
Bleach Seireitei's Discipline Captain

Aizen stood on the sky, proclaiming the arrival of the king to the world. Under the gaze of countless eyes, the isolation of the world was severed in one fell swoop. "As the Captain of the disciplinary Division, it is my duty to prevent all crimes!" Facing the utterly bewildered Captains, Tokikaze smiled gently and said... Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

The Chaotic Soul Society Begins With the Reckoning of Autumn Queen

On the training ground.

The defeated Kaname Tosen was carried away by the 4th Division members. As much as he regretted this, he had to accept this reality.

The difference between him and Tokikaze was indeed too vast.

At this moment, another figure walked onto the training ground and approached Tokikaze.

It was a dignified elderly with scarf around his neck.

Tokikaze recognized the person before him with just one glance. He was the current Captain of the Sixth Division, Ginrei Kuchiki.

"It's truly impressive. In just three years since joining the Division, you've successfully risen to the position of Captain of the 9th Division," Ginrei Kuchiki praised. "Compared to Byakuya, you've come a long way."

Being members of the Four Great Noble Families, Tokikaze had interacted with this elder before.

They had met several times at Noble Family meetings.

"You're exaggerating, Captain Kuchiki," Tokikaze said with a slight smile, radiating warmth like the spring sun. "Byakuya is pretty strong as well."

Facing such a seasoned elder, he still held some respect.

As for Kuchiki Byakuya's strength, it should be at Captain-class by now.

Perhaps Ginrei Kuchiki would retire soon, handing over the position of head of the Family and Captain of the Sixth Division entirely to Byakuya.

"Haha, there's no need to be modest with me," Kuchiki Byakuya chuckled. "I'm well aware of Byakuya's strength, but he still has a long way to go before taking over the Family and Sixth Division."

Their banter attracted the attention of other Captains, and soon, they joined in.

After the round of compliments, the assessment battle came to an official close.


9th Division Barracks.

Upon returning to the barracks, Tokinada naturally went to the Captain's office.

The Captain's appointment ceremony required a few days of preparation, but Tokikaze had already adjusted to his new standing.

As a diligent Captain of the 9th Division, he needed to learn more about the Division's responsibilities and duties.

"Captain, these are the files you need to handle," a 9th Division member said as he stacked a mountain-like pile of paperwork on the desk.

Even though Tokikaze was tall, the paperwork completely blocked him.

Looking at the towering paperwork, Tokikaze squinted his eyes slightly, and the gentle smile on his face disappeared.

Was it normal to accumulate this many unprocessed case files in just three years of a Captain's absence?

Although he was the Third Seat prior to becoming a Captain, he had never touched a paperwork, whereas Kaname Tosen had been diligently working without ever asking for a leave.

Seemingly understanding Tokinada's confusion, the 9th Division member hastily explained, "These case files involve various Noble Families, Division Captains, and Officers, and as a Seated Officer, you don't have the authority to handle them."

Hearing this, Tokikaze nodded slightly.

He wasn't very familiar with the specific situation in Gotei 13.

But as a member of the Noble Families, no one understood the darkness hidden in there better than him.

The Soul Society was a place of strict hierarchy.

The Central 46 stood above Gotei 13, and the Four Great Noble Families were above the Central 46.

Otherwise, how could Tokinada Tsunayashiro escape punishment?

Any ordinary Soul Reaper would probably be confined to the Central Underground Great Prison for such a crime.

"Is that so?" Tokikaze reclined in the chair, stretched lazily, and reassured, "The last Captain must have a hard time dealing with those brainless idiots."

Hearing these disrespectful words, Toshimura Todo's heart skipped a beat.

If those nobles heard this, it would inevitably lead to another argument.

"Do not look at your Captain with such disrespectful eyes."

Tokinada had already immersed himself in the Captain's role. "Don't forget my surname."


Toshimura Todo silently said in his heart, and he instantly became silent.

He almost forgot that this newly appointed Captain was the heir of the Tsunayashiro Family!

Although his status as a noble was quite something, was this really good for the 9th Division?

Beneath Toshimura Todo's calm demeanor, various thoughts had already filled his head. As far as he knew, nobles came along with arrogance and disdain for regulations.

If Captain Tokikaze was like those nobles, or even in cahoot with them, then the Soul Society would truly see no glimpse of light.

Thinking to this point, Toshimura Todo seemed shaken.

Tokikaze didn't pay much attention to this "righteous" Soul Reaper but casually flipped through the towering paperwork.

"On March 7th, the lower noble Kusukawa monopolized the drinking water resources of 78th district in South Rukongai, causing a small-scale disturbance. It was resolved by the 11th Division, and Kusukawa Family was declared innocent."

"On March 10th, multiple lower Nobles united to attempt to divide the remaining assets of the surviving Rantogo Family. Unhandled."

"On June 16th, the 12th Division's Mayuri Kurotsuchi conducted a dangerous experiment, resulting in the deaths of 32 Soul Reapers and injuries to 14 others. Unhandled."

"On September 9th, the Seventh Seat Officer of the 6th Division, along with several Soul Reapers, went missing in 80th district North Rukongai. Unhandled."


As he casually read the paperwork, Tokikaze found many familiar terms.

Besides brief descriptions of the cases, the files also included more detailed analyses and summaries.

However, the solution boxes were completely blank.

"It's quite well-organized."

Tokinada closed the case file at random, closed his eyes slightly, and muttered, "Due to the previous Hollowfication incident, the Captain, Vice-Captain, the Fourth, Sixth, and Seventh Seat officers of the 9th Division were killed."

"Besides handling these paperworks, filling these vacancies is equally crucial."

Regarding the candidates for these positions, Tokikaze still had no idea.

In his opinion, although Kaname Tosen was quite capable, he was one of Aizen's subordinates.

Deceiving him would be one thing; if he were to stab others in the back secretly, it would be troublesome.

As for the Vice-Captain and similar positions, let's put them on hold for now.

"Well, let's handle a few simple cases first."

Tokikaze reached out and placed his hand on a specific case file, flipping it open. His index finger pointed to the ink-stained text.

Toshimura Todo widened his eyes, looking at the description on the case file, and suddenly felt a jolt in his heart.

"On November 11th, the Third Seat of the 11th Division, Ikkaku Madarame, trespasses the 9th Division's prison without authorization to challenge strong opponents, resulting in severe injuries to 17 prisoners..."

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