
BLEACH: Reality isn't.

Mc is reincarnated after taking a quiz...

Blank_Number · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Great plot...

" Smoking isn't a good trait to have, Saki. " Orihime said as she covered her nose.

They were on the roof of the school building, this is their usual hang out spot for Chad, Orihime, Ichigo, and Saki.

Also some extras that were friends with Ichigo but they weren't important at all.

" Sorry, it's a habit. " Saki said while flicking the cigarette off the roof,

" A habit? Did you start smoking in middle school? " Orihime asked shocked.

' Damn, that slipped out by accident. Can't really explain that I'm technically 40 years old...' while trying to lie he avoided eye contact while scratching his head.

" Um, No. " Making everybody look at him disappointed on his effort in lying.

" Sigh, stop smoking already. " Orihime said while slapping her forehead.

" hahahah, it's fine. Atleast he's trying, don't give him a hard time. " Ichigo said as he accidentally started an argument with Orihime.

' I've been stuck here for 15 years, i still hate the way i was brought in...'


{ You have been reborn as Ichigo Kurosaki as a gift for living a great life! )

" Really!?"

{ No, HAHAHHA LOSER. But all the questions you answered on that quiz will be turned into your ideal character. You'll be as OP as Ichigo, good luck. By the way you dont get a system, ima disappear now fuck you. }

" Fuck you too! " ( I didn't have a chance to actually say this )


' Then again I'm glad I'm not weak. ' Saki peeked at his hip as a Katana was in full display.

" Didn't i just say to not smoke!? " Orihime shouted as she threw a brick at Sakis head.

Saki managed to dodge last minute" Oi! That could've killed me!? Plus what smoke i'm not smoking, i just threw it out! " He shouted but as he finished a huge puff of smoke blew out of his mouth.

" Oh, it was my habi- " Before Saki finished another brick was near his face making him instantly dodge and forget what he was saying.

Saki quickly ran away as Ichigo and Chad held back Orihime...


' I've changed quite a lot even though i didn't want to, Orihimes personality is a bit different...I didn't save Ichigos mom because it would've been way too much of a change, guess change is change no matter how big or small. The future is going to be annoying, i pray most is the same. Im atheist though so i guess it won't happen...I've changed most things though by accident, i didn't ask to be in the same school and same class, plus even though i ignored them they still tried talking to me, at some points it gets boring to be the cool silent guy, so i caved. Like today, Ichigo should be on his way home and have his first sigh of Rukia, but he's on the roof with the others still. '

Without his knowledge he accidentally started smoking again as he walked through the city,


" RUN! "

The yelling was a bit much so using his reiatsu he cancelled all noise as he walked to the hollow that Rukia was about to kill.

To know how much of a butterfly effect he has made he walked straight to the hollow as they stood face to face,

* Bzzm *

A arrow suddenly went through the head of the hollow, quickly sensing everything around he felt Uryus presence as he arrogantly walked away.

" If this is a canon event it's likely that Rukia killed a hollow near Ichigo right now even if he's with company. " Saki concluded before leaving again before sending a message to Ichigo,


" Thanks for letting me sleepover man. " Saki said scratching his head.

" Its cool, my family already knows you and like you. " Ichigo said rubbing his nose with a smile.

" Today was weird though, some sort of monster appeared in the city, though nobody else could see it so not sure if im delusional. " Saki said showing an embarrassed smile.

" Something like that happened to me too! Some girl killed it, did she also kill yours? " Ichigo asked curiously.

" Nah, well i don't know. Mine was killed by a Arrow." I answered as we both sighed disappointed.

" Well who knows, maybe she's attracted to guys like us? " Saki said putting his arm out for a handshake of agreement.

" She might be your type but not mine, i need some boobs in my life! " Ichigo said while shaking Sakis hand.

" Is that why you're so close to Orihime ? " Saki said with a cheeky smile making Ichigo blush.

" She got more than just boobs, and she seems to like you too. You lucked out hella, Big boobs, nice ass, nice body, and she's pretty. 1 million out of 10 forreal. " Saki said before getting hit by a pillow.

" Sorry sorry, I won't talk about your lover like that. Besides she's not the only person that has everything, I'm going to have a harem of them. " Saki said with a smug smirk.

" Whatever man, lets go to sleep already. " Ichigo said while turning off the light.

" Yeah yeah, goodnight Idiot. "

" Goodnight future cancer patient. "


A few hours passed by before the window was slowly creaked open,

' Huh? Who's that? ' Ichigo thought waking up from his sleep.

The girl from before had come into his home for some reason, he took a peek to see if Saki was still asleep which he was. Being as quiet as he could he opened the winow more before kicking the girl out and jumping outside to follow.

What he didn't know is that obviously, Saki was awake.

How else can he confirm the importance of canon events if he isn't there for them?

Saki reappeared on the roof of the house without their knowledge as he watched everything happen, except that it was outside instead of inside the house.

Rukia got beaten by a low level hollow, Ichigo took her powers, Ichigo killing the hollow with minimum effort and with a graceful arrogant look, couldn't help but clap for the performance.

* Clap Clap Clap Clap *

This quickly caught their attention, Rukia had no idea who he is while Ichigo looked at him shocked,

" That was an amazing performance! " Saki said excitedly.

" What- " Ichigo shocked couldn't even figure out what he wanted to ask as Saki felt a click,

" Oh right sorry, i have my Bankai constantly on so i forgot. " With a snap of his finger his clothes turned into a black fit, Black coat, Black turtleneck, and black cargo pants. He had a sword on his side which was connected to his hip by a chain, around his neck he had a black upside down cross.

" Im also a soul reaper. " Saki said shocking both Ichigo and Rukia.