
Bleach: Kill Yhwach at the Start

A thousand years ago, when he had transmigrated to the beginning of the plot in the Bleach World, Yu Taifeng had become a weak youth in Rukongai Street. An accident had caused him to run into the heavily injured and dying Yhwach! After he personally ended the opponent, not only did he activate the strongest pick-up system, he also gained the power of “omniscient and omnipotent “! In the past thousand years, Yu Taifeng had used the system to obtain all kinds of spoils of war while using “Omniscient and Omniscient” to refresh the world’s understanding of the strong! Yhwach: I think I can save him again! Yu Taifeng: Stop beeping!Go without worry…… Yamamoto Genryūsai: This old man was truly ashamed to be called the most powerful god of death! Yu Taifeng: Shoot the bird!One must keep a low profile! Aizen Sōsuke: I will stand in the sky and overlook all living things! Yu Taifeng: What about me?

Berkay1728 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Room 46's decision

Yamamoto Shigekuni looked at the boy in front of him, and said again in a low tone: "Are you mentally prepared before announcing the result of the ruling?"

After saying this, Yamamoto's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Whether it is his voice or the look in his eyes, there seems to be a shocking power.

Inexplicable pressure fell on Yu Taifeng, and a sense of shock that could touch his soul slightly shocked his heart.

But in an instant, he quickly settled, and calmly replied: "Captain, I'm ready!"

Yu Taifeng sighed in his heart at this time, Yamamoto is a super strong who has experienced countless battles!

Just the deterrence on him is far from being comparable to an ordinary powerhouse!

After hearing Yu Taifeng's answer, Yamamoto glanced at Yu Taifeng faintly, and spit out two words slightly... "Very good!"

Nimaiya had already regained his attention and turned to the two of them.

He stared at Yamamoto closely, and said, "Hey! Yamamoto!

Although you can't suppress this kind of thing, he didn't mean it.

You actually used this kind of tricky trick to test him!

You and Room Forty-Six, you are so stinky and poor, you are simply a raccoon dog!

snort! "

Although Nimaiya's words were joking, when Yu Taifeng heard these words, he couldn't help but warm his heart.

Since he knew Nimaiya, it has only been more than a year since he met Nimaiya.

However, no matter what you encounter, the other party will try to help yourself.

At this point, from the bottom of his heart, he is very grateful to each other...


Yamamoto gave a light cough, glanced at Nimaiya, who was uncomfortable on the side, and continued: "Central 46's verdict against you is...send you to "Hueco Mundo" and become a member of the expeditionary force!

The service time is...500 years! "

Nimaiya, who came one step first, seemed to have already learned from Yamamoto's mouth about the decision issued by Room 46.

Otherwise, he would not appear angry after Yu Taifeng enters the office.

However, after Yamamoto personally announced the ruling order to Yu Taifeng, he still reluctantly shook his head and let out a sigh.

Yu Taifeng frowned slightly after hearing Yamamoto's words, and then returned to the original appearance.

He would never have thought that Central 46 would make such a decision...

Yu Taifeng began to think quickly in his heart.

According to some ancient books and archives he saw in the Library of Spiritual Arts Academy.

The "Hueco Mundo" expeditionary force is a dedicated combat force sent by Seireitei.

All of them are Shinigami who made a big mistake in Soul Society.

Because the crime they committed did not lead to death, but choosing to imprison them again wasted their strength.

Thus, this expeditionary force composed of special personnel came into being.

Under normal circumstances, when Shinigami joins this force, few can come back alive.

Therefore, this unit sent to "Hueco Mundo" is also called ""Hueco Mundo" Death Squad"!

Now it seems that it is probably his own ability, and the destructive power at that time is too amazing.

In the end, it led to the fear of Central 46, and the above decision was made.

Perhaps this incident, for the average Shinigami, is simply a punishment even more terrifying than the death penalty.

However, this is undoubtedly a major opportunity for Yu Taifeng, who has a "box picking system".

Because the entire "Hueco Mundo" is undoubtedly a huge treasure trove for him!

Although he would face countless battles there, he thought of the box that popped up after beheading the enemy.

Yu Taifeng is already in his heart, thanks to the old men in Room 46!

This is simply, to provide yourself with an excellent opportunity for development!

Now he is already a little impatient, how can he leave Soul Society and go to "Hueco Mundo".

After Yamamoto announced the verdict, he stared at Yu Taifeng in front of him.

He saw the young man's slightly frowning expression at first.

However, Yamamoto did not expect that the other person's frowning expression would flash away, and it was replaced by water-like calmness.

"Hey! Little guy! You just said something!" Nimaiya said loudly, a little anxiously.

Nimaiya, who was surprised, did not arouse the attention of Yu Taifeng and Yamamoto.

They just kept staring at each other in silence.

After a long time, a trace of doubt flashed in Yamamoto's eyes, and then he asked: "Don't you have any opinion on this result?

Or you can put forward any requirements, and the old man can draft a report and convey your opinions to Room 46. "

Yu Taifeng looked at each other calmly, and finally gave a slight smile, and replied: "Captain, I have no opinion on the ruling of Room 46."

Nimaiya looked at Yu Taifeng with shocked eyes, and exclaimed: "Oh my God! This is unbelievable!

crazy! You are all crazy! "

After Yamamoto heard Yu Taifeng's words, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then whispered: "Since you have no opinion, then go back and pack up your things and set off as soon as possible!

I hope that when you stand in front of the old man again, you will no longer be the weak little guy you are now!

Go ahead..."

Yu Taifeng raised his face slightly and bowed slightly and said, "Then I will leave first..."

When he turned and left, he took a deep look at Nimaiya, smiled and nodded in greeting, then left the office without looking back...

The two people in the office sighed deeply involuntarily as they watched the young man's departure.

Nimaiya, who was so careless on weekdays, became silent at this time.

He looked at Yamamoto, a few meters away from him, and said in a low voice, "Yamamoto! Do you really have the heart to let him go to "Hueco Mundo"?

And he is not going to perform a temporary mission this time!

He is going to stay in that ghost place for five hundred years!

Do you know what is the concept of five hundred years?

Is this the result you want? "

Yamamoto Shigekuni stood up quietly, then turned to look out the window, and said calmly, "Don't you think his abilities are very strange?"

"Weird? Where is it weird?

He just understood Shikai at the time.

It is not intentional.

Besides, those students who were sucked away from Reiatsu, there was nothing serious about it.

After a period of cultivation, you can fully recover.

I can't figure out how the guys in Room 46 would make such a cruel decision!

You brought him into Seireitei to become Shinigami!

Now that he has encountered this kind of thing, you let it go, you disappointed me too much! "

Nimaiya was obviously very angry, he burst out his long suppressed emotions, and shouted with excitement.

Yamamoto still looked at the scenery outside the window, letting Nimaiya vent his emotions.

After a long time, Nimaiya sat down again angrily, with a regretful expression on his face.

At this time, Yamamoto, who had been silent for a long time, finally said: "My friend, I admit that the result of this ruling is indeed unsatisfactory!

Although his ability is weird, it is not as terrifying as Room 46 imagined.

But is this not an opportunity?

A chance for him to prove his determination and loyalty to everyone in Seireitei..."