the rest of their kind, and yet this one was far stronger and felt like a hollow or something similar at least. Choosing to find the male human later the demon took a mental note and continued walking through the town exploring the place and ignoring anyone who tried to talk to them.

The demon passed by a few shops and noticed the humans eating alongside some humans complaining about something to do with hunger and yet the demon never felt any of this. Walking down one of the many alleys he saw something peculiar, a floating legless human no it saw a free-floating soul just wandering around. Then it felt something, the demon felt its stomach growl much like the humans complained about and now it finally understood. 

It understood how annoying a growling stomach was, how bothersome something like this was. Luckily for them, a delicious snack was nearby, a normal-ish human wearing a green striped shirt and had weird things covering its eyes. Launching an arm toward it, the demon grabbed the soul's face and quickly devoured them with the soul screaming as they were devoured. 

Its hunger was quickly satisfied or at least the demon hoped so, as it hated feeling hunger. Walking further down the alleyway, the demon began slinking away into the shadows choosing to try and blend in a bit and study the language humans were using. Studying them from various locations, the demon began picking up a few words here and there. Honestly, it was confusing, probably both due to the fact it was just starting to learn and the fact it's still technically a newborn.

Then it came across a small building with small rectangles outside of it and words on the cover. Slinking further into the shadows, it saw a few humans both enter and leave the place with one of the squares. So it decided to enter, going into a nearby alley and hiding its various pieces of clothing and fully becoming a black mass again, sinking fully into the shadow, doing its best to hide its bloody-red eyes. Doing its best to stay hidden, it took quite a few books with them, going in and out a couple of times doing its best to hide. 

Once it was satisfied with the haul, it put its clothes back on and began walking through the back alleyway avoiding the place the demon just stole from. Finding a nice place to sit down, it began searching through the books eventually finding what it assumed was a language learning book and began reading. Taking the rest of the day to try and learn human language or at least these humans language and to try to better blend in. Which was the only thing it found interesting about its entire day, but it chalked it up to being born recently and not having a good understanding of the world. 

Although it didn't notice a few hollows pass overhead, heading off to some location ignoring the demon out of fear.