
Bleach: Reincarnation went wrong

I received a weird mail, asking to part take in a reincarnation exam for anime world. I won but where is my reward.

gunablazer · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3 - Peaceful arc: First official mission part 1

I am now 20th seat officer of 5th squad, 5th squad is the best squad except for aizen and his fan club. Today was my first day as an officer; I happily went with kyoko by my side. Everyone greeted me and it felt very good.

"I am so happy from next month onwards we can have enough money to build a new house, I hope we can live like this forever" Kyoko said, "As if it can last forever, one day I'll become a squad captain then I will live in a huge place. We can then have a dozen kids to fill the rooms" I said.

Kyoko face turned red and became quiet.

"Hello there Arya and kyoko, sorry to disturb your good mood but I need arya to cross check these documents" Gin said while holding a huge pile of files.

The huge pile scared the hell out of me, "I have work to attend thank you 20th seat arya" kyoko left as if I am stranger.

'Gin I will f***g kill you one day', "you really are good at scaring people, please carry it over to my desk" I said "oh my, are you able to do 1 million push ups" he asked, "no kidding I am not able to do it, but I can do at least 100000 push ups a days" I said.

"You have a long way to go to become a captain, I doubt you can even become a captain with your progress" Gin said.

"So, you heard that" I said with an awkward laugh and buried myself in the documents.

By the time I was done with the documents it was already late night, I reached home to receive my favourite food and an obedient kyoko, I had a rewarding night.

Few months later,

"Have you heard there are people missing in the east rukon district at Okinawa village" "yes I hope it is not too serious".

Today the hot topic was recent missing cases, these are where a total of 15 people went missing and two soul reapers of the squad 3 who oversaw the area were also missing and are assumed to be dead.

The issue was the missing people were all very weak, 15 normal souls and two mob characters who are way weaker than me, so no one thinks serious of this matter. But a seated officer should be going to handle this matter.

"20th seat Kozuki arya, you are requested by Captian Aizen" 4th seat takeru sendo was the officer who informed me.

So, I arrived to see gin standing beside Aizen "Captian Aizen 20th seat Kozuki Arya at your service sir" I said.

"Yes Arya, I called you because of the recent missing cases. I have decided to give this mission to you, please take 5 more people and investigate the people missing in east rukon district" Aizen said.

"Yes, captian aizen, I'll complete this mission" I said and left.

For Taking people for mission, I have to first give request letter to the squad management which was under 19th seat. I can even write the names of people I want to take if the other people are willing and get to mission immediately but I don't have any voluntaries, so I had to take whoever is assigned to me.

After submitting the letter, I had to wait till next day, since the process involved to check the availability of the free squad members if not other squad members will be assigned. The members are also classified into different ranks to avoid weak people to take missions beyond their capacity.

The next day

"20th seat, these are the member assigned to you. They will be arriving at your office soon" a women in her 40's said she was the receptionist of this place.

"Thank you, miss Izumi".

I read through the details of the people in the list,

Mob character 1 hyoguro yet to awaken his zanpakuto, has a good close combat experience and has fought and killed 10 hollows.

Mob character 2 yaisuke 'same blah blah blah' has killed 18 hollows.

Character 3 Azuma has passed with perfect score in hakuda and zanjutsu, has awakened his zanpakuto, has killed 11 hollows.

Mob character 4 kurenai has killed 2 hollows.

Mob character 5 yumiko has awakened zanpakuto has killed 42 hollows, on waiting list for a seated officer position.

'I had to be careful of this yumiko character' I thought.

After an hour four members arrived, only azuma has yet to appear.

"20th seat why is the last person not arrived yet" yumiko asked clearly dissatisfied by the situation.

"Miss yumiko, please wait for a while. There must be a strong reason as to why he is late" I said to calm them down.

"Why don't we familiarize out abilities, since we have to work together for coming years" I said trying to divert the topic.

Another hour later, this person arrived.

"Well sorry for making you all wait, but I was lost" he said, causing everyone to look at him with strange look, he was not liked by anyone.

"Alright since everyone is here, we can leave. Mister azuma you can hear about the mission on the way also don't forget to stick close to us so you don't lose us" I said and stood up to leave not giving others a chance to complain.

"Alright Yumiko and Azuma will be our main attackers, kurenai and I will provide support, Hyoguro and yaisuke will be secondary attackers. If we are in a combat situation" I said while considering their abilities.

"Alright" everyone agreed without complaint.

"While searching we will split into two teams, Azuma, yaisuke and I will be one team. The rest form the other. Both teams will be within visible distance from each other" I said.

"Ok" everyone agreed again, I was relived a little.

We arrived at the Okinawa east rukon district and started to investigate. After few hours we were at a loss.

"20th seat, I was not able to gain any useful information, the residence here only know that 15 peoples have gone missing. The missing people location was all in different locations, the two soul reapers last known place is on the road to naruki district"

"And there are no tracks or evidence of a hollow attack, may be they are attacked by a group of people may be a new gang" Yumiko said.

I was in deep thought, the time in which the people have gone missing was different but at what time is not specified. And the only common thing about this is that they all were living to other places.

"Hello there, can you tell was there any other travellers during the past few days" I asked to the shop owner who was nearby.

"No, there is actually no one who wants to stay here. So, no one comes to this place, and even those who want to pass through would choose the new road since it was much faster" the person said.

"Sigh, this village is a dead end. Let's go to naruki to see if we can find some clues" I said, while thinking where we can find some clues.

We can only hope to get some clues on the road, since the missing people are all those who were leaving the village.


We were on our way sun was setting; naruki town was still one hour journey. When we saw a small hut and an old man was lighting the lamp.

"Good evening soul reapers please taste some dango we also serve dumplings and tea" the old man shouted and called us.

"Let's take a break and ask for some information" I said, everyone just nodded and sat on the benches.

"Old man I want ten plates of dango and dumplings" Azuma said, earning another glare from everyone.

"Everyone feel comfortable and order what you want" I said, as everyone took some tea and share some dumplings. While azuma was the only one who ate everything without feeling any shyness.

"It was delicious" Azuma said, "Old man is there a place to rest nearby for the night" I asked.

"I think you must go to naruki then, but sun has already set it will be very difficult to travel. I know there is a gambling den, just 3 to 4 KM from here on the new road. I heard they also provide hotel services, but for different purpose may not be suitable for you sir" the old man said while looking at the girls and the team.

"Is it an entertainment place" I asked, the old man nodded.

"Sigh, it is the closest place. So, everyone has to adjust to it" I said and the team left.

They were a little hesitant but remained silent.

The place was huge, it was three story building with some small shops at it side, "how come I have never heard of this" I asked for other to reply.

"I heard of this place before, it is a newly opened one, it is called yagura gambling house. It was opened recently few months ago" Hyoguro said.

"So, you knew about the place" Kurenai asked, "Yes but it really is an inappropriate place for ladies" he said awkwardly.

"Sigh, sorry for inconvenience but please bear with this for today, you both can sleep in the room one of us will guard outside" I said, "that is unfair" the other three said.