
Bleach Multicross Multi-SI: Halfway To Heaven & Halfway To Hell (WIP)

I did say that my trio of fanfics was possibly not over. And now, things are about to get a whole lot more interesting. And with a sudden involvement in a war between good and evil, with no information of future events. What am I to do, when Ichigo Kurosaki, isn't the only one, with something willing to fight for? It is still a WIP, so I am going to post an unfinished 1st chapter.

Zachy_Cards · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: A Journey That I Never Asked For (An Accidental Fourth Wall Break Moment)

'What the hell?...Since when do dreams look this realistic?'

'Wait, who is she?...And why does she look so familiar to me?'

'Oh good god no...This can't be happening to me!...And that boy with the orange hair...great...Why do I get the feeling that I am about to go on a journey that I never asked for?...*closes eyes*'

When I opened my eyes again, I was no longer in my room in my apartment...In fact, when I opened my eyes, I wasn't laying down in my bed from when I had gone to sleep. This was largely due to the fact, that not only was I standing up, but I was looking at a scene in front of me, that I had only read about on an anime chat room site. Yes, I was currently staring at an all too familiar boy, with orange hair, as he had just…well…I guess that you could say that he had hit an all too familiar girl with black hair…Which I still didn't believe was actually happening…Yes…that's right…I had somehow wound up in the anime world of Bleach…and from what I knew regarding the main characters…I somehow knew…that things were going to soon get very interesting for me. My train of thought, was then interrupted, by one Rukia Kuchiki speaking up. "Hold on, you can see me?" Rukia asked Ichigo while sounding confused.

It was then that I chose to speak up. But not before a thought went through my mind. "Okay, so this is still pretty unbelievable…But still…how is this going to work?…I mean…from what I know regarding the timeline…from various chat room sites…Yes viewers…I do research, do you have a problem with that?…Wait a sec…did I just break the fourth wall?…Okay…let me push that to the side for now…as I had best speak up. "Yes, we can both see you…now would you mind telling us what it is that you are doing here?" I asked Rukia, now sounding not too happy.