"System Binding to host... System activating... 10%... 40%... 100%... Binding complete, host now has the Bleach System. You may call me... Siri." Kiyota Jin is an anime fan who reincarnates into the Bleach world. In his previous life, he was a high school boy, and he died while crossing the road he got hit by a car. When he woke up, he was neither at a hospital nor his house. Discord: https://discord.gg/ZP54SW4d99
Kiyota took a deep breath before taking a step forward to check out the jump. He looked over the edge and saw the steep slope of the mountain. He took another step forward, then another, until he was on the edge. Kiyota looked down again, the distance making him feel dizzy. The peak that Kiyota was on was decently high with other smaller cliffs around it. The jagged rocks were protruding out. There was a tiny little ledge which was visible.
Kiyota took a deep breath and jumped off.
Somewhere else in Hueco Mundo a group 3 people stepped out of a black portal. The white haired Luna was waiting patiently and looking around for signs of a portal, waiting for Kiyota. The pink haired Yuzuki was walking back and forth, a bit scared, waiting for Kiyota to return. And the red haired Kain was practising his swordsmanship against a black rock formation.
"Jinnie has been gone for a long time." Yuzuki said in an anxious tone. "Where are is he?"
"Be patient. And stop calling him... That." Luna said in an annoyed tone.
"We have been waiting for a while... Is he even gonna come? Did he get captured? Or died?" Kain asked, his tone indifferent as he continued practising with his sword.
Kain's zanpakuto, the double edged longsword was clashing against the rock formation and had created a semi cave.
"Shut up!" Yuzuki shouted angrily, her little hands balling into fists. "I'm sure he's fine! He is strong, and he told us to go ahead and wait here!"
"Alright, alright... I know that aswell I was just joking." Kain said with a sigh.
"I think we should go find him..." Yuzuki said.
"No. Lord Jin said to wait here, so we will." Luna said, his voice final.
"But-" Yuzuki started to argue, but was cut off by Luna's angry growl.
"Luna, just use your head will you? Maybe he did make it back, but he's just in a different part." Kain said, trying to reason with Luna.
"No way you are giving me information. Stupid Kain. What a weird day it is." Luna said with a sigh and sitting down on the sand. "So what do you suggest?"
"I think we should start searching around. Just not too far away. If we see any hollows I'll kill them and then move on." Kain said.
"Why did Jinnie recruit me?" Yuzuki asked Luna and Kain.
Luna's gaze softened at Yuzuki, his expression becoming more gentle.
"That is simple. You are strong and so-" Luna started to say but was cutoff.
"Because he wanted strong hollows to make a group. I think that's what we should do instead of killing all hollow's we see." Yuzuki said.
"Hmm... That is what Lord Jin asked me to do aswell way before. That's how we recruited Kain the idiot." Luna said with his chin on his palms.
Kain wasn't listening and didn't hear the admonishment of Luna. He continued practising against the rock formation, swinging his sword in complex movements.
"Yeah he did... I thought he wanted to kill me, but then he asked me to join him. He was the only one... He was stronger than me and could have killed me, but he let me live, he trusted me. If I was in his position, I would have killed me." Yuzuki said with a smile. "I will never betray him."
"Me neither." Luna said simply.
Yuzuki looked at him waiting for a proper reciprocation of stories but Luna just sat silent and oblivious to what she was asking for. After a few minutes Yuzuki who was getting tired of hearing Kain's grunts in the background decided to ask.
"So how did... I mean why did you start following Jinnie?" Yuzuki questioned.
Luna gritted his teeth, "I told you don't call him..." but then went into deep thought.
'Why did I join him? No! What am I doing? Am I really asking why I follow him? I follow him because he is my lord. That's all there is, and all I need to know.' Luna thought to himself in silence, leaving Yuzuki confused, flustered and annoyed.
"I'll tell you why I joined. He promised me excitement!" Kain said in overly loud and excited tone.
"That doesn't count as a story!" Yuzuki shouted angrily at Kain.
"Oh... That really is it. I mean I thought he was weak, so I challenged him, but he spawned like a billion gillians. I just said screw it, there's no way I'm fighting that many those stinky freaks." Kain said with a laugh.
Luna looked up at the sky, seeing the bright crescent moon and sighed. He had been waiting for a while but Kiyota still hadn't returned. Inside he was also nervous and hoping Kiyota was alright.
"He did something similar to me aswell. Matter of fact what even is his power? What is that doubling or spawning power he has?" Yuzuki asked both of them with curiosity.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
Let's get this fanfic blowing up.